The Randoms - January 2011



  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member

    My little sister is in Alpha Xi Delta!! She's a sophomore education major at Rider University in NJ. My best friend in college was also an AXiD at Cornell where I went.

    That's awesome! I haven't found very many of us on here, but I'm trying to get some of the sisters in my chapter (Ohio Northern University) to join because they're always talking about how they should "diet", and I don't like that word. I'm trying to live differently than I used to - I'm not on a "diet".
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Happy Birthday SumDumBum! Hope it was a great one! :)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    GOSH DARNIT MANDI...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    My goofy brain!!!! How could I forget!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYAN!!!! I hope you had an awesome birthday!!!!! :o) Let us know what you did!!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    GOSH DARNIT MANDI...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    My goofy brain!!!! How could I forget!!!

  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Tara, you are just mad that I'm cooler than you.. BAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding :) Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

    Ding- Your pictures look AWESOME! Can't wait until I can post mine :) You are gorgeous!!!

    OK- QOTD: I'm always curious to know what people do for a living? Do you work, Stay at home and love up on babies, go to school? Let's get to know each other!
  • SarcasticManiac
    Thanks for the B-Day wishes you guys!!!

    QOTD: My full time job right now is as a senior accounting major at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: I'm always curious to know what people do for a living? Do you work, Stay at home and love up on babies, go to school? Let's get to know each other!

    I am a shoe tying, boo boo kissing, word spelling, homework checking, argument settling, "NO FAIR!!" ignoring, Lego building, basketball cheering, video game beating single mom to an almost 8 year old boy.
    Oh, and I'm a CSR for a phone company in Ohio.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    GOSH DARNIT MANDI...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    My goofy brain!!!! How could I forget!!!


    LOL! I'm sorry! I forget we have two of you! I was yelling at the one that remembered Bryan's me...jealous rage...that sort of thing... :o)
  • ambrchrstn
    Amber - Girl you are busy!!! But you are right on target with finding time now rather then later! I think its hilarious that you have a bet going with your fiance! Nice! LOL! Your goals are perfect and I'm sure you will see results! I'm sorry to hear about your family...I love my family desperately but its a fine line with them and this lifestyle. If I talk about working out sometimes its taken as "Tara thinks she is fat" and then I'm told stop working out. Sigh...How old is your daughter? And FYI I love your hair!! :o)

    My little girl is really a step daughter but I call her mine. She's been in my life for the last 3 years, since she was 2. We have her all the time and I'm really lucky that I get along with her "real" mom and my fiance and I are able to have a good relationship with her and her husband. That has been a huge blessing. My fiance's the only one who's super supportive of me wanting to get in better shape. The rest of my family thinks I'm nuts lol... And it's not that there really discouraging me... They just don't get it. lol... The hardest thing for me will be finding the time to work out. I lived 2 minutes from an all girl gym that I absolutely loved... and now live 25 minutes away. I'm trying to find a closer alternative but I'm just not comfortable with what i've seen. I think i'm going to start working out at home first and get in to a little bit of a routine before I hand out money on a gym membership to a place I don't like. I gotta get off my butt and get moving!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Ding- Your pictures look AWESOME! Can't wait until I can post mine :) You are gorgeous!!!

    OK- QOTD: I'm always curious to know what people do for a living? Do you work, Stay at home and love up on babies, go to school? Let's get to know each other!

    Thank you Mandi! That is so sweet of you :blushing:

    As far as what I do for a "living" --> I am a full time psychology student [only 1 semester to goooo!] working towards being a social worker or school counselor, a full time wife :happy: which i LOVE & I am currently interviewing for some nanny positions! Hopefully one of them will workout!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Peachy - Love your Description! I lol'd!!!

    Bryan - Going to school is a full time job...I can't imagine...AND you are taking care of yourself on MFP! Dude.

    Amber - I'm not sure what you have but I do love my workout DVD's. I have my Zumba DVD's which are absolutely awesome and my go to workouts along with my kickboxing DVD by 10 Minute Solutions. If you have a Wii I highly recommend geting Netflix for about 8 or 9 bucks a month and there are plenty of workout dvds on there to try!!! :o)

    Mandie - I think its amazing that you have one semester to go!!! WOOT! Good luck with your interviews and keep us posted!! My favorite picture that you posted in your blog was the one in your old pants! :noway: I can't believe how awesome you look!!! WTG!

    As for me! I'm a stay at home mommy but my baby started special ed preschool this past fall so my afternoons have been freed up quite a bit! I've been going to the gym, doctors and recently started volunteering. I also love to spend time at his school with him. :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Well you SAH mama's are saints really. I have three children- 7, 4, 19 mos and let me tell is my vacation on most days :) Just kidding. I'd love to be part time, but I'm a teacher and I LOVE it. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'll get there. Finding teaching jobs in NW Iowa are very tough. I'm getting closer.

    Mandie- where do you go to school? We are in Minneapolis ALL THE TIME in the summer. Huge Twins fans. We should meet up.

    Amber- We'll be your support family :) I'm not trying to brag, but we're a pretty big deal :wink: So stick around. We'd love to get to know you more!!!

    Anyone else from the midwest??
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    I'm a rocket scientist! Hahaha... well, sorta. I'm a mechanical systems engineer and I work on geostationary communication satellites. So not quite rockets, but satellites are close. I love my job, it's fun to design and play with satellites all day. I specifically work on the structure, so nothing too fancy, like flux capacitors... haha (bonus points if you get that reference). I just started a year ago right out of college, so I'm still figuring all the details out.
  • ambrchrstn
    MandiJo- Thanks!! and Its not bragging... it's true. You guys are awesome lol This is my first time to do the message boards since I've been a member, and I love it.

    about me:

    I'm 26, living in Oklahoma. I work for a company that removes environmental hazards like asbestos, lead, mold, and anything else that's icky. I'm taking classes at a vo-tech in phleobotomy and should be finished in a couple months and I'm also enrolled in college classes working towards Respiratory Therapy. That's my main goal. I should be completely done with school by next summer and can not wait! I've got a 5 year old step daughter and 3 dogs- beagle, husky, and a st. bernard pup that keep me pretty busy.
  • jessangel
    I was born in raised in Mason City, Iowa (Northern) but now live in Fargo! :) this was to mandijo but guess i responded wrong.. new to this.
  • SarcasticManiac

    I'm a rocket scientist! Hahaha... well, sorta. I'm a mechanical systems engineer and I work on geostationary communication satellites. So not quite rockets, but satellites are close. I love my job, it's fun to design and play with satellites all day. I specifically work on the structure, so nothing too fancy, like flux capacitors... haha (bonus points if you get that reference). I just started a year ago right out of college, so I'm still figuring all the details out.

    I believe that would be a Back to the Future reference?

    My question is, do you ever get to work on a matter/antimatter warp core and dilithium crystals?
  • stampede55
    I work as a mechanical designer/engineer for a natural gas metering company. I spend most of my days in front of my computer playing with 3D CAD systems and stressing about food and exercise. These past couple of weeks have been crazy busy so I haven't had much time to chat, but hopefully I can find time outside of work to catch up in this group.

    I'm like 4 QOTD's behind....:ohwell:

    Hope every one had a great New Years!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Most of my day is spent in a cube farm predicting the future. No no I don't work for Ms. Cleo even thought that would be a whole lot more interesting. I am a mortgage underwriter so I review peoples lives to determine if they will be able to make payments on their mortgage in the future.

    Mandijo I am a midwest girl living in the south. Sigh I dream of moving back.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    jessangel- Im about an hour north of Sioux City if that helps you! My sister-in law grew up in Roshalt ( I think that's how you spell it) which is I think fairly close to Fargo?

    MissingMinnesota- :( bummer! Move back!!! FAST! I'm a Twin's fan too :) Nice taste!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I am an RN working with a private duty agency. I personally do patients on vents, have feeding tubes, nephrostomies, central lines - Hickman/Broviac/or ports, etc that need 24 hr care in order to stay in their homes and out of facilities. We try to normalize their lives (and families) as best possible.
    I am a single 55yr. old ( for a few more days) empty nester.
    I enjoy spending time with my 2 1/2 yr old grandson 1x/week. My work schedule currently is 3 - 12 hr shifts/wk. Flipping days (days off) to overnights for work is a bit tiring at my age. LOL.
    Have yo-yo dieted most of my adult life and finding it harder to take weight off now am comes off a lot slower.
    Hoping to get by my birthday next week without too much damage. ..:ohwell: