Giving your body no choice but to burn fat daily



  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    I wonder if anyone here could actually articulate why they care so much if a post is filled with incorrect information?

    So some new person doesn't try subsist on 8g of protein a day most likely.

    I don't actually care. If someone tried to live on 9g of protein a day, I'd ask them to post progress on youtube.

    But to a lot of these people, they just like a fight they can win. Obvious misinformation + obviously underinformed OP + argument that's been had a thousand times = easy win for those who want to feel intellectually superior and somehow "moral" about ripping someone to shreds.

    Careful you don't cut yourself with all that edgy.
  • GoPhil04
    GoPhil04 Posts: 93
    The information she is giving is not accurate in any way shape or form.

    Its only viewed as helpful by the inept.

    This information should be ridiculed so that the inept can see the error in her ways.

    Sitting in a sauna/whirlpool is cardio? GTFO.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    lmao @ starvation mode, congrats you broke the first law of thermodynamics brb nobel prize

    ****ing retard

    Umm, yeah, you're not much better than the OP with all that.

    Agreed. Please stop using that word as an insult, please. and thank you.
    not that i disagree with you in any way about using that word, but there isnt really an insult that can be used without offending anyone (not including whos being insulted)

    That may be so, but she could have just called everyone idiots or a*holes. She doesn't have to demean an entire group of people by using that term to insult others and in turn insult people who actually suffer from Mental Retardation. It's wrong and even the people I work with ( which are people who have been diagnosed with mental retardation) know better than to call someone else a retard...

    also, this is the only offensive term that bothers me. I'm fun with the B-word, C-word, any creative concotion of derogatory words... lol. just not Retard.

    What about F*cktard? I've always enjoyed that one.

    Douchepickle is my personal favorite.

    OOOOOOOoooooh Douchpickle!!! I LIKE that one. I usually call people C**t-*kitten*... I don't know why other than I like the c word... way more than a person should. I blame Louis CK

    If you want to veil it nicely, just tell someone that they Can't Understand Normal Thinking
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Sure, she went all in rather quickly, but it doesn't negate the original point. Some folks had respectful replies illustrating their disagreement. Others went right for the sarcasm, ridicule and mockery. If you actually want to educate people, encourage meaningful exchanges and minimize the spread of misinformation, the latter isn't going to get it done. The content of the message will be completely lost in the delivery.

    Do people really interact like this in their real lives? I just have a hard time imagining that as I think they'd have very few friends, not keep a job and probably get into a good amount of fist fights.

    First of all, let me explain a little something to you called the internet. This is a highly social environment away from the niceties of every day life. Thank you for speaking out that someone who does not sugar coat things to perfect strangers must not have a job or friends. I, for one, have a highly formal job where I must keep up a professional appearance at all times. On the internet, I am free to share and express my views in any way I wish and I enjoy being quite a forthright person. If you want to boil down a person who has no name or identity other than an avatar and a screen name, how about you? I would say that, judging by your posts and nothing else, you've been picked on quite a bit. Hence your urgency to defend someone like OP while disregarding the fact that any member with a disabled loved one would be highly hurt by the use of the R word. I'm guessing you are not likely to have many friends and are desperately seeking the approval of others like you, ie: OP who has essentially been outcast from this forum.

    The point is that anywhere (such as the internet) where you have a MASS of people from all types of backgrounds, opinions, and behavioral sets (people from different regions handle things differently), you are bound to have a hodge-podge of differing views, most will not be expressed the way you choose to express yours.

    I should really save this.

    Wow. Thank you for illustrating my point. Well done.

    I didn't know that requesting common courtesy and respectful discourse was such a huge thing. They are essentially written into the forum rules, you know.

    As for the r-word, I'm pretty ambivalent about it. I think it's the evolution of language, much like dumb and lame are generally accepted descriptors now though they originate from similar origins as the r-word. However, I realize in polite society, some are offended by its use, so I don't use it out of common courtesy.

    I'd like common courtesy so I don't have to comb through 14 pages of junk to find the 2 pages of meaningful posts. I'd like to get rid of the disrespectful commentary because (1) it shuts down meaningful exchanges, (2) discourages many from posting at all (and this is a real shame) and (3) makes it more difficult to actually find the good posts.

    Hey honey, you don't HAVE to read 14 pages of the "junk". Just like you don't HAVE to respond. Just like you don't HAVE to boil down the personalities of 100 strangers based on their preferred method of internet conversation. Yet you did.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Since she refuses to provide her source, and has instead told us to research it ourselves, I googled "Do humans only need 8 grams of protein a day?" and got this:

    The first link is to the Centers for Disease Control with a recommendation for women age 19-70 for 46g of protein a day. The rest are similar, with many quoting the .8g per pound of LBM.

    P.S. OP has been reported.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    You know what this thread needs?

    I'd rather have Rebecca Romijn, his ex. But to each their own. (Seriously, I am never going to finish reading this, at this rate, it will become a new thread of it's own in about 5 minutes.)
  • negator5543
    negator5543 Posts: 36
    No I don't ...if I read this and changed my macros to 8grams of protein per day, how would that change anything for you?

    It just seems like ALOT of energy was spent on something with no real gains.(the info is so bad that sooo many people already knew all the corrections so what crisis were we averting here?)
    I'm not seeing the correlation between stopping bad information and "caring" about others.

    I care about my mother, I'm not going to go correct "heroine is awesome" posts on a message board because she might read it and believe it.

    You really don't see the point of disputing/disproving complete misinformation in a forum that some/many look to for guidance in weight loss?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    *forehead slap* It's proven we only need 8 grams of protein a day which is in 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. But I'm not arguing with ignorance... it only proves to be mind numbingly annoying.

    Say WHAT?! I'ma need to see where it says that. no! Show the "proven" part please
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I wonder if anyone here could actually articulate why they care so much if a post is filled with incorrect information?

    So some new person doesn't try subsist on 8g of protein a day most likely.

    I don't actually care. If someone tried to live on 9g of protein a day, I'd ask them to post progress on youtube.

    But to a lot of these people, they just like a fight they can win. Obvious misinformation + obviously underinformed OP + argument that's been had a thousand times = easy win for those who want to feel intellectually superior and somehow "moral" about ripping someone to shreds.

    I agree.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    Encouraging people with incorrect actions for healthy weight loss is bad. Hey, cabbage diet, yea that's good, thanks for telling me that it was a good idea for me to do that. Bit extreme example but essentially what folks here are trying to cull out.
    I for one appreciate it.
    We know everything on the web is true. The preceding statement is false.

    But some are doing it in horribly ineffective, counterproductive ways. You can vehemently disagree with someone and still do so in a respectful way.

    And what way would that be? Asking for scientific evidence to support your claims?

    Didn't see any of that happening.

    Nope, that's great. But just do so in a respectful way without all the unnecessary mockery, ridicule and general nastiness.

    If a 10 year-old gets his math homework wrong, do you point and laugh and tell him how ridiculous he is? Is that going to encourage him to learn?

    He's ten and not 30. Also, if one of my nephews, say the 12 year old came to me and told me a fact that I knew wasn't fact, I would tell him to prove it. I've done it before. He tried but failed. It was a good learning experience.

    But would you mock, ridicule or otherwise be nasty? Or say it was fine for someone else to do the same -- after all, he was wrong.

    Can people really not understand the difference?
    we're treating her the same way she treated us.

    plus y'know

    its the internet after all
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
  • thriftdiving
    thriftdiving Posts: 11 Member
    HAHAHA, I'm quite enjoying it myself!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    So many people here have been miserable about their weight for a long time that they absolutely go nuts over a chance to bully somebody else. The sarcasm level in this thread is asinine. :laugh:
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    So many people here have been miserable about their weight for a long time that they absolutely go nuts over a chance to bully somebody else. The sarcasm level in this thread is asinine. :laugh:

    what a helpful post from someone who seems to have it all figured out.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    No I don't ...if I read this and changed my macros to 8grams of protein per day, how would that change anything for you?

    It just seems like ALOT of energy was spent on something with no real gains.(the info is so bad that sooo many people already knew all the corrections so what crisis were we averting here?)
    I'm not seeing the correlation between stopping bad information and "caring" about others.

    I care about my mother, I'm not going to go correct "heroine is awesome" posts on a message board because she might read it and believe it.

    You really don't see the point of disputing/disproving complete misinformation in a forum that some/many look to for guidance in weight loss?
    it wouldn't change anything for us but you would be doing damage to yourself. how can you not see how us correcting her would benefit other people potentially reading her post and taking her advice?
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    And we're off.....

    Starvation mode
    Meat consumption leads to diseases
    Fruit should only be a snack in the morning
    Lower fat intake
    Cardio burns fat but only if done daily
    Build muscles in deficit

    I appreciate you efforts, but pass.
    THIS ^^
    Why would you argue my personal experience?

    Why would any of you bother to read this or post if its all hokey? Was it your goal to make me feel terrible?
    You posted bogus information.

    You considered sitting in a hot tub cardio

    You commented about adaptive thermogenesis

    You told us we only needed 8 grams of protein per day

    Then the evidence you supplied was how great you feel and how it works for you.

    Then you called us all "retards" which is incredibly offensive.


    What in the world did you expect?

    You have severely misunderstood how weight loss works.

    I'm glad your plan is working for you OP but you are making it harder than it needs to be. You have a personal blog that you can use to write about whatever you wish. Most people use that for their stories. This will prevent the unaware new person from coming in here and taking your 'plan' as truth and then crying when they don't have the same success that you have attributed to your plan, because you do not clearly understand what is happening..

    You are losing weight because you are in a deficit, you feel better because you aren't carrying around a ton of weight. I had the same experience eating meat, fat, a ton of fruit, and doing hardly any cardio so based on MY personal experience your findings are wrong.. This is WHY we don't go based on personal experiences.
    Ok and what is the intention there exactly? Do you actually care if some random noob logs in and gets bad advice?

