rejected by online soulmate b/c of weight



  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    Options him the online door. It's easy to be so into someone when you are online. He doesn't love you the way he thought he did. It hurts terribly, I know. Do not change for him. If he can't love you at (what might feel like) your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best. And if you decided to give it a go and became would he handle that weight gain? Save your love for someone who loves you regardless. *hugs*
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    "who know's what he wants and goes after it?" news flash.. all guys want poon, and all guys would be willing to jump into a relationship if the other individual/partner.. utensil ;P was spectacular. the difference is some guys run after it, and some guys like me are blessed with the law of least effort.. and look it up its actually a legit thing.. we don't need to go get what we want because we are so studly it comes to us... now granted, occasionally I have to ask for a chicks number, but from after that she does all the work in anything getting anywhere.

    as for being a real gentleman.. some days I wake up rocking the monocle, cane, top hat, my fav black suit before leaving the door... and sometimes on forums I play devils advocate and just talk meat and bones while being witty... when I'm dating a lady legit, I treat her like a lady. Calling immediately is a boys maneuver, real men wait three days.. part of the reason is I like to sit down and put all the numbers into my phone at once that ive collected over the past couple days, but part of it is because it gets the chick also flustered wondering if I will call or not period.

    believe me. the three day rule is a real thing, and the law of least effort is what enables a nitwit like me to date foreign ladies and models and not stuck with what I used to date... dating is a game and once you realize thats all it is it gets a whole lot easier to play, and way less of a chance of disappointment or hurt. embrace the game! XD

    Or maybe, just maybe, those chicks aren't thinking about you at all. Perhaps they are out with real men, enjoying the fact that they haven't heard from you?
    You're cute. I'm sure you'll figure out when you grow up :flowerforyou:

    That's fair, I am young and I have changed and grown up a great deal in the past few years and plan on being more and more of a better man.

    Perhaps my opinions will change, till then I will keep having fun. :)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Am I a bottom feeder because I prefer texting to phone calls?

    nope, I could have worded that better.

    but if you want to tease her kitty as quickly as possible- call.

    I take my time getting to that place.

    Trust me when I say it is worth it.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This entire thread...

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    This thread is making me feel like I am more charming than what I give myself credit for.

    This thread is making me thankful a million times over that I'm married. Single ladies, I am so sorry. I don't remember it being quite this douchey when I was out there. :flowerforyou:

    It is tough out there for guys too.

    I know, but for guys it's less about it being douchey out there and more about it being batsh*t crazy. Which is why I have one of these for all the guys: :drinker:

    Yeah...there are some pretty crazy ones out there. Possibly in part because they dated douchey guys in the past. :laugh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Are guys really still using the three day rule? Holy crap. I'm not a dinosaur after all!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    just like us guys always uphold the dumb rule of never calling within three days of getting out of our comfort zone to ask for the digits.

    If a guy took three days to contact me after I gave him my number, I was assume he's a big pu$$y and that would be the end of that.

    lmfao, your dating a ton of desperate men, or they are ALL coming from tinder. the rule of three is a sacred cree to seperate the alpha's from the shemen. Its a sign that we truly are hardly invested, and def not desperate.

    Plus, you'd be impressed I call period.. so many chicks compliment me on calling after I get their number... all my male friends txt first... the bottom feeders your dealing with.. now that is being a big kitty kat.

    Do you ever wonder why you're single?

    OP: Falling "in love" over the internet without meeting a person face to face is.........let's say a bad idea. I understand developing feelings for a person without meeting, but love? I just........nope. It's not real - you "love" a fantasy you've created based on the information the other person allows you to know.

    All the female related stereotypes in this thread are nauseating.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    This thread is making me feel like I am more charming than what I give myself credit for.

    This thread is making me thankful a million times over that I'm married. Single ladies, I am so sorry. I don't remember it being quite this douchey when I was out there. :flowerforyou:

    I'm single and dating. I'm just grateful to be old enough and wise enough to spot the douches more readily. It can certainly be treacherous!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    This entire thread...


    I was thinking more like this:

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Are guys really still using the three day rule? Holy crap. I'm not a dinosaur after all!

    Depends on the caliber of guy, I think.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    just like us guys always uphold the dumb rule of never calling within three days of getting out of our comfort zone to ask for the digits.

    If a guy took three days to contact me after I gave him my number, I was assume he's a big pu$$y and that would be the end of that.

    lmfao, your dating a ton of desperate men, or they are ALL coming from tinder. the rule of three is a sacred cree to seperate the alpha's from the shemen. Its a sign that we truly are hardly invested, and def not desperate.

    Plus, you'd be impressed I call period.. so many chicks compliment me on calling after I get their number... all my male friends txt first... the bottom feeders your dealing with.. now that is being a big kitty kat.

    Do you ever wonder why you're single?

    OP: Falling "in love" over the internet without meeting a person face to face is.........let's say a bad idea. I understand developing feelings for a person without meeting, but love? I just........nope. It's not real - you "love" a fantasy you've created based on the information the other person allows you to know.

    All the female related stereotypes in this thread are nauseating.

    And the presumption that the guy in this scenario is automatically an *kitten*/other names based entirely on her account of the situation isn't?

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    This thread is making me feel like I am more charming than what I give myself credit for.

    This thread is making me thankful a million times over that I'm married. Single ladies, I am so sorry. I don't remember it being quite this douchey when I was out there. :flowerforyou:

    I'm single and dating. I'm just grateful to be old enough and wise enough to spot the douches more readily. It can certainly be treacherous!

    My very best advice to weeding them out is to see if they actually try to get to know you. Some flirting is fine, but too much too soon before they know anything more about you than you have boobs is a bit of a red flag. And if they stop talking when you arent flirting back at the level they want....well then they just weeded themselves out!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Am I a bottom feeder because I prefer texting to phone calls?

    nope, I could have worded that better.

    but if you want to tease her kitty as quickly as possible- call.

    You are incredibly disgusting. It's really sad that women have low enough self esteem to put up with the likes of you. Even worse, the douchebaggery that you've exhibited in this thread today is becoming more of a social norm. You could help end the cycle instead of preying on women, but you know, that would make you a gentleman which is something you will never be.

    lol.. I'm a blunt guy.. but I'm off to meet a pretty lady - luckily from Brazil so this language barrier might be in my favor ;P

    and all you chicks saying you don't pick up after three days - total total total total B/S ...I wouldn't do it if it didn't work a million times better than calling the next day.... as I said I am a student of the game and used to make amateur blunders like txting the day after like a pansy. My pickup techniques are refined, and so witty girls almost always pickup after the second ring.

    the day of three isn't even as important as the law of least effort. Gentleman, if you want to up your game exponentially, despite what some pretty ladies say here.. the law of least effort - research it and use it... even the ladies should use it.
  • docsandy
    docsandy Posts: 12 Member
    Ninkyou is right, focus on you, your physical and mental health and well being. Keep in mind that life is not static everyone changes with time, in a few years he may be bald and somewhat thicker through the middle. Is he the kind that can't accept himself or does he have a different standard for himself. He was never your soul-mate, move on.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    That's fair, I am young and I have changed and grown up a great deal in the past few years and plan on being more and more of a better man.

    Perhaps my opinions will change, till then I will keep having fun. :)


    would not look twice
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I googled "the law of least effort dating"
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My very best advice to weeding them out is to see if they actually try to get to know you. Some flirting is fine, but too much too soon before they know anything more about you than you have boobs is a bit of a red flag. And if they stop talking when you arent flirting back at the level they want....well then they just weeded themselves out!

    Thank you. This is good advice. :flowerforyou:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    just like us guys always uphold the dumb rule of never calling within three days of getting out of our comfort zone to ask for the digits.

    If a guy took three days to contact me after I gave him my number, I was assume he's a big pu$$y and that would be the end of that.

    lmfao, your dating a ton of desperate men, or they are ALL coming from tinder. the rule of three is a sacred cree to seperate the alpha's from the shemen. Its a sign that we truly are hardly invested, and def not desperate.

    Plus, you'd be impressed I call period.. so many chicks compliment me on calling after I get their number... all my male friends txt first... the bottom feeders your dealing with.. now that is being a big kitty kat.

    Do you ever wonder why you're single?

    OP: Falling "in love" over the internet without meeting a person face to face is.........let's say a bad idea. I understand developing feelings for a person without meeting, but love? I just........nope. It's not real - you "love" a fantasy you've created based on the information the other person allows you to know.

    All the female related stereotypes in this thread are nauseating.

    And the presumption that the guy in this scenario is automatically an *kitten*/other names based entirely on her account of the situation isn't?


    Sorry, I didn't see any of that - I didn't read the whole thread. I don't think he's an *kitten* because of what happened at all - she misrepresented herself, he wasn't attracted, a person can't control that. I amend my statement to "the stereotypes in this thread are nauseating".
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Rejection, in any form, is heart breaking. It hits us at the core of what we consider to be our self worth. External validation from someone can be intoxicating, and unfortunately its really easy to say things without realizing the full implication of what they mean. Words like "I love you unconditionally" those are words not many understand the weight of. I'll "always" be here for you, "you're perfect" those words sound great in books and movies, but in real's just not realistic.

    (I actually don't believe that unconditional love really exists- to put a fine point on it, a condition of my love is that I don't get cheated on, lied to, abused, etc. EVERYONE has those conditions, to a degree, rendering the "unconditional" a untrue sentiment).

    Attraction is fickle. You can have great chemistry on the phone/email/chatting with someone. Sometimes it doesn't translate to the physical. Every person has their own thing- you have to recognize that his preferences have more to do with HIM, though, than you. And it's my personal opinion that you should NEVER let anyone else determine your motivation, your self esteem, or your self worth. If you make changes, do it for you.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Am I a bottom feeder because I prefer texting to phone calls?

    nope, I could have worded that better.

    but if you want to tease her kitty as quickly as possible- call.

    You are incredibly disgusting. It's really sad that women have low enough self esteem to put up with the likes of you. Even worse, the douchebaggery that you've exhibited in this thread today is becoming more of a social norm. You could help end the cycle instead of preying on women, but you know, that would make you a gentleman which is something you will never be.

    lol.. I'm a blunt guy.. but I'm off to meet a pretty lady - luckily from Brazil so this language barrier might be in my favor ;P

    and all you chicks saying you don't pick up after three days - total total total total B/S ...I wouldn't do it if it didn't work a million times better than calling the next day.... as I said I am a student of the game and used to make amateur blunders like txting the day after like a pansy. My pickup techniques are refined, and so witty girls almost always pickup after the second ring.

    the day of three isn't even as important as the law of least effort. Gentleman, if you want to up your game exponentially, despite what some pretty ladies say here.. the law of least effort - research it and use it... even the ladies should use it.

    You're a moron. Your little games may work with insecure and immature girls but real women will see right through your crap. And if you need "pickup techniques" to get girls, then that just means the real you has nothing to offer them. And based on your posts, I can guarantee that's true.