Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,

    I need the following information since I think I missed a few things. I also realize that some of you have been extremely busy this week and may have forgotten to post. If they are rest days for you please just put 0 or rest day that way I know I did not miss anyone's data.

    Hansea May 15 and 16
    Robin E- May 18
    jt- May 14 to May 18
    Little Shadow-I hope you are resting comfortably.
    Damensa-May 16-May 18
    Karen- May 14-18
    aimee- May 16-17
    P1nx1xy- May 15 to 18
    brandy-IF you are out there please let us know.

    If anyone wants to change their miles either up or lower it, please feel to do so this week. I don't want anyone to be frustrated or overwhelmed by not reaching their goal. You can send me a PM if you want to change it that way.

    Ushkill- I will give you a mileage update Total distance is 18.47, distance to go 21.53 miles
    Tanya- Your mileage goal has been updated. You will make it, you have been rocking this challenge.

    I decided to post everyone's Miles to Go status as of 5-18. Data from 5-19 is NOT included.
    Hansea-24.14 miles to go (MTG)

    Kaye-20.57 MTG
    RobinE-18.5 MTG (Did you want to change your goal? I understand that exercise is hard for you right now)
    JT-55.01 MTG
    tanya- 63.9
    Robin B27.4
    Brandy- 30
    Tom- 35.11
    L2T- 43.75
    Karen -53.5
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just another manic Monday......I won't bore you with the details. Just.....I need a nap. And a maid. Or a personal assistant. Or both.

    Here's my miles (I can't remember if you were missing 5/14 and 5/15 or 5/15 and 5/16, so here's everything since the 14th):

    5/14: 0.79 miles completed!
    5/15: 4.15 miles completed!
    5/16: Rest Day
    5/17: 5.55 miles completed!
    5/18: 3.14 miles completed!
    5/19: Rest Day
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Queen- I am glad to hear that you are back on track and sorry that life has been so rough on you lately. Keep reading and posting when you can, remember that we are here for you.

    hansea- Thank you that is just what I needed regarding your numbers.

    A busy day today but a good workout tonight. Ran for 30 minutes prior to my training session, then walked with my trainer, leg workout, finishing with spin bike ride for 10 miles.

    Tomorrow, I get to watch the Blue Angels fly after sitting with my Dad at the doctors office for 3 hours. I am looking forward to being outside tomorrow afternoon. During this wait I will be grading non-stop, I have a lot of papers to catch up on.

    I just hope my week stays quiet without any unexpected meetings.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for May 19: 6.48
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am considering going to a dietian at the hospital I work for to get some advice on meal plans. Has anyone gone to one and what was your experience?

    @hjwhite - A dietitian could be a help, but I'd make one suggestion before you go. Make a list of what you will and will not do to get to your goal. I did this when I first started. I had 3 columns: WILL, WILL NOT and LATER.

    I was brutally honest with myself when I made this list. Cooking from scratch or following a specific diet plan that meant I had to cook was firmly in the WILL NOT column. Also in that column was "Quit eating out." After cooking for a family for 30+ years, I am over it and knew I would need to rely on prepared foods for dinners. The WILL column contained things like "staying within a daily calorie goal". Exercise was in the LATER column. Based on this list, I came up with an eating plan that I felt would be sustainable for me. IMO, that's what you should focus on if you meet with a dietitian. Don't let them design a plan based on what a perfect diet looks like. Help them design a plan that is perfect for YOU.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, LivesToTravel. Don't think I'd have thought this through as well as you did. After I read this, it made going to a dietitian much more appealing!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I never got back to re-read the posts I skimmed on Thurs. and got even farther behind with my busy weekend. I just skimmed through for any personals to me, but otherwise I'm just going to jump back in from this point.

    Monday check-in:
    Had a great weekend--Friday was our faculty end of year party at a friends which was a lot of fun. But the highlight of the weekend was meeting up with Susan in the city. She's so great, and we had a fabulous time at all of her work events with gorgeous weather to boot. She has the only picture of us, so she can decide if it's "post-worthy." :laugh: Garetie met up with us today as well, and I took both of them on the "scenic route" to Haymarket Pub for lunch. Fortunately, the food was worth it. :wink:

    Finished my AP essays this evening. :bigsmile:

    Updated my mileage for laurie. Will get back to personals tomorrow.
    Grading Goals:
    1.70/70 AP Lit Theory papers DONE!!!!

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walking in city
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles
    5/9= 0 miles
    5/10= 0 miles
    5/11= 2 miles
    5/12= 2 miles
    5/13= 0 miles
    5/14= 2 miles
    5/15 = 2 miles
    5/16 = 0 miles
    5/17 = 2 miles
    5/18 = 1.5 miles
    5/19 = 3 miles
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    May 1 3.70 miles
    May 2 4.48
    May 3 5.00
    May 4 5.01
    May 5 6.06
    May 6 5.18
    May 7 3.48
    May 8 4.83
    May 9 7.88
    May10 5.08
    May11 6.39
    May12 6.25
    May13 7.68
    May14 4.61
    May15 6.40
    May16 8.04
    May17 3.41
    May18 2.92
    May19 5.86

    May Total: 102.26 miles
    Goal: 100 miles

    I made my goal... not sure what to do now! :drinker: I guess I'll change it too 150. Wish me luck!!!
    I'll do personals later... this is a long weekend for us. I've been going all weekend and I'm ready to crash!
  • schoneybee
    schoneybee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm relatively new at this. Trying to get down to ideal/healthy weight which means I have lots to lose. So far I'm down about 30 pounds since I started earlier this year. Any advice for the long haul? I'm trying to keep goals small -- maybe getting down the next 20 lbs.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @jnettie - Ouch! Hope you're feeling better after your fall. A horse therapy session sounds awesome. I rode a lot as a kid and was just thinking I might want to start again. I need to find somewhere I can trail ride. Going in a circle in a ring is not my idea of fun.

    @kah - Sounds like things are coming along with your trainers new studio. You should get some extra special treatment with all the help you've given him.

    @allofme - I always look at the restaurants website beforehand, choose a meal and log the calories. That way I just make the rest of my day fit. I eat out a lot and find it hasn't impeded my weight loss at all using this method. Don't avoid the scale after a bad day. I've found out that while my weight will be up the next day, if I get right back on program the "gain" will be gone within a day or two. Avoiding the scale got me to 295 lbs, so I'm not letting myself do that again.

    @mnwalkingqueen - Hugs to you and props for never giving up.

    @robinb - I'm one of those people who thinks best on paper. I still have my list and I update it as time goes by. I believe that being honest with myself has made the difference between success and failure in the last 11 months. In the past, my attempts at weight loss have followed this path: "I'm going to lose weight by eating perfectly and exercising everyday. Oops, I screwed up today so I might as well sit on the couch and eat everything in sight. I'll start again on Monday or the first of next month or never......" I always attached impossible levels of perfection to my diet attempts. This time I spent the time needed to come to terms with the fact that I am not perfect and that I needed a plan that fit me and my lifestyle.

    @kaye - Happy Birthday a bit early! You look great and I've always thought you were younger than you are based on your picture.

    @laurie - I'm pretty sure I won't get to my mileage goal, but I'm not going to lower it. I'm going to celebrate every darn mile and take this as another lesson in "Perfect is not necessary for success".

    @skinnyjeanz - Jealous that you and Susan got to meet. I'm glad you had fun and hope she posts the picture.

    @p1xy - Impressive mileage!!!

    AFM - Thanks to everyone who chimed in about buying clothes. I went to Coldwater Creek yesterday to check out the store closing sale and tried on some summer stuff. I was shocked when the 12s fit great. I was expecting the 14s to fit, but be a bit snug. That proved to me that I have no clue what size I'll be this time next year!

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.50 miles (class plus 1.50 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.50 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4 miles (class plus 2 mile walk)
    5/13 - 4.50 miles (walk)
    5/14 - 2 miles (class)
    5/15 - 2 miles (class)
    5/16 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/17 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/18 - 3.50 miles (walk)
    5/19 - 4 miles (class plus 2 mile walk)
    5/20 - 3.5 miles (walk)

    Total Miles - 64.50
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~Sounds like you, Susan and Garetie had a great time!

    @Hansea~I need all the above also—along with a chef! :laugh:

    @Holly~I’m sorry life keeps throwing you curveballs, glad to see you back. Just take it one day at a time and set small goals for yourself. Check in when you can, we'll be here.

    @L2T~What great dietician advice. I would have never thought about making columns like that, great advice!

    @Laurie~ Thanks for keeping track of everyone’s mileage!


    Total = 66.55 Miles

    AFM~Even after a roadblock at work, I was able to get to the gym and get in some cardio; then de-stressed in the sauna. I found a new machine—adaptive motion trainer, allows you to do different motions but it did wreak havoc on some muscles around my knees. It was a great calorie burner but I think it doesn’t allow for perfect alignment in your legs thus creating some muscle tension. I felt like my knees were on fire all night, naturally it kept me awake. :mad: Tonight is weights with my trainer.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Run with Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio DONE!
    Tuesday~Weights with Trainer
    Thursday~Weights with Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day (shopping with trainer for his studio)
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Tues Goals: I'm desperate to stick to my low carb eating plan for the next 2 weeks. I know I can't sustain this type of eating, but am certainly going to try it for at least 2 weeks. I'm 3 days into it and it's going well so far.
    The reason for this plan is because in the last 10 days, I exercised 4 times at the gym, ate healthy meals (but didn't count calories), and expected to lose weight...I was shocked after 10 days when I didn't lose anything, in fact gained 1/2 lb.
    Since going low carb, I've lost 3 lbs..I know it could be an affect of my previous efforts, but I'm desperate to lose.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.


    “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” ~John Maxwell

  • I have lost 8 lbs on my way to my 100 pound weight loss! I am so happy and starting to feel excited about my journey. Looking for friends and support! My profile and ticker dont reflect my weight loss for some reason. I keep trying to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue? :love:
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    5/20: 2.37

    5/20: 11.4

    On foot: 36.11
    On bike: 51.9

    On foot: 50+ 
    On bike: 50+
  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, I'm Robyn. While I'm not that new to the site, I have recently recommitted to taking better care of myself. Am in the market for friends to support and gain support from. goals I'm focusing on this week are:
    Eat fewer processed foods.
    Increase my daily steps (and remember to wear pedometer)
    Breathe and try to reduce stress
    Track my food daily.

    I look forward to meeting you all!:tongue:
  • peacelovehhs
    peacelovehhs Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats! I think spring/summer is a great time for renewal. Feel free to send a friend request if you want to.
    I have lost 8 lbs on my way to my 100 pound weight loss! I am so happy and starting to feel excited about my journey. Looking for friends and support! My profile and ticker dont reflect my weight loss for some reason. I keep trying to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue? :love:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Had to update since I walked further than I planned!

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.50 miles (class plus 1.50 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2 miles (class)
    5/10 - 2.50 miles (walk)
    5/11 - 3.25 miles (walk)
    5/12 - 4 miles (class plus 2 mile walk)
    5/13 - 4.50 miles (walk)
    5/14 - 2 miles (class)
    5/15 - 2 miles (class)
    5/16 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/17 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/18 - 3.50 miles (walk)
    5/19 - 4 miles (class plus 2 mile walk)
    5/20 - 4.0 miles (walk)

    Total Miles - 65.00
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member

    Yesterday I made all three goals. I made my version of a shrimp burrito for dinner. I only had one soda while at work and water once I got home. I also go my walk in.

    Feeling good about my choices yesterday :smile:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    I'm still alive and kicking. Well, maybe not kicking but I'm at least throwing things.

    I've been keeping up with everyone and reading, but haven't responded. I'm working like crazy to get my apartment ready because on Friday... I GET MY DOG! I've been working with Book for weeks and he's finally at the point where he doesn't attack on sight. He can even share the bed with my pastor's dog when I petsit.

    I keep telling myself when I have a little more money saved up, but then I realized that I can tell myself that FOREVER. This is the first time in my life I haven't had a dog and it's been SIX LONG years. Saturday MowMow (in his stroller) and I went over to Petco for the Senior Pet Adoption day and we met about 8 senior dogs. The one I chose is an 8 year old Chihuahua mix named Bridget (To be changed to Gidget). MowMOw is actually the one who chose her. He sniffed noses with all of them but he was ruubbbbinggg on her and face mashing her. I liked her too, she wasn't shaking with fear like a lot of Chihuahuas or yapping at the other dogs/people/cat like some do. She was quiet and cautious but watchful and interested in what everyone was doing.

    She has her final vet check tonight and if all goes well she'll be home with me on Friday @ 6pm when they come to do the final home check and bring her with them. Before I went on Saturday I stopped at my apartment complex office and got official approval (they still have to meet her to check her temperament but..she's no Cujo). Talked to work today and changed my schedule so I have an hour lunch so I can run home and walk her, then just eat lunch at home.

    I've burned a pretty decent size hole in my credit card shopping. I've never had a little (12 lbs) foofoo dog before and she's got pink...everything now. I sat down on Sunday and crocheted her a little sweater (it still gets chilly at night here and I sleep with the windows open) using SHepherd Book as the template (hope it fits her, if not he'll be wearing a pretty pink sweater next winter). Working like crazy to get her a little pink blanket crocheted before her arrival. Have a sack bed I want to make too, that'll take me a few evenings. The Crate and baby gate (to keep her out of the litterboxes) I got free off Craigslist. Harness, leash, collar, bowls, food, and everything else trickling in this week thanks to's free 2 express shipping.

    Lots of walking in my future! Now I have to, no excuses. The dog NEEDS to go out.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, last night went to some pasta place, Brick Oven, it was really good. I went over my cal and did not met my walking time or get enough water, so good think that was monday and I have 6 more days before i weigh agian. I am always saying in need got get back on track, I mush be on a very slippery track, I keep slipping off.

    May Mileage Goal: 40 miles
    5/1 = 1.98
    5/2 = 0.86
    5/5 = 0.86
    5/6 = 1.67
    5/7 = 1.56
    5/8 = 1.74
    5/10 = 1.70
    5/11= 1.84
    5/13= 1.77
    5/15= 1.82
    5/16= 1.03
    5/19= 1.08
    2/20= 1.67

    Total = 21.22