What's the worst thing you ever ate regularly pre-mfp?



  • jlmorehouse
    jlmorehouse Posts: 4 Member
    Butter, just straight butter. I can't have it in the house at all and whenever I do I find myself weakening and just taking a bite or smothering a little healthy cracker with it.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    Almost anything sweet. I am a baker and I could eat a pan of fudge or brownies throughout the day without batting an eye. I'd also stop at Dunkin Donuts twice a week and get two blueberry cake donuts and two milks. Any of my grandmother's casseroles or cooking in general I would just eat until I was stuffed and she's a southern mawmaw who cooks with buttermilk, butter, flour and cheese... all of that delicious bad for you stuff.
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    UP until as late as a few weeks ago......around April 11th I was in school full time, had 10hour days, 5 days a week.

    This is how i ate for a week:

    Panera bread for oatmeal & turkey sandwich 3x per week
    Mcdonalds for oatmeal or mcmuffin & chicken or cheeseburger sandwich 2 x per week
    Geppettos delivery for dinner 3-4x per week......meatball sandwiches, pizza, chicken sandwiches
    Thai food/Mexican food/Polish food delivery other nights....

    Wow...and i can honestly say that none of the above food was worth it. It was all about convenience for me.
    Eating like that for months on end left me feeling lethargic, bloated....grossed out at myself....but it easy to do with my schedule.

    BUt those days are officially over.....hallelujah!
  • krysrago
    krysrago Posts: 6 Member
    I graduated from college not too long ago. That's where I gained all my weight. I would have a venti hot chocolate evreyday because there was a starbucks conveniently located in the library. When I got home I would either make dinner (I was the one who cooked out of my roomates) or I would by takeout (cause I really needed to study). But I would eat everything between chips, tons of protein, and I would drink probably at least 4 cans of coke a day. I had never really eaten so much fast food until I went to college. Didn't help that the college lifestyle catered to it, but it was my choice to consume. And me, who never was overweight, gained about 55 pounds over.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    A lot of sweets, and not in moderation. A piece of chocolate cake for a snack, then at lunch, then after dinner. Probably about 1200 calories without even realizing it! Or, three Ghirardelli brownies in one sitting.....hey they are small, right? But at 250 calories each, that's 750 for just a "snack".

    It was stuff like that.
  • ElidaBravo
    ElidaBravo Posts: 41
    OMG thats soooooo true! I love butter....i have an all time embarrassing story regarding butter! It was March, around 10pm-ish at night, I just got home, was dead tired, hungry....... and grabbed 2 pieces of bread a knife..and took the tub of CHALLANGE Butter with me to my bedroom.

    I planned on eating the bread n butter then returning it to the fridge.....but i ate the food....and just fell asleep! I woke up with a tub of butter in my bed??!!! Wow, that was FIRST TIME MOMENT that i wont be repeating!

    I wont buy quality sweet cream butter at all...just cannot be in the house.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    "So for you people that think you are too far gone to do anything about your problem... Who think you are the only one who eats as badly as you... who hide your eating from other people, and seclude yourself from friends:


    Never give in! Never give in!!! Never, never never!!!

    Good post because of the last bit.
    Haven't read the others because it might set me off but maybe this embarrassing one hasn't been mentioned (not regularly, but several times prior to buckling down on MFP):
    Velveeta & Rotel Tomatoes Queso with Fried Tortilla Chips. Hard to eat in moderation! Even then, say you call fourteen chips a serving, but then the fourteen tablespoons of queso alone (not counting chips) has 2625 mg of sodium (more than a day's worth). Not to mention 476 calories, and 21 g saturated fat (again, not counting chips).
    Not giving in :-)
  • YukiValentine
    YukiValentine Posts: 45 Member
    a whole bag of chips day after day
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    When I was about 14-15 me and my dad worked on Sundays 10-12 hours (he owns a mine) and we we're the only ones that would go to work, so every other sunday we would get a dozen doughnuts in the morning and eat them before noon, we would get the chocolate bars, cream filled, jelly filled, basically the worst ones, and split the dozen along with a 6 pack + of pepsi.
    Pretty amazing i never gained any weight from it. but then again we were working (physical labor) for 10+ hours so thats probably why. doesnt mean it was in any way an okay thing to be doing. and i would never do it again, i can hardly stand to eat one doughnut now.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    I used to eat a loooot of different kinds of bread and of course several cups of rice with meat and fried stuff. plus when there are sweets in the house, I eat a bunch and sometimes finish it's all for me lol
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    noodles noodles noodles
    ketchup chips all the time
    curly fries
    vegan chicken nuggets & veggie dogs all the time
    vegan ice cream
    id bake cookies or brownies and eat them all in a day
    go to the bulk barn and buy 50 bucks worth of candy & random chocolates
    trail mix.. big huge bags at ounce
    timmies donuts or timbits when I was vegetarian
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Cheese (any kind) in blocks (if I ate cheese in a meal, it would be at least 200 g in it).

    Bags of nuts. I was snacking on 100 g of almonds. Aka 700 calorie snack. And my dinner and lunch weren't light either.

    Butter. Everything tastes better with butter. Sauteed veggies. Morning eggs. Fish. Chicken.

    Full fat sour cream. Eating it with a spoon. Between meals.
  • aprilricks86
    aprilricks86 Posts: 67 Member
    oh I must admit I am loving this thread . . . I'm sure it's reminding everyone how far we've come, or maybe what we're working toward moving away from lol

    This thread brought back so many funny memories for me. I remember my old brother was kind of a d*** about me being fat and eating too much as a kid so I would always sneak food around him. Once when he came home earlier than I was ready for (and in the middle of eating a heaping bowl of ice cream with marshmallows on top!) I hid the bowl in my sister's closet until he left lol . . .

    Another time I remember hiding a giant plate of spaghetti in my sister's closet when a childhood (boy) friend of mine came over looking to hang out with my sister and I. I told him I was busy and could maybe hang out later on. bwahaha ohhh I was such a sad little kid.

    I would say one meal that comes to mind was from Mcdonald's . . . a big mac, supersize fry and probably sugared soda. That was one of my favorites. I also really used to like Arby's, pizza hut (my friend and I would order a large and split it), KFC's chicken sandwiches and potato wedges, of course with a sugared soda. I used to (and may have done this this past year, though on a smaller scale) take a crap ton of oreos, stuff them into a glass of milk, and mush it all up to make a "milkshake." Now that one I still like, not gonna lie. I rarely eat oreos now, though.

    Thanks for this thread, brought me back to my childhood!
  • ramyad1
    ramyad1 Posts: 16
    2 x large dominos mighty meat pizzas
    6 piece KFC chicken with 4 fries and 2 large gravy
    2 x chinese starters, prawn on toast, 4 chinese takeaway meals and noodles,
    10+ packs of crisps (had 25 packs in a row once)
    2 large dairy milk chocolate bars, 5 pack of snickers, Mr kipling's 6 pack of cakes
    Copious amounts of curry - Like 1 kg of the meat/sauce plus 10 chapatis

    Serious eating per meal. Plus other stuff during the day too.I still do sometimes,can't help it. Rare though now, has to be a really bad day.
  • ramyad1
    ramyad1 Posts: 16
    4 Whoppers and 2 large fries, with a liter of Dr. Pepper.

    I'm with you!

    When I was going through my burger phase would have 2 x quarter pounders, 6 x double cheese burgers and 4 x fries.
  • azyzzam
    azyzzam Posts: 36
    Here is mine:
    Little Caesar's Hot and Ready pizza (the whole thing)
    family order of crazy bread (whole thing)
    4 garlic butters

    Calories: 3,560
    Fat: 168g
    Cholestrol: 200mg
    Sodium: 6240mg
    Carbs: 376g
    Protein: 136g

    So for you people that think you are too far gone to do anything about your problem... Who think you are the only one who eats as badly as you... who hide your eating from other people, and seclude yourself from friends:


    Never give in! Never give in!!! Never, never never!!!

    I did that plus a pint of ice cream as one meal, even during mfp...

    But I have serious bingeing issues, can easily down 15,000 cals in a day.
    My worst day as of yet was 18,000 calories
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Full fat cheese.
    Can easily eat a 350/400g block a day.
    Still would if I could!

    Of course, it didn't take MFP to stop doing that, well knew that it was an 'issue' without MFP :).

    This^^^ and Mexican food of any kind. So hard cause I live in Texas and we texans LOVE our Mexican food :love:
  • mg17601
    mg17601 Posts: 18
    Up until I turned 43 I was a stick and I could eat anything I wanted. I usually didn't eat much all day but a fast-food lunch (Burger King Big Mac with cheese, large fries, chocolate milkshake) and candy bars out of the vending machine at work with lots of coffee all day long. For dinner I ate mostly fried foods, extra cheese on everything, steaks with Bearnaise sauce, lots of starches with gravy or cheese and a big dish of ice cream with fudge or cake with extra icing if it was available. I also drank lots of beer just about every night.

    Then I stopped drinking, smoking and bamo - the pounds wouldn't stop piling on. I tried Nutrisystem, then tried eating nothing all day and a salad at night (which would lead to a big binge once or twice a week), then I tried sticking to a low calorie - low fat diet, nothing stopped to gaining.

    Now TDEE-20% and eating small healthy meals every 3-4 hours with small treats occasionally has finally made a difference. I lost 18 pounds last year and right now I'm on a plateau but I'm assured it will break sooner or later. Trying to do more resistance exercise than cardio now to build more fat burning muscle.

    I think all those perservatives, transfats and chemical-concoctions I ate make the fat that built up harder for my body to eliminate. No scientific info on this but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.
  • Shauneerae21
    Super size fast food meals
    Whole tub of ice cream with all the fixings
    Numbeous chocolate bars
    Big bag of Doritos

    That was pretty much my daily intake and then some. Plus, when I first started college, I partied and drank quite a bit. I was never obese, I blame that on my young metabolism, but I certainly was not healthy and didn't look great.