

  • Guinness80
    Guinness80 Posts: 39 Member
    I've tried restricting out all the "bad" foods in my diet in the past and all it did was make me want them more and I would end up on a binge when I finally let myself have them.

    This time I'm looking at portion control. And making sure when I do have something tasty that I eat it slowly and savor every single bite. I'm finding when taking my time like this I am satisfied with a lot less of the sweet stuff.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Yup I eat what I want. I heart chocolate and eat it quite often during the week. I try to keep the naughty foods under control but if I want the fat snacks I will most likely eat the fat snacks. :drinker:
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    I try to fit in an oreo or two, and some ice cream! Peanut butter is an everyday thing (it fits into my macros, and it's healthy all-natural! Sometimes Nutella, or reeses will make an appearance too!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I always eat food that I want to eat and only foods that I enjoy eating. I make the effort to eat a balanced diet, but for all the nutrients my body needs I choose foods that I really like to provide those. Life's too short to force yourself to eat foods you hate, and it's also too short to deprive yourself of foods that you love. You just need to pay attention to getting all the right nutrients in the right balance, and the right portion sizes for your body's needs. For any nutrient there's loads of food that provide them. And once you've eaten all the nutrients you need, if you have calories remaining, eat what you want to get those calories.

    so basically, you can eat what you want, you just have to pay attention to portion sizes and ensuring you're getting all the nutrients you need in the process.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I try to limit the things I really want. I eat it sometimes. But if I ate it everyday I would gain weight because I do not seem to limit myself to the serving size. So for me, it's better if I don't eat it and don't have it in the house at all.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    You can eat what you want within your calories so you could diet on chocolate bars as long as you don't exceed your calorie goal. Having said that you would soon get very bored (and very sick) if you did that every day. If you want to have any real quantity of food I find you are forced to eat healthier because healthier tends to be lower calorie - but I always save calories every day for a treat of some kind - chocolate, a glass of wine. My diet now consists of smaller and healthier versions of what I ate before so yes, I do eat what I want every day.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    You can eat what you want within your calories so you could diet on chocolate bars as long as you don't exceed your calorie goal. Having said that you would soon get very bored (and very sick) if you did that every day. If you want to have any real quantity of food I find you are forced to eat healthier because healthier tends to be lower calorie - but I always save calories every day for a treat of some kind - chocolate, a glass of wine. My diet now consists of smaller and healthier versions of what I ate before so yes, I do eat what I want every day.

    Sick and craving? Yes. Bored on chocolate bars all day every day? Never! There are so many kinds. :laugh:
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Well, I certainly don't eat what I don't want or something that I don't care for just because it's good for me.

    Food is tasty and should be enjoyed and by no means is any food "off limits". If you want sweets or chips or whatever then find a way to fit it into your overall calories for the day. There are some foods that if I start, yeah I won't stop. Tostitos corn chips are like crack to me. Those are one thing I have a very, very hard time just eating a serving of. If I really want to control it I could just buy a single serving bag. Or just blow off a day and consume mass quantities and get right back on track the next day. Food is meant to be enjoyed. Moderation 80% of the time allows for splurges and that's how it should be. Mindless eating is the real bad guy, it sucks you in and before you know it the bags are empty.

    I do know that the less sugar I eat (processed crap) the less I crave it. We've got Tastykakes and Oreos and Nutter Butters (Nutter Butters!!) sitting in the panty. Not even tempted. I bake home made all the time (haven't done much in the past several weeks). Made chocolate chip cookies last night. They're not my favorite anyways but I do like them 10 mins out of the oven, all warm and melty. One broke as I was taking it off the cookie sheet. When it cooled I ate some of the broken part ... it so didn't do it for me. At all. Passed on the rest.

    I do find myself getting into a rut of eating the same xx foods over and over again. I really need to get a good variety of foods/recipes under my belt.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Ill admit when I started I would have liked to say Yes Ill eat what I want in moderation....but that got me to fall off the wagaon a few too many times.

    I had to be strict with eating for quite some time- just for me to learn what fit in my macros. NOW... I can say yes. I eat what I want...when I want to- because I gained the knowledge of what foods in a day fit my macros- and that does help dictate wheather or not I am going to eat a bowl of rice or pasta at the end of the day or if I eat a lean protein and veggies. SO I guess it depends on how you look at it.

    Balance is the key. Some days are right on.. others are a bit off... I try to keep my eye more focused on the bigger picture. I like the weekly report to gauge how well I am on my macros....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Pretty much yes. I'm systematic, so I eat a lot of the same whole foods everyday, then mix in whatever I feel like eating and staying within calorie limits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I always eat what I want, I sometimes don't eat as much of it as I want to. It's a learning process.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I eat chocolate everyday..BUT it could be (a graham cracker spread with marscarpone cheese and my favorite chocolate sprinkles(from the Netherlands I got at this frou-frou market here in Chicago) on top. I ate that for about a week everynight. Heck, I am still eating that every night. I'm not to hung up on breakfast, lunch or dinner..but chocolate. Yes, everyday. But I don't go hogwild. maybe next week It will be chocolate yogurt ..i try to fit what I like but keep the portion reasonable.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I try to hit/come close to my macros every day, so I make sure to eat fruits, veggies, etc. every day. That's my biggest priority: getting the right fuel. But I definitely still get to eat what I want. Yesterday I had a 1000 calorie burrito from Pancheros because it fit into my calories for the day (and it was so, so, so queso-y and delicious). A few days ago, I had a mini Ben & Jerry's ice cream because I had a few hundred calories I didn't know what to do with after a high-cal-burn workout day. I don't get to treat myself to these things every day, but when I do, I make it count :) But generally I'm eating foods I want to eat & that I like, so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    When people think of dieting they think of no sweets, no sugar, and no treats. But, I think you should be able to eat what you enjoy everyday (in moderation of course). Do you agree? Can you still lose weight this way as long as you stay at your calorie goal? What things are you eating everyday as a treat? Or something you incorporate into your diet that may not be "healthy"?

    I do.

    But I also have a healthy relationship with food. And I LIKE what people consider "healthy foods". Many times I prefer grilled chicken and veggies, even at a restaurant. Or a huge salad with no dressing. In the summer, I will eat a lunch of just fresh veggies from the garden.

    So I understand some people having to restrict certain things until they get in a better place. But the goal should not be to deprive for a certain time, get to a certain weight, then eat ALL THE THINGS! with reckless abandon. That is why people gain weight back.

    It's all about balance.

    Yesterday I had a salad for lunch and for dinner I had a burger then hot fudge and ice cream for dessert.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    When people think of dieting they think of no sweets, no sugar, and no treats. But, I think you should be able to eat what you enjoy everyday (in moderation of course). Do you agree? Can you still lose weight this way as long as you stay at your calorie goal? What things are you eating everyday as a treat? Or something you incorporate into your diet that may not be "healthy"?

    well what i would "like" to eat everyday would probably grow me a double chin
    pizza burgers ice cream pizza... aka fatty food

    so........... i literally haven't had any of that since I started this diet April 1st
    oh no i take that back I had pizza the 2nd week of April lol

    Everyone says you can eat any thing just remember portion control
    i just know myself if i'm alone and i purchase such foods I wont be thinking about portion control so i just dont bother with it at all
  • beleeLafter
    beleeLafter Posts: 47
    Nope, or I'd be a giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.......or..................heart, egg, pumpkin,'s better without those edges :P
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 171 Member
    howdy !! i have a love affair w/ popcorn - my son knows when i'm ready for bed for he hears the popcorn poping away --lol
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Yes, that's the only way I am getting through this. I eat a lot of "clean" foods, but I don't deny myself what I want. If I want a cookie, I log it and enjoy it. I have found that I prefer to eat more. I know I can eat a heck of a lot more spinach than I can cookies for 150 calories. So I eat a lot less cookies than before.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    'I always eat what I want, I sometimes don't eat as much of it as I want to. It's a learning process.'

    ^^^ this every day^^^

    I had pizza Saturday (but only a couple small pieces instead of the whole friggin pizza :tongue: ), I have chocolate most days, etc. What I don't do anymore is wake up in the morning and eat a 1lb bag of chips for breakfast or have a half loaf of bread (as toast). It;s all about portion control, not about denying yourself certain foods.
  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member

    Here's the attitude I take...I don't even really worry about macros. It's the same reason that skinny people make the best food critics. Since I'm not going to take in a ton of calories, and I'm going to be a lot more selective on my food choices, then I want to make sure that everything I eat is REALLY GOOD. I'm not content scarfing down McDonald's or KFC chicken, because it doesn't taste that good.

    Dammit I'm going to get the most out of my 1600 calories!