

  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    I have a grandson who is obese. His mother will pack him a 1000-calorie lunch for school, and what she packs for him is crap. He is 10 years old, and if it isn't a corn dog, french fries, ketchup, cheese pizza, candy, or ice cream, he won't eat it. The last time he was probably fed vegetables was in his baby food. This kind of stuff makes me want to weep, because unless something changes, it's not going to get any better for him.

    His mother could pack 1000 calorie lunches full of healthy foods and he'd be just as fat. Your anecdotal evidence proves nothing more than poor parenting. Children should not tell parents what they are going to eat. Far too many parents want to be friends with their kid(s).
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)

    Why should I personally message you? You made your statements here, do you not want to discuss them here? Personally I prefer educating people who might read your post as to how inaccurate it is, so others don't fall for the same lies you have.

    Again, the government does not add sugar to food. Private companies make and sell food. This is a fact, it's not up for debate. You're just wrong.

    I am a happy, non-miserable person. I called your beliefs dumb, because they are. Same as I would to someone who thinks the Earth is flat. You being wrong about something does not make me an unhappy, mean person.

    All the name calling in the world won't make what you said right. And while I may not have held your hand and said, "Aw honey, it's ok. You go right on believing any false thing that makes you happy!" that doesn't make me mean. If anything you could probably use more people in your life who are straight and honest with you, as opposed to feeling that manipulating the facts is ok so long as it inspires some kind of change in your life.

    Learn more, believe facts. :)

    I got to go have a meeting with the research leader - apparently my job here doesn't actually exist! All this time... I've been driving all the way here and going through the motions for nothing - I must have been dreaming this entire time - this entire government facility is a facade, a huge holgrame, a figment of my imagination?? Who knows, Im just glad there are so many better educated people out there than I who can point out that what i do for a living is actually just a scene from the god damned movie the matrix. Im going to go eat a candy bar and see if i can fly.

    At this point you're just being obtuse. You know the obesity problem in the U.S. is not caused by sugar added to MRE's. Regular citizens don't eat those and even soldiers only eat them in times of need.

    Maybe you're ok with misrepresenting facts to make a point. I'm not. I find it to be intellectually dishonest.
    you literally did the exact same thing with your first response the hers. not to mention you have yet to counter-argue any statements made against said first post, probably because it was showing how ignorant it was

    I quoted her and read back her words. Maybe I was blunt, but I did not misrepresent what she said.

    Here's my stunning counter argument, in case you missed it:

    Private companies make the food we buy, not the government. The general public has not gained weight due to eating MRE's with sugar added to them. Because the general public does not eat MRE's.

    I don't think you need to use scare tactics to help people. And I think it's even worse to mislead them about sugar.

    I think most people who are overweight aren't so clueless that they have no idea how it could have happened.

    Claiming that sugar is addictive, and backing that up by saying anything is addictive, destroys the meaning behind the term and is a real insult to people who have struggled with addiction. Don't agree with me? Tell a guy going through heroin withdrawals how similar you are because you like cookies.

    Monsanto is irrelevant to this discussion.

    Feel free to point out where I'm wrong. And understand that I'm engaging in debate, same as you. This does not make me an unhappy, miserable person.

    ^^So this...not wrong, definitely better informed and more articulate...
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    OoooOo... Just posted this yesterday on this thread - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1286392-thermodynamic-vs-metabolic-hormonal-the-value-of-a-calorie

    Fed Up?


    May 9, 2014

    Katie Couric: Drug Dealer?

    Today is the day the nation’s food police have been waiting for: the day Fed Up, a film calling for government control over the food supply, is available in theaters across the United States. Pre-screenings of the film let us know that sugar is compared to illegal drugs to make it seem addictive. And when we saw the film the other night, we weren’t surprised to see Robert Lustig, a propagandist who has called for ABC-style regulations on sugar, given air time.

    So if sugar is really a larger-granule form of cocaine, then isn’t journalist Katie Couric, the film’s producer and narrator, a drug dealer? According to her social media pages, Couric has no problem dealing purportedly addictive substances like crack-cookies and dope-donuts to vulnerable populations like children and grandmothers.

