rejected by online soulmate b/c of weight



  • everythingworthy2468
    He sounds like an *kitten*. I'm sorry, I know that's a judgment, but really - he couldn't even hang around for the evening? Over 40 pounds? What on earth is that kind of a person going to be like in an actual, human, messy, difficult everyday relationship? They sound like the person who would scram over the slightest difference from their expectation. Frankly, you're well rid of him.

    thank you for your words of encouragement. i understand that, there are a lot of factors at play. its difficult to feel like anything could get better and waking up everyday with the cold, stark realization that it was all just a scam. i feel betrayed and played, he constantly promised and assured me that he would be with me through all the bad and good. now it's just an emptiness. i know he doesn't have anyone at home, i know he was honest in his feelings. but meeting me really skewed his perception, i know it did and i feel like maybe he feels deceived or betrayed. it's hard for either one of us to communicate emotions or put ourselves out there. i know he is capable of serious relationships. i just don't know if he is capable of actually loving someone on a deeper level and realistic level. it's sad and im finding it so difficult to move on, i just can't believe it went from 100 to 0 within hours. i feel like i fell from a cliff and survived, but left broken and he doesn't seem to care about how i feel anymore.

    You'll make it through. After all, you chose to reach out and talk about it instead of retreating into those difficult feelings - that's brave, it shows a fighting spirit.

    The fact that he couldn't even behave like a good friend should have shows that he's better out of your life than in it. I know it sounds harsh, but it's better to find out now that later, as others have pointed out. Someone that easy to shake, that easy to scram, would not be able to cope with the resilience needed for a real life with another person, the kind of love, patience and decency people need to take of each other, especially for family.

    thanks for the support, every word on here is helping. the fact that so many are echoing the same thing kind of scares me, because i still don't see reality. i feel sick on the inside and disgusted. not just with myself, but with the idea that i feel so hard for something so fantastical. yet it turned out to be nothing, so fast as well. he still is saying he cares about me which is confusing to me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I don't think he's an *kitten* at all, people can't help what they are and are not attracted to. I'm sure he wishes the situation was different too. After all, he's invested just as much time and emotion as you have. It isn't anyone's fault, least of all yours.

    A lot of the time when people haven't met in person they tend to form an idealized view of the person that isn't based in reality. Don't feel bad about the situation, you've done nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for. Do things that make you feel great about yourself and the right person will come along.

    This sadly. I've met a lot of people online, and it's really different once you meet... the exact same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago (although weight had nothing to do with it). He's happy and married now... with someone else.
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    He does not deserve you. Move on.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    So many other factors at play here and not just the weight.

    When people people online nothing, absolutely nothing, is real until the two people have met. Until people meet the relationship is built on a fantasy of who we think the other people is, that fantasy is based on the other person being at their best in photos, messages and emails. No one is that perfect. He wasn't your soulmate because the relationship was built on fantasy.

    The other person doesn't want to hear about issues, sickness or weight gain because it will ruin their fantasy, hell we don't tell them because we don't want to ruin the fantasy either. So the omissions start and probably some fibs and people start to hide who they really are. They start to omit pertinent facts.

    Come the meeting, comes big expectations! Fantasy comes crashing down in a screaming heap. The other person is real, warts and all, and they then blame the other person for the loss of the fantasy.

    I can understand not being attracted to a bigger person that someone has just met, we are visual creatures and there hasn't been time to develop a relationship.

    I would say, that here it was more than just the weight gain, it was also the fact that the person felt deceived because they were expected a slimmer person based on photos that had previously been received. With all that comes reality, the crushing of a fantasy that he had built up in his head.

    OP lose the weight if you want to, but do it for you and your own health's sake, move on from him, meet other people, live your live to the best of your ability...and should you develop another long distance relationship...remember its just a fantasy until you meet and have known each other for quite a few months.

    have to agree with this... and everyone is beating up on this guy.. while he didn't handle this 100% right, I don't think he's quite the only one at fault here..

    Did you tell him that you left the "totally fit, yoga, confident person" that he started with ? did you let him in on the personal problems, and weight gain? (think full disclosure here)

    I think that this might have been sprung on him and it was a "in your face" kind of moment which may have left him feeling "catfished" to a point. YOu may have built this relationship up WAY too much in your mind (e.g soulmate) from what he was thinking and saw this overly clingy, emotional, person.. I don't think demonizing this guy is all together fair either (although he maybe a complete asshat, we have no idea on this)

    again, just guessing here, and both of you could have handled that better and truely sorry that you are feeling such pain over this, everyone deserves to be happy, and you will eventually.. just go in with both eyes open next time.
  • metalgirl4
    metalgirl4 Posts: 31 Member
    Lots of different views but here's mine, somewhere in the middle....

    First I'm so sorry your hurting and no matter how many ways you dissect it it will still hurt, and hurt for a while. It will get better though and you will be happy again but don't let it depend on him!

    Secondly I kinda agree with others that he isn't an *kitten* for not liking you. There are people everyday who look and sound good on paper but in reality it just doesn't fit. I don't think he was running home to someone else but he felt bad and the situation was just very awkward. I have to ask had the roles been reversed and you felt no attraction and he was bawling his eyes would you have stayed the night? It doesn't make you mean if you wouldn't, just like it doesn't because he didn't, it's just I think the awarkwardness of the whole situation made him leave....

    I met my now ex online and we talked for a year and half before we met and the first time was weird. I was a little heavier than I let on and so was he and also shorter than he said, I freaked when he got out of his truck and we could see eye to eye. Anyway the visits was "ok" compared to the year and half we spent talking everyday all day. Nerves or disappointments I don't know but I wasn't into him and I don't think he was me BUT he came back a month later and it was way less awkward and we had a good visit. Another month and I had my parents take me half way to meet him and he took me "home" so to speak and I meet his family etc. We stayed together for almost 3 years.

    This brings to my thirdly. I had a stressful job and being I a long distance relationship wore on me. I gained more weight and the more weight I gained the more my self confinedce went down the drain. With that I began to reject him slowly and when he ended things around this time last year he said he didn't feel the same as me anymore. There were a lot of things in play at the time but here's my point.... You said you felt off about meeting him and I wonder if it's because your self confidiance was lacking and you sent out some mixed singles of your own? I'm not blaming you at all! But as I realized with my ex the way I felt about myself and constant rejection, physically and emotionally, pushed him away.... Just a thought. Because to be honest it's not something we really try to do or even realize we did until after the fact.

    Now, do you what makes you happy and feel better about yourself but don't do it to win him back. It may very well be as others said and he's just an *kitten* but it's your gut instinct that will let you know that. We can only guess from what we know from the post. As you said if someone's meant to be there they will come back. If he's not meant to be then there will be someone else. So for now just work on you and get back to where you felt happy and be the best you you can be!:flowerforyou:
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    hi everyone

    i cant think straight right now but here is the story that leads up to my issue... i met this guy several months online while i wasn't looking for anyone or anything. back then, i was fit (running everyday, yoga, etc.) and confident, really content with myself but due to circumstances in my life, i was unable to see him. we continued talking for months, falling deeper and deeper into one another. it reached a point where we were talking marriage, and i never felt this way for anyone. our emotional and mental bond was beyond anything i imagined or dreamed of in another human being. i am still deeply in love and i feel i'd do anything for this man, also love him despite all his flaws. he promised and reassured me the same thing, we had open communication through-out the relationship and he swore he wouldn't hurt me, and always be with me through the worst. Well, i ended up moving about four hours away and got sick, therefore gained some odd 40 pounds within a few months. he kept pressing on for meeting yet at this point i was making excuses so i wouldn't have to see him like this, for i stopped being happy with myself. i finally got the medical attention my condition needed and i am confident in losing the weight within the next few months. however, i decided to meet him anyway because i truly believed he would accept me no matter what, considering this would be "me at my worst".

    so despite feeling ill about it and kinda having a bad feeling, we met. it seemed fine at first but then over the night he started getting cold. eventually he said he needed to go home because he wasn't feeling well (he drove four hours to see me). i ended up pressing him because i knew it was something else. he admitted it being my physical appearance, which i fully knew. however, i wasnt prepared how hard it would hit me. i ended up bawling for two hours while he hugged me and said he needed time to think when i asked him if he loved me. he called me a "beautiful person" while i said "not beautiful enough for you", and other things like "i think it's going to be okay", "i think i love you" (note: we had been saying we loved each other for months and when he first stepped into the room, he said he loved me). then after two hours of us sitting in the dark with me crying, he left.

    i didn't sleep the entire night and i feel numb, empty like a shell. he said he would continue talking to me. i told him i'd "fix" myself and change, learn to love myself again and be the happy, fit me again. however, i don't know what to do now. i feel conflicted and sick, my heart hurts, my head hurts, everything makes me cry. when he said he would love me unconditionally, i believed it. i haven't been this hurt in seven years, and it stings more then any other "relationship" i've been in. while online relationships seem sketchy and unrealistic, our connection was unprecedented. until he saw me, that is. We have communicated recently and decided to keep talking, but it's clear as day that he wants nothing more then friends... if i can even manage that.

    Now, from an objective point of view should i look at this as motivation to lose/a giant reality check? I'm not sure if this is the case, if i have been delusional about my body. I don't think I know how big i am, I know I'm overweight but I don't feel "fat". When I work out, I have intense stamina and power. I don't feel like dying exercising and no one has previously rejected me based on weight. Yet, evidence proves otherwise (scale, rejection). I'm devastated and know that fantasy became reality, and reality sucked. I am wondering, should I get myself "fixed" and try for this guy again? It feels like nothing will get better at the moment, like i'm spiraling down a hole and my heart is permanently broken. please. no judgements, thank you.

    Never depend on happiness from someone else's approval. That needs to come from within. A little dose of detachment also helps. Doesn't mean you don't feel, just means that person and what they feel is not your whole life. This, too, shall pass. Now, wipe those tears, hit the gym and show that d-bag who's boss.
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    How old are you? I feel like I've been through a similar experience back in 2002 when I was 22 years old. Back then, the internet chat rooms were abuzz. Anyways, it turned out for the better that the guy was a total (d*ck head, bast*rd, etc etc) because he turned out to the worst thing that would have ever happened to me. Things always happen for a good reason. Don't be upset. Let this be a good lesson. Move on wards and upwards in your life. You'll soon meet (by chance, or not) the person of your dreams. :heart:
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    Sounds like an episode of Catfish..
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    To be completely honest, I don't think this happened because of your weight or appereance. Love hurts and this doesn't only apply to online relationships. It's not always easy, and dealing with reject is something we never fully learn.
    First of all I'd like to say that even though we meet some people that might look like they're perfect for us, sometimes that's not true. Just because we get attatched to them and feel great with them it doesn't mean we're made for each other or stuff like that. I'm kind of fatalist about that, if something is meant to work, it will work, if it doesn't, maybe it wasn't meant to work all along.
    I'm starting to wonder if you have been both honest towards each other during the whole relationship - didn't he know about your illness, about your weight gain, and what about your appereance? I met my boyfriend online too. We're been as honest as possible since the very beginning, and before meeting we already knew each other's issues, we had seen each others in pictures, and stuff like that. It obviously could have turned bad, but luckily it didn't. There are so many different possibilities in life and I'd say that you've been somewhat unlucky since it didn't work for you, but it's not your fault. Weight is something that comes and goes. And same goes for appereance, your and his appereances will change multiple times during the next years. Maybe if it didn't work it's because he didn't feel that "connected" to you in person or something. So I wouldn't blame it on yourself.
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    I don't think he's an *kitten* at all, people can't help what they are and are not attracted to. I'm sure he wishes the situation was different too. After all, he's invested just as much time and emotion as you have. It isn't anyone's fault, least of all yours.

    A lot of the time when people haven't met in person they tend to form an idealized view of the person that isn't based in reality. Don't feel bad about the situation, you've done nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for. Do things that make you feel great about yourself and the right person will come along.

    This sadly. I've met a lot of people online, and it's really different once you meet... the exact same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago (although weight had nothing to do with it). He's happy and married now... with someone else.

    ^^ TRUTH
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 684 Member
    "i don't think im a hideous monster".

    And yet, you dont even have a pic on MFP? :huh: Online relationships are not easy, but being honest and upfront, about everything, is crucial. Best of luck to you!
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    A side note: In my view and experience (and I had a lot of it), Online date is a fantasy relationship. Until you share a car and fight about directions, share a hotel room or spend lots of face-to-face time together and let that 'shiny' guard down and can be the complete goof/slob/Glee performer (insert idiosyncrasies here), then you're not a relationship yet, regardless how many phone calls, SKYPE sessions, etc. - don't get sucked into the fa-sad.

    DON'T GET ME WRONG: It's a great way to open communication with someone you are interested in and to begin getting to know, but it is NOT a relationship.

    You are a beautiful soul. Don't let this situation suck it from you. I don't believe in soul mates, so I'm not sure what to tell you about that part of your thinking. I'll let people who believe this do that for you.

    I hope you try to not take rejection so hard next time. I understand this crushed you, but it is a small speck of time through your passage of time in life on this planet.

    You are loved.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    And this is why we do not carry on so long with online relationships without meeting in person.

    You don't need this dude. You need to move on.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    There are soooooo many missing pieces to this story. One being soulmates in a long distance relationship that communicated all the time, but you never bothered to send each other pictures or use some live video conferencing software like Skype to spend time together?

    Seems odd to me.

    I am not buying what you are selling.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Okay... I can not stress enough that you need to move on from this guy. Just as he felt like you weren't what you promised to be, he turned out not to be what he promised to you, so please, don't think for one minute that losing weight is going to make you anymore right for each other because it just won't.

    If you feel like you should lose weight, you should do it because that is what YOU want for YOUR body. No one else should matter or influence that decision.

    As far as this guys goes, there are better men out there. Do not give up hope! And do not try to turn a frog into a prince. If he can't accept you as he receives you, then he's never going to accept you.

    I'm so sorry that you got hurt. I really truly hope you can bounce back from this easily. I know it's hard though. Rejection hurts so much when you feel like you have made a connection with someone. But the reality is, a connection is only there if both parties are feeling it, and he just wasn't. Don't let this determine your own self-worth. You are worthy of love no matter what you look like, and if he doesn't understand that, then he is NOT the right one. Best of luck!
  • NoLimitFemme
    NoLimitFemme Posts: 118 Member
    I don't think he's a jerk or an A-hole. He drove 4 hours to see you. He invested a lot of time in an online relationship with you. He has a right to be attracted to what he's attracted to. That hurts and is unpleasant to hear, but it's his truth. He's not required to be attracted to you if he's not feeling it.

    People don't love unconditionally. They just don't. We all have conditions on our love..we want our mate/significant other to bathe, brush their teeth, be appropriately dressed, etc. If your spouse didn't bathe for weeks and stopped brushing their teeth would you still be attracted to them? I'd seriously doubt it.

    Soulmates are overrated and something romance novels sell us. Relationships are work. You never instantly have the perfect relationship with anyone. There are so many people we could be attracted to and have a good relationship with. Yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition.. You found one possible person with whom you could be compatible. There are others out there. You just have to find someone else with whom you have a connection.

    I also wonder (gently) why you couldn't be honest with him about the weight gain. If your relationship was that strong and so deep surely you could have said something once or better yet many times BEFORE you met. It seems odd that you'd hide this from someone you call your soulmate.

    Lose the weight for yourself. Always for yourself. Never for anyone else.

    this +1

    He may have believed himself in love with you, or rather the fantasy that you gave him of yourself. It was up to you to be honest about yourself and your situation.
  • happymomma454
    happymomma454 Posts: 125
    Why would someone being a total (insert expletive here) be a reality check for YOU to change YOURself or YOUR life? Love isn't just a feeling, it's an action. It's accepting the other person part and parcel, and making the choice - sometimes over and over again - to love that person no matter what. That love may have been one-sided in your case.


    Get well. Get healthy. Get fit. But do those things for YOU. Not to be "good enough" for someone else.

    That is well-said. As women, we tend to get emotionally involved and attached a lot easier than men do. It is possible that he became infatuated with his image of who he wanted / expected you to be based on his own ideals and not on reality. That is probably the biggest difficulty with online relationships- the fact that it is "distant" in that you cannot see / interact with the other person and really discover who they are as an individual. He also may have been very clever at "playing" you but when you met he realized that he would have to "man up" in order to be involved with you at the next level. Although it is very difficult right now, please allow me to say "be thankful you discovered this about him before you got further involved". This is based on experience. Sometimes guys will do whatever they have to in order to convince you that they love you, but are very selfish (it is about what they think they will gain from the relationship, not about love) so then when things get difficult or don't go their way they bail. My ex is a perfect example of this.

    You are a wonderful and special person just because you are YOU. If you have a medical condition, get treatment and manage it the best way possible. But DON"T let it get you down. The right person will truly love you no matter what. Take time to love yourself and heal from this very painful experience. If he apologizes and accepts you as you are then you have a shot at a decent relationship. If not, then he really doesn't deserve you. Please don't feel like you have to beat yourself up about this, or even chase him down and hold on to the dream. Having to look / be a certain way in order for him to "love" you will only put you in slavery to that mirage. It is not a good foundation for a healthy relationship.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    "should I get myself "fixed" and try for this guy again?"

    Short answer: no. You're not broken. (hugs)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Hold up people!!
    Before talking smack..

    Did anyone care to think if he may be going through some thing difficult in his life?????

    Of course NOT...just talk smack

    You know, we all go through ****. That doesn't give us permission to hurt others. Sure, it sounds like he did it as gently as possible, and that's great. But that still doesn't mean that he didn't hurt her or that she should continue to hold out hope.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    My dream was to hear him say that he loved me. And now he has. He told me, "Deep down I always knew you were the one. But you were just too big."

    Uh ... congratulations?

    LOL! I am pretty sure that post you have quoted is a joke intended to make a point.

    i wouldn't be so sure about that. check out her previous posts.
