Team UK - January 2011!



  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    mmm that was well tasty and have enough for lunch and dinner tomorrow.
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi to everyone. I have really missed this place.. Lost focus back in October, but I'm back. I'm going to try and be a bit more realistic with goal setting too, (or at least be more realistic on how long it will take to achieve my end goal).

    Good luck to everyone.

  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 34 Member
    Bad day yesterday, miles over calorie goal! But back on it today!

    We got a Wii for Christmas, any suggestions for games?

    I'm loving table tennis on Wii Sports Resort at the moment.
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Bad day yesterday, miles over calorie goal! But back on it today!

    We got a Wii for Christmas, any suggestions for games?

    I'm loving table tennis on Wii Sports Resort at the moment.

    See above:

    Just Dance and Just Dance 2 apparently
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi to everyone. I have really missed this place.. Lost focus back in October, but I'm back. I'm going to try and be a bit more realistic with goal setting too, (or at least be more realistic on how long it will take to achieve my end goal).

    Good luck to everyone.

    Lovely to see you back Steve.. Heres to a new year! x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    KP - planning to go see LAOD tomorrow afternoon as it's the last week it's going to be on at our cinema and need to see it!!!! Then off to see The King's Speech *hopefully* on Sunday. I have a monthly cinema pass but hardly use it during the winter, time to start making use of it again. Thankfully I have no problem keeping away from the pick n mix and my friend hates the smell of coffee so I don't have a cappucino when she's there which probably helps me out calorie wise too :ohwell:

    Ohh i really want to see the Kings Speech.. looks really good.. Oh and there is a new film out with Matt Damon (Hott man alert!!) lol Ohh i can never seem to resist the pick n mix.. worst or me are the white mice and snowies.. i have a thing for the sweet white candy! mmmmm pick n mix.... :love:

  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Did anyone watch that program on BBC1 last night about the 10 new facts to weight loss. Was quite interesting and I tested it out this morning by having protein for breakfast and this time yesterday on a bowl of special K I was having major hunger pains. Today I haven't had a single pang.

    Good work !!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Ooooooh found you all!!! Am bumping to respond properly v soon. xxx
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Another here from the UK. I've to sort out a photo of myself yet. Been here for a week, not been weighed since Christmas but will be stepping on the scales on Monday. Nice to so many of 'limeys'
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I'm not from the UK, I just really wish I was lol. Congrats and all the best to all of you! Keep on truckin'!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Ohh i really want to see the Kings Speech.. looks really good.. Oh and there is a new film out with Matt Damon (Hott man alert!!) lol Ohh i can never seem to resist the pick n mix.. worst or me are the white mice and snowies.. i have a thing for the sweet white candy! mmmmm pick n mix.... :love:


    Just got back from LAOD - wow! I totally get the message of that movie, I want someone to take care of me but guys seem to get the impression that I don't need looking after! That Matt Damon film looks excellent, as does 'Morning Glory' (the one with Harrison Ford in). Will let you know about King's Speech when I get back on Sunday :smile:
  • Hi, new to the forums but have had mfp on my phone since the summer. Have about another 30lbs to lose till I hit my first goal. Nice to see other Brits :-)
  • Evening guys!

    I'm a wee newbie... heard about website from a friend... I wouldnt say I was overweight, however, I am heavier now compared to last year, aiming to lose around 10-14lbs by summer. Just going to cut out the rubbish stuff from the diet and exercise more, maybe get some ideas of people etc... Anyways heres the "new us for new year" :D
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Wow! Good to see Team UK up and running again! Lots of familiar faces back, everyone seems re-motivated for the new year :)

    I didn't lose any weight this week :( well, it says I did but that's only because I didn't log my last weight. Hoping that's just a water thing! I did do lots of walking though (as usual) and some weights as well and was good with my food so I can't be too upset about it really.

    It's only 7 weeks till I leave for Australia now, 10 weeks until the wedding and 11 weeks until the honeymoon! haha lots to look forward to and keep me motivated :)

    All this talk of travel and movies has made me think I will either go to the cinema or do some more fiji and new york activity planning for the honeymoon this weekend!

    Take care
    ~ Dotti xo
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    I'm thinking of starting up ballroom dancing, has anyone tried it before?
    You see all these celebs on strickly doing it and lossing so much weight it has to be a good and fun way to lose weight right???
    James x

    I qualified as a ballroom dancing teacher but sadly I don't have my own class. With working full time I don't really have the time - something to think about though, if I can ever afford to go part time. It was a great way of burning caloies - and fun too.

    We got a Kinect for my oldest son for Christmas and I ordered 'The Biggest Loser' for it from Amazon - (bargin at £12.99, free postage). Played it last night and it really opened my eyes to how unfit and overweight I had become.

    Back on the exercise and healthy eating for me today. :happy:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Had a bad day yesterday, I turned into a fridge raider :blushing:
    So yet another fresh start today.
    I'm going to try & walk the canal to the next town (about 4.5 miles) this morning for the first time since Aug. I fell & badly sprained my ankle then & it's still quite painful at times. I'm on the waiting list for physio and have been for ages.
    After that, if I make it, I'll head into Halifax to do some shopping. There's a top in New Look I've had my eye on, so I'm going to buy it for my hols in May ( a couple of sizes smaller) as inspiration.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Jain, I had a bad day too. Had a crap day at work, so basically raided my daughters maltesers with her. Lol. Def having a fresh start today, sick of feeling frumpy and blobby, so just had my tea and toast and going to get changed into my sweats, then do turbo fire burn up a sweat.

    I'm heading to new look this afternoon too, hope we don't end up fighting over the same top. Lol (don't worry it's not the same new look)
  • gaila88
    gaila88 Posts: 15 Member
    A week ago I started with good intentions and a plan. I had a couple of good days, a couple of OK days and a couple of BAD days this week so think I need the steadying hand of some firm but fair Brits! (and the odd kick up the *kitten* when required!)

    I work full time and spend a lot of it either at a desk or in the car and have found that the lack of exercise compared to other jobs really affects me. Im 47 and starting to get a little stiff in the joints.

    I have a stepper/bike thing in the bedroom that is rarely used because I find using it really boring.
    I have two dogs that love walks
    we have just bought an XBox Kinect and the Body Shape Evolution thing plus a few other games
    and I just purchased a pair of Shape Up Trainers but only worn them once and realised I needed thicker socks!
    I also have a whole bookcase full of diet and life coaching books. (I'm a qualified Life Coach and great with others but can't help myself!)

    So I have absolutely NO excuses for not doing any exercise!

    However, I love food and eating out. Have the willpower of a chocolate fireguard and never think of the consequences.

    I lost 20 pounds last year and have now put 16 back on. My lovely new clothes don't fit and I have a 'wardrobe strop' whenever I have to dress to go out.

    So there you go. I love gadgets and blogging, arty stuff, rock music and would love to have a few more friends on here.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi gaila! Totally understand where you're coming from and we've all been there. Just try to think of ways to build exercise and healthy food choices into your day in a way that you don't even have to think about it. Can you walk some of your journeys instead of using the car? Not having a car is the reason that I walk everywhere! We're a friendly bunch and don't tend to dish out *kitten* kickings - or I'd have a sore bum most of the time! - but we're here for support cos we're all here because we're not where we want to be either.

    Emma - glad the Kinnect is working for you already. I may have to step on the Wii Fit tomorrow :ohwell:

    Jain - hope you enjoy your walk. I'm still shattered from yesterday! Trying to work out what I need to do today other than return a food processor to Comet (for some reason the interchangeable blades can't be interchanged!) Another grey and dreary day out there.

    Dotti - go on, make us all jealous why doncha? LOL. Only kidding, enjoy your honeymoon planning.
  • Just thought I'd let you guys know about the results of my first weigh-in - I stepped on the scales this morning and I've lost 3.2 lbs! I also did my measurements and have managed to lose 1.5 inches around my waist.

    I'm so excited! :bigsmile:
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