Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • Nonamepayne
    Nonamepayne Posts: 2 Member
    Fairly new to the site just lost 5lbs in the first week add me I'm supportive :)
  • Becca0301
    Becca0301 Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday.
  • im new need to lose 35 pounds been stuck for 14 months dec2012 =march 2013 lost 30 pounds doing the low carb then just stoped loseing very frustrated
  • New here and looking for supportive friends. Please add me! Thanks!
  • JosieBell2
    JosieBell2 Posts: 8
    I'm new to the message boards. I don't get much computer access as my home computer SUCKS and so I only use the MFP on my iPhone. Looking for new friends as the tiny bits of motivation (even if it's just the simple "like" of activity on the app) are always helpful. Feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • kristenn9715
    kristenn9715 Posts: 17 Member
    Hiii everyone!! Im trying to lose 20-30 pounds, add me if you want!
    Also, I'm trying to become vegetarian but for now I'm just doing a 6 week period to see how I'll do with it
    BUTTTT if anyone on here is vegetarian or vegan pleeeease add me and I would love some tips and recipes lol
  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I could use some more active friends.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    New thread, New post. .

    Active logger with an open diary to friends. Going for a slow bulk/recomp over this summer so I'm not "under my calories" too often. But I love to learn from others experience. Add me and drop a line!

    Same! :drinker:
  • Neeko713
    Neeko713 Posts: 1 Member
    Not too many people in my area use this app apparently, would looooove to add some new friends!
  • 09tbuzze
    09tbuzze Posts: 9 Member
    Add me! I log daily and love seeing new friends on my feed!! Mutual motivation is key :)
  • KatieAr21
    KatieAr21 Posts: 19
    I'd love some new friends! Need motivation to lose my last ten pounds or so!
  • Rachel_Louise85
    Rachel_Louise85 Posts: 26 Member
    New to site, not really MFP. Joined a year ago and lost my motivation. I am back and I feel as if my motivation is stronger than before. :) Looking to make some new friends on here to be motivated and to motivate as well.
  • Im defiantly up for some new supportive friends feel free to add me!!! So far I've lost 20 lbs i fell off for a minute now I'm back at it again!!! :)
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    I would like to have more friends on here. I'm on as often as I can be
  • jigga2010
    jigga2010 Posts: 7 Member
    Sure do need some motivation! Not new to the game but very inconsistent. With two toddlers and a busy schedule I'm still working on making the healthier choices, not just the easier ones:smile:
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    I need friends please!!!

    I'm Carley from Australia.
  • TinaRose07
    TinaRose07 Posts: 36 Member
    I do! The more support and motivation the better! Friend me if you'd like.
  • rkalin779
    rkalin779 Posts: 14 Member
    New to MFP looking for friends to help keep me accountable and motivated. Feel free to friend me!! :smile:
  • Friend me! I need all the motivational support I can get! I'm on my 2nd try at this... I lost 40 lbs at this the first time around! Gained a few lbs and now back at it again! Let's do this!
  • tbenjamin73
    tbenjamin73 Posts: 4 Member

    I just started using the app 3 weeks ago and am already seeing results. I love to put together a support system for my weight loss and encourage others in theirs.