    Or more specifically why do you care about that?

    I don't care about the 'random noob' I care that reading post after post after post after post FULL of this stuff for the last 2 years has prevented me from seeing the GOOD information that gets pushed off the screen because new people keep thinking that 1200 calories is a good thing or that they only need 8g of protein a day and keep posting this junk!

    It is my sincere hope that new people can just come in here and read good informative scientifically proven facts so they can stop asking silly questions or doing silly 'diets' because the first 10 posts in the forums are all about the benefits of Raspberry Keytones.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    It's medically proven we ingest too much protein in our diets and it has lead to some awful diseases, but at the very least it contains animal fat.

    What? Okay where to even begin.

    3. What "awful diseases" does protein intake lead to? Name one.

    ... Now, to be fair, I only know 1 person who had side effects, and that is my Father-in-law, who is already a hypochondriac (Sp?) and has little to no muscle mass, and drinks LOTS of protein. His exercise is 100% cardio and 10% effort, if you catch my drift. Seriously though, you almost have to be trying to overdo it. I mean, you can OD on water if you try hard enough.

    My assumption is that it's a matter of poor wording. They are studying the impact of excessive ANIMAL protein in a person's diet, and how it could lead to systemic damage and the increase risk of cancer. However, it is undetermined as to whether this is specific to the protein, or to other factors we are exposed to in animal products, such as growth hormones and antibiotics.

    A person with diabetes or compromised adrenal system can suffer kidney damage if they eat excessive levels of protein, based on the taxing it can cause to the kidneys. In some cases, kidney damage can be sustained from excessive protein without pre-existing conditions... but I do believe the conclusion from studies I've read on the matter stated that this would happen when the average person regularly exceeds 300g of protein in a day. That means a person of average weight, height and activity. It is not necessarily applicable to someone who say, bodybuilds, has above average height/weight, or sustains higher than average activity routines... Which, the average activity routine assumption is regular daily activities plus 3x30-60 mins of exercise a week.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    No I don't ...if I read this and changed my macros to 8grams of protein per day, how would that change anything for you?

    It just seems like ALOT of energy was spent on something with no real gains.(the info is so bad that sooo many people already knew all the corrections so what crisis were we averting here?)
    I'm not seeing the correlation between stopping bad information and "caring" about others.

    I care about my mother, I'm not going to go correct "heroine is awesome" posts on a message board because she might read it and believe it.

    You really don't see the point of disputing/disproving complete misinformation in a forum that some/many look to for guidance in weight loss?
    it wouldn't change anything for us but you would be doing damage to yourself. how can you not see how us correcting her would benefit other people potentially reading her post and taking her advice?

    why do you care if someone takes her advice? You some kind of crusader or something?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I will admit one frustration with this sort of response that is common in the forums.

    Idiotic advice that makes no sense gets 200 responses and leaps to the top of the forum. Good advice that makes sense and is helpful generally gets like 4 responses and after just 45 minutes of "HELP!!! I'm NOT LOSING WEIGHT on 1200 calories a day" posts that useful information posts falls off the bottom of the page. Can be frustrating to know I'm probably missing out on the most useful posts because of this.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    Encouraging people with incorrect actions for healthy weight loss is bad. Hey, cabbage diet, yea that's good, thanks for telling me that it was a good idea for me to do that. Bit extreme example but essentially what folks here are trying to cull out.
    I for one appreciate it.
    We know everything on the web is true. The preceding statement is false.

    But some are doing it in horribly ineffective, counterproductive ways. You can vehemently disagree with someone and still do so in a respectful way.

    And what way would that be? Asking for scientific evidence to support your claims?

    Didn't see any of that happening.

    Nope, that's great. But just do so in a respectful way without all the unnecessary mockery, ridicule and general nastiness.

    If a 10 year-old gets his math homework wrong, do you point and laugh and tell him how ridiculous he is? Is that going to encourage him to learn?

    If your point is to educate that specific 10 year old and coddle their ego then you are absolutely correct you would not use ridicule. If, however, that 10 year old stepped up to a podium and tried to instruct everyone within earshot in a public forum how to do math and proceeded to do it wrong then the quickest way to fix the damage that might cause to the naive in the audience the fastest way to that is mockery. In that case you aren't try to educate the person who was arrogant enough to stand up and proclaim their unresearched misinformed opinion as the ultimate truth you are instead trying to project as fast as possible to the reader that what the presenter is saying is worthy of ridicule.

    I have no interest in coddling or stroking the ego of a 32 year old woman who would post such ridiculous notions and then get so defensive as to start insulting people who ask her to back up her claims.

    Do you really think being respectful = coddling? I'd hope that no teachers of children mock, ridicule or be nasty and then feel that it's justified because they're correct about the facts in dispute.

    I don't know in what world you live in where the quickest way to correct a wrong is through mockery. Anyone that has the emotional maturity of more than a 12 year-old would be incredibly put off by someone that uses such means -- in fact, many would think less of the person doing the mocking. People are encouraged to take the high road for a reason.
This discussion has been closed.