

  • biengardo1
    biengardo1 Posts: 7 Member
    Back after a long hiatus all (like 2 years). At 52, weight has slowly been creeping up again and I'm fed up. Been on an eating plan with my husband since January and he has lost 30 pounds and I fluctuate with the same 4 pounds on and off and off an on. It's so very frustrating but again, he's not a 52 year old woman who still has not gone through the change, etc. It's crazy because we have eaten so clean and I see the results of doing so for him, but not for me. I do exercise at the gym at least 3-4 times per week, but just not seeing any results. Looks like I'm back to counting and holding myself accountable for everything. Dr.'s office tested my thyroid with bloodwork today, but I know full well the test will come back normal as it always does. She looked at me and said, well it's probably just your age and metabolism. You think??? Ok, will be looking for all of your support and to offer same.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake took our new truck to be serviced and inspected by our regular mechanic and found a few things that needed fixing…..since the truck is 13 years old, it’s not surprising that it had a few aches and pains…..all the important things are running well and when it gets back from the truck doctor, it will be in great shape…..our credit card balance won’ t look so good, but we’ll find a way to pay for it.

    :bigsmile: I got a lot accomplished today including watching my DVR recording of DWTS but ran out of time so no yoga, no strength training, and no personal replies……healthy eating under my calorie goal, 18,000 steps, and 40 minutes on the exercise bike.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Did a workout on the treadmill today. I don't really know what to call it. Basically, I went at 5mph 2% incline for 1 minute than 4mph 1% incline for 2 minutes. The original plan was to go to water aerobics tomorrow but they're calling for thunderstorms so I'll do a rebounder DVD that I was planning to do on Friday and take the water aerobics class on Friday. Then it's senior bowling. I know they won't cancel because of rain. Honestly, this is the only outing each week for some of these people.

    Not sure what's going on at the one branch of the Y, but the a/c wasn't on. Evidentally there's something going on with it because there was some sort of post on Facebook about how Duke Engergy had to come out. It's been a while since I sweated that much, but it felt good.

    Kim - hope things at that gym work out for you and you get to go to the classes. I know that at times I need classes to constantly keep me motivated. I try to keep up with someone (using heavier or the same weights, etc).

    Cynthia - hope you're feeling better today and that it doesn't get worse.

    DeeDee - our a/c broke last year during the summer. Vince slept downstairs....lol Hopefully, yours will be fixed before the real warm weather sets in. When I went out to exercise this morning, it was anything but warm. When I go to mahjongg later, I'll probably take a jacket with me. Update I took it, but took it off in the car, didn't really need it

    katla - a boy! How wonderful!

    yanniejannie - one time Lynette and I were in WalMart doing food shopping. I have an app on my phone where I keep my shopping list. When she saw me with my phone out she asked me "are you texting Vince?" No way........ Yup, the tops of both feet got sunburned Sunday. I felt it yesterday when I was doing some lunges since you need to slightly bend your foot at the top. Never again...... I very seldom called Vince at his workplace when he was working. Totally understand your feeling about the husband

    Ot oh, it's just started raining. I put a load of laundry in hoping that it would get done before the ground got saturated from the rain. Well, it's in the dryer right now.

    Sylvia - the dinner they ordered for you sounds great. I bet it was really even better than the one everyone else had. Good for you only having half a piece of cake. Job means so much as to where you're living. We moved from the Poconos to Kennett Square for Vince's job. When he retired, that's when we moved to NC. The last time they had a hurricane was about 25 years ago. We're at the foothills of the mountains so we don't get real nasty weather (at least not lately). But you never know with Mother Nature. She's upset about something.

    Heather - feel better fast

    annaluna - welcome! Sounds like you have a great plan there

    Sylvia - Today's joke was really cute. Boy, Bruno is one busy bee!

    Vicki - I agree that it was rude of those parents to leave as soon as their child had performed. What kind of message are they sending to their child (and to other children at that?)

    biegardo - welcome back!

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Have caught up with the posts and have drawn so much inspiration from all your grace, strength and compassion. I especially related to the discussion about anti-social DHs. My cat is more social than my DH, and it’s been a source of irritation and embarrassment for a long time. :grumble: Thankfully, I do get to go out as part of my job, and I experience rich friendships very separate and apart from him. Oh, and my cat, Mars who goes out on a leash every day, is better known by our neighbors than either DH or me. He’s quite the celebrity around our condo community and has an open invitation to drop into a number of folks’ homes. :laugh:

    Sadly, I lost a friend this week.:brokenheart: Bob had been like a second father to me for close to 30 years. After a year-long bout with cancer in his mouth, he was given the choice of a procedure that would be difficult for any 86-year old, or going to hospice. He was in hospice for 3 days when he made a peaceful transition with his daughter holding his hand. He left explicit directives, and his “Celebration of Life Party” will be in two weeks. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I’m catching the NSV bug from some of you. I don’t have much movement on the scale, but have begun to fit in to the next smaller size clothes. The pantsuits I bought in the after-Christmas sales are super baggy around the waist. Alterations time. :bigsmile:

    Speaking of time, where did April go??? Where the heck is spring? It’s bitterly windy and cold, with a chance of showers and flurries tomorrow AM. :noway:

    From the Colorado Foothills

    My word for 2014 = Release
    Goals for April and progress to date:
    Strength training 90 minutes per week - - missed one week
    Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs – achieved 75%
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in - - achieved 75%
    De-clutter and clean my home office. - - complete
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there!

    I've only missed about 10 pages, geez! :noway: Been super busy.

    I'm getting ready to fly down to San Diego on Thursday to stay with my mom for a few days, and see my brother and his family. Mom just turned 89, she's doing pretty darned good. I talk to her on the phone morning and night, but I like to fly down to see her a couple of times a year. :heart:

    Just wanted to pop in to wish you all well. :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in warm, sunny Portland :glasses: who's wearing her flight gear as shown in photo :laugh:

    "The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm." ~Aldous Huxley
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    .... I had great news from DD. She’s been to the doctor and an ultrasound shows that the new baby is a little boy! We’d have been happy with another girl, too, but it will be lovely to have a grandson to go along with our granddaughter.:heart::heart:
    Katla, counting blessings in beautiful NW Oregon

    That is so cool. Congratulations, Katla.

    After a good night sleep, I had a good day today at work. Oldest DS came over today to help DH with work. Then we had supper together, soup and grilled cheese sandwich. DH has to go back in 2 weeks now for his finger, instead of a once a week check-up at the hospital. Although the top third of course was amputated, it looks like the rest of the finger will eventually heal from the inside out, just like the surgeon predicted.

    Also thankful that temperatures are rising to springlike.

    Have a great evening.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think this is a first for me. It's past 10 PM and this is the first post i have done for the day!!!! My laptop is so persnickety that I try not to use it much and when I have it on MFP it takes it upon itself to open new tabs regarding anything weight loss. One it opens is the official Weight watchers web site. Others don't always look as good. So I do some very basics when I get up and then leave it off for most of the day. I do try to play one of my face book games on it which gives you 'missions' every 6 hours and I do one when I get up and then try to do some in the evening. All sorts of new tabs try to pop up when I'm playing that game.

    Saw something on face book today that really hit home. 'I am who I am because the tears of my past have watered the magnificence of my present.' A lot of us have talked about who we were either in our childhoods or our marriages and those tears have helped us become who we are today and we are beautiful and have worth.

    Today was supposed to be round four of bad weather for us here in the midwest. I think whatever happened has passed us by. I pray for any one who is in it's path.

    Speaking of past, my husband has two brothers and one sister. I suppose they spoke to each other as children but I am sorry to say that they don't go out of their way to even speak now. His youngest brother had some really bad things happen to him during childhood and I think he also did some bad things. He had two children by two different wives. One of these girls overheard him say to someone that he didn't have any children. Talk about hurting to the core. When his Mom was dying I reached out to the girls and invited them to see their Grandma. That led to them being there when their Dad came. Well since last September his present wife has insisted that he be more of a presence in their lives. They had a Christmas celebration together. I have both the girls as face book friends and we are going to go out to eat on Friday. Both of them are my girls ages so I can relate to them. We were so sad to see him and the second wife break up because she was able to bring the family together on a way that my husband and I couldn't. We had fun together as a family.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Good morning my Vit F friends!:flowerforyou:

    I'm having a day off from exercising this morning to let my body get over this cold. That's my excuse anyway! :blushing: :tongue: Yesterday I only did yoga so went over, but no damage on the scales. I will have to be super careful today. I will cut my lunch time ciabatta into 2/3 - 1/3 and have the third as my pm snack. Chicken, lentil and spinach curry tonight. No rice.

    This afternoon I'm hoping to get to the shops to buy stuff for the mother/daughter dinner party on Friday.

    Menu : nibbles in the living room - miniature crunchy toasties with pesto, tomato and parma ham. Olives.
    First course - small portion of my salmon marinated in chipotle sauce and hickory smoke drops. Yoghourt and cucumber sauce. Arugular or watercress. (This recipe by special request of DH) I will serve the salmon room temp so I can cook it in the pm.

    Main course - Goulash that I have had in the freezer for ages!:laugh: It's delicious as it is made with sun cured red peppers. I was saving it for DS, but I am sacrificing it to save me effort. Pappardelle noodles. Some kind of green veg, probably french beans in garlic. The goulash is topped with half fat creme fraiche.

    Dessert - Crepes Suzettes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh: Bit of a retro thing going on here! I will buy the Grand Marnier and oranges today and make the pancakes. I use two pancakes per person and make the sauce in advance so it is easy to assemble at the last minute. Flames always go down well at a party!

    My plan is to eat one nibble, the salmon, a small portion of goulash with veg and one or two noodles, and one smaller pancake, not too much sauce. Fortunately, with one pregnant woman and the other one driving, we won't be drinking a lot! I have some sparkling apple juice and will buy some elderflower cordial and diet cokes. I might have a glass of prosecco.
    So I'm all set to make a shopping list. Flowers on the list. A pretty table is half the battle. I want to treat them and make them feel special.

    Still got loads of things I should be doing on my admin list. Plus sugar paste rabbits! :embarassed: I am very low in energy with my cold, so a bit of light shopping will suffice for today I think.

    Katla - many congrats on having one of each.! :flowerforyou: :love: :heart:

    Hugs for all. I must get in the shower before my energy runs out.

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Friends, I can't catch up on posts now as I'm behind and am at work. I will get on tonight and catch up. Just wanted to say Hi.
    We had an awesome week-end weatherwise but have experienced rain pretty much ever since.
    I did part of a yoga dvd yesterday and also came across a beginner pilates I'm going to try. Tonight is strenght training at the Y but I want to also incorporate some night time yoga and my goal is to get up early enough to try the pilates in the morning.
    Welcome to all our new friends, I'm glad everyone came out OK from the storms so far, prayers and thoughts for you all.
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have not read the posts yet:blushing: ! With all the remodeling I need some extra hours in the day:ohwell: .

    I will try to catch up later today, however the air conditioning people will be here in 45 minutes, I have NOT had my walk yet:grumble: , nor do I have on any makeup:noway: .

    We had a fierce thunderstorm this morning around 4:30, no storms yesterday as our temp only got to 55 degrees (my air conditioner picked a good time to go on strike:laugh: )! They say more storms and lots of rain for today...yuck!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gloomy NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    well here I am..
    I am just totally disgusted with myself:grumble:
    I try and eat right and then self sabotage myself every single day.. I am up close to 10 lbs and havent really done anything to improve myself lately.
    I feel like a slug..
    I did so well for so long and now it is a struggle to even do what I am supposed to do, I am not depressed,I am ok mentally, physically just a lump on a log..
    I know I will work through it ,but I just am disgusted...
    I am keeping everyone in harms way,down south and out in the midwest in my prayers such devestation and tragedy:frown:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Got my breakfast & exercise in. Off to the shower and out the door to run errands before the "strong storms" strike this afternoon. This was in an e-mail my husband received this morning:

    Praying for those who have suffered tragedies.
    A day of extreme emotions here at Family Life.
    April 28, 2014

    He died as he lived … protecting his family.

    Rob Tittle, a Family Life staff member and kindred spirit warrior for the family, died last night in the tornado that crushed parts of central Arkansas. Two of his daughters—Tori, age 20, and Rebekah, 14—were among the 14 killed in the storm.

    He has a wife and 7 more children that are left to deal with this loss.

    Remember to hug your loved ones today.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia (and those in tornado prone areas): I’m happy knowing you have a tornado shelter. I’m curious about insurance. Is the loss covered when a tornado hits? Or are the families left homeless with a messed up lot and no resources? We live next to a river and are required to carry flood insurance, which has gotten ever more expensive over the years. Love the joke. “You started it…” :laugh: :laugh:

    Janematin: Good luck with your doctor appointment. Let us know how it goes.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Last June I was calling my darling DGD Typhoid Mary because of the respiratory virus I caught from her, and then passed along to DH. You have my sympathy. I hope you recover quickly. Thanks for the congratulations. :flowerforyou:

    Annaluna and all newbies: Welcome! This is a great group of women. Today will be the last day for this thread because the calendar will change. You can find us again for May by going to Community and My topics. There will be a link to the new thread at the bottom of our page. Barbie gets us started each month. I am grateful to her.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: I hope your day improves. Does the organist give lessons all day? Yikes. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Congratulations on the loss!:flowerforyou:

    Biengardo: Your problem with losing weight is likely connected to portion size. We can lose weight at our stage of life, but it is a bit slower than we might like. Measure and weigh your food, and you’ll likely succeed.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I love the concept of learning to dance in the rain. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: Congratulations on the NSVs! Smaller sizes are proof your body is changing for the better.:flowerforyou:

    JB: Enjoy your visit with your mom.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I’m happy to hear your DH’s finger is healing, and am also thankful for spring-like weather.:flowerforyou:

    We bought a fuchsia yesterday and set up our automatic drip watering system for the season. Now all the lovely plants in pots will be cared for whether we’re home or not. When we first moved here we had friends who volunteered to water our plants while we were away, and we came home to dead plants more than once. DH put in an automatic drip system so we could take care of things ourselves. Our only problems have been when the batteries that run the timer wear out. If we’re planning a lengthy trip we replace the batteries before we go. This is a small system that handles the plants surrounding our deck. The rest of the landscape is on an automated system managed by the homeowners association. It will likely be turned on in a few weeks. The earth does a much better job of caring for her plants than pots do.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Someone stole my breakfast from the fridge last night!!! I rarely buy breakfast but hadn't pre-prepared anything Monday night so I stopped and got a low carb breakfast platter (4 eggs and a serving of meat). I ate the meat and two eggs yesterday and put my other two eggs in the fridge for today. I had my food all logged and brought my bread for toast and a slice of 2% cheddar to go on my egg sandwich. I open the fridge and there are no eggs!! I looked at least three times for a black 9X9 container in a dorm sized fridge!! :noway: I hope whoever took them really enjoyed them as I ate peanut butter toast. :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    Anyway...My daughter and I worked hard yesterday and found an alternative place to stay at the beach. I love my friends' house and would definitely preferred to have stayed there. Even with my daughter kicking in $200, I'm spending $100 more than I had planned for lodging. BUT, the place we chose looks amazing! It has three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, a screened in porch, a deck, and a balcony off one of the bedrooms. It is on Oak Island and overlooks the Intracoastal Waterway so there should be lots of waterfowl, and it's a 1/2 mile from the beach--an easy walk. It also looks to be fairly private which I will adore! I've never been to Oak Island so I'm really excited about seeing someplace new. What I'm not excited about is my daughter not arranging to get off work early on Thursday so that it will be 10 p.m. before we get there. Not too keen on arriving in a strange place and a strange house after dark! I'm hoping the kids will be cooperative and leave me in peace and quiet some of the time. I'm thinking about claiming the bedroom with the balcony since I will be the only one getting up early enough to sit outside before the bugs come visiting. :laugh:

    Alison - I'm sorry you are struggling so hard. I've been there in past weight loss journeys. I'm struggling some now with wanting to eat things that I shouldn't and eat more of everything. I've not gained, but I'm certainly not losing either. Be as strong as you can, and do the best that you can. That's all you can ask of yourself!

    Heather, I hope you feel better soon! Your menu sounds yummy. It always interests me to read about what you cook because some of it is so very European and, therefore, exotic to me.

    We've been spared from the worst of the storms that were predicted. We got a doozy this morning around 7 a.m. (while I was in the shower!) but it had obviously rained during the night. DeeDee, I wonder if that was the storm going by you earlier in the morning? A funny thing about eating not so great...I was craving carbs last night and I gave in to temptation (I did have exercise calories to cover the "sin") and I had the best night's sleep I've had in months! It makes me wonder if I need to pay more attention to what I eat right before bed. Usually, if I eat something that late, I have a small piece of cheese because I've read that one should eat protein right before bed. My body is backwards about a lot of things so I wonder if this is one of those times!

    I suppose I ought to get some actual work done. :tongue: Have a great day and be kind to yourself!

    Carol in soggy NC
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    So glad I got my plants in on Monday, it is raining today so I won't have to water. I called a fencing contractor to put a chain link fence up around my garden with a nice gate, have yet to hear from him. DH just can't build a good gate and I'm really tired if the set up we have now. He has a Doctor appt today, and then to work. Bbl

    Tigress in GA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!:flowerforyou:
    Praying for the people who died or lost loved ones in the tornados.:sad:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 389 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    I received a very short notice invitation to a gathering of some of my high school classmates for this Saturday. Caught me between hair color appointments, but only 3 1/2 pounds from my weight at graduation! I haven't seen some of them since graduation! Also am glad I didn't date any of the guys in my class.

    Our wood floor is being installed Monday and Tuesday so I have a lot to do, not enough time for a lot of replies but my thoughts are with all who are struggling. Big congrats to those with victories.

    Welcome all new ladies!

    Yanniejannie, hugs!

    Alison, hugs!

    Michele, take care of that sunburn!

    Hugs and prayers,

    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Alison - Hugs!:flowerforyou: Self compassion :love:

    Carol - some British people would think my menu a bit weird as well! It's a bit old school, but the old ones are the good ones in my opinion! :bigsmile: I made 12 crepes (thin pancakes) today and they are in the fridge. I chose the menu because it is not too adventurous or too spicy. Left to my own devices I would be having chilli squid and sweetbread curry, but I am very much in the minority!:laugh:

    I was absolutely on my last legs after lunch after supermarket shopping, unpacking, cooking tonight's curry and accompaniment, and hanging up the washing. My cold was horrible and my back was aching. I took some pills and crashed out on the sofa. Woke up 3/4 hr later feeling much better!:bigsmile: Made the pancakes and arranged the flowers. Then I went to pick DH up from the cricket. It was a lovely sunny day so he is happy. We are expecting heavy frost Friday night so we will have to bring our dahlia pot indoors. I'm glad I haven't put anything else delicate out yet.

    Katla - DH and I met on the internet. We had both been looking for a while and been out with other people, but no one had "stuck". DH'S partner had died three years before and I had been divorced for 5 years and separated for 9. We exchanged a couple of emails, saw a photo and had a phone call. Then we decided to meet up for a drink in a London pub called The Lamb and Flag in Covent Garden. I met him on 6th May at 6.20 pm. We got on really well from the off with plenty to talk about and many views in common. We talked for so long I was getting hungry so we went 20 yards away for an Italian meal. That was a Tuesday and we met again on the Friday. We still liked each other! :laugh: From then on we considered ourselves a couple. There were a few minor hiccups and irritations on the way, but we rubbed along and knocked each other's corners off and got married 18 months later. I count myself blessed every day and so does he.:love:

    Beautiful evening here. The light is gorgeous.

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Happy Wednesday.:flowerforyou: Today is a better day.:drinker: I trainned the new lady acouple hours this morning. I just wanted to get in there and do the work. Glad I am done for today. I guess next Monday I will have her 8-4. Patience!!:sad:
    I work the hospital gift shop this evening when I get off work. So going to be a long day.

    Rori--Hugs. Sorry to hear about your loss.:brokenheart: Great NSV. :flowerforyou:

    jb--hope you have a nice trip and enjoy the time with family.

    Joyce-beautiful words and so true. Thanks for sharing.

    Heather--your mother\daughter meal sounds wounderful. You are such a good hostess.

    Allison--Don't be so hard on yourself. You have had alot going on in your life the last several months. Take time for you and breath. hugs and prayers to you.:heart::heart:

    Cindy--how sad. Prayers to the family of all those affected by the storms. I know it is only 49 here today at noon and the last day of April. Mother nature is showing us who is boss. I had to turn the heat on yesterday and thought about getting my heavy coat back out. This is crazy. We have a motorcycle fund raiser on Saturday and to ride

    Carol--your vacation house sounds wounderful. Hope you get all the rest and recharging you need. We are planning a trip the end of August with some of our motorcycle group. We are going up thru the Blackhills and end up in SD at a three day Christian concert. One of the guys is planning the trip and has cabins linded up and then at the concert an house that is rented out. I am so looking forward to this, I just pray that it is not windy the whole trip.

    Well ladies I am all caught up and time to get somethings done before my shift is over. Have a good afternoon and remember we are on this life changing journey together.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE