SWa Walking group - January Walk



  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Got 2 miles in today!

    Happy Walking eveyone! To Tomorrow!

  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I did it:bigsmile: I walked 1.5 miles and my daughter walked with me. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    "What Leslie workouts are your favorites? Do you prefer when she is alone or with a group? After awhile do they all seem alot the same ?"

    Mommy2two, I've got about 20 different WATP dvd's. (and there are lots more out there) www.half.com is a good place to find some of the older workouts and good prices too. When I first started I rewarded myself with a new dvd as I reached my mini goals. There is a pretty good variety to her workouts. Of course there are the same steps that they all revolve around but there are a lot of different moves too. I particularly like the Punch up your walk 4 mile workout, the 3-mile boot camp, 5 mile walk, the 2-mile big burn and a 4-mile that I can't remember the name of right now. For some reason I prefer the workouts with a group even though 2 of my favorites are workouts where she is alone. Any of the workouts with boosted walking are good too but there is no way I could have done them at the beginning.

    I've really been surprised how long I've stuck with the WATP's and the fact that they still give me a good workout. It's really easy to continue increasing your effort as you become more in shape. It hasn't been very long since I've been able to do the kicks and knee lifts during the boosted minutes. Sometimes I do extra arm moves or longer boosts when I feel like I can do more. I would like to start getting in more regular strength training but the WATP's are still my choice for the cardio.

    Juile - You can set your goal whenever you are ready. The goal is just for your benefit really and something to work towards so you can do it any way you like. We're flexible here and just glad to have you walking with us.

    I'm so glad to see everyone working so hard and a little embarassed to say I ended up taking the day off :blushing: I'm going to have to "step" it up if I"m going to keep up all of you this month!

    Way to push on through Viggie!

    Happy Walking everyone!
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone. Happy January!

    I'm so glad we're keeping this group going (thanks, Sandy!). I lowered my December goal by 10 miles and, although I made it - barely, I feel like I gave myself an excuse for not walking over the holidays (my last walk was on Christmas Eve). So, I'm increasing my goal by 15 for this month. To get back into the swing of things, I did the one mile today (not great, but at least I got it going again).

    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    1.02~7 miles

    Funny thing~yesterday I went over about 1100 cals, walked Plum twice, and didn't care. Why? Well, I know that when I exercise alot and eat under the amount of total cals on a daily basis my weight loss slows down unless I do something very different (eat alot and do nothing)... to prove my point I weighed 154.6 on the 3d, this AM my weight was 153.4!:noway:

    So now I'm back to keeping under my total cals and exercising (alot):wink:

    'see' ya later, happy walking!
  • Hi, I'm Connie and I would love to join your group. I love walking and that's most my workouts anyway...
    I've been MIA from MFP for about 4 months just maintaining on my own but with the Holidays over and a few lbs back on. I decided january is the best time to start agian. and am looking for a good group to keep me going this year...and maybe I'll finally reach my final goal. I really liked the idea about walking across your state, But I think it'll take me most the year to do that, lol. that might be a good goal anyway... So I think I'll start with 40 miles this month. this is new to me setting goals.
    so we'll see how this goes....
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :)
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    Just wanted to check in and make sure everyone was motivated today!

    Woke to thunderstorms this morning that have just about passed over. YAY for indoor walking!! Got my water jug filled and my shoes on and am ready to do a little walk first thing this morning and plan to do another one a little later this afternoon. First time I've tried to do two walks in one day and figured it might be a good way to up my mileage a little bit. We'll see how my body reacts to it.

    ***Plumgrl - what is walking the "Plum"?

    ***Who is it that was tracking their mileage across the states? A couple years ago I was using a Google map to track my swimming distance around Italy (my dream vacation.) I had mapped over 50 miles around the coast then got away from it and when I went back to it they had made some changes and I not only lost my map, I couldn't figure out how to use it again.:frown: Can you tell me what site you are using? I'd like to check it out!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Saturday Miles in 3 Fast Miles
    Monday~Miles in, 1 Power Walk, 2 Walk Strong, 1 freeform.
    Tuesday~ 2 miles Walk and Kick 1 mile Power Walk with weights, 1.50 miles freeform with weights.
    Wednesday~4 Fast Miles~1 mile freeform with 5lb weights..
    Thursday~3.25 miles~ 3lb weights

    Way to go Viggie!

    Walk, walk, walk!
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I did 1.5 miles today. Slow and steady wins the race:flowerforyou:
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Ah I've been off work the whole day and still managed to lose track of time.. Instead of my planned 5 mile walk I only did about 2.5 (logged it as 2)...have to rush out for a dinner date now, hope to do the 5 tomorrow! Have a nice day everyone!
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Wow! this group is growing by leaps and bounds. So happy to see new faces.

    My favorite WATP sessions are the 5K with a twist, 5 Fat Burning Miles, 3 Fast Miles and 4 Fast Miles. :blushing: Shhhh, don't tell anyone but I actually like the boosts - at least after I get done that is :bigsmile:

    Did another 3 miles today. We found an oldie - WATP Express 3 Miles with the flex band - that we haven't done in a long time. Has anyone else tracked the different cast members from tape to tape (dvd to dvd) to see how they've changed over the years? I had to laugh because I barely recognized Mary Kate ("Mare") in the tape we did today until someone in our group pointed her out. She was so young! Of course, we all were young once right :ohwell:

    Happy walking everyone!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Got 2 miles in this morning before work
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well, I've gotten in a little over 5 miles this week. Are most of you wearing pedometers? So far I am only logging miles from using the elliptical or taking an on purpose walk. When I was doing WW on-line I was with a group that wore pedometers and tried to get in 10K steps per day.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did the last 3 miles of the 5 Advanced Miles video today as well as Day 4 of the Sparkpeople 28 Day Bootcamp Challenge. Doing well on my water and food choices so far, too.
    I plan on the rest of the day being on track, as well.

    I'm not sure I can pick a favorite video and there are times I prefer one that has a group and other times when I prefer just Leslie. My favorite for a bad day, though, is the 1 mile walk she did with the California Raisin--it always makes me smile!

    Cindy--I have only been counting the miles I do as a workout but I do wear a pedometer to track my steps the rest of the day.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello GROUP!! Nice to meet new people. Please feel free to add me, More the merrier. :flowerforyou:

    Viggie!! WAY TO GO! :drinker:

    Mommy2two07: My Favorite Leslie Sansone's: (1.) FAST & FIRM 4 big miles, moderate ( 2.) 5 miles fat burning walk , faster pace....... Personally I enjoy working alone with Leslie 95% of the time, then some times I'll welcome company :wink:

    SANDY: LOL!! I still can't lift my knee or kick during the boost. BUT I Love the Boost & I do Boost longer then the 2 minutes.

    Mamacindy: I wear my Pedometer only outside, It doesn't seem to work well with my DVD work-outs. Since your really not just walking with the DVD.

    LOVE seeing the Group get larger, Welcome Everyone NEW & old ones coming back.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    :bigsmile: Oh I forgot , I got 5 miles in today. It's about time because I've been doing only 3 miles the last two dAYS. I finally had the energy to walk to the beach again. No blisters this time :wink:
  • Nightly Check In...

    I did 2 Miles with Leslie today and was going to do another round with her but I've been dying to try my hand at some Belly Dancing that I DVR'd from FitTV (the Shimmy series). What a HOOT!! It was more like "Jelly Dancing"!! But I had fun and more than anything I felt some pretty good stretches out of it.

    :flowerforyou: Teresa - You are just a bit south of me, maybe about 3 hours, I'm up in Brevard. Don't feel bad. I can't do the kicks during the Boost either. I'm too bottom heavy and gravity's got a big ol' hold on this girls bottom! I just bounce in place really fast and kick my leg out.:embarassed: Congrats on the walk and no blisters!

    Nite Ladies and Happy Walking
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member

    Got 2 miles in today.

    My favorite is Leslie 3 mile walk away the pounds for abs with the walk away belt. Are there more with the walk away belt. I think it's so effective with my arms I can see results and I am liking that. I haven't tried more then 3 miles with Leslie. Maybe in the future.

    Have a good walk everyone!!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Got 2 miles in today.

    My favorite is Leslie 3 mile walk away the pounds for abs with the walk away belt. Are there more with the walk away belt. I think it's so effective with my arms I can see results and I am liking that. I haven't tried more then 3 miles with Leslie. Maybe in the future.

    Have a good walk everyone!!


    Hi Dawn!

    She has one called Walk Away Your Waistline--I know it has a different 'cast' than the Abs one (which I have, too) but I don't know how different it is. Also, the 3rd mile of the 5 Advanced Mile video uses the belt.

    There is also one called Walk n'Tone that I almost forgot about. It is an older one that I was given a copy of by a friend and forgot I had it! It is a 2 mile walk.

    Thinking about it now--if i HAD to pick I would choose the Walk Belt workouts as my favorites!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I got in 45 minutes today.
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