*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* : Discussion Week #1



  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello Sunny Snowflakes!

    Workouts have been getting better and better. My struggles seem to be more on the food front. I discovered I do need to watch those evening hours when I am making dinner as it is snack trigger central. I bought some gum & stashed it in the kitchen cupboard to help with this problem.

    I went out to dinner last night and made mediocre choices. We went to red robin & I got a diet pepsi (should have chosen water).. the "whiskey" burger with a garden burger instead of meat... but, I should have asked for no mayo (didn't realize it was on there)... no cheese & ideally wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun (luckilly I only ate half). Then I did swipe out my fries for a side salad - but ordered ranch dressing (on the side) - light ranch or vinegrette would have been better. So, I am trying to look at my mistakes & learn ways to do things better.

    Think I'll pop Jillian Michaels Shred in quick for another workout.

    Watched Biggest Loser Tuesday (LOVE it!) and last night at 10pm I caught "I used to be fat" (on MTV) and PrimeTime had a weight loss special as well.

    Hugs to all! Keep up the amazing work, you all are so inspiring!
  • 2LiveAgain
    BTW, can anyone tell me how you all do that, when you post a reply to a certain person and it shows their post in blue first and then your reply??? I thought it was just hitting reply on that specific post but that didn't do it, lol.

    You hit quote underneath the person's comment.

    Thanks for answering ladies !! :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well I woke up this morning 2 hours late!!!! Yeesh, so I didn't get to get my 30 Day Shred on. However, I am excited about going home and doing Zumba. Since this is the last day before the weigh-in I am going to do 30 Day Shred and Zumba back to back. This will give me some circuit training and some cardio in. I think I will do the 20 Minute Express Zumba twice, like I did last night.

    And for those of you that didn't seem my status update last night.... I LOVE ZUMBA!!! It was sooooo much fun. Now I will say that I come from a dance background, so it was just like going out and dancing for me...but half way into this workout...you ARE sweating. Plus, it's just pure fun. I was smiling all the way through it! So I can actually say, I am super excited about getting home to workout...which I don't think I have EVER felt like this, even in the beginning of my journey! Excited!

    Everyone have a great day!
  • nanny972001
    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I am new to this site and am looking forward to meeting everyone!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Well I woke up this morning 2 hours late!!!! Yeesh, so I didn't get to get my 30 Day Shred on. However, I am excited about going home and doing Zumba. Since this is the last day before the weigh-in I am going to do 30 Day Shred and Zumba back to back. This will give me some circuit training and some cardio in. I think I will do the 20 Minute Express Zumba twice, like I did last night.

    And for those of you that didn't seem my status update last night.... I LOVE ZUMBA!!! It was sooooo much fun. Now I will say that I come from a dance background, so it was just like going out and dancing for me...but half way into this workout...you ARE sweating. Plus, it's just pure fun. I was smiling all the way through it! So I can actually say, I am super excited about getting home to workout...which I don't think I have EVER felt like this, even in the beginning of my journey! Excited!

    Everyone have a great day!

    Do you have Zumba for Wii, or is it a Zumba DVD? Anything that fun, I want in on! Thanks :0)
  • forgiven4life
    I really want to get Zumba for Wii. The only thing I have right now is Wii Fit Plus & I get bored of it pretty easily.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I have the Zumba DVDs.....I don't have a Wii, so the DVDs were the next best thing! I LOVE THEM! I know it is a little premature to think about this..but once I lose the weight, I am going to look into becoming a Zumba instructor. I would love to inspire people to get moving and have fun!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Excited for the weigh-in tomorrow everyone? Just in case, remember do not feel discouraged if you don't lose as much as you thought you were going to. Let your body do it's thing. No time in life has anyone ever worked out and ate right....and not ended up losing weight! Stay strong and keep pushing....we are all going to have our week or weeks to put up big numbers....AND hopefully it is this week for everyone LOL

    Again the link to enter your weight has been posted and I will start a thread tonight for the weigh-ins for everyone to post on as well! In advance, great job everyone for sticking it out!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I'm excited and a teensie bit nervous. I stayed off the scale because I didn't want to "peek" and get discouraged. Even if I don't lose a pound, I am excited that I will be able to say that I logged every morsel of food (no "pretending" it didn't happen because I didn't log it), exercised and drank my water every single day with the help of a good crew of people on this journey with me towards health and happy fitness days. I don't need to scale to remind me of my thank yous to everyone in this challenge. You inspire me
  • psalms3115
    Is it too late to get in on this challenge? I just started this program this week and would love to have the extra motivation.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dkbstill
    Been doing pretty good this week! Everyone has been great on this challenge. I am proud that I have been able to be accountable for all the food I have eaten as well as exercise. Like another person inn the challenge said (leananddred) I was not able to pretend that it did not happen. We will see what the scale says. See everyone in the morning hour.

    Stay committed,
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    OK, I made a really good, quick, low cal dinner tonight so I thought I'd share.

    Fresh broccoli cut in spears, tossed with a little olive oil and sprinkled with garlic pepper, then baked at 350 for about 15 minutes.
    Quinoa, fried in 2 tbsp olive oil, then the water added, along with about 3/4 lb Jamaican Jerk marinated chicken breast chopped, simmered about 10 minutes.
    Serves 3-4

    Seriously, 20 minutes, less than 400 calories, and REALLY delicious!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Excited for the weigh-in tomorrow everyone? Just in case, remember do not feel discouraged if you don't lose as much as you thought you were going to. Let your body do it's thing. No time in life has anyone ever worked out and ate right....and not ended up losing weight! Stay strong and keep pushing....we are all going to have our week or weeks to put up big numbers....AND hopefully it is this week for everyone LOL

    Again the link to enter your weight has been posted and I will start a thread tonight for the weigh-ins for everyone to post on as well! In advance, great job everyone for sticking it out!

    I am soooo not looking forward to weighing in now :( I checked my weight this morning (I know I know i shouldnt have) and no loss!! still the same weight!!! its frustrating to work soooo hard and not see results...i will weigh again and measure tomorrow....maybe i have lost an inch....

    Good luck everyone else!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I am definitely excited to weigh in tomorrow. I've gone down a little throughout the week, I didn't go over my sodium, I got in all my water and I burned a solid 800 calories tonight because my personal trainer loves to torture me. :smile:

    And no matter how much or little the weight loss turns out to be, I'm still healthier than I was on Saturday. :smile:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    I am soooo not looking forward to weighing in now :( I checked my weight this morning (I know I know i shouldnt have) and no loss!! still the same weight!!! its frustrating to work soooo hard and not see results...i will weigh again and measure tomorrow....maybe i have lost an inch....

    Good luck everyone else!!

    Now. Now you won't suppose to look! Its ok, I understand though..sometimes I workout really hard and then look at myself in the mirror like "My stomach should be gone right now!" LOL But inches I am SURE you are losing. Don't stress, you are doing great!
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    I have been looking at my weight every morning and have been getting a little frustrated. It seems to be wobbling a little up, a little down. I don't know whether to check my weight weekly or every day to make sure I didn't "accidently" add 5 lbs. the day before.

    Updatewise...I'm staying up to late to get my exercise in so I'm trying to decide if I have the fortitude to get up early before I go to work to exercise. I'm NOT a morning person by nature. Today I did the 20 minute beginner party on Zumba. I can tell I haven't worked out much in a while...I got that feeling I used to get as a kid in my lungs when you run really fast and weren't used to it. The good news is I plan to get used to it!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Just so everyone knows...this is the link that you will go to in order to enter your weight tomorrow. Look for your name on the drop down menu and enter your weight.....Also, this will update to a spreadsheet that I will make available to view as well.


    can someone help me with this link, i am not very computer with it, I am used to the easy links where you just click on it and you are taken straight there. Do I search for that big long thing?
    Good Luck tomorrow everyone!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have been looking at my weight every morning and have been getting a little frustrated. It seems to be wobbling a little up, a little down. I don't know whether to check my weight weekly or every day to make sure I didn't "accidently" add 5 lbs. the day before.

    Updatewise...I'm staying up to late to get my exercise in so I'm trying to decide if I have the fortitude to get up early before I go to work to exercise. I'm NOT a morning person by nature. Today I did the 20 minute beginner party on Zumba. I can tell I haven't worked out much in a while...I got that feeling I used to get as a kid in my lungs when you run really fast and weren't used to it. The good news is I plan to get used to it!

    I weigh daily at times and when I do I consider sodium I ate, time of the month, etc. If you are weighing youself daily I recommend you not take the weight each day literally. If weighing daily you have to take it as weight over a period of time. Right now I weigh every other day and look for a trend. Please see below link on this matter:

    Hope this helps some.....:-) If you have gained tomorrow just remember tomorrow is one day and one week. One day at a time, one week at time. Learn from this week and move forward.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Just so everyone knows...this is the link that you will go to in order to enter your weight tomorrow. Look for your name on the drop down menu and enter your weight.....Also, this will update to a spreadsheet that I will make available to view as well.


    can someone help me with this link, i am not very computer with it, I am used to the easy links where you just click on it and you are taken straight there. Do I search for that big long thing?
    Good Luck tomorrow everyone!!

    Copy the address into the address line.
  • rshellb
    rshellb Posts: 24
    Thank you for your advise. I wil def. try that!