Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • madzzukun
    madzzukun Posts: 5
    Always looking for more friends And motivation!
  • I am in, and it would be nice to get some friends from MI.
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in, today is my first day back after a long hiatus. Looking to make friends and lose about 75 pounds.
  • rsammie2014
    rsammie2014 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm Sam from Manchester in the UK. I have around 110lbs to lose. I started properly around 2 weeks ago. I have just bought a wiiU and using the wii fit to get as much exercise as I can fit in whilst running the house and seeing to my 2 children single handedly! Add me if you need a buddy I do! :)

    Sam xx
  • PurpleMomster
    PurpleMomster Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, everybody! I'm 45, just recently lost 75lbs, looking to lose another 12 to 13. I recently started running - very slowly but I'm running :smile: and doing some weight lifting while tracking what I eat.

    I log in everyday and have an open diary - it's not pretty some days but it's all there.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey! Mom, wife, sports, lifting, 5ks, dogs, cats, what else needs to be said? I've been on MFP awhile and am just enjoying losing weight and still getting in some pizza with iifym. :)
  • Ninnyk
    Ninnyk Posts: 18 Member
    I started out with My Fitness Pal two years ago and lost a lot of weight before my wedding but since then, it has slowly and surely crept back on ( with VAT). I can't ignore it anymore and would love some friends so that we could encourage each other along the way. I have some about 35kgs to lose. Would love to be able to wear clothes that I like again rather than what just fits. Please feel free to add me.
  • This is round 2 weight loss for me! I lost it before through MFP calorie counting and plenty of exercise, but life happened and I regained it all :( Now I want to lose 40 lbs and get my old body back, with a bit of support along the way - which I will of course reciprocate. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
  • abolante
    abolante Posts: 1
    I'm returning to MFP after fracturing my foot. I was running for the past year and was feeling really good about myself. After the injury I gained all the weight back and now am starting from the beginning with learning how to eat healthier.

    I'm looking for people who are motivated and supportive. I truly believe you are the company you keep and I'm ready to be surrounded by people who want to reach their goals and are fighting to get there.
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    I need motivation to eat right!! I do pretty well with exercise, but I love food! I've been stagnant with my weight for a long time now. I need to lose about 40 pounds.
  • I just started getting back into MFP and would love some more motivation. I am 173 and would love to be 130. Feel free to add me.
  • parmxo
    parmxo Posts: 2
    I'm "newish" add me :)
  • ahappydancer
    ahappydancer Posts: 34 Member
    NICE love that avie "Make every day your *****!" love that

    ok, so, totally not being a butt, BUT

    I am wondering what the friend function really does? I get a friend request, I accept, I now have 3 friends. Is that supposed to make me feel better, or is there something on the site that interacts or whatever?

    I don't quite get it.

    Having a support system can really help with anything-being a parent, quitting smoking, loss of a spouse. It makes sense to have a support system for losing weight, even if its just a bunch of strangers on the internet.

    With that in mind, I'd love some new friends!
  • ravencomeslaughing
    ravencomeslaughing Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Meg!

    I use MFP to watch my fat and salt intake, but also to make sure I'm eating right, getting enough water, and doing some kind of movement every day. While weight loss would be nice, it's not as much a focus as overall health. I have fibromyalgia, so exercising is really hard. I'm trying to eat right, reduce the toxins in my life, and get as healthy as I can through natural means.
  • iWorkout4Vino
    iWorkout4Vino Posts: 25 Member

    I'm from Aldridge in the UK and have about 14lbs to my first goal. I tend to log on every day but this is my first go at the message boards; would love to have some friends who are having the same struggles as me :wink: :drinker:
  • crohnsfighter
    crohnsfighter Posts: 689 Member
    Bump! Feel free to add, I'm on daily now :)
  • nikkipaige
    nikkipaige Posts: 23 Member
    Yay friends! I'm 24, 15lb down, about 30 to go. I log on every day and motivate as much as I can. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • brittinpink
    brittinpink Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm 27, needing to lose close to 100 pounds. New to the board! Come say hi!
  • BellaTatra
    BellaTatra Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 and need to lose about 5-10 lbs to get to my healthy weight. I log in every day, 20 day stream today, and my diaries are open. I'm also a pretty good comment cheerleader. :) Feel free to add me!
  • bjfields1
    bjfields1 Posts: 3
    The hardest part is getting started. Youre half way there. Stay motivated!!!