Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • mattjft
    mattjft Posts: 114 Member
    add up! i like to comment and like to give support!
  • I'm new on here and looking for some friends to help keep my lazy bum motivated! Add me! :)
  • maadc1ty
    maadc1ty Posts: 6 Member
    Added some people from this thread! ^^^

    I'm 25 years old and here on MFP for the second time. I lost around 85 lbs in 2012 only to quit and regain even more.

    This time I'm making it a *lifestyle* and plan on being here for a long time. I started just under 360 lbs and am down almost 20 in about thirty days. I'm almost 6 feet tall so I carry it as well as you can carry that much weight.. But still wearing mostly 2x-3x and size 24+ pants.

    I'm looking for like-minded individuals to help with some mutual motivation! :drinker:
  • iceyelf
    iceyelf Posts: 26 Member
    fairly new , only have 5 friends so could use more
  • murffmaxey
    murffmaxey Posts: 1
    I am new as of about noon today. A good friend introduced me to the app. I am in the words of my doctor "morbidly obese". I must make a change that will last, looking for supportive community.
  • 3csmumof3
    3csmumof3 Posts: 1 Member
    started using mfp daily last week. only have 2 friends to try keep me in line. Would love others to assist
  • Rainyday816
    Rainyday816 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey, I could definitely use some new friends! I've been a user for a rather long time with varying degrees of success. I've had a good couple of days and I noticed that my news feed is pretty empty now that a lot of my friends have fallen off the wagon. I'm looking to loose around 80 pounds at this point, so if anyone has similar goals or just needs friends please feel free to add me!
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    I have had such improvement since utilizing the community and opening up my diary. The accountability is such a big help for me... add me. 155 day streak strong.
  • Hey guys! Let's motivate each other! Please send me all your request! I post things everyday :-)
  • modevia
    modevia Posts: 13
    Hey guys,
    I am looking forward to lose weight and could use make some new friends!
    feel free to add me!
  • monicamurf
    monicamurf Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, My name is Monica. Im trying to keep my goals, and for a while i make them and break them, for in mind stupid reasons. busy, sore, tired, not enough time. I KNOW i am the one holding myself back, the sad thing i know this, and i have lost 28 lbs before ( sucks i lost it and then gained it all back plus a few more) i know what to do, but i guess i lost faith in myself, and i want that back, faith in myself and my life back. im hoping to find others with goals they want to meet and maybe we can help each other out. maybe having faith in each other will fill faith in ourselves
  • klogetsfit_
    klogetsfit_ Posts: 18 Member
    Please feel free to add me also.. I'm on daily!
  • hey My Name is Theresa just got here today :) would love to chat with all of you I am doing T25 & 10 Minute trainer talk to you soon :)
  • dr00
    dr00 Posts: 14 Member
    Hell yeah I need some more friends!
    I've been on here for a while, fell off the wagon a while back, trying to get back on with biking and what not.
    Feel free to add me!
  • limecrush
    limecrush Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new to the site and have no friends :( lol! I'm working on losing a few pounds and want to start some toning and weight training. I was doing IF every other day, my doc said I had to add a few pounds back, which I did plus about 10 lol, so now I am back to IF 2 days a week. Am also very low carb and have been for a few years. Feel free to add me!
  • Myfitfutureself
    Myfitfutureself Posts: 34 Member
    First post and hoping to be very active here! Feel free to add me! Goal is 50lbs. and then building from there.
  • DreamBigEatLarge
    DreamBigEatLarge Posts: 162 Member
    Love to add new friends on here :)
  • SteelerFreak68
    SteelerFreak68 Posts: 3 Member
    Can use all the support I can. Anyone can send me a request and I will add.
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey there, I've been on and off for awhile but I'm really sticking to it this time, no more giving up. I'm kinda shy when it comes to starting conversations but once they start I'm really out going. Please anyone feel free to add me :)
  • SirPorter
    SirPorter Posts: 6 Member
    I'm looking for friends to keep me motivated. Add me. Let's GO!!!