Team UK - January 2011!



  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Great news squeaky :) keep it going.
  • gaila88
    gaila88 Posts: 15 Member
    Excellent! it's the inches that make the difference isn't it?
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Hello everyone,

    Yes it is the inches that matter most. I mean you could weight like a heifer but look absolutely stunning. I found last year the scales weren't moving, but was losing inches, but why oh why do we get so obsessed with what the scales say !!!! I hate mine, but every week they call me to stand on them and tell me I've lost nothing or put on!!!! Yet im a uk size 10 (on a good day lol).

    Loving this uk thread lots of people in the same Boat. X
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi everyone! Mind if I join you? So great to see a thread for us lot over this side of the pond!

    I'm Nam. Been on here since 14 Aug and been doing well but put on a few lbs over xmas so have been hitting the gym really hard since last week. I find the actual gym quite boring but I go and do classes instead. Have gone a bit mental this week and last week and just finished my 9th class since Monday. 6 classes last week as well. Two more tomorrow morning and that will definitely be the most I've ever done.

    I've thought about getting a Wii but don't know if I can justify the expense. How do you all think it is compared to classes?

    Was thinking I need to book a holiday so I have a focus to achieve my weight loss by and so I can get in a bikini for the first time ever! So nice to be able to talk in stones instead of pounds although I am getting used to pounds! Have about another stone to go!

    Hope you're all enjoying your weekends. I'm off to see the King's Speech later so I'll let you know what I think!

    Nam x
  • redgrandma
    redgrandma Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, can I join in too.

    I haven't put on any weight over Christmas, my approach was to have a few days off then get back to recording everything by Jan 1st. I thought that would be less depressing than trying to stick within my limit and failing every day over Xmas
    Feeling that I could eat what ever I wanted helped me relax and enjoy it and I didn't pig out on forbidden goodies, somehow I just didn't want too much of the rich food.

    It is hard to get back to a routine when it is cold and grey and it seems as if there is plenty of time to take action before thinking about summer clothes, but perhaps that is the key to motivate me into sticking to the diet and trying to take more exercise. I would really love to get new summer things a size smaller this year, that is my aim rather than a specific weight.

    As for the cold days, time to make some low calorie soups to fill, and warm me up.

    Happy New Year to all
  • Daisy_Chick
    Daisy_Chick Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone!

    What a great thread! I found MFP just before Christmas, but only been tracking and using it for about a week and loving it so far, although Ive only lost 2 pounds this week (birthday celebration maybe interfered a bit :blushing: )

    I think it's a great idea to have somewhere for all the UKers to hang out and chat, and if anyone wants to add me as a friend, I'd be delighted for the support and motivation!

    I'm hoping that this will be the year I eventually get down to a healthy weight, I'm fed up losing a bit, gaining a bit and really not getting anywhere so enough is enough! Think my biggest problem is not getting frustrated with 1 - 2 pound losses and to convince myself that they all add up.

    Good luck to everyone with your weight and exercise goals.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Well done Squeeky.

    Well my walk was not quite what I intended. I 'forgot' just how icy the towpath gets and gave up very quickly & headed to the road. I then turned round & headed towards Halifax. Made it to the 2 hour point then jumped on a bus for the rest of the way. Feeling good about myself, but I do need to work on my ankle, it was starting to make itself known by the time I got the bus.
    Got the top I was after in New Look + another one and both were reduced. Score! .
    When I got back I treated myself to a nice long hot bath with some of my christmas smellies.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Dotti - go on, make us all jealous why doncha? LOL. Only kidding, enjoy your honeymoon planning.

    hehehe we've had such a nightmare planning a wedding on the other side of the world and trying to please guests from either side that we definitely wanted a good break at the end! haha

    We got out for a reasonable walk today then went into town and tried to find something to see at the cinema. We went to about 10 different cinemas and nothing was showing!! Bad timing I guess. I had such good intentions of going to the gym tomorrow but then I got stepped on really badly on the tube by somebody trying to regain their balance so now I have a very swollen foot!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Did anyone watch that program on BBC1 last night about the 10 new facts to weight loss. Was quite interesting and I tested it out this morning by having protein for breakfast and this time yesterday on a bowl of special K I was having major hunger pains. Today I haven't had a single pang.

    Good work !!

    sounds interesting. What was it called mate? i'll check it out on the Iplayer
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    I'm thinking of starting up ballroom dancing, has anyone tried it before?
    You see all these celebs on strickly doing it and lossing so much weight it has to be a good and fun way to lose weight right???
    James x

    I qualified as a ballroom dancing teacher but sadly I don't have my own class. With working full time I don't really have the time - something to think about though, if I can ever afford to go part time. It was a great way of burning caloies - and fun too.

