Day by Day Challenge- January part 5



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Water- Yes
    2. Exercise: Walk for 45mins & Shred- No
    3. Under on calories- No

    Morning everyone,

    I felt really terrible yesterday, I think I've been pushing myself a bit too soon after being sick at christmas. So I'm going to be taking things a bit eaier for a while. I'll still log everything but I'm going to switch to maintenance mode for a while and nothing more intense then walking.

    Friday's goals:

    1. Water
    2. Rest.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Did pretty good yesterday didn't quite meet my water goal (7cups), but I only drank 3 dt pepsi..... Oh I even did my tae bo dvd, that I haven't done in years.... Wow I think that I realize I'm so out shape.

    Thursday Goals:

    Water(15c)- ONLY DRANK AROUND 12 CUPS
    Tae Boe- Completed
    30 mins of treadmill-DIDN'T DO
    Walk during my breaks(2x)- ONLY WALK 1X
    Watch Grey's Anatomy- new episode
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    K I did pretty good yesterday but was really tired last night & didn't do my treadmill exercise.

    Happy Friday

    okay I all of my muscle's are sore this morning, I'm taking a break from exercising today, and will start back up today.

    * water
    * stick to my calories today
    * enjoy my 1/2 day off
  • Down pat yesterday....... yay even though I feel like poo.

    Today I want to....
    1.) water.
    2.) WORK get things done.
    3.) go to the grocery store tonight.
  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    Goals for 6th Jan:
    1. Drink 1l water. (ALREADY DONE)
    2. Eat no more than 1200 calories net (total - exercise). (Went over by 107 - damn...)
    3. Attend spinning class at the gym and burn LOADS of calories (hopefully). (346 calories burned!)

    Goals for 7th Jan:
    1. Drink 1l water.
    2. Eat no more than 1200 calories.
    3. Remember to wish happy birthday to dad!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    My goals for today:

    8 glasses of water
    grocery shopping
    plan meals for tmorrow

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Jan.6:
    1 Water.--Yes
    2. Stay within my calories.--Yes
    2. Exercise.--Yes (day 4 of the Sparkpeople 28 Day Bootcamp Challenge and 3 mile walking video)
    4 .Make calls I keep putting off.--Decisions have been made (feel better, too).
    5. Meditate! (It really does help!)--Yes

    Feeling better today.

    Goals for Jan. 7:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise.
    4. Vacuum my bedroom.
    5, Meditate before bed.

    Have a good Friday, all!

    For everyone who is feeling under the weather:
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    1.6.11 Goals:
    1) WATER - FAIL
    2) P90 W1D6 - Week one completed! Oh yeah! :o)
    3) Laundry - Whites - I found more socks LOL But I'm defintely doing laundry tonight, I finally have the time with no work tomorrow

    1.7.11 Goals:
    1) WATER
    2) Enjoy day 7 as it's your day off and have a zumba party
    3) Laundry

    Happy Friday all!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Evening all!

    Haven't had time to come on here and post my goals but have been doing pretty well. Have stayed under on cals this week and worked out every day quite hardcore except today. Have a much needed rest day today. A bit late to post Friday's goals so going to post for Saturday.

    1. Go to circuits in the morning and Combat after if I can handle it.
    2. Do this job for work in the morning after training.
    3. Lots of water. NO SLACKING just because it's the weekend.
    4. Try and get to the cinema in the evening.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi All,

    It's the weekend! Woo hoo! I did alright yesterday, the resting was tough but I managed it. :wink: . Actually I went up to London to see the Cirque du Soleil at the Royal Albert Hall. When we got there they had lost our booking and gave us a box to ourselves! It was one of the most beautiful things I've seen (the acrobatics not the box :tongue: ). It made me really think a bit more about what sort of exercise I'm doing. Or would be doing if I didn't get tired going up stairs at the moment. Can't wait to see what out there to try.

    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Under calories - i have absolutely no excuse while I'm on maintenance level.
    2. House work :grumble:
    3. Water
    4. Look for new recipes to try

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
  • Greerashley
    Greerashley Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone~
    Just started MFP on New Years Day. I have been allotted 1400 calories a day and have basically just been coming on and logging food, exercise and water. It's time to take it to the next level and join a thread! This one seems simple enough and I like the rules.
    Quick intro-
    I am a 39 year old female. I had major surgery last March and had a 3 level fusion in my cervical spine. (I am healing beautifully). I would like to loose 30 pounds. I find the hardest time for me for me is at night because I like to snack.
    So my mini goals for today are;
    drink 8 glasses of water,
    stay within my caloric intake,
    exercise 30 minutes minimum- thinking about skiing today, we have all this great snow :D

    good luck today all~
  • Ugh. Today is Saturday and I still feel bad. It's been almost a week. I eat like crap when I feel like crap. BUT today I am going to the grocery store. __despite the snow___

    grocery store is and eating well the rest of he day are my only goals since I don't feel well. Anything else is a bonus.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for Jan. 7:
    1. Water.--I've been doing well on this.
    2. Stay in my calories.--Went over--UGH!
    3. Exercise.--Yes
    4. Vacuum my bedroom.--No
    5, Meditate before bed.--Sort of--fell asleep while meditating.

    Goals for Jan. 6:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories
    3. Exercise
    4. Meditate.

    I really give this group the credit for all the water I have been drinking! Setting it as a daily goal helps a lot!

    I'm a bit disappointed about going over on my calories yesterday but one day shouldn't hurt too badly and today is a new day!

    Welcome Greerashley! Setting a few goals each day (even though they are usually the same!) has helped me focus on them a lot!

    Jess--Hurry and get well!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm back after a few days. My goals are pretty much remaining the same. I'm doing great on water! Not so much on not snacking. And I have to go for a walk today to meet my exercise plans for the week! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    tomorrow's goal and wikked activity:
    cross country skiing session in the fresh pretty snow. yay
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    tomorrow's goal and wikked activity:
    cross country skiing session in the fresh pretty snow. yay
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    I was on track yesterday and then for some insane reason I just let it all go in the evening. I'm so annoyed with myself. Today is a new day and I WILL do it all today. If I manage it every day this week. I'm going to claim back some overtime at work and take this Friday afternoon off work to pamper myself.

    Sunday's Goals:
    1. Water
    2. Under on calories
    3. Walk
    4. Early night

    With all that in mind I'm off to for a walk.
    Hope you're all having a great weekend.
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    Hey those are my goals too!

    Sunday's Goals:
    1. Water
    2. Under on calories
    3. Walk
    4. Early night

    Were going to reach them!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for Jan. 8:
    1. Water.--Did good but probably should have had more.
    2. Stay in my calories--Over again. Not too bad but still...
    3. Exercise--Yes
    4. Meditate.--Yes

    It was a LONG day yesterday! Went a bit overboard celebrating the Seahawks' victory over the Saints but it was SUCH a good game!

    They are calling for some light snow today. I was not here the last time we got snow (we don't get a lot here, as a rule) so, as long as we don't need to go anywhere today, a little snow might be nice!

    Goals for Jan. 9:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories!
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate before bed.

    I go back to work on the 31st. I can't wait! There are just too many temptations at home. Also my job is very active--and I just really, really like it!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    1. Go to circuits in the morning and Combat after if I can handle it.
    2. Do this job for work in the morning after training.
    3. Lots of water. NO SLACKING just because it's the weekend.
    4. Try and get to the cinema in the evening.

    Gosh just realised I didn't post my goals for today. Those are my Saturday goals which I achieved (all except number 2)!

    Today, Sunday I feel quite proud of myself. I went to Body Attack and Total Body Workout this morning which means that I've done 11 classes this week for a total calorie burn of 5,496 calories since Monday! By far a record for me but think I may lay off a bit for a couple of days so my body can rest and repair!

    Saw the King's Speech at the cinema last night. Really great movie. Go and see it if you can and if it's up your street! Today had friends over for lunch so that was nice.

    Anyway on to Monday's goals:
    1. Lots of water.
    2. Snacking on fruit only through the day.
    3. Working at home in the afternoon so try and be productive and no surfing on MFP instead of working!
    4. If I feel up to it go to Tri Class or Body Attack in the evening.

    Hope you've all enjoyed your weekend!
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