The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • sweetie89207
    to my new-er-er comers:

    @ Thelima- great to have you here with us! Sounds like you’ve had a lot of ups and downs but hopefully now we are all down from here! Yea walking without gasping would be nice lol and congrats on the first 42 lbs!!! that’s great…im sure together we can make this all happen…Welcome!

    @ beautyqueen- yea wont it b nice once we get to that goal and really get to see the real us…underneath this coat of fat! Lol…yea I think everyone says they have issues with the excess skin but we will attack that when it gets here…thanks for joining…Welcome!

    @ rosebarnalice- don’t u just hate that “you wear it well” lol…well im sure you can get all of this weight off again! Im sure…Welcome!

    @ taletreader- that’s a great realization you came across…its true we shouldn’t be sitting around all day…that’s amazing that u have been sticking to your 5 days a week at the gym…im still trying to get there lol…yup controlling food has really become my focus point and that’s why I think I’ve been able to lose weight…great to have you…Welcome!

    thanks all!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    IS it strange that I ate a whole can of corn for a snack

    I got back home yesterday after being gone for a month and the first thing that I wanted to do was find my friends and go to Zumba :laugh:

    I am dreading going back to Atlanta On SUnday but I know I have to to finish my training. I hope that the last 4 weeks go quickly
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Just a short Hi to all the newcomers here and a friendly hug to those I already know. :flowerforyou:
    It's hard to log in every day at the moment. We are snowed in here. I love winter and snow, but at the moment it's just far too much. The electricity goes down all five mins... which makes it complicated to do my workout DVDs (always starting with the wqarm up gets annoying after the sixth time LOL). But I hope all of you do great, especially with the holidays comming. :)
  • sweetie89207
    IS it strange that I ate a whole can of corn for a snack

    I got back home yesterday after being gone for a month and the first thing that I wanted to do was find my friends and go to Zumba :laugh:

    I am dreading going back to Atlanta On SUnday but I know I have to to finish my training. I hope that the last 4 weeks go quickly

    naw i love corn!!!...thats great-everyone talks so highly about zumba- i gotta get on this train lol...

    oh yea ur coming to my neck of the woods- i live near atlanta! (well sorta lol) just stay strong girl- you'll get through it all!
  • sweetie89207
    Just a short Hi to all the newcomers here and a friendly hug to those I already know. :flowerforyou:
    It's hard to log in every day at the moment. We are snowed in here. I love winter and snow, but at the moment it's just far too much. The electricity goes down all five mins... which makes it complicated to do my workout DVDs (always starting with the wqarm up gets annoying after the sixth time LOL). But I hope all of you do great, especially with the holidays comming. :)

    that sounds terrible...i love the snow (even though i've only seen it a few times in my life) but i think that kind of environment wouldnt b so much fun...well i hope it slows down and allows u to get ur stuff done!
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234

    @Galathea - ouch, that truly sucks with the power & such. :( Hope it settles down for you.

    I"m looking forward to my upcoming staycation--I work Monday next week, then I'm off for the rest of the week. Planning to just be a lazypants, plus get some writing done on some potential projects. I don't have any contracted writing work due right now. First time in 18 months!

    Wishing everyone a great holiday!
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    I think the last time I remember being thin is when I was in 3rd grade. My weight exploded after Hurricane Katrina though.

    Heaviest - 304 lbs (2008)
    SW - 263.5 lbs (May 2010)
    CW - 248.6 lbs
    Goal - 200 lbs (for now)

    I have been doing CrossFit lately and will be starting it back up in the New Year. I know my boyfriend loves me for who I am, I just want to look good for him and myself. I especially want to feel more comfortable in my own skin!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Live your life I know what you mean I know my hubby loves me but I am doing it to look good for him and to feel comfortable in my own skin

    I hope everyone had a great Christmas I had to leave home today to get back to my training but hopefully I can get some workouts in whie I am gone
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    Heaviest: 195
    Now: 191
    Goal: 135

    Always was that person in school, thankfully, my school was pretty much in the boonies, and people didn't care about your weight! Starting off just before the new year feels like a new beginning for me, it gives me a chance to lose that weight I want to get rid of before I go over that 200 mark. It's a little hard because I'm hugely motivated by the people around me that would like to participate with me. Being an office worker, sitting on your bum, that's a little harder.

    We recently got a new building with a gym inside of it. My goal here is to not only start eating less (I already eat healthy), but to work out, even during my lunch and breaks. The work gym is a blessing in disguise! 3-5xweek 30+mins a day. I'm really looking forward to getting in shape for the first time!
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    aww i was just watching home videos, and there is one when i was just under two years old... my mom said in it that i was i around the 50th percentile for height, but... 95th percentile for weight! even then. oh dear!
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    i thought we could do a challenge with anyone who has can start anywhere u like in the chart below...but once u completed that state u have to move on to another state of your choice.

    Rhode Island 27 miles
    Delaware 36 miles
    New Jersey 72 miles
    Hawaii 75 miles
    New Hampshire 76 miles
    Connecticut 80 miles
    Vermont 81 miles
    Massachusetts 125 miles
    Florida 138 miles
    Indiana 139 miles
    West Virgina 149 miles
    Mississippi 159 miles
    Louisiana 177 miles
    Michigan 185 miles
    Alabama 195 miles
    Maine 198 miles
    South Carolina 207 miles
    Illinois 212 miles
    Maryland 215 miles
    Ohio 220 miles
    Georgia 227 miles
    Arkansas 227 miles
    California 247 miles
    Utah 267 miles
    Minnesota 273 miles
    New York 285 miles
    Pennsylvania 286 miles
    Missouri 295 miles
    Idaho 302 miles
    Oklahoma 305 miles
    Iowa 310 miles
    Arizona 315 miles
    Nevada 317 miles
    Wisconsin 320 miles
    Washington 335 miles
    New Mexico 345 miles
    Virgina 340 miles
    Wyoming 348 miles
    Kentucky 351 miles
    North Dakota 355 miles
    Oregon 358 miles
    Colorado 371 miles
    South Dakota 379 miles
    Kansas 390 miles
    North Carolina 396 miles
    Nebraska 400 miles
    Tennessee 439 miles
    Montana 546 miles
    Texas 661 miles
    Alaska 858 miles

    im going to start in california and since i been keeping track of my steps since the start of this challenge i have completed 24.27 miles of 247 miles the little ticker wont do points so ill round it to the nearest whole mile which is 24 miles

    Join our weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to join your club
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    This is so me too. :laugh: I was a gymnast, diver, swimmer, cheerleader, soccer player, softball player, and general wild running around child and still was always the "biggest" girl of all of my friends. No idea how I did it. My smallest ever was when I was 17, I got down to a size 8/10 (@ 160lb) just before I left for college. Steadily increased to a lovely 230 in my mid 20s. Lost about 30 or so before joining MFP through just changing how I ate. Have lost another 30 here and have been maintaining at a "comfortable" weight for about 4 or 5 months now (generally between 165-170). I think I'm actually kind of afraid to lose the last 20 or so because I've never been that small since before puberty. :laugh: But hey, I've never shied away from the unknown before, no point doing it now.
  • buggials
    I so belong here...when I say I want to get back to my lightest in shape weight I mean 185 to 200lbs...and that was two years after highschool. I've always been a "thick" girl since puberty...yeah from birth to 11 I was thin and then it went to hell in a handbasket.

    heaviest: 300
    Current: 260
    Goal: 175

    I think I have a better chance now that I found this program and it has an app for my Droid!! maybe now I'll stop overeating since I have technology to keep track of it with. Oh and I'm 23 almost 24 female working my butt off at the gym 3 or 4 days a week!!
  • dustiemorris
    Im in def! as a 7 year old I was 150 pounds, I know right thats awful! heaviest weight : 350, current weight : 325, Goal weight : 140
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I'm in!! I'm Melanie and I have never been thin or in shape. Its hard for others to understand thats for sure. Great idea starting the club. I feel like I fit in somewhere. I started getting heavy around middle school and it just got worse from there. I have Lupus and from time to time the meds I have to take cause me to put on more weight. I would love to beat this and get my health back the old fashioned way. Thanks for the club!!

    Starting weight: 266lbs
    Current weight: 231 lbs
    Goal weight: 160 lbs???
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Described me perfectly, and I'm only 16-years-old! Lol. Still, I've spent those 16 years never knowing what is was like to be thin. I was looking back at some pictures from 6th grade, and OH MY GOD. Somebody must have taken a bicycle pump and blew my cheeks up with air; I looked like a squirrel storing food for the winter. I'm not over-exaggerating either.

    Starting Weight: 295.4

    Current Weight: 188.4

    "Goal" weight: 130

    I came up with a goal weight of 130 because I remember going on an overnight field trip in 7th grade, and my roommates were talking about losing weight. One said she was 130 pounds, and I just thought I'd DIE to be 130. I also went to this website called You type in your height and it'll show you pictures of women at different weights. It's for coming up with ideal weights and for better body image. Some people lose 50 pounds and don't realize what how much smaller they are until they view other women their size. The 5'7' and 130 pound women don't look too skinny or anything. :) Oh, and I used the BMI tool on MFP; 130 is just a little below the middle of the "healthy weight" category.
  • sweetie89207
    Welcome Welcome Welcome all of you

    @ Liveyourlife- yea I know most of us can barely remember the thin days- barely in elementary haha…and I definitely understand u because I totally would love to finally feel comfortable with myself…great to have you here…Welcome

    @ Sigra- haha boonies nice! Yea im sure sitting around has to be difficult without being able to be active all day…but that’s amazing u guys got a gym! Talk about thankful…that sounds like a great plan! Glad to have you here starting your journey!...Welcome!

    @ Mauck- yea sure you can join! Its open for everyone…and if you’d like to tell us a little about yourself or your weight loss journey that’d b great…Welcome!

    @ Kityngirl- sounds like your weight loss journey has been all over the place but now your ready to get where u want to be forever and that’s great…glad to have u join us to get those last pesky 20 off…Welcome!

    @ buggials- haha hand in a hell baskey is such a horrible place to be isn’t it! I have the droid app too!!! Love it! Great job working at the gym! Always feels good to get in that great work out…Welcome!

    @ Dustiemorris- wow…150 at 7 huh…that’s quite a lot…but now you are here with all of us and ready to change your life!!! Great job girl…glad to have you…Welcome!

    @ melkneec- that’s exactly how I felt- ppl who have been there before just don’t understand the mental aspect of weight loss for ppl like us! I hope we can all be there for u to be helpful in your weight loss journey…Welcom!

    @ Funkyspunky- hahaha squirrel!!! That’s really funny girl! That sounds like a good way to determine your weight choice…amazing job on losing that first 107!!! That’s amazing- your inspirational!...glad to have you…Welcome!

    GLAD to have all of you here in my club…feel free to add me as a friend if you’d like- for extra support (im quite good at that!) once the new year starts I should be able to get some challenges up for us all.
  • sweetie89207
    aww i was just watching home videos, and there is one when i was just under two years old... my mom said in it that i was i around the 50th percentile for height, but... 95th percentile for weight! even then. oh dear!

    hahaha oh dear! thats great
  • sweetie89207
    i thought we could do a challenge with anyone who has can start anywhere u like in the chart below...but once u completed that state u have to move on to another state of your choice.

    Rhode Island 27 miles
    Delaware 36 miles
    New Jersey 72 miles
    Hawaii 75 miles
    New Hampshire 76 miles
    Connecticut 80 miles
    Vermont 81 miles
    Massachusetts 125 miles
    Florida 138 miles
    Indiana 139 miles
    West Virgina 149 miles
    Mississippi 159 miles
    Louisiana 177 miles
    Michigan 185 miles
    Alabama 195 miles
    Maine 198 miles
    South Carolina 207 miles
    Illinois 212 miles
    Maryland 215 miles
    Ohio 220 miles
    Georgia 227 miles
    Arkansas 227 miles
    California 247 miles
    Utah 267 miles
    Minnesota 273 miles
    New York 285 miles
    Pennsylvania 286 miles
    Missouri 295 miles
    Idaho 302 miles
    Oklahoma 305 miles
    Iowa 310 miles
    Arizona 315 miles
    Nevada 317 miles
    Wisconsin 320 miles
    Washington 335 miles
    New Mexico 345 miles
    Virgina 340 miles
    Wyoming 348 miles
    Kentucky 351 miles
    North Dakota 355 miles
    Oregon 358 miles
    Colorado 371 miles
    South Dakota 379 miles
    Kansas 390 miles
    North Carolina 396 miles
    Nebraska 400 miles
    Tennessee 439 miles
    Montana 546 miles
    Texas 661 miles
    Alaska 858 miles

    im going to start in california and since i been keeping track of my steps since the start of this challenge i have completed 24.27 miles of 247 miles the little ticker wont do points so ill round it to the nearest whole mile which is 24 miles

    Join our weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!

    i like this idea a lot!!! i dont own a pedometer that works lol...but i think thats a great everyone who has a pedometer should definitely start keeping track of how much they are walking and if you want to check in once you have walked one of the states and maybe say which one and how long it took you to walk it that'd be great!