

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Vit F!
    Just have to share my good news with all of you...... I have just joined a new school. Its a larger and more stable institution. I am sure there will be all kinds of people, but I look forward to a time of good work and good learning. Longer hours and commute, tiring.
    Sorry to read about everyone's challenges, as I skimmed through this page.
    Sending best wishes to everyone.
    This too shall pass, the good, the bad, the ugly.
    Anamika from hot, hot Mumbai
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Morning ladies. WOW!! what a night it was. We ended up with wind and 2.5 inches of rain. Sun is shining this morning. East Nebraska sounds like was hit hard.
    I go to the skin doctor after work today as have a spot on my arm that looks funny. I am so afraid of skin cancer so better to have it checked out. My grandfather had skin cancer that started on his ears and he ended up with no ears.

    Meg--sure hope you are ok. Worried about you last night and this morning when I was listening to the news and they talked about boats being used to help people stuck in cars in Omaha. Hail and wind.

    Sandy--Hope all keeps going well with DB.

    Vicki W--welcome. You have come to a great group. Remember you are not in this alone and One day at a time.

    Barbie--great NSV on going for music instead of food.

    jb--thanks for the update on Mariah. What alot for her to go thru. Keeping all of you in our prayers daily.

    Cynthia--prayers on your job and pray it goes the way that will be best for you.

    Sandy Doyle--Welcome and come often and you will find this a very supportive group.

    Allison--hugs. Breath deep and you will figure this out. I find evenings and my days off at home alone I want to eat every minute.

    Carol--I know just what you mean. There are times I want to put my foot down and stop the world until I can breath and catch up.

    Tere--Wow! Please take care of you. Prayers for DS it sounds like he also has a long road ahead of him.

    Heather--you outing for tomorrow sounds very relaxing.

    We are planning on taking several of the grand children swimming at the new pool Sunday afternoon. So means I have to go buy a new swimsuite. Good thing is I will not have to buy the biggest one and can pick out one I like. I hope anyway. DH just told me at lunch that some friends in Wilbur has alot of damage from hail. They lost most the windows and siding has holes. She has in home day care and most the toys and playhouse in the yard is full of holes. How terrible. So much damage around the state this morning.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day!!
    it`s a rainy day in Il,so Violet and I are using her easy bake oven to make a cake.She had to show me how to use it.
    have a good one
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope Meg and anyone else in that storm last night is OK. Vicki, I'm glad you didn't get too badly hit. It sounds just awful.

    Terre!!!! Welcome back. We have been so worried about you. Thinking good thoughts for your son to get through this. Fear of dying can be a powerful motivator. That's what finally did it for me.

    Went to the Y this morning and did treadmill and the weight machines, then came home and fed the garden. I was so proud of my little garden till we took a walk last night and got a peek at our neighbor's garden. It's incredible. Mine looks pitiful by comparison, but hopefully, according to the Miracle Gro package, it will be big and lush very soon too. This guy is just an over achiever. Every year he has a huge beautiful garden. I have a feeling he works at it harder than I have. I'm not walking past his house anymore. He gave me a big bag of tomatoes last year that were to die for. That's what made me think I wanted to plant a garden this year.

    I'm at the studio, just finishing some drafting work. It's awfully hot in here, so I may not stay much longer. I'm just too cheap to turn on the A/C yet. Moving around in the studio doing any clay work is just impossible. Better to go home and clean house. Like that's ever going to happen!

    Here is the joke for today:


    Three leaders of the big beer companies meet for a drink. The president of Budweiser orders a Bud. Miller's president orders a Millers and the president of Coors orders a Coors. When it is Guinness turn to order he orders a soda. Why didn't you order a Guinness everyone asks? Nah Guinness replies. If you guys aren't having a beer neither will I.


    Have a great day!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. We didn’t have any real problems last night. Our friends about 25 minutes to the north had baseball sized hail and all their windows were knocked out and the siding stripped from their house. My other friend was driving home and her car got smashed up by it. We had several inches of rain, but no real wind and only small hail. There was a whole neighborhood that had to be rescued from their houses on boats! Glad we get to dry out for a while!

    Not much going on today; I’m tired for no reason. I’m at work and will be leaving soon to see dad then I think a nap is in order. I can’t sleep at night anymore (oh, I guess that’s the reason LOL). I am hot and cold at the same time which doesn’t’ make sense but makes getting comfy a huge issue!

    Juanita: that is nice to get out after a long winter!

    Joyce thanks for the good wishes! We saw grapefruit sized hail on the news out much further west.

    Michele: what are incline intervals? Sounds like a treadmill thing? Thanks for your good wishes too!

    Phyllis/Reno: welcome to our group

    Jb: sending many, many prayers for Mariah! So much for such a little one. The port in her head may be an Omaya reservoir….I’ve seen many and they really don’t bother the patient. Thanks for the update.

    Kim: scary, yes but it was clear that this was at least not tornado weather. All us Midwest gals can tell when that’s coming! The sky gets green and it gets very, very still before the storm hits…usually. Sometimes they “fall” out of a thunderstorm, but often the preview is very clear. The worst part was for some reason businesses all let out an hour early so getting home was awful!

    Cynthia: I forgot what exactly you do? I remember the post about people losing jobs and such, but can you remind me of what your job is?

    Sandy: welcome to the group!

    Alison: I am right with you on the weight loss frustration. I can’t seem to get totally motivated and just keep hanging on the same weight over and over again including today which was weigh in day. Be kind to yourself. You have much stress!

    Carol: I keep trying to find a way to invent something just for that very reason! I feel like I’m hanging on by my fingertips.

    Tere: wow what a nightmare! I’m so glad DS is getting the right treatment now! That’s a lot of weight to lose, but with your encouragement I bet he can. Signing up for mfp is a great idea. Thank you for the update. Sending both of you hugs and prayers!

    Katla: no damage at all! The flooding previously was from broken pipes in the house. We are lucky; our neighbors have sump pumps, and we have the “hole” for one, but have never installed one and haven’t ever needed it.

    Gigi: happy to have you join the group!

    Heather: I bet you will look beautiful!

    Gg: welcome to you too!

    Jacqueline: sounds like you are doing great!

    Kim: isn’t it funny? I’d rather have storms than earthquakes!

    Sue: oh my gosh what a BRILLIANT idea with the paper dolls. I will have to remember that! What a lovely, inspiring idea!

    Anamika: so glad you have a new school. Tell us all about it!

    Vicki: glad you were ok…I was thinking of you about 9-ish when there was yet another storm popping up and expanding over GI and Hastings area. That one finally got here about 2 a.m. The water rescues were amazing…I have never seen anything like that here.

    Jane: an easy bake oven…now that brings back memories!

    Sylvia: love the joke and also the one about the student begging for a good grade!

    Well girls I’m heading off to see my old pappy-- as he has started calling himself—at the nursing home. Take care, hopefully the weather is settled everywhere today! Meg from Omaha where fishes swim in the streets!
  • sandydoyle33
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Thank you for all the warm welcomes. It means alot to me. My heart aches reading of some of the struggles that some of you are going through and it makes me realize that I don't have it as bad as I think. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I've had struggles and I know that while you are going through them it is not easy to understand the why or purpose of the struggle. But hang in there, things will get better and you have a wonderful, supportive community of ladies. :heart:

    I have been living in Berryville, VA for 1 1/2 years and have not really had the opportunity to make new friends there. We live in a rural area and the neighbors are not in close proximity to us. But, as I said in my previous post, I have been going to the fitness facility in Winchester, VA and have met some wonderful ladies and the staff there has been so wonderful that I look forward to going and when I am not able to go, I miss it.

    My weight loss hasn't been dramatic, but it is happening and I would rather it happen slowly and stay off, than have a rapid weight loss and hat the pounds come back.

    In addition to my fibromyalgia, i have plantar fasciitis, morton's neuroma, a heel spur on my right heel and achilles tendinitis. So, walking at times can be very difficult and painful for me. There are times I dread standing when I have been sitting for awhile because I know what's coming. Fibromyalgia is a tricky thing. It affects each person a different way. Some people have their entire body affected, some have one side or the other, some have from the waist up and some, like me, have the lower have of their bodies affected the most. So for me, from the waist down is the worst. I cannot lean on anything with my hips, because it is like someone is stabbing me.:sad:

    But I push on and forward. I have fibromyalgia, but it does not have me.

    I do daily walks with my dog. Our driveway is an oval shape, big enough that if I do 20 laps, it is close to 1 1/2 miles of walking. Bently (my pup) and I walk it twice a day. Sometimes we do 20, sometimes 25 and other days just 15. But he is what keeps me motivated to do the walk because he loves doing it so much and he won't eat his food until we go for our walk.:smile:

    I recently started a new business, selling jamberry nail wraