Is it okay to "flaunt"?



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Wear whatever makes you happy.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Note to self: When people post asking for opinions, what they really want is for you to agree with them, so if you don't...just don't say anything.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I personally have toned down my revealing outfits in public as I have grown older, but if another woman chooses to wear short shorts and whatnot, more power to her. I don't see why some woman would have a problem with it at a casual gathering in warm weather.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think there are a whole bunch of different "arguments" going on here and I think it's more about specific outfits than widespread generalizations. I'd have to actually see an outfit to decide if it looked like an attention who re or cute or trying too hard to look like a teen.

    But I think there ARE a lot of women who (not necessarily skimpy dressed) end up wearing teenager clothes and looking foolish. Case in point, anyone over college age who buys the majority of their wardrobe from Hot Topic, Spencer's Gifts, Hollister, etc. Meanwhile I think women in their 30s, 40s, and even way older can wear some juniors type items as part of a perfectly stylish wardrobe. It all depends on your attitude, personal style, and how you put it together.

    I'm 37 and I regularly stick a pair of bright colored juniors skinny jeans with a tunic and silver jewelry and gladiator sandals. I know a woman who is 34 and would wear the same jeans with a skintight Nightmare Before Christmas ringer tee, Converse, and Hello Kitty backpack. She has her own style and that's fine but I would not feel comfortable dressing that way at 37 (or 34).
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    What you wear in high school most likely shouldn't be worn when you're an adult and married. . . . . . . . . .

    Let your husband enjoy your body with some sexy new lingerie.

    Enough said.

    I'm 22 years old. A mother and wife.. and I have every intention on wearing cute short shorts when I drop this weight!! and lingerie just for the hubby!!

    Now I do agree, I wouldn't do skimpy not because I'm worried others might be offended but because you cant go over the top. You got to show some respect for yourself and your significant other! Just pick one or the other (skimpy top or short shorts) lol.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    What is wrong with being an attention *kitten* and what makes it pathetic?
    I meant women who come off like they are desperately trying to hang onto their youth...I don't like the trend and pressure on women in this society to look "young", I believe in aging gracefully. It also really irks me when they try to get me to do it too, my acquaintance who has been using botox since age 45 for about 10 years: "are you ever going to use it?" Me: "no, it looks fake", her "why?" Me: "because people are meant to have expression lines, even young people have them".

    As for being an attention *kitten*, it is not something I respect. I respect people who don't feel they have to behave that way, who can just be who they are without being like, look at me, look at me, I am so great, hey, look at me! I guess social media has made that a thing, but I don't have to like it. But define attention *kitten*, if a woman posts a picture of herself on here in a bikini after she has worked hard to get in shape, I am cheering her on, men too. If they walk around scantily clad in an inappropriate setting, I am going to think they must be insecure and want attention. I just don't respect that and I never will.

    Perhaps who they really are is someone who enjoys attention. I see no reasonable issue with this except that some might feel that their "share" of attention is being stolen.

    And many women do try to hang onto their youth in some form. Youth, especially in women, is associated with beauty. And dont most women try to retain or enhance their present beauty?

    There really isnt anything wrong with flaunting or being an attention *kitten*.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Sad and pathetic is, interestingly enough, how I feel about your post. Someone who has to resort to "Well, I'm not the ONLY one who feels this way" as justification for a negative practice or who "laughs outright" at someone for what they wear? Doesn't strike me as a happy and confident person.
    I always thought the Dukes of Hazzard was a silly show, and I would think it was hysterical, regardless of what you think, I haven't seen women walking around dressed like that for a long, long time, not in my neck of the don't really get what I would find so funny about it, so I won't bother.

    Again, I am not the only one who feels this way was about people I personally know, and I heard what other people I personally know say...things like oh, she dresses ridiculous, but she is a really nice person. Not absolutely terrible things, but it definitely affects the way people perceive you.

    I don't care what you wear, but she came on here and asked opinions, and I gave an honest one, which you obviously do not like, did I hit a nerve or something?

    I am sorry, but as women age they should think about it a little more. It is probable that if you are 30 or 40 something and you are trying to dress like a teenager, it might embarrass your kids, husband, etc., so unless you are single, you should be considerate of how your family feels too. My son would have been mortified if I picked him up at school like that when I was in my 30's.

    This woman's husband had class to say something about it. My husband would sure as the sun rises say something to me in a situation like that.

    Don't tell me I have to think it is alright, I feel the same way when I see a guy with jeans hanging down past his underwear line, it looks ridiculous.

    I assume you likewise won't tell me I have to think what you said is alright and that I'm allowed to think you're ridiculous?

    I am actually laughing at her post.

    Pointing and laughing.

    I'm mostly laughing at the idea of letting my husband have a say in my wardrobe. If he had his way I'd be dressed like a cat girl or like this



    All the time.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    <--- This is what 49 looks like now. Put that in your little judgmental pipe and smoke it.
    What is wrong with being an attention *kitten* and what makes it pathetic?
    I meant women who come off like they are desperately trying to hang onto their youth...I don't like the trend and pressure on women in this society to look "young", I believe in aging gracefully. It also really irks me when they try to get me to do it too, my acquaintance who has been using botox since age 45 for about 10 years: "are you ever going to use it?" Me: "no, it looks fake", her "why?" Me: "because people are meant to have expression lines, even young people have them".

    As for being an attention *kitten*, it is not something I respect. I respect people who don't feel they have to behave that way, who can just be who they are without being like, look at me, look at me, I am so great, hey, look at me! I guess social media has made that a thing, but I don't have to like it. But define attention *kitten*, if a woman posts a picture of herself on here in a bikini after she has worked hard to get in shape, I am cheering her on, men too. If they walk around scantily clad in an inappropriate setting, I am going to think they must be insecure and want attention. I just don't respect that and I never will.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Wear what you want.
    Don't let people shame you for it.
    Your body, your rules.

    I honestly can't even believe there's a debate, as if you should be obligated to cover yourself up. What people don't seem to be realizing is that self-respect is YOUR respect for YOURSELF. You don't owe society or your husband anything.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm nearing 37 and I wear mid thigh shorts and I don't particularly care if that bothers someone else. It doesn't bother me.

    I have heard it said that a woman's knee should not be seen after the age of 30. Seriously.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    <--- This is what 49 looks like now. Put that in your little judgmental pipe and smoke it.
    What is wrong with being an attention *kitten* and what makes it pathetic?
    I meant women who come off like they are desperately trying to hang onto their youth...I don't like the trend and pressure on women in this society to look "young", I believe in aging gracefully. It also really irks me when they try to get me to do it too, my acquaintance who has been using botox since age 45 for about 10 years: "are you ever going to use it?" Me: "no, it looks fake", her "why?" Me: "because people are meant to have expression lines, even young people have them".

    As for being an attention *kitten*, it is not something I respect. I respect people who don't feel they have to behave that way, who can just be who they are without being like, look at me, look at me, I am so great, hey, look at me! I guess social media has made that a thing, but I don't have to like it. But define attention *kitten*, if a woman posts a picture of herself on here in a bikini after she has worked hard to get in shape, I am cheering her on, men too. If they walk around scantily clad in an inappropriate setting, I am going to think they must be insecure and want attention. I just don't respect that and I never will.

    Damn, 49 looks good! :love:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Flaunt it!! You are still young anyway (saw people mentioning something about hanging onto youth). Enjoy it!! I'm close to your size also, and close to your age range. I show my body off, to the degree that I am comfortable with, depending on the situation. My husband likes how I dress. Usually I wear jeans (or this tights/miniskirt combo) or shorts and a t-shirt or knit top, though. Summer days I wear a bikini that has a mini skirt and see through crop top. But, that's covered up, in comparison to just wearing a bikini.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Note to self: When people post asking for opinions, what they really want is for you to agree with them, so if you don't...just don't say anything.

    Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Wear what you want.
    Don't let people shame you for it.
    Your body, your rules.

    I honestly can't even believe there's a debate, as if you should be obligated to cover yourself up. What people don't seem to be realizing is that self-respect is YOUR respect for YOURSELF. You don't owe society or your husband anything.

    Well, see, that I don't agree with. Spouses owe each other dignity and respect IMO. That is why I thought it wise to talk things out with her husband.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    <--- This is what 49 looks like now. Put that in your little judgmental pipe and smoke it.
    What is wrong with being an attention *kitten* and what makes it pathetic?
    I meant women who come off like they are desperately trying to hang onto their youth...I don't like the trend and pressure on women in this society to look "young", I believe in aging gracefully. It also really irks me when they try to get me to do it too, my acquaintance who has been using botox since age 45 for about 10 years: "are you ever going to use it?" Me: "no, it looks fake", her "why?" Me: "because people are meant to have expression lines, even young people have them".

    As for being an attention *kitten*, it is not something I respect. I respect people who don't feel they have to behave that way, who can just be who they are without being like, look at me, look at me, I am so great, hey, look at me! I guess social media has made that a thing, but I don't have to like it. But define attention *kitten*, if a woman posts a picture of herself on here in a bikini after she has worked hard to get in shape, I am cheering her on, men too. If they walk around scantily clad in an inappropriate setting, I am going to think they must be insecure and want attention. I just don't respect that and I never will.

    Damn, 49 looks good! :love:

    Thank you sweetie! :heart:
  • KarmaKills
    KarmaKills Posts: 99 Member
    I feel like short shorts and tops that show off your stomach (even if it's only an inch or so) is, quite frankly, a little young for you. No offense, but I was in HS around the same time as you, and I wouldn't dress like that now at any weight. I don't want to look like I'm still in high school. Just my two cents. Like I said, no offense meant, but I'm a fan of age appropriate dressing.

  • Sara2652
    Sara2652 Posts: 158 Member
    Flaunt it!
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I've lived in Florida my entire life. I never knew shorts and slighty short tops have an age cut off. Oh well, live and learn! I'm curious though, how does going out flaunting your half naked gorgeous self equate to insecure? Isn't it a little too secure? I swear when I was 200lbs, hated my body and would cry nightly I'd wear sweaters in Florida heat. I guess I was ultra confident.
  • vatances
    vatances Posts: 20 Member
    No offense to your husband, but as an overweight woman, I disagree with him completely.

    I live in Phoenix, it gets incredibly hot here, and if your friend's wife is jealous then she has other internal problems of her own. If I saw someone like that, I would feel inspired.

    It sounds like you look amazing, you worked hard for it, and you deserve to dress however you feel comfortable.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Holy moly there's some catty people in here. I am incredibly grateful to live in a society where "appropriate" dress is for job interviews and funerals only, and the rest of the time everyone wears what they want no matter what age or weight.

    As for age appropriate OP you are only 29 this is young. One day you will be 80. Are you going to look back to this time with a grin because you wore what you wanted and looked smoking, or with regret because you hid your body in case strangers judged you?