

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello all, this has been another glorious day with dog walking, dancing in the morning and the afternoon, and time with friends.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Hugs to all of you who are facing health and family problems and to all of you who still have a huge “to do” list to get ready for Easter.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbie - love the dancing cat!

    Sylvia - loved the joke. I copied and sent it to DH.

    Michele, and others preparing a big Easter celebration - just realized tonight that although I used to do all that, I don't anymore. I can remember fixing a centerpiece, planning decorations and a special meal, etc. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a celebration but I guess all those extras don't mean much to me these days. I wonder when that happened?

    Welcome, Teresa!

    Hope everyone rests well tonight,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie - love the dancing cat!

    Sylvia - loved the joke. I copied and sent it to DH.

    Michele, and others preparing a big Easter celebration - just realized tonight that although I used to do all that, I don't anymore. I can remember fixing a centerpiece, planning decorations and a special meal, etc. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a celebration but I guess all those extras don't mean much to me these days. I wonder when that happened?

    Welcome, Teresa!

    Hope everyone rests well tonight,

    Gail, metro ATL

    It happened to me after my elders passed away and my kids left home. Lucky for me, we will be at my son's this Easter. It has been too long since we've seen either of our kids at Easter.
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good evening everyone,

    Bust day today with yard work, but really nice to be outside.

    " Sad tale" my scales broke and I dread trying to find new ones I'm sure they will all weigh different.

    I've had a pretty good week with my food choice, I haven't gone over board.

    Hope everyone has a great Easter week-end.

    Sue in TN.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gail, when Mom was alive we used to have the typical big ham dinner. Mom, my sister and I all have some kind of disability and my youngest daughter and my sister's DIL do almost the entire Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners so we didn't want to have them do that also. So we started going out to eat. Oh my heavens, you can't hardly get in anywhere on Easter! So Mom is with her Lord now, my sister went down to Arkansas to see her daughter, sigh of relief - less drama, so I am fixing barbeque hamburgers in a crock post! We'll have chips and dip and veggies. It's a favorite recipe in my family, one of the few things I can fix well. It's like a meatloaf recipe that you form into burgers, brown on the stove and then put it in the crock pot. You make a home made barbeque sauce and pour over the burgers while they are cooking in the crockpot. All you need to add is onions and pickles on top. When Mom still had her house and was cooking I would tripe the sauce recipe and give the remaining to her and she would use it as a base for spaghetti. When I would take it to work I would also drop a package of hot dogs in the crockpot with the burgers. Ummmmm ummmmm good! I used to have an electric skillet and would cook the burgers in that and on the stove to make it quicker. But the electric skillet broke and I don't cook enough to warrant me getting a new one. I got this one for our wedding 41 years ago!!!! So I'll fix them Saturday evening and then turn the crockpot on Sunday morning while I'm at church.

    Speaking of church, I thought I would be able to pick up the Easter music well enough since I had a month. But I guess I am a little more rusty than I thought. But I'll just keep my voice pretty quiet on the notes I'm not sure of. I'm an alto and I used to be able to hit the high D. But I can't anymore. One of the songs we are singing has the alto go up that high in several places and I just lip sync it!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We sing this one song that has 1st and 2nd alto and 1st and 2nd soprano parts but I'm really surprised that the director doesn't have the sopranos break off into the 2 parts. I wish she did. But I don't know the choir well enough to know whether they have some that can sing that high. I know there is one lady who sure has the 'confidence' that she can sing anything. It does make me feel good to be singing in the choir. I am also getting comfortable enough that I 'feel' the music now. When I was in the congregation, the music could just send shivers down my arms but I missed that in singing in the choir. I am now getting that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Morning everybody! :flowerforyou:
    Finally had a good night's sleep. It was time.

    When we were kids we all went to our grandparents' house for holidays (all their children and grandchildren). I remember it wistfully. At home we got an Easter basket in the morning. I've made Easter baskets for my guy, and he loved them, but it's not really the same when you're the only one doing it.

    Time for coffee and some work; errands this afternoon.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good morning Friends :love: from a still sunny Hampshire, England.

    Barbie - I am coming round to resolving my feeling of depression around the holiday. I now am counting my blessings that I haven't got all the work to do nor have I got to drive on crowded roads.:bigsmile: Your comments have helped me. That said, my greatest pleasure in life is having people over for a meal. :happy: But there will be so many more opportunities. We don't make a huge deal out of Easter over here. A roast dinner is about as far as it goes. Children get chocolate eggs (too many) and families get together for lunch. A lot of people go away for the four day holiday so the roads are usually jammed, especially if there is a good weather forecast. This year Sunday is going to be rainy.

    Gail - almost more than the cooking, I love to make the table look nice. People laugh at my napkin fixation! ! ! ! ! :tongue: We don't usually decorate the house for Easter, but I would get some flowers. Maybe some table gifts.
    Oh well, maybe next year :cry:

    For Easter dinner DH and I are having Dover Sole with brown shrimps and lemon.
    Last night we had our first barbecue of the season, though we ate indoors. I just love the flavour of charcoal grilled food. Don't talk to me about gas barbecues! ! ! ! ! We had sheftali, which are Cypriot lamb sausages, wrapped in caul. Very herby. Absolutely delicious! I bought them in London. We also had vegetable kebabs. All yummy. Of course I had peri peri sauce with mine.:laugh:

    Got in a good workout this morning. 513 cals. Might try to work in a couple of glasses of wine with tonight's salmon and asparagus. Will budget for that.:drinker:

    The yellow sugar paste I ordered for the daisies on the christening cake has arrived, so I might cut out a few flowers today or tomorrow. Big ones and little ones, double and single. Might also have some accent colours in smaller flowers. I have ordered yellow ribbon to go round the bases.

    Michele - it's difficult to explain in words what I mean, but I'm sure You tube has some good videos or you can google diagrams. Learning to do it properly is a bit counter intuitive. The instructors at the gym should be able to help. DH instructed me. It is important not to do too much at the beginning and build up stamina. I now do six times as much as I could do at the beginning. I know my back is much stronger than it was. It is very good all round exercise and excellent if you have a dodgy knee like me.:bigsmile:

    Enjoy the holiday everyone.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Heather in Hampshire, listening to the birdsong. :love:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: I`m sure the recital will be fabulous, after all, your students have a fabulous teacher:bigsmile: !!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Rita:smile: Hope things get better for you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!!

    Rori:smile: Thinking about you and hoping your odd mood has lifted:flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie:smile: I love the graphic of the happy dance cat:bigsmile: !!!

    Joyce:smile: I`m sure they are glad to have you in the choir:bigsmile: !

    I have a tip for anyone who has problems with deer eating the shrubs, or trees, or flowers...my landscape guy told me to mix up 5 egg whites to a gallon of water and spray it on the plants, it won`t hurt the plants and deer will stay away! He told me that after we looked at one of my shrubs that the deer decided to prune for me:angry: . I`m actually getting rid of all the shrubs around the house, I have never liked them, the guy that put them in before we moved in had no clue what he was doing:angry: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Good Friday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:bigsmile:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, Hurray!! It's Friday. We get a two hour lunch today since it's Good Friday, that will make the day go quicker. I'm taking the twin granddaughters shopping this evenng since they haven't had the time to get outfits for tomorrow. My daughter's pinning ceromony is tomorrow and she has asked her daughters to do the pinning. I'm so proud of her.Then Sunday everyone s coming to my house for Easter. I have not even started cleaning and preparing, can't figure out when I can fit that in. Oh well, I do have over 100 eggs for the kids to hunt and the weather is forcasted to be beautiful, so we can all breakfast out on the porch. I refuse to sweat the small stuff anymore.
    I wroked Monday, Tues and Thursday nights, watched the grandkids Weds and taking the other grankids shopping tonight, ans since I also workk full time in the day, I can't get everything done and I'd rather spend the time with my grandkids anyway.

    Rita CT, Glad your back is feeling better. I’ve never tries Acupuncture but a friend with bad headaches did with favorable results. Sorry to hear about the house issues, I feel for you.

    Joyce IN, That phone sounds like a good deal. I’m under a contract but hope to do some switching when it runs out.

    Michele NC, All that baking, sounds yummy. I’m having my daughters over for breakfast on Easter and then an egg hunt for the little ones. My older sister is coming, my younger sister will bring her grandkids for the hunt but not breakfast. We are having breakfast casserole, potato casserole, French toast casserole, goetta, coffee cake, fruit and I’ll have eggs available if anyone wants them. This is the first year we are celebrating this way. My girls have their spouse’s sides to celebrate with so I thought I’d try for an earlier start.

    Carol, NC, What an adventure for a phone. It sounds like you should have been ready for a nap after all that.

    Katla Love the inspiring link. That lady can kick it, what a shining example of it never being to late.

    Teresa Columbus Ohio, Welcome neighbor!

    Tomorrow morning I will go to cycling, ab class and will get in my strength training since it will be the only opportunity to do so this week-end.

    Welcome to all the new people, Happy Easter to all.

    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Look what greeted us in the garden this morning...


    These irises came with us from our former home and were pass along plants -- the ones I moved in the fall as they had not been blooming. Obviously happier in their new location! I'm hoping one of the other ones is the periwinkle bloom I remember. Found out that DH likes the bright yellow blooms -- he has never expressed that before in all our 40+ years of marriage, so I think I'll find some to plant for him. The Roberta's reblooming daylilies are already sprouting up. I'll post photos of those later in the year.

    We're due for rain and wind so I cut them and brought them in to enjoy....

    I've enjoyed reading about everyone's celebrations and how they've changed. My MIL lived with us for almost 20 years and she really appreciated all the preparations, so I'm sure that was part of it for me. DH and DS 1 & 2 just don't care. Hard to be the only one appreciating it all, I guess.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Good morning to everyone!! Thanks so much for all the warm WELCOMES and well wishes. I really looked forward to hearing all about everyone's day! First of all, I'm SO IMPRESSED with everyone's weight loss! Some of you ladies have lost so much weight! Wow! How impressive! I definitely NEED more friends like YOU all! :love:

    Tere - thanks so much for the warm welcome - and even tho you root for the WRONG TEAM, your post made me smile! :laugh:

    Amanda - sorry that your gall bladder is giving you trouble ~ thank the Lord that I've never had to deal with THAT! I hope that you feel better soon. Your ticker shows that you have lost almost 200 pounds!! Girl - THATS AWESOME!! Big, big KUDOS to YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Phyllis - congrats to your son - what awesome accomplishments! I'm proud of him and I don't even know him! Lol. You should be VERY PROUD! I'm praying that all goes well next week when you have to see your ex and that there's no "drama"!

    Barbie - I love the dancing cat!! CUTE!! Whoo-hoo!! It's FRIDAY!!

    Patty - hi neighbor! My bestie lives in Nashville, TN and i go down there quite often to visit her - I'll have to stop sometime in Cinci and have coffee or lunch with you and get a chance to meet you in person sometime! I come right through downtown Cinci! Good for you that you're having family time on Easter and that you're not going to sweat the small stuff! Enjoy the day and enjoy your family instead!!

    Gail - WOW!! What a gorgeous flower! BEAUTIFUL!!

    What I remember most about Easter (growing up) is getting a new Easter dress every year! I miss that! :smile: I thought about buying a new dress for this Easter, but I want to lose some more weight first. Perhaps next year. I'm going to see if my 15 yo granddaughter wants to spend the night with me either tonight or Saturday night.

    HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE!! I wont be on too much this weekend as I don't have internet at home, but I'll be able to read your posts on my phone. I'm still trying to learn everyone and where you are all located. Have a GREAT day! :flowerforyou:

    Columbus, Ohio
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am now really feeling under the weather, and the family is coming over today. Bad timing, but what can you do. It will all pass and meantime I will take some meds.

    It is a 4 day weekend for me. Lucky that way.

    Vancouver Island, B.C.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member
    Happy Good Friday Lovely Ladies,

    I have made it through the plateau and am down 1 more pound. I have maybe 3-5 more pounds to go. Yay! It is a beautiful day in Oklahoma. I had a quiet afternoon yesterday, got to spend some time on my art project. I am learning to work with colored pencils. Have always loved graphite but Hubby asked for some color. :smile:

    Sylvia, hugs for you. :heart:

    Jb, love your poems. Best wishes on the recital.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda, so glad you have a surgery date.:heart:

    DeeDee, thanks for the deer tip. We get attacked every year!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie, love the dancing cat graphic!:love:

    Gail, beautiful iris! I have been wanting to plant some iris.:love:

    Yanniejannie, I love wisteria too. Wish it bloomed longer too.:smile:

    Cynthia, glad you got some restful sleep.:flowerforyou:

    Renny, I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome all new ladies, this is a great group of women!

    Everyone else, sending prayers for those dealing with health issues and family difficulties.:heart:


    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member

    I have a tip for anyone who has problems with deer eating the shrubs, or trees, or flowers...my landscape guy told me to mix up 5 egg whites to a gallon of water and spray it on the plants, it won`t hurt the plants and deer will stay away! He told me that after we looked at one of my shrubs that the deer decided to prune for me:angry: . I`m actually getting rid of all the shrubs around the house, I have never liked them, the guy that put them in before we moved in had no clue what he was doing:angry: !

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:bigsmile:

    Dee, did he say how often to spray the plants?

    Cindy in OK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Goodmorning Ladies

    Gail thank you for the lovely iris picture mine are still buried under a bed of snow, sonice to be reminded of how pretty they are:smile:

    We are going to spend time with our kids and grandkids this weekend my DD now takes on the family dinners and does an excellent job, so nice to relax and enjoy everyone rather than running around like a crazy person ,

    Want to welcome all our new friends the best place to be is here where everyone isso helpful and kind

    Congradulations to all the losses and nsv Prayers to those in need

    Well better get my day started Happy Easter

    And remember to step away from the tempting bunnies and eggs.......

    Juanita in sudbury
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just wrote an extensive reply to everyone and lost it due to my own mistake. Arrgghh! So I'm only going to write a few things for now.

    Rita: Hugs. I hope you're able to get out from under the blues. I like Vitamin D3, solar temperature lights, and exercise to help fight them off when they creep into my life.

    Heather: I know you've been a professional writer in the past, and I think you should consider writing a cookbook, with photographs of all your lovely table decorations as well as the food, itself. I'd buy it.

    I have a doctor appointment this morning for a pelvic exam. It has been a few years since my last one. I don't look forward to it, but I do want to take proper care of my health. Then we're packing up to go visit DS and DDIL for a long Easter weekend. I should have internet access at their house, so you'll likely hear from me.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Friday morning Ladies, I got up late this morning, and my blood sugar was 98. That is higher than it's been lately. Then I remembered that I didn't eat my night time snack. I just wasn't hungry, so I skipped it. I had already ended the day so I didn't remove the calories. I eat that night time snack, because if I don't my blood sugars are always high in the morning. I can have a 102 after dinner and a 179 in the morning and I've eaten nothing.

    DH is just a big kid, he loves holidays and sends cards for any and all. He even sends 4th of July cards, don't ask where he finds them. He had such fun picking out Easter things for the grandsons and the daughter. If the youngest son wasn't out in Nevada protecting some Base( he is also a Marine) he would be getting a basket too. He and our daughter are both stationed in NC. The other son is living in Wisconsin.

    Gail- beautiful flower, I like yellow ones too. This year we had daffodils come up by our front deck. I didn't plant them, I guess the previous owners did. But I did enjoy them.

    Renny- hope you get to feeling better.

    Everyone have a good weekend Tigress in GA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I have gotten myself into a pickle here. I asked my son and his kids to come over for Easter dinner, and to be polite I asked if his sort-of-estranged wife and her son would want to come too. They have always said no in the past, but this time they said yes. So there will be eight people total. That's great, but I'm really not a good cook. Since I've been eating low salt I have forgotten how to cook stuff the other way. So, I'm planning to have simple stuff, like ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, dinner rolls (the frozen kind), salad with cherry tomatoes, and a platter of fruit - strawberries, fresh cut pineapple, and watermelon. Would it be rude to have an unsalted dish just for me? I was thinking of chicken and sweet potatoes. Or should I make enough to share in case they want to try it? They won't like it, that's for sure. In case you have not guessed, I don't have good social skills. We haven't seen much of the DIL, so I'm a little nervous that she will be critical, based on what little I have seen. Plus I have to clean house! Good thing I'm off grandma duties today and tomorrow.

    To give you an idea of just how poor my cooking abilities are, here's an incident that happened when my son was about five. It was the middle of the night when the smoke alarm went off for no reason. Probably low battery or something. As I was on a chair pulling out the battery, my son stumbled out of his bedroom and sleepily asked "Can I have a peanut butter cookie?" I said "honey, I didn't make any cookies", and he said "I know you did! I heard the smoke alarm!"

    So, I've got a lot of shopping to do today. I need to make up four Easter baskets too. I hope all the chocolate bunnies aren't gone already!

    Have a great Good Friday!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 479 Member

    First, I don't think it would be rude to have a low salt dish for you, we are talking about your health. You could have something before dinner to ease hunger and then just have salad and veggies, rolls, etc. But I believe in the straight forward approach, explain that you must have low salt food and have your meal along with everyone else. Again, this is for your health. You could prepare enough sweet potatoes for everyone, if they don't eat them, you have extra for you for later. Please don't stress.

    Love the story about the cookie and smoke alarm!:laugh:

    I hope you have a peaceful, blessed Easter.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Sylvia, just do your best and try to enjoy the day!

    I invited my friend and her husband since it would just be me, Aaron and my step father otherwise. First holiday without my mom and we need to make some sort of effort for Aaron's sake.

    Going to make ham, sweet potatoes, fettucini alfredo (yes you read that correctly), asparagus, beets and some sort of bread/roll. That's it. I'll also have some veggies, healthy-ish dips, whole grain chips, deviled eggs, etc. before and I'm making my "famous" no sugar added (Truvia) Coconut Cream Pie. WILL NOT be logging food on Sunday but I will be doing an extra special, super duper, calorie burning workout in the interest of breaking even. Oh yeah, there will be wine...and I do have my birthday Grey Goose in the freezer.

    On the "up" side, I finished week 4 of T25, plus an extra 30+ minutes on the treadmill.

    Going to see if I can tear my child from the XBOX and do something. Turning into a pretty nice day.

    Happy day to all.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit