How do you feel about fat pride?



  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I don't know much about the Fat Pride movement, but I support anything that helps people in general to feel better about themselves. I've been a pretty big guy all of my life and people can frankly be downright mean for no reason and it kills confidence and moral. People are people, fat or skinny.

    Before you can begin to live a healthy lifestyle one must learn to love themselves, it took me a long time to learn that myself. Personally, I'm losing weight for me and not because society hates fat people; I don't need to be skinny to love myself.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    What constitutes a medically healthy weight is a not a matter of mere opinion. It is based on observing people who are overweight and noting what the excess weight does to their bodies: Their joints, hormonal systems, vascular system, etc.

    Exactly, since I've been losing weight I've not been getting heartburn, I've had more energy and my knees don't hurt as much any more carrying the weight. Like it or not, being fat isn't a sustainable lifestyle and I learned that far too late.
  • daviddjhonna
    Having a degree in marketing :smokin: ,lolz - not going to delve deeper into that though due to the trumping of a fellow SOB up in hear ;) ... but I will say that big pharma and these binge food places have done a remarkable job of not making it clear what is beautiful and worthy of admiration... rather they have made people feel complacent and apathetic with their appearance where they are willing to accept themselves having tons of pills and food consumed on the daily and think healthy people are "too skinny" ..and eating fast food and taking prescription drugs is normal.

    the new "curves is cool culture" ... not that curves are not cool, its just that we call fat curves now!
    As long as you remain healthy in your activities, understand moderation, and eat healthy, you being overweight is not something to be ashamed of or to be shamed by others about. I am what my husband calls thick, definition, just this side of fat to be sexy. Now this is a matter of opinion, and like the saying goes, "opinions are like bootys, everybody has one". You may see my size and think its disgusting (not that I give a damn). Then see a woman just a bit smaller and think she is the bees knees. Your statement is a reflection of opinoin (the last part). I wont denigh that all you can eat joints and big pharma are trying to say ignore the issue of unhealthy obesity but you should also know that there are those that are obese that are healthy.

    What constitutes a medically healthy weight is a not a matter of mere opinion. It is based on observing people who are overweight and noting what the excess weight does to their bodies: Their joints, hormonal systems, vascular system, etc.
    However, there are as many different cases as there are different people in the world. A woman I know had bad knees (both) long before she became over weight/obese. It may not be mere opinion (if you notice I was refering to his reaction to the weight and how the person may or may not appeal to him), but there are cases upon cases of people who are over the standardized healthy weight that can out run, our perform, have healthier blood pressures, healthier lungs and healthier hearts than those that are within the standardized weight range. Another woman I know works out five days a week, eats healthy and is still considered obese. Do all of these fit into the criteria you pointed out.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Having a degree in marketing :smokin: ,lolz - not going to delve deeper into that though due to the trumping of a fellow SOB up in hear ;) ... but I will say that big pharma and these binge food places have done a remarkable job of not making it clear what is beautiful and worthy of admiration... rather they have made people feel complacent and apathetic with their appearance where they are willing to accept themselves having tons of pills and food consumed on the daily and think healthy people are "too skinny" ..and eating fast food and taking prescription drugs is normal.

    the new "curves is cool culture" ... not that curves are not cool, its just that we call fat curves now!
    As long as you remain healthy in your activities, understand moderation, and eat healthy, you being overweight is not something to be ashamed of or to be shamed by others about. I am what my husband calls thick, definition, just this side of fat to be sexy. Now this is a matter of opinion, and like the saying goes, "opinions are like bootys, everybody has one". You may see my size and think its disgusting (not that I give a damn). Then see a woman just a bit smaller and think she is the bees knees. Your statement is a reflection of opinoin (the last part). I wont denigh that all you can eat joints and big pharma are trying to say ignore the issue of unhealthy obesity but you should also know that there are those that are obese that are healthy.

    "think its disgusting"

    I guess I really came off as overly overly judgmental - and clearly this is my fault ! - not the case...

    When I was saying I abhor obesity I mean like the actual obesity

    zero judgement here !

    well I judged you a little ;) - but just think you can come across as a lil ms. smarty pants :flowerforyou:
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I didn't read the 16 pages.. but this is what jumped out at me in the story:

    "Fat acceptance is the radical notion that fat people are human beings and deserve respect,"

    WHY is this so radical?

    That is sad that seeing fat people as human beings that deserve respect is considered "radical". :frown:

    Because people are interpreting it as "proud of being fat" rather than "not letting the label fat define you".

    what is wrong with someone who feels proud of their body & its fat? why is it okay for other body types to be proud of their body but not fat people of their fattness? all this concern trolling health stuff is old and tired ...people need to allow others to love themselves as they are not constantly screaming "you can like you but you need to change you to really like you " .

    society : be yourself
    society: no not like that

    I think one can take pride in who he/she is as a person and love him/herself while simultaneously taking a realistic assessment of his/her unhealthy habits. I think that the movement is relying on a false dichotomy between obesity promotion and fat shaming.
    Its possible, but when you vilify the individual for being in that current state. Despite working to improve it, then there is a problem.

    No one's vilifying them. We're just not saying it's OK (healthwise), or enviable or beautiful to be excessively fat. Fat Acceptance people want everyone to be PRO-obesity. That's ridiculous.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.
    Of course there are a huge bunch of indirect costs, what are you talking about?
  • daviddjhonna
    Having a degree in marketing :smokin: ,lolz - not going to delve deeper into that though due to the trumping of a fellow SOB up in hear ;) ... but I will say that big pharma and these binge food places have done a remarkable job of not making it clear what is beautiful and worthy of admiration... rather they have made people feel complacent and apathetic with their appearance where they are willing to accept themselves having tons of pills and food consumed on the daily and think healthy people are "too skinny" ..and eating fast food and taking prescription drugs is normal.

    the new "curves is cool culture" ... not that curves are not cool, its just that we call fat curves now!
    As long as you remain healthy in your activities, understand moderation, and eat healthy, you being overweight is not something to be ashamed of or to be shamed by others about. I am what my husband calls thick, definition, just this side of fat to be sexy. Now this is a matter of opinion, and like the saying goes, "opinions are like bootys, everybody has one". You may see my size and think its disgusting (not that I give a damn). Then see a woman just a bit smaller and think she is the bees knees. Your statement is a reflection of opinoin (the last part). I wont denigh that all you can eat joints and big pharma are trying to say ignore the issue of unhealthy obesity but you should also know that there are those that are obese that are healthy.

    "think its disgusting"

    I guess I really came off as overly overly judgmental - and clearly this is my fault ! - not the case...

    When I was saying I abhor obesity I mean like the actual obesity

    zero judgement here !

    well I judged you a little ;) - but just think you can come across as a lil ms. smarty pants :flowerforyou:
    Dont worry, Im only a size 14 so I dont count as a moving land mass. *eye roll*:grumble:
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.

    It's not true that they have no impact on my life. Who do you think pays for the larger seats when the money could be used on education? The taxpayer. Who do you think pays for the increased cost of PREVENTABLE diseases caused by obesity?

    To discriminate means to treat differently. We treat smokers differently for purposes of life insurance and people with bad driving records for purposes of auto insurance. We do sometimes make people accountable for their behavior when they have control over it. I'm just saying that obesity isn't different.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.
    Of course there are a huge bunch of indirect costs, what are you talking about?

    Thank you. Of course there are a huge number of costs, direct and indirect. And this is exactly why I have a problem with "Fat Acceptance" (over "Fat Tolerance"). The proponents won't acknowledge basic, well known facts, such as that being obese is strongly associated with many unhealthy conditions and complicates any health problem you already have.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.


    and 'judging' ... they just did studies with babies on it regarding them feeling comfortable around different races, and they all exhibited strong strong traits of judging - its part of our survival instinct..

    Not saying its good or great, but its an inherent trait.. now discriminating - that is an ill-mannered action from judging and that is wrong.

    ..but judging itself? ...pulleasse :P I didn't rock a brooks brothers suit and this new Johnson&Murphy belt and ferragamo kicks today because I just like them.. I like the attention I get from them..
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I've already stated like 15 times that we all indirectly pay for various expenses for other people - just like we'll all collectively help you (general) if you get cancer, or foodstamps if you lose your job, or unemployment if you get laid off. That's the way our country works. We're a community.

    If I believed that obesity was a choice, like smoking (I quit 7 months ago), I'd agree with you. But obesity is not a black and white issue like some of you are making it out to be. It's an issue we're never going to fix it if we keep treating people like they are fat factory cut outs from the same mold - and ignoring the link between poverty and obesity.

    People need to stop the "if you tried harder, you'd be less fat" line of thinking - it's far from being that simple in a lot of cases.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    The proponents won't acknowledge basic, well known facts, such as that being obese is strongly associated with many unhealthy conditions and complicates any health problem you already have.

    At what weight does this become true though? 5 lbs overweight? 10? 25? Can it even be quantified? I don't know if the issue is as black and white as you paint it.

    This blog post - I posted it earlier - made me think a bit differently about what I thought I knew.

    Again not saying I support the fat pride movement. I think I tend to agree with SunofaBeach on this issue.

    I am also not sure, I agree with the conclusions from the above article. But if one were to agree with the conclusions (he makes a compelling argument), and agreed that 10% or so of obese people are actually metabolically healthy. Then what does that mean for non-obese fat people? What percentage of them are healthy?

    I also wonder if we (as a society) can diagnose someone's health based on their body composition (which many in here are), or if we can even pinpoint what weight becomes dangerous.

    Im not drawing any conclusions at all - I find the topic interesting. All i know is I am strongly against any type of obesity encouragement.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I've already stated like 15 times that we all indirectly pay for various expenses for other people - just like we'll all collectively help you (general) if you get cancer, or foodstamps if you lose your job, or unemployment if you get laid off. That's the way our country works. We're a community.

    If I believed that obesity was a choice, like smoking (I quit 7 months ago), I'd agree with you. But obesity is not a black and white issue like some of you are making it out to be. It's an issue we're never going to fix it if we keep treating people like they are fat factory cut outs from the same mold - and ignoring the link between poverty and obesity.

    People need to stop the "if you tried harder, you'd be less fat" line of thinking - it's far from being that simple in a lot of cases.

    ^ I think we think that because that's what worked for us.

    but your entirely right - there are medical conditions and I for one will be more mindful of that.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    Thank you. Of course there are a huge number of costs, direct and indirect. And this is exactly why I have a problem with "Fat Acceptance" (over "Fat Tolerance"). The proponents won't acknowledge basic, well known facts, such as that being obese is strongly associated with many unhealthy conditions and complicates any health problem you already have.

    And on this I generally agree. Maybe I'm tired and not reading your posts they way they are meant.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    The proponents won't acknowledge basic, well known facts, such as that being obese is strongly associated with many unhealthy conditions and complicates any health problem you already have.

    At what weight does this become true though? 5 lbs overweight? 10? 25? Can it even be quantified? I don't know if the issue is as black and white as you paint it.

    This blog post - I posted it earlier - made me think a bit differently about what I thought I knew.

    Again not saying I support the fat pride movement. I think I tend to agree with SunofaBeach on this issue.

    I am also not sure, I agree with the conclusions from the above article. But if one were to agree with the conclusions (he makes a compelling argument), and agreed that 10% or so of obese people are actually metabolically healthy. Then what does that mean for non-obese fat people? What percentage of them are healthy?

    I also wonder if we (as a society) can diagnose someone's health based on their body composition (which many in here are), or if we can even pinpoint what weight becomes dangerous.

    Im not drawing any conclusions at all - I find the topic interesting. All i know is I am strongly against any type of obesity encouragement.
    BMI over 30 is the rule of thumb I think...

    *looks at you loosing 100+ lbs hat*

    and yeah my thing is it takes away from the type of urgency there is for it.

    I know my friend just said his younger brother age 12 is already on cholesterol meds... obviously thats a huge fault of the parents.. (who are super fit) ... but if he is surrounded in a culture where ... hey love your body.. hey its cool to have curves*...hey be content with where you are at... Idk I just don't see that as healthy..

    *curves is a new way of saying fat #didn'tchaknow
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member


    and 'judging' ... they just did studies with babies on it regarding them feeling comfortable around different races, and they all exhibited strong strong traits of judging - its part of our survival instinct..

    Not saying its good or great, but its an inherent trait.. now discriminating - that is an ill-mannered action from judging and that is wrong.

    ..but judging itself? ...pulleasse :P I didn't rock a brooks brothers suit and this new Johnson&Murphy belt and ferragamo kicks today because I just like them.. I like the attention I get from them..


    We all get general impressions of people when we see them based on past experiences. But I generally wait until they've interacted with me on a personal level before I form any sort of opinion (judgement).

    The problem that I have is sweeping generalizations. Like "fat people are lazy" - that's just okay with me.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member

    Fat pride seems to be about tying self esteem to something BESIDES your weight just as Black Pride isn't about black supremacy and Gay Pride isn't about an anti-straight agenda.

    Obesity and the state of being black or gay are not comparable. Blackness and gayness are immutable conditions that cannot be changed, over which the individual has no control and there is no rational reason to discriminate against those groups. Obese people are unhealthy. There is no justification for accommodating obese people who have no interest in losing weight.

    Coincidentally, there is no justification for judging people that have zero impact on your life.

    And there is NEVER a rational reason to discriminate against another person, period. Immutable conditions or not.
    Of course there are a huge bunch of indirect costs, what are you talking about?

    Thank you. Of course there are a huge number of costs, direct and indirect. And this is exactly why I have a problem with "Fat Acceptance" (over "Fat Tolerance"). The proponents won't acknowledge basic, well known facts, such as that being obese is strongly associated with many unhealthy conditions and complicates any health problem you already have.
    I should have said direct costs, too, you're right.

    While I think a society should be built on the idea that everyone is equal and taken care of if they need help, people should also have an open and honest discussion about obesity and its consequences. What does this look like other than enormously increasing costs? We as a planet can't afford this.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again; discrimination is wrong but so is not stepping up and taking responsibility for one's actions. Not everyone will be able to make a lifestyle change on their own, but that's where the society should step in and create a support system, actively send out the message that un-health isn't a great idea.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Having a degree in marketing :smokin: ,lolz - not going to delve deeper into that though due to the trumping of a fellow SOB up in here ;) ... but I will say that big pharma and these binge food places have done a remarkable job of not making it clear what is beautiful and worthy of admiration... rather they have made people feel complacent and apathetic with their appearance where they are willing to accept themselves having tons of pills and food consumed on the daily and think healthy people are "too skinny" ..and eating fast food and taking prescription drugs is normal.

    the new "curves is cool culture" ... not that curves are not cool, its just that we call fat curves now!

    I call bull on having a degree in marketing, because:

    1. You can't type a coherent sentence.
    2. No marketer in their right minds would act the way you act online. It's a brand image problem just waiting to happen.

    That is all.

    Paige I'm not a marketer, I'm a salesman.
    And I type fast to keep up withall the wit that comes flying out of my fingers.. just work with me here.

    and yeah I got a degree in marketing and economics.. took 5 years.. finished up last summer, FTW!