    A quick glance at Couric’s Facebook page reveals that she is a strong supporter of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, as she writes, “Personally, I’m grateful that Ding-Dongs [sic] will still be available for purchase.” But Couric’s drug-pushing doesn’t stop there as she deals “dangerous” sugar to her daughter’s history class in the form of ginger cookies. She even gave a chocolate-filled donut to a young girl in her audience which, for all we know, established a “crushing dependency” that has sent this child to a crème-filled version of a methadone clinic.

    Not even grandmothers are safe from Couric’s insistence that others join her in her “addiction” as she gave her mother a cake for her 91st birthday.

    The habit even led Couric to promote recipes that include lime gelatin (24 grams of sugar per serving) and cupcakes that, with frosting, contain almost 95 grams of sugar each.

    It seems Couric doesn’t really believe sugar to be as dangerous as her new film would have you believe. On the one hand, it’s typical elitism — the idea of “sugar for me, but not for thee,” placing Miss Couric above the plebeians who need the government to help them eat.

    On the other hand, it shows that the old advice of moderation and personal responsibility still rings true. We need look no further than the hypocrites trying to destroy these notions.

    But while Couric continues to peddle food hysteria, let’s enjoy some pictures of what Cocaine Katie pushes in her free time. It all looks quite delicious—in moderation, of course.

    When will they stop trying to control everyone's lives?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member


    She's a reporter looking for ratings. Ugh.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Yes, because cutting out the evil that is dietary fat worked so well for us. We still have people afraid to eat bacon or biscuits made with lard. I mean...margarine used to be touted as a health food.

    I wonder how many THE TRUTH ABOUT FAT documentaries came out back then?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)

    Why should I personally message you? You made your statements here, do you not want to discuss them here? Personally I prefer educating people who might read your post as to how inaccurate it is, so others don't fall for the same lies you have.

    Again, the government does not add sugar to food. Private companies make and sell food. This is a fact, it's not up for debate. You're just wrong.

    I am a happy, non-miserable person. I called your beliefs dumb, because they are. Same as I would to someone who thinks the Earth is flat. You being wrong about something does not make me an unhappy, mean person.

    All the name calling in the world won't make what you said right. And while I may not have held your hand and said, "Aw honey, it's ok. You go right on believing any false thing that makes you happy!" that doesn't make me mean. If anything you could probably use more people in your life who are straight and honest with you, as opposed to feeling that manipulating the facts is ok so long as it inspires some kind of change in your life.

    Learn more, believe facts. :)

    I got to go have a meeting with the research leader - apparently my job here doesn't actually exist! All this time... I've been driving all the way here and going through the motions for nothing - I must have been dreaming this entire time - this entire government facility is a facade, a huge holgrame, a figment of my imagination?? Who knows, Im just glad there are so many better educated people out there than I who can point out that what i do for a living is actually just a scene from the god damned movie the matrix. Im going to go eat a candy bar and see if i can fly.

    At this point you're just being obtuse. You know the obesity problem in the U.S. is not caused by sugar added to MRE's. Regular citizens don't eat those and even soldiers only eat them in times of need.

    Maybe you're ok with misrepresenting facts to make a point. I'm not. I find it to be intellectually dishonest.
    you literally did the exact same thing with your first response the hers. not to mention you have yet to counter-argue any statements made against said first post, probably because it was showing how ignorant it was

    I quoted her and read back her words. Maybe I was blunt, but I did not misrepresent what she said.

    Here's my stunning counter argument, in case you missed it:

    Private companies make the food we buy, not the government. The general public has not gained weight due to eating MRE's with sugar added to them. Because the general public does not eat MRE's.

    I don't think you need to use scare tactics to help people. And I think it's even worse to mislead them about sugar.

    I think most people who are overweight aren't so clueless that they have no idea how it could have happened.

    Claiming that sugar is addictive, and backing that up by saying anything is addictive, destroys the meaning behind the term and is a real insult to people who have struggled with addiction. Don't agree with me? Tell a guy going through heroin withdrawals how similar you are because you like cookies.

    Monsanto is irrelevant to this discussion.

    Feel free to point out where I'm wrong. And understand that I'm engaging in debate, same as you. This does not make me an unhappy, miserable person.
    i agree with your statement about the gov't, i said before that i think she was referring to corporations in general which now i see may not be where she was getting at

    using scare tactics is one of the best ways to motivate despite your personal opinions. ever been told dont do this because this will happen? thats a scare tactic. i obviously havent seen this documentary but to say that sugar in high quantities is bad for you is not misleading someone, its truth

    overweight people are most likely not clueless, but most lack the proper knowledge to realize the specifics in their life that they need to change. i was one of those people, so are many others on this site before they got here

    i will tell a guy going through heroin withdrawals that its similar, albeit on a much smaller scale. its not an insult. i stubbed my toe this morning and it hurt. is that an insult to war criminals being tortured to say that i was in pain?

    monsanto is irrelevant but they brought it up so they could point out that this could lead to better quality foods including the ones grown in our own backyards

    debating is one thing, calling someone dumb because of the points they make in a debate is another
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    and this -

    May 13, 2014 12:07 PM

    Ludwig, Lustig, Willett and their agendas. sigh...

    Trying to be nice, so I'll just leave this here.


    Fructose, and the Follies of History
    July 01, 2013

    I understand from colleagues at LinkedIn that the very same “sugar is poison, fructose is toxic” message that has made videos go viral and books fly off shelves is wildly popular at the Aspen Ideas Festival this year. Since I have argued for reduced sugar intake the entire span of my two-decade long career in public health, I really hate the job of refuting this message — again. I’m not sure I would bother if my only concern were that the message is wrong. The message is wrong- sugar is not poison- but honestly, that’s the least of my worries.

    Still, it’s a good place to start: the message is wrong. Sugar, in general, is not poison. Breast milk contains sugar. The human bloodstream contains sugar, at all times, and the moment it doesn’t, we die.

    Human beings have consumed sugar, albeit at low levels, since before our genus Homo, became our species, sapiens. Homo erectus and even earlier ancestors ate fruits and honey, too. Nor are we alone. I trust you, as I, have seen nature programs featuring the audacity of a bear braving bee stings to raid a honeycomb.

    Innumerable people living today in diverse cultures eat sugar, albeit at reasonable levels, and suffer no harm. The famous Mediterranean and Blue Zone diets indelibly linked to more years in life, more life in years, and enviably low rates of obesity, diabetes, and chronic disease, also happen to be home to such indulgences as baklava.

    So, sugar, clearly, is not poison. An excess of sugar in the body is harmful, certainly- but so is an excess of oxygen, potassium, iron, water, or calcium. Too much of any of these can kill us- but just like the glucose that floats in our blood, so can too little.

    So the only rational message about the peril of sugar is that an excess is harmful. But that message is already taken. Paracelsus, the father of modern toxicology, famously said, “the dose makes the poison.” And every nutritionist with half a wit or shred of legitimacy has noted for years that too much sugar is among the salient liabilities of modern eating. So while correct, that message is just not available to be claimed by a renegade genius. Besides, it lacks the visceral impact and conspiracy-theory connotations of “sugar is poison,” and thus would ill serve the cause of creating the next great fad. Time-honored truths and common sense win in the end, but almost never dazzle. They lack the pizzazz to go viral.

    If “sugar is poison” is wrong, perhaps “fructose is toxic” is still a viable claim? No, it’s not.

    When serious scientists, most recently the widely respected Dr. David Ludwig at Harvard, but others before him, have reviewed the contention, they have found it exaggerated and distorted. The levels of fructose intake invoked to produce end-organ damage in provocative articles do not occur under real-world conditions. Pushed to comparable extremes of dosing, articles about oxygen would reach far grimmer conclusions, concluding the compound is not just toxic, but uniformly lethal over a span of mere days.

    Nor under real-world conditions is there clear evidence that fructose is any more harmful than the other sugars with which it is all but inevitably associated. Fructose and glucose, both of which are found in table sugar, both of which are found in high-fructose corn syrup, are metabolized differently- but the best assessments of the implications of that suggest that excesses of both or either can be harmful, as can the associated excesses of calories. Neither is uniquely toxic.

    So fructose, which we get in isolation almost exclusively in fruit, is not toxic per se. Here, the valid message becomes that high-fructose corn syrup has long been a cheap source of copious additions of sugar to our food supply, contributing mightily to our excessive intake- and that’s bad. But again, that message is taken, and lacks sex appeal compared to “fructose is toxic.”

    As noted, though, the fact that the message is wrong is not what concerns me most. It’s the wrong we are apt to do with the message- wrong that can set public health back a decade- that keeps me up at night.

    For this is not a new blunder- it is the quintessential blunder of public health nutrition for the past several decades, and in my opinion, we have a deluge of Frankenfood, and a roiling sea of obesity and diabetes to thank for it. We have been living, and alas dying, on a diet of the unintended consequences of variations on the theme of “there’s just one thing wrong with our food” for years.

    Consider what it means if, in fact, sugar is actually poison, and truly not just ‘a’ thing wrong with our diets, but ‘the’ thing.

    It means that T. Colin Campbell, and all those who contend that eating too much meat is a problem, are wrong. If sugar is ‘the’ problem, eating meat cannot be. It means that Walter Willett and others who have warned of the harms of trans fat were wasting our time.

    It means that Dean Ornish and Caldwell Esselstyn and others must be wrong about the importance of dietary fats. It means that advocates for the Paleo diet, which certainly does not exclude fructose per se, are potentially misguided. It means that Atkins and all of the carb-cutting disciples to follow, were also wrong- since a “just cut fructose” message makes no mention of the starches against which Atkins railed. It means that advocates for a Mediterranean diet, which as noted above is apt to include the occasional baklava, must be deluded.

    It means that efforts by the Center for Science in the Public Interest to highlight the harms of excess dietary sodium are pointless. It means that David Jenkins and others who have demonstrated the importance of the glycemic load and index of not just sugar but starch-containing foods are wasting our time.

    In fact, if any one of these- or a long list of other- concerns about modern eating is the one thing truly wrong with our food, then all of the others are, ipso facto, wrong. If any two of these are correct, then there is no longer just one thing wrong- to the detriment of all that silver bullet, conspiracy theory sex appeal.

    The reality of course is that sugar is not ‘the’ thing wrong with our diet, it is just ‘a’ thing wrong with our diet. And that has been getting attention to one degree or another for decades.

    So that message lacks viral potential. When confronted with the fact that sugar is not the only problem, Dr. Lustig quickly concedes (as he does in his book, Fat Chance, which I reviewed for the journal, Nature) and claims that his real message is “eat whole foods.” But that’s not his message, because others have long since laid claim to it. Most of us advocating for healthful eating espouse that message, so I’m not sure any one of us can claim it. If, however, we were going to attach it to any one name, the name would be Michael Pollan in return for penning “eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Certainly, Dr. Lustig would not even be a contender. The use of “sugar is poison” when eager to get attention, and “eat whole foods” when confronted by a jury of peers is a dubious effort to have fructose-free cake and eat it, too.

    And only now we come to my gravest concern. Richard Dawkins, arguably the most influential evolutionary biologist since Darwin, has famously said, “there are many more ways to be dead than alive,” referring to the challenges confronted by natural selection. We have our own corollary in public health nutrition: there are many more ways to make food bad, than good.

    Only good food is good. It must be holistically good. Food that is bad in some way is, by definition, not good- at least not entirely good.

    But food that is bad in any way can be bad. Low-fat food can be bad. Low-carb food can be bad. Organic food can be bad (pure fructose could be organic). GMO-free food can be bad. Gluten-free food can be bad. And, of course, fructose-free, or for that matter sugar-free food, can be bad.

    The issue here is that the sexy, contagious messages about nutrition are invariably of the utterly dumbed-down one-nutrient-at-a-time variety. A fixation on any nutrient property in isolation is a gilded invitation to the food industry to give us a whole new parade of products boasting that attribute, no matter what else might be in the mix.

    Want an example? At the height of the Atkins’ diet craze, I visited a prominent Entenmann’s display in a local supermarket for a segment of ABC’s 20/20, and found low-carb brownies. The first ingredient listed was partially hydrogenated oil, meaning theses brownies were a concentrated source of trans fat. The banner ad on the front noting that they were “low carb!” did not, of course, mention this.

    Nor will “fructose free” banner ads note the liabilities with which they are associated.

    I have no doubt that in private corporate enclaves all around the foodscape, executives are not just preparing for the evolution of the “it’s all because of fructose” era, but they are likely rubbing their hands together in glee. They may have been worried that having tried low-fat, low-carb, high-protein, and many other variations on the “just one thing” approach to eating better that we might now actually insist on food that is genuinely better overall. That would leave them no loopholes, and would constitute a true dietary revolution. There is nothing those profiting from the status quo like less.

    Fortunately for food manufacturers, and unfortunately for eaters, we are being diverted just before the finish line to that Promised Land. We are now wandering off in another “just one thing” direction, and the opportunities to peddle a new variety of junk to us will proliferate accordingly. Make no mistake, America will still run on Dunkin’ - even if our donuts are now fructose-free. They will be sweetened with glucose, or aspartame, or combinations of these and other sweeteners. And, into the bargain, there will be a new breed of “now fructose free!” banner ads which will confer a halo effect, and invite us to eat twice as many.

    Oh, yes- we can forgo fructose, or just-cut-sugar, and get fatter and sicker. My worry is that’s just what we are aiming to do.

    Those who don’t learn from the follies of history are destined to repeat them. Yes, some will get rich and famous along the way, every time. But one in three of us will get diabetes. And there you have my real concern with the “sugar is poison” boondoggle. It comes with a price tag public health simply cannot afford to pay.

    UPDATE: Proof That Food Makers Are Responding
    Some may think my concern that a 'fructose is the enemy' fixation plays into the hands of food manufacturers is theoretical. It is not! Products invoking a halo effect with a front-of-pack banner ad asserting the removal of high-fructose corn syrup are already here. These images show an alleged 'maple syrup' that contains no maple syrup! The first ingredient is corn syrup. But the front of the bottle implies a benefit because it isn't 'high-fructose' corn syrup. If such claims did not boost sales, companies would not spend money on reformulating their labels. So there you have it: we fixate on fructose, manufacturers exploit that fixation, and sell us junk obscured by an implied, but meaningless, halo. This cannot happen when we focus on overall nutritional quality rather than just one ingredient. So let's do that -- finally.

  • glenmchale
    glenmchale Posts: 1,307 Member
    i saw her on the daily show being interviewed and she was talking about eating healthily, looking at what you are putting in your mouth, looking at the labels, trying to reduce your sugar intake, maybe cooking your own foods and teaching kids how to eat more healthily.

    not sure what all the fuss is about, if it affects people positively to improve their diet and reduce sugar intake (whilst i understand from the pages of arguments may or may not be the real reason) what does it matter... surely anything to improve the diets of the kids in america and reduce the obesity and diabetes problems should be applauded.

    And if you think she is wrong, create a documentary showing where she is wrong and how to eat better so the american people.... nay the global population can learn from your experience, knowledge, presentation skills and healthy outlook on life.

  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Calories are calories, if you eat too many of them you will gain weight. You can lose weight just eating Twinkies (ignoring the obvious lack of vital nutrients) if you eat them at a calorie deficit. Carbs are not the enemy and they are in fact essential.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    i saw her on the daily show being interviewed and she was talking about eating healthily, looking at what you are putting in your mouth, looking at the labels, trying to reduce your sugar intake, maybe cooking your own foods and teaching kids how to eat more healthily.

    not sure what all the fuss is about, if it affects people positively to improve their diet and reduce sugar intake (whilst i understand from the pages of arguments may or may not be the real reason) what does it matter... surely anything to improve the diets of the kids in america and reduce the obesity and diabetes problems should be applauded.

    And if you think she is wrong, create a documentary showing where she is wrong and how to eat better so the american people.... nay the global population can learn from your experience, knowledge, presentation skills and healthy outlook on life.


    Well said.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    All children like sugar and dislike vegetables. It's the way the human body functions. An infant's and child's taste receptors aren't fully developed. They taste sweet very well, so they eat it. Bitter is bad to them, hence disliking vegetables, due to the bitter flavors in them. This isn't new. This is something that's been ingrained in human behavior as long as there have been humans. Sweet = good, bitter = poison.

    Kids don't eat sugar and shun vegetables because they are addicted to sugar. They eat sugar because they are kids.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    surely anything to ... reduce the obesity and diabetes problems

    As long as people are so lazy that on a clear, warm day they will park their cars ON THE SIDEWALK at the grocery store or block fire lanes just to avoid walking the relatively short distance from a parking space to the door, we will have an obesity problem in this country.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I have a grandson who is obese. His mother will pack him a 1000-calorie lunch for school, and what she packs for him is crap. He is 10 years old, and if it isn't a corn dog, french fries, ketchup, cheese pizza, candy, or ice cream, he won't eat it. The last time he was probably fed vegetables was in his baby food. This kind of stuff makes me want to weep, because unless something changes, it's not going to get any better for him.

    His mother could pack 1000 calorie lunches full of healthy foods and he'd be just as fat. Your anecdotal evidence proves nothing more than poor parenting. Children should not tell parents what they are going to eat. Far too many parents want to be friends with their kid(s).

    I could not agree more, but I have no control over his mother, who is a case all unto herself.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Calories are calories, if you eat too many of them you will gain weight. You can lose weight just eating Twinkies (ignoring the obvious lack of vital nutrients) if you eat them at a calorie deficit. Carbs are not the enemy and they are in fact essential.

    You could lose weight on just twinkies - but do not forget excessive sugar is inflammatory for our bodies, which is one of the reasons it is best kept to a limited intake.

    I am sorry to say dietary carbs are not essential, but they are optimal.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    What is going to happen if they regulate food(sugar) and in 5-10 years from now people are still fat? Is the gov't going to mandate that people exercise a certain amount of time every day?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    Maybe you should send me a personal message if you have issue? I didnt make outlandish claims, i expressed m,y opinion - and yes, I felt you were rude because of the personal attack, not because i couldnt "back up outlandish claims" as you put it

    I was obese - and I didnt know how i got that way, neither did many of my obbese friends. We werent dumb, we werent stupid, we just didnt understand. I didnt call us, obese people, dumb.

    The goverment adds sugar to food, yes, ok....so...what more do you want? I don't know what "private businesses" you are talking about??? i dont really care though so there that...

    yes, i place, for me personally, sugar in the same catagorie as drugs and alcohol - sure - however you see addictive, like i said, if you look up the definition of addictive, thats how i feel about sugar, for me, personally, IMO.

    Your comment about Monsanto makes no sence to me so Im not sure how to respond.... I dont know what you want me to defend. Its my opinion, like i said over and over.... I work in a lab and alter food, so, its just something of interest to me because its essentially my life...

    And obviously scaring people gets their attention otherwise they wouldnt do it - this is how the news works, its a bunch of bull **** - all you have to do it watch it to see that.

    Smile more - be less miserable :-)

    Why should I personally message you? You made your statements here, do you not want to discuss them here? Personally I prefer educating people who might read your post as to how inaccurate it is, so others don't fall for the same lies you have.

    Again, the government does not add sugar to food. Private companies make and sell food. This is a fact, it's not up for debate. You're just wrong.

    I am a happy, non-miserable person. I called your beliefs dumb, because they are. Same as I would to someone who thinks the Earth is flat. You being wrong about something does not make me an unhappy, mean person.

    All the name calling in the world won't make what you said right. And while I may not have held your hand and said, "Aw honey, it's ok. You go right on believing any false thing that makes you happy!" that doesn't make me mean. If anything you could probably use more people in your life who are straight and honest with you, as opposed to feeling that manipulating the facts is ok so long as it inspires some kind of change in your life.

    Learn more, believe facts. :)

    I got to go have a meeting with the research leader - apparently my job here doesn't actually exist! All this time... I've been driving all the way here and going through the motions for nothing - I must have been dreaming this entire time - this entire government facility is a facade, a huge holgrame, a figment of my imagination?? Who knows, Im just glad there are so many better educated people out there than I who can point out that what i do for a living is actually just a scene from the god damned movie the matrix. Im going to go eat a candy bar and see if i can fly.
    There is no reason to go off the deep end. The government does not provide food for the majority of the population, nor is what it generates from your facility the reason that many Americans are obese.

    In fact, if you are making MREs, their goal is to provide incredibly calorically dense food in small quantities with a high carb load because soldiers in action don't have a lot of time to eat, and I'm sure starving to death with no energy does not make a good fighter. That said, many people active in the military who are likely to be eating MREs are usually in pretty good shape, and are not adversely affected by the sugar you are adding in your lab. Why? Because their caloric output equals or exceeds their caloric input.

    And if you truly feel that you job is the downfall of the system and you are duping Americans and making them all fat, why don't you change jobs?

    If we're going to point fingers I'd like to propose pointing in the direction of General Mills.

    Cereal, the idea, in and of itself, is ancient and fine. People have been having breakfast cereal forever. It used to be grains, with cream, butter etc etc and was a brilliant way to start your day.

    Most people don't realize that when you feed your kids/family the modern manifestation of cereal, you're feeding them something akin to a candy bar in nutrition. And it tastes so dang good no one has the 1/2 cup serving size. So if it has 30g sugar in once serving, and your kid has two bowls, your angel just unknowingly scarfed down 60g of sugar. That is a LOT! And that's just to start the day off.

    General Mills goes right into elementary schools (as does Coke) and advertises, promotes, hands out freebies, donates to the school in exchange for promotions and putting signs up in the schools. It's outside the scope of what you would expect. It's predatory. Kids do not have the physical ability to use logic, rationalize, and moderation. They're kids. Their brain is still developing. You tell them to drink Coke & Lucky Charms and they will.

    It works and that's why the keep on doing it.

    I went to my daughter school assembly one morning and the principal went in front of the school and held up boxes of General Mills cereals. She stated verbatim in the microphone to every child in the school looking on "When you see these cereals int the store tell your parents to buy them!"

    When educational authorities that are supposed to be teaching the children health are literally taking pay-offs from junk food companies to push it on the children, I have a problem with that.
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    Most people don't realize that when you feed your kids/family the modern manifestation of cereal, you're feeding them something akin to a candy bar in nutrition. And it tastes so dang good no one has the 1/2 cup serving size. So if it has 30g sugar in once serving, and your kid has two bowls, your angel just unknowingly scarfed down 60g of sugar. That is a LOT! And that's just to start the day off.

    Read the stuff you buy? No, blame a company making cereal. Logic.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    no...what does Katie Couric know about nutrition? She is a reporter there by jumping on a controversial topic for ratings.
    Everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever.

    Yup got all the major players in it....those who want to demonize sugar...

    I will save my money for a DQ soft serve thanks.

    ETA: I did watch the trailer btw...it's got lustig and the other one with a similar name...along with another guy I've seen mentioned a lot...

    She's a journalist. She doesn't need to be an expert. She goes and interviews experts and gathers data and then presents it in a way that the common person can understand. By your standard, journalists would have to be experts in absolutely everything before they can report on it.
    But good journalists look for balance ..........

    Balanced reporting doesn't generate ratings which sell advertising.

    We have regressed back to the days of "yellow journalism". Sad really.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Logic. They feed it to the kids in schools, so they really don't have much of a choice. Eat it or starve. Especially kids on the National Free School Lunch Program. Some kids have parents that can afford to pack and send their lunches, but many face poverty and eat what the school gives them.

    I don't buy it, obviously, but many, many, many Americans don't read labels or care about nutrition, or seek the balance, and it's hitting them hardest.