    We got a Kinect for my oldest son for Christmas and I ordered 'The Biggest Loser' for it from Amazon - (bargin at £12.99, free postage). Played it last night and it really opened my eyes to how unfit and overweight I had become.

    Back on the exercise and healthy eating for me today. :happy:

    is a shame you don't teach but you just made me make up my mind in doing it saying it burns loads of calories.
    I shall be the new Anton Dubeck
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Just thought I'd let you guys know about the results of my first weigh-in - I stepped on the scales this morning and I've lost 3.2 lbs! I also did my measurements and have managed to lose 1.5 inches around my waist.

    I'm so excited! :bigsmile:

    well done girl, very impressed.
    Hope my weigh in next week is that good x
  • :smile: Hi peeps - Pleased to see some brits about on the site. Just joined today, so still finding my way round. Nice to see some friendly faces though!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Team UK, So good to see you back again and a Very Happy And Healthy New Year to you all :happy:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    hey everyone

    hope you all had a fab week.
    Just a quick hello to all the newbies, to many to go through you indervidualy.
    Feels so great to be back on the diet and feeling lighter already, not going to weigh myself this week though as started properly dieting mid week. Next sunday hoping to see the Lbs have flow off.

  • Hello all

    Have really enjoyed reading all your posts and am pleased to see a UK group, am a newbie, from Kent, joined a week ago after giving my Wii its annual January outing and getting a right blooming shock. I aim to get down to around 10 stone and have had a great start losing 6 lbs this week,I think this group will really help me stay motivated. Best of luck to you all.x
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Did anyone watch that program on BBC1 last night about the 10 new facts to weight loss. Was quite interesting and I tested it out this morning by having protein for breakfast and this time yesterday on a bowl of special K I was having major hunger pains. Today I haven't had a single pang.

    Good work !!

    sounds interesting. What was it called mate? i'll check it out on the Iplayer

    Is it this one?

    I've watched before, quite a while ago now. I have to say, when I heard it was going to be on I was very sceptical about what would be in it but it's actually really good and generally relates things back to the science. Definitely one of the better TV presentations on weight loss out there!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Did anyone watch that program on BBC1 last night about the 10 new facts to weight loss. Was quite interesting and I tested it out this morning by having protein for breakfast and this time yesterday on a bowl of special K I was having major hunger pains. Today I haven't had a single pang.

    Good work !!

    sounds interesting. What was it called mate? i'll check it out on the Iplayer

    Is it this one?

    I've watched before, quite a while ago now. I have to say, when I heard it was going to be on I was very sceptical about what would be in it but it's actually really good and generally relates things back to the science. Definitely one of the better TV presentations on weight loss out there!

    Brilliant!!! that's my evening viewing sorted as i aint out drinking. lol
    I'm getting sad. lol
  • gaila88
    gaila88 Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone else used these Shape Up trainers? I wore them today for my walk (did almost 2 miles) and found them a bit odd as you would expect. I had to have them quite tight or they seemed to move to the side when walking. I don't have bad posture or anything so just wondered if it was a common thing and just something I need to get used to?
  • Day two for me - Went well, managed to be good all day, did a little exercise too. Think I will try the scales next sunday and see how I am getting on. Feeling very motivated, was more alert at work today as I have cut out all the fizzy drinks and sweets. Hopefully I can keep going :D
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    gaila - my bezzie has a pair and she has found them pretty hard work and has very achy legs! I adjusted to my FitFlops quite quickly so I'm sure you'll be just fine in no time!

    Grace - great to hear that you're already feeling the benefits. It's easy when you know how!

    James - hope you enjoy the programme. It was first on a couple of years ago but there's a lot of great information in there.

    Buffyfan - WOW! Well done you :smile:

    Well it's been a beautiful day here down south and my mood is much improved after all of the grey and torrential rain that we were subjected to yesterday. I spent a little while out in the garden digging up old veg that's been destroyed by the snow and tidied the greenhouse ready for me to start planting next month. Had a healthy day eating, made some lentil and walnut burgers (delicious) and did the 30 Day Shred (exhausting!) Still got plenty-o-cals left over and not sure what to do with them. Perhaps I'll have the little drinkie that I was going to have last night but didn't get around to! :laugh:

    I just updated my ticker with a picture of what I looked like in 2007. Can hardly believe that big girl was me! 3 dress sizes and 3.5stone later I'm so much happier!!!
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