Like Minded Lushes - January 2011

rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hello and welcome to the thread that acknowledges alcohol. We like it. smiley-eatdrink043.gifMost of us drink it. We struggle with the effect it has on our weight loss. We support each othere when we strive to control it. We support each other when we fail to control it.

This is a support zone. No judging,

With the New year ahead of us and the holidays behind us I am hoping to really control this month and not do too much damage and get back in shape for my daughter's wedding on the 29th. I will continue my attempts at no alcohol during the week and very limited amounts on the weekend. Here's to trying.

Previous thread.


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Ah yes, you will frequently see a shot of whiskey in my snack category haha. Luckily I'm a straight up kinda girl, no sweet stuff mixing with my booze lol. This is a perfect group, how do I join? I've never joined a group before.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Ah yes, you will frequently see a shot of whiskey in my snack category haha. Luckily I'm a straight up kinda girl, no sweet stuff mixing with my booze lol. This is a perfect group, how do I join? I've never joined a group before.
    You just joined us by posting. You will see us in the "my Topics" part of your community and now you can just read and post with us as much as you want. Welcome. smiley-eatdrink048.gif
  • Hi there,
    This is something I'm tackling this year. I will be keeping off booze Sun-Thurs (unless it's a VERY special occasion) and my weekend consumption is going to be minimal. Shares in New Zealand vineyards are about to plummet as NZ Sauvignon Blanc is my tipple of choice!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Bumping for AA purposes....
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    All that was available at a party we attended was cheap wine! So, yes, I have a headache...................from now on sticking to my champagne! (should have taken my own):ohwell:
  • kdpamd
    kdpamd Posts: 38
    Happy New Year everybody! A lot of champagne and white russians last night. Suprisingly, I feel fine. Plan to cut out the alcohol during the week this year. I think that is the only way I am going to reach my weight loss goal. But tonight I plan on having a couple of drinks and enjoying my weekend. :drinker:
  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    Yeah I had a whole variety of things last night but I'm going to try to give up alcohol for the month of Jan. Except for my anniversary on Thurs! lol We need wine for that! Really good wine! Good idea for a group. Seems like everyone says to give up alcohol but really I just enjoy a drink too much! I know I need to cut back if I want to lose more but I'm not willing to give it up entirely!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    All that was available at a party we attended was cheap wine! So, yes, I have a headache...................from now on sticking to my champagne! (should have taken my own):ohwell:
    here you go. have some of mine.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I like this group. I always find myself sitting back and relaxing once a week with an alcoholic beverage. I certainly don't drink myself towards a hangover in the morning. But you might find me having 2-3beers a week. Maybe mixed with a shot. :)
  • mikki3
    mikki3 Posts: 63
    Oooooh this is my kind of group :happy:

    I'll admit my fondness for Californian and Chilean reds (and the occasional straight up martini) have had a hand in my weight gain. I too will be trying to save them for the weekends.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Yeah I had a whole variety of things last night but I'm going to try to give up alcohol for the month of Jan. Except for my anniversary on Thurs! lol We need wine for that! Really good wine! Good idea for a group. Seems like everyone says to give up alcohol but really I just enjoy a drink too much! I know I need to cut back if I want to lose more but I'm not willing to give it up entirely!

    Happy New Year, fellow lushes! This is my goal for the month -- an alcohol free January. I hit it way too hard this holiday season and I need to get back on track with my weight loss! I did pretty well on abstaining during the week, but I really want to kick start things so we're going big or going home :laugh:

  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I struggle with alcohol drinking too. mostly beer. I always try to factor it in my calories for the day. :smile:

    My goal is to limit it to only special occasions. Which to most people isn't often but for me is hard cuz almost every other weekend is a bday or holiday of some sort.

    I do love my beer! :drinker:
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I created a separate food category just for beverages.

    My hubby and I publish a magazine about Milwaukee's "drinking culture" (we are, after all, America's drunkest city). Needless to say, it is REALLY difficult to control the caloric intake when it comes to booze.

    I might have to become one of those people that tastes it, then spits it when it's "research" time. :wink:

    Thanks for creating this group!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Good support group for me, this; I've decided that Jan 1- Valentine's Day is this year's no alcohol zone. And that means NO alcohol, not for any reason whatsoever.

    It'll be tough, I do love my wine. But here I go. Look forward to getting some support here. Great initiative, thanks!
  • katesp
    katesp Posts: 19
    woohoo! thanks so much for creating this hugest stumbling block i think...but almost a prerequisite with 3 kids! i look forward to travelling with you guys : )
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    Well here we are... a new year and new goals.:bigsmile: I am very excited to see what this year brings for me and all my lushy friends on here. :bigsmile: I am sure I gained an oz or two over the festivities.:laugh: Stayed up until the weee hours endulging in beverages and snacks!:drinker: :drinker: We will see when I get on the dreaded scale tomorrow. Hope everyone had a safe and fantabulous New Year.
  • iawierz
    iawierz Posts: 65
    woohoo! thanks so much for creating this hugest stumbling block i think...but almost a prerequisite with 3 kids! i look forward to travelling with you guys : )

    I AGREE! I think that I posted this same thing when I started!
  • euca
    euca Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone

    I've just started here and I think that this is the group for me. I've been trying to lose 10 measly pounds for a year now and have not been able to and I'm certain that booze is the reason. Every weekend (and sometimes through the week) social occasions crops up and although I'm sometimes able to make it through with just one drink, usually I can't maintain that discipline (especially when all my friends are telling me to just go on and have another). I'm so glad that there's a group offering support on this!
  • I am definitely on the same page as everybody here...I love having a glass of wine or a couple of beers (The really good fattening ones!) and my goal is to not "go there" the whole month of January. It's so hard because I'm very much a "social butterfly" and when friends call to want to get together and a have a cocktail, it's soooo hard for me to say no or go somewhere and everybody else is having a drink and I'm...well, NOT!! But I plan on using this group as my motivation...if you guys can do it, SO CAN I!!! :drinker:
  • LightMyCandle
    LightMyCandle Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. This is my issue, too. Wine is my biggest downfall, but I'll drink pretty much anything at the end of a long day of work to chill out while beginning my second job of taking care of my family in the evening. I don't see myself giving it up entirely, but I desperately need to cut back and lose the 10 pounds I've packed on over the last several months - definitely primarily alcohol-related.

    I look forward to seeing how others cope with this particular caloric problem. :)
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