Females only - lifting/weight training results?



  • losingles
    losingles Posts: 147 Member
  • Wow everyone looks great!
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    In for inspiration - amazing stuff girls ;D
  • karenohare2
    karenohare2 Posts: 7 Member
    Amazing! You all are an inspiration to me.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    My profile pic is 16 months of weight lifting through Crossfit!

    I'm very happy with the results thus far.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    This is how I calculated all that:

    A pound of fat has about 3500 calories, and a pound of muscle has about 600 calories. So, if you know your weight loss and calorie deficit from TDEE, you can calculate the amount of muscle and fat that are gained or lost. There is only 1 way for the calorie deficit to make both the weight loss and calorie deficit work. So (3500 x lbs of fat) + (600 x lbs of muscle) will equal the total calorie deficit. And the (lbs of fat lost) + (lbs of muscle lost) has to equal the total weight loss. So then you have two equations. If X = lbs of fat lost and Y = lbs of muscle lost, you know ( 3500x + 600y = total calorie deficit ) and ( x + y = total lbs loss ) You can then solve those two equations to find where they are both true at the same time, giving your amount of each that were lost.

    For example, here is my equation for this month:

    I lost 8.4 pounds. My calorie deficit is 34199 (which is my TDEE - net calories)

    x+y=8.4 and 3500x+600y=34199

    x (fat)= 10.0548
    y (muscle)= -1.65483

    So I lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 1.6 pounds of muscle this month. But again, do whatever you feel comfortable with!

    Except calorie counting is still highly inaccurate no matter how perfect we try to be. Packages are allowed to be off 10%, so unless you ate only fruits, vegetables and lean meat that you weighed perfectly you have a 10% margin of error (assuming you weigh and measure every bite, lick and taste too). TDEE is an estimation, even if you are using a Fitbit or other tracking device.

    Also, for a woman to gain 1.6 pounds of muscle in a month on a deficit is nearly unheard of. I managed to gain 1.5 in a month while bulking and training hard. Unless you were using an accurate method to determine body fat your calculation is wrong. Even then, gaining lean mass does not mean you gained muscle because some methods of body fat calculation end up counting water as lean mass.

    Worry more about the tape measure and mirror.

    oh, math.

    the weight equation at any time would be


    where x = fat, y=lbm and z=other (undigested food, water) For a single measure z might vary significantly. However, if you do a running sum of measurements or work with variance one can assume that z will average to zero over enough measurements.

    And one shouldn't use calculated TDEE form the standard formulas as they can be off by more that 10% normally without being an outlier - instead calculate your working TDEE range from running gain/loss and calories consumed. Given that wTDEE is really not a single number (metabolic homeostasis allows for weight maintenance by up-regulating neuro/hormonal/NEAT factors) one would come out with a range number of possible gains/loss of LBM.
  • AntnNicsMom
    AntnNicsMom Posts: 29 Member
    LOVE THIS! :love:
  • SaraLady89
    SaraLady89 Posts: 32 Member
    bump for inspiration
  • lynette111
    lynette111 Posts: 77 Member
    I just bought a weight set off of craigslist and getting started with practicing form with just the bar. Can't wait to add weight! and then lose some weight from my body! I will have my husband take my pictures so I someday can post before and after pics as well as all of you awesome ladies!
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    11 months - lost the tire around my belly!


    Edit to say I just realized I commented on this thread 9 months ago and said that it was inspiring to me :)

    What are yournweights if you don't mind me asking and how many days do u lift? U look great!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Six months of New Rules of Lifting for Women

    [img]http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af110/Psych1011/Mobile Uploads/ea64145d-3ccb-4480-a9ff-97edf274d3d6_zps4a7c6b9f.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af110/Psych1011/Mobile Uploads/85e367b7-a588-48fd-bec8-5a2f83775197_zps8208705e.jpg[/img]
  • amongstthewildflowers
    amongstthewildflowers Posts: 89 Member
    All of you ladies look incredible, and are such a huge inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing your success stories and pictures ! Bumping for more!!
  • justdoit1106
    justdoit1106 Posts: 20 Member
    Love this thread. Been lifting since February, really pleased with my progression far.
    Although, I've had a pretty indulgent weekend so it feels like I'm back to square one!
    Looking at all the amazing results definitely makes me want to hit the gym in the morning, so thanks for that everyone!
  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    In to read later :)
  • mom24uk
    mom24uk Posts: 54 Member
    Fantastic ladies!
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    Lifting 5x per week on a deficit and working with a trainer. I killed it every single session.

    My overall results of lifting from start to now.

    WOW! you are my hero! LOL

    yes!!! she's my hero too

    it's incredible the change!!!
  • apilant
    apilant Posts: 87 Member
    You all are so inspiring!!!! Can't wait to begin my weightlifting tonight!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member