Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • nikkituck56
    nikkituck56 Posts: 31 Member
    5’8” 27 years old
    SW: 250
    CW: 238
    GW: 150/160

    I try to get in my 10k steps every day, plus work out 3-4 days/week with Leslie Sansone walking videos. I try to eat healthy, but I work with food all day, so it can be a challenge. Always looking for new friends. :)
  • AuroraCoL
    AuroraCoL Posts: 18 Member
    F 23 5'4"

    SW: 128 lbs
    CW: 121 lbs
    GW: 115 lbs

    Getting married this summer and super excited! Hoping I have a twin out there to help motivate me. My worst vice is drinking- I LOVE DRINKING lol. :)
  • KChapman328
    KChapman328 Posts: 7 Member
    F 24 5'1"

    SW: 257
    CW: 237.6
    GW: 125

    Looking for a twin but accepting any friends =)
  • F 44 5'3"

    SW: 155
    CW: 144
    GW: 130

    I've been working out and training with a trainer for over one year now and got down to 136 but have gained weight back. Some of it was the left over of the holidays but also we weren't running as much. We're back in action with running twice a week and weights / interval work outs twice a week and even some tennis. I just have a really tough time not eating junk sometimes. That's what is making it take so long to lose the weight. I'll be using this more diligently now though so I stay on track.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • xmarykaterose
    xmarykaterose Posts: 82 Member
    18, F, 5'8.5 tall.
    CW: 140
    GW: 120-125

    trying to get the summer body I've missed out on for the past 3 years. (:
  • F 34 4'11"
    SW: 146
    CW: 145
    GW: 125

    I am married with two kids, I grew up having a hard time gaining weight then I got married and had kids and all of a sudden have struggled to keep a healthy weight for the last twelve years. I usually go up and down but lately I have been stuck and my body does not feel like my own. I want to have control of my body.i have been tracking my eating and going to the gym 5 days a week.
  • WolfChylde
    WolfChylde Posts: 50 Member
    I am 25



    GW: 150

    I'm a jeweler for a body jewelry co. and have been an actor in a haunted house for 7 years. I've always been heavy, ever since I was 9. I lost some weight years back on ww but gained it back and then some. I'm looking to feel comfortable in my skin for the first time ever. And to not be the typical fat american when I go to Scotland this summer.
  • lovinlife1687
    lovinlife1687 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 27

    Been back on a clean lifestyle 80/20 since the beginning of February. I would LOVE to have people to chat with that have weightloss goals as well. I could use the accountability and motivation whenever I can get it!


    Come follow me!
  • maryseb63
    maryseb63 Posts: 98 Member

    51, 5'3''

    SW 275
    CW 236.8
    GW 150

    I haven't been 150 in over 30 years, so would be happy at around 160, 170. I currently doing curves and treadmill. I have taken early retirement and have time to take care of myself. I am caretaker for my mother which is a full time job
  • l8yboss
    l8yboss Posts: 31 Member
    Looking for my twin(s)!!!

    Age: 47
    SW: 243 (1/1/14)
    CW: 213
    Height: 5'3

    Happily married with 3 grown kids, full time professional completely dedicated to getting below 150 pounds by my 48th birthday(Nov. 7) Looking for like minded twins for encouragement,support and humor!
  • Hi there :) My name is Jessica. I am 33, 5 foot 1 and 238 lbs. At my smallest, I was 198. My goal is 130-140. I don't have a regular exercise buddy but I do get to walk with a coworker once a week. I don't have kids. I live in Oregon with a roommate. I am looking for someone to chat with and share tips with. If you are interested, I would like to learn more about you. :)
  • ashlisays
    ashlisays Posts: 3 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'2

    SW: 194
    CW: 180
    GW: 130
  • Cazzerrr_xo
    Cazzerrr_xo Posts: 13 Member
    Age: 22 nearly 23
    SW 178
    CW 164.8
    GW 140

    Height: 5'6 (and a half)

    I have never been below 140 even when I was super healthy in my late teens so I am aiming for my pre-weight gain weight and then possibly re-evaluate.

    I have a full time office job, no kids, getting married in August and have 3 poochies :)
  • tk2222
    tk2222 Posts: 199 Member
    F, 27, 5 ft 5, college+work+life etc.

    SW: 230
    CW: 220
    GW: 150? Dunno. I'm taking it in short increments.

    I walk and swim, and adding in more running and weights. Sometimes Yoga or Pilates. Been meaning to check out this Zumba thing...

    Feel free to add me, twin or not :-)
  • Female, 26
    5'5.5'', 58 kg... Goal: 52? 55? I dunno. =)

    I like to run, am going to start up again now that spring is here. My boyfriend is crazy fit. I work full time and loooooong hours (50-60 hr weeks). I want a twin! =D
  • ragsibobs
    ragsibobs Posts: 22 Member
    We're twinish! I'm 26, 5.6" (167cm), currently 60kg. My goal weight is around 55kg or 20-22% body fat.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    29, 5'4"
    SW: 284
    CW: 234
    GW: 150
    Full time work, full time school, full time gamer :) Zumba and walking are my main exercise sources. My exercise goal right now is to be able to jog to the end of my cul de sac without getting winded. :)
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    28, F, 5'9" -> in Ireland

    SW 165lbs
    CW 157lbs
    GW 140lbs

    Most of my exercise comes from running (and I'm still building on that) but when I get my bike back from the shop I plan to do a lot more cycling!
  • new_me_14
    new_me_14 Posts: 87 Member
    25, 5'6"
    GW: 140
    Software developer, recently married. Still adjusting and managing everything. Going to start working out again.

    Hope to make some accountability buddies!
  • Hey there! I know how you feel! I'm also at my heaviest ever and really annoyed with myself for getting here.
    SW: 165
    CW: 175 (wooops, went the wrong way on the scale!)
    GW: 155 (we'll see when I get there)

    I'm doing a run-walk-run training plan for a half marathon in July. I like to exercise, but I like pizza and beer too much!
    Good luck! I'm right here with ya! :happy: