What to put on popcorn



  • 93nan
    93nan Posts: 130
  • vintagecafenh
    vintagecafenh Posts: 5 Member
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    i've been on an air-popped popcorn kick, too! in fact i'm about to make some... :) i like it spicy; i usually sprinkle cayenne pepper on it and some ends up at the bottom of the bowl since i leave it dry, but enough of it sticks to make it delish. i've also thought about putting olive oil in one of those spritzy little water bottles and spritzing a bit on the popcorn to make my spice stick better (and get a little healthy fat in there once in a while).
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    My boyfriend and I stove pop ours with coconut oil, and then season it with a mixture of smoked paprika, oregano, and garlic salt. Yum!

  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    haven't read all the responses, but a neighbor & friend turned me onto putting cayenne pepper on white cheddar popcorn - MMMMMMMM soooooo Addicting!!! YUM! :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Braincatcher
    Braincatcher Posts: 66 Member
    Mist it with olive oil, then add garlic salt, oregano, and nutritional yeast. It's garlic bread popcorn!
  • I didn't read all 13 pages of posts so if this has already been suggested, a thousand pardons. You can buy Orville Redanbacher's PrestoPop Microwave Popcorn Bowl for under $20. 1 T oil & a 1/3 cup of popcorn, add whatever seasonings you like. The seasonings will stick because it's not air popped but it's not the gross congealed fat you find in bagged microwave popcorn. This popper also requires a paper liner for the bottom of the bowl. 10 in a pouch for around $2. My kids use the same liner for about a week, until it starts to deteriorate or gets a bubble in it. Oh - I don't buy expensive popcorn - Best Choice brand for me!
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