Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • TTC40
    TTC40 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone, I just got my MFP account set up, btw the meaning of TTC40 is Time To Cut and 40 is the pounds I want to lose. I am in need of some friends (males and females), I need some people so we can inspire each other, I want to keep it down to like 20 so I can pay attention to all of my friends, and whenever 20 is easy I might push it up to like 30 or 40 :) Hope to see you in my friend list !!!
  • Need all the friends I can get! Yesterday was the last time I was that weight. I will be on here everyday and hoping to lose weight the sensible way - not the fast way, I want it gone forever and never coming back. Please add me:drinker:
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    If you log daily and want motivation add me! Looking for friends that are serious about their committment to weight loss and log daily
  • Tazzza
    Tazzza Posts: 11 Member
    I'm all lonely on here ???? would be great if I had some new fwiends for motivation! Add me ???? P.S I started insanity last week and think it's AMAZING. Some fellow insanians would be super!
  • yorkshiregoal
    yorkshiregoal Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend!!

    I'm gluten free and vegetarian, with an emphasis on whole foods. I also have an open diary and log daily :)
  • Hey guys I'm Calli. I'm on here daily, and I log everyday. I love to motivate and make friends! :) I occasionally write posts trying to engage in conversations with my friends on here, and I love hearing weight stories! NSV's. I'm trying to lose 60-70 total and I've lost 24 so far since March. I hope to meet new people soon!
  • MusicofAria
    MusicofAria Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there, I'm returning to this website massively motivated. I could use encouragement, and I promise to leave inspiring posts almost every day!
  • JuliaJitterbug
    JuliaJitterbug Posts: 22 Member
    Need more people who are active to add and motivate! Getting back in it after slacking horribly. Self sabotage is my middle name!
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm not new but haven't really interacted with people here and my motivation's been sketchy lately. Trying to stay focused! Let's help each other out.
  • Llyna2014
    Llyna2014 Posts: 4
    Just getting started with MFP and would love to connect with others on the same journey to a healthier lifestyle.
  • dsmith01
    dsmith01 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for new friends :0)
  • lcruzoxford
    lcruzoxford Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I started this a while ago as a co-worker had just started this as well.... I never got to in to it though... I'm working on quitting smoking, and just trying to be healthier in general, exercise (I've always had a hate relationship with it lol) and eating healthier too... that's a big one for me, because I usually am eating all day long, snacks and such.... Not sure how exactly this works with a message bored like this but I would gladly support anyone who needs it. :)
  • Twignasty
    Twignasty Posts: 80 Member
    I'm always ready to meet new people. Feel free..everyone! Lol
  • carisone
    carisone Posts: 31 Member
    I am new to the site, just starting out on a long journey. I would welcome some more friends to keep me motivated :)

  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    Been here a while and back on it again to try and reach my goal. Not many friends, so looking for more for motivation! Feel free to add me :)
  • nursejessb
    nursejessb Posts: 16
    Hey! I'm not exactly new here, but I've been away from MFP for about 6 months. I'm looking for people to interact with so I don't lose my motivation again!
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Always looking for new friends who are consistent with logging. My MFP friends tend to go MIA after a certain amount of time.
    DRZEV Posts: 2
    21 y/o post athlete trying to lose body fat and slim down 20 pounds by August!!! Feel free to friend! Looking for motivation and to motivate others!
  • Definitely! Not long been on here, looking for more friends. Also helps if anyone runs too :)
  • carabelladonna
    carabelladonna Posts: 3 Member
    I need more friends! I'm getting close to my goal and I've been succeeding whilst slacking. I need to get back on the ball.