The Randoms - January 2011



  • jessangel
    January goals are to work out at least 4-5 times a week weather it is doing wii fit, riding my bike or going to the gym or popping in a in workout video something to get modivated by the end of January I want to say good by to the 200's for sure and hopfully close to saying goodbye to the 190's Would like to be low 190's or high 180's If more I would be happy with that to but don't want to kid myself I am super busy.

    I have a lot of things I want to change for 2011 such as find more time for "me" I find myself always putting myself last weather it be for my kids, my husband , family members, friends or just anyone in general. I want to be able to make "healthier" meals which is a challange because I am used to the same meals that I have been making for years such as chicken alfrado, spaghetti, tacos etc. I want to try to become more patient with my children because I tend to be at home with them a lot and my husband away on jobs after a while I tend to get a little annoyed because I NEVER have a break because I live over 300 miles away from family and friends. also in 2011 I want to meet my all time goal of 145 which I have said over and over again but I really want to keep my head clear and get it done and stay at that weight. I know lots but I can do it ALL.. If I just focus on ME :)
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Bump for later.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My January goal is not to gain weight on my vacation later this month.

    My New Years resolutions are: Cook at home more, run a 5k every 4-6 weeks and streach each and every time I exercise.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975

    January 2011
    TaraMaria - Begin Half Marathon Training, Pilates/kickboxing 3 nights a week, Loose 3 pounds, Run 5K
    Sala46 - Start my weight loss on Monday 3rd January 2011 and cut down on alcohol, only drinking a couple of drinks on Fridays and Saturdays, If at all! Start with a positive attitude and attempt to lose 2ilb a week and exercise 3 times a week!!
    Mandi -
    Robyn - My monthly goal is to start using my pilates DVD again on a regular basis & tone a couple more inches off my waist.
    MiloBloom83 - 2 1/2 hours of spin per week(signed up for)and 3 runs of a minimum of 3 miles each. Also, no Mountain Dew for the month of January. Find a race to run in January or Feb., and break my new PR! Oh, and weigh less than 180 by the end of January.
    RaeNicoll - Start training for a triathlon (want to do one before my 30th birthday in September!)
    bionicdiver - Bulk up and lift heavy for the next 4 weeks plus 2 days per week of cardio. Work on perfecting my diet and staying honest with it for the entire month.
    Becca -
    Sara - To make the most of my personal training sessions that I just started at the gym, to use the gym 3 times a week, and to FINALLY SEE BELOW 150!!!
    Bryan - Start and actually stick to a workout routine starting Monday, January 3rd when I'll be 22.
    Celesalk - Complete the 30 Day Shred (or at least get to level 3... need to be realistic with my health issues, but goal is to complete). Personal - To turn my computer and TV off for one day every week and have a relaxing day away from work/school/pressures/etc.
    NYIceQueen - (1) Go past the 30-pound lost mark, (2) go back to NOT having any sodas, (3) move every day, even I'm in so much pain hubby has to literally pull me onto the couch from the floor because I can't (4) drink 6 servings of water a day -- 8's unrealistic for me.
    just_peachy - Taking away that glass of wine I've been letting myself have every night, this month will be dry! At least one day/wk drink my current weight (164) in ounces of water. Start half marathon training at least 3 miles at least 3x/wk. Learn to do REAL push-ups. Without the balance ball.
    Mandie - GET UNDER 170!!!!!!! Keep only weighing 2 times per day...[morning & night] Exercise a minimum of 200 minutes per week, log my food & exercise everyday, Do 11 pushups everyday
    Jessangel - Work out at least 4-5 times a week weather it is doing wii fit, riding my bike or going to the gym or popping in a in workout video something to get modivated by the end of January I want to say good by to the 200's for sure and hopfully close to saying goodbye to the 190's Would like to be low 190's or high 180's
    MissingMinnesota - My January goal is not to gain weight on my vacation later this month.

  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Everyone's goals are amazing!!! LOVE it!!! A few of them made me think I need to make my one sentence a tad! It seemed wimpy!

    I'm so ready for tomorrow! Ready to get back in the swing of things for good! My husband has the day off so I will be very spoiled by that but I just can't wait to see my gym! My son starts back to school and I will be heading over there with Floyd to put in a good workout!

    This past weekend has been freaking me out though. I know I didn't get a whole lot of time to workout with NYE and then family things Sat and Sun. Since I began running this past November I've been feeling amazing! I have several autoimmune issues that make winters miserable and thus far I've only had a few aches and pains. This past week it started building up and this weekend it hit full force. So I'm not sure if its lack of working out (exercise is known to help with fibromyalgia and soft connective tissue disease) or if I just escaped a lot of the aches and pains until now. I'm praying hard that its just from lack of exercise THROUGH these winter days. I'll survive either way, I will just be incredibly bummed if the pain keeps up!

    What are you all most excited about this week and your routine?
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Hey, I'm pretty random, can I join this?

    My name is Maria and I'm a 20-yr-old college student - 240 lbs at 5'10" and not that exuberant about it.

    My goals are not really weight related so much as they are health related. I need to start exercising on purpose - at least 3x a week for 30 minutes (instead of what I've been doing, which is reaching the end of the day and thinking "Hmmm does moving myself into my dorm today count as exercise? how long did I do that for?")
    I want to plan workouts and look forward to them as times of respite from the world - by the end of January, I want to feel SAD if I have to miss a workout.

    How's that for a goal? (lol, writing it out helped, I didn't know I cared about this so much til I typed it!)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey, I'm pretty random, can I join this?

    My name is Maria and I'm a 20-yr-old college student - 240 lbs at 5'10" and not that exuberant about it.

    My goals are not really weight related so much as they are health related. I need to start exercising on purpose - at least 3x a week for 30 minutes (instead of what I've been doing, which is reaching the end of the day and thinking "Hmmm does moving myself into my dorm today count as exercise? how long did I do that for?")
    I want to plan workouts and look forward to them as times of respite from the world - by the end of January, I want to feel SAD if I have to miss a workout.

    How's that for a goal? (lol, writing it out helped, I didn't know I cared about this so much til I typed it!)

    Thats awesome! Writing things out always help me!! Welcome to the random group!!! :o) I think that is a perfect goal for yourself!!! :o) What are you majoring in at school? :o)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Anyone else scared to go to the gym today with all the newbies coming out in droves? I know I once was one but I am going to be really upset if I get to the gym and all the cardio machines are taken and people are just barely walking on them. Yesterday was really busy for a sunday when the gym is usually pretty empty and Monday is always the busiest day so I am wondering if I should get some shoulder pads and force my way through all the people milling around wondering what they want to do.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    The shoulder pads sound like fun :devil: though may not be a great idea.

    I hauled my cookies out of bed at 4:30 this morning and managed to AVERAGE a 9:00 mile!! That's nearly 2:30 better than my average! I'm not sure if it was the temperature (17 F) or that I just missed my morning runs but I'm not really sure I care what the reason. Way to kick off the year!!!!!!
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Thats awesome! Writing things out always help me!! Welcome to the random group!!! :o) I think that is a perfect goal for yourself!!! :o) What are you majoring in at school? :o)

    I'm majoring in Organizational Communications and hoping to work for my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, when I get out of school. That's another reason I want to be fit - ordering letter shirts and representing a group is so much easier when you're a more "average" size!
  • ambrchrstn
    My name is Amber. I'm 26, Mother to a little girl and 3 dogs. Full time worker and full time student. I've been trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds and tone up for the past 5 years. I'm needing to make a lifestyle change. Eating healthier, drinking less, and working out more. I want to have a leaner, more toned body, but find it dificult to keep up the motivation to workout. I find that lack of time seems to be my biggest excuse. As I've gotten a little older, I can tell that my body is changing. I need to incorporate good habits now, so I can live a longer, healthier life.

    SW: 141 lbs
    CW: 136 lbs
    GW: 120-125 lbs

    My goals for January:
    Lose 4 lbs - or atleast more than my fiance...we have a bet going
    Work out 4x a week
    Log my food intake everyday
    Drink 64oz of water EVERYDAY

    My family has a history of being overweight and think I'm crazy everytime I mention working out or eating right. My family loves me the way I am and are not the complete support that I need to reach my goals.

    I need people with unbiased opions of my looks to tell me to get off my butt and workout.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Ruth - Oh no...I forgot about that...*shiver* I'm heading to the gym in about an hour and I am now dreading it! It was always empty in the past at this time...a straggler here or there. But now I have visions of two people on a treadmill, fights breaking out over the ellipticals...people squirting each other with the cleaning solution...NOT GOOD. Ha ha! Every time I try to bring my husband, its packed so I'm sure it will be!! Gotta search the house for shoulder pads...

    Peachy - Congrats on your 9 minute mile!!!! I would love to run outside but I'm afraid I would freeze! I think I'm going to play it safe this winter and not start running outdoors until the spring. Wuss I know but I just am trying to play it as safe as possible. I can't believe I'm running to begin with... lol! :o)

    Maria - I've had a couple of friends do something similar with their careers and I think that is amazing!! :o)

    Amber - Girl you are busy!!! But you are right on target with finding time now rather then later! I think its hilarious that you have a bet going with your fiance! Nice! LOL! Your goals are perfect and I'm sure you will see results! I'm sorry to hear about your family...I love my family desperately but its a fine line with them and this lifestyle. If I talk about working out sometimes its taken as "Tara thinks she is fat" and then I'm told stop working out. Sigh...How old is your daughter? And FYI I love your hair!! :o)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Peachy - Congrats on your 9 minute mile!!!! I would love to run outside but I'm afraid I would freeze! I think I'm going to play it safe this winter and not start running outdoors until the spring. Wuss I know but I just am trying to play it as safe as possible. I can't believe I'm running to begin with... lol! :o)
    Thanks! I was so excited I woke my bf & son both up tp tell them :blushing: I don't think you're a wuss at all! I have a really short attention span and I usually can't make it more than a mile on the treadmill before I get bored. It's critical to my ability to run that I have to get back to my car/house/where ever I started.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: What am i looking forward to about my workout/routine this week?

    That I get to be back in it! Lol! Being home for the last week and a half along with Christmas and New Year's has really thrown a wrench into the routine. Oddly enough, I had enough gusto to actually workout so that's a good thing. I'm just ready to get back into the swing of things!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm majoring in Organizational Communications and hoping to work for my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, when I get out of school. That's another reason I want to be fit - ordering letter shirts and representing a group is so much easier when you're a more "average" size!

    My little sister is in Alpha Xi Delta!! She's a sophomore education major at Rider University in NJ. My best friend in college was also an AXiD at Cornell where I went.

    And I'm honestly scared of going to the gym after work today. I just want a cardio machine for 45 minutes, that's all I ask. Not to be mean, but I want everyone to fall off the wagon as fast as possible so I don't have to fight for equipment as much. My gym in general isn't insanely packed, but I have seen in at least once where there were no treadmills or ellipticals. As long as I don't have to use the Stairmaster!!! *screams*... haha. I have a personal training session tomorrow at 7, so at least I won't have to worry too much with that. Going today tho, I just want one machine...
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Soooo this is totally RANDOM, but I just posted some progress pics to my blog if you'd like to check them out:happy:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: What am i looking forward to about my workout/routine this week?

    RUNNING!!! I'm so excited to be able to again!
    And the fact that I do it outside & don't have to fight for machines :noway:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ugh the gym wasn't that bad tonight but I just could not get a good calorie burn. It just felt like no matter what I did I could not get my HR over 135 for an extended period. Bah!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    QOTD: What am i looking forward to about my workout/routine this week?

    My personal training session at the gym tomorrow. I wasn't entirely prepared for it last week and I ended up not eating for about 6 hrs before going, in short I ended up getting woozy and not being able to do much! Lesson learned this time, I'm having a light dinner before the session this time. I know a trainer will push me harder than I'll push myself, I think I'll ask him to dial it back a bit. I need to explain better what I'm looking to achieve, since I couldn't do that very well last time being all woozy and all... haha
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD: What am i looking forward to about my workout/routine this week?

    That I actually have one planned! And that I'm excited about it makes me even more excited, cuz I normally don't like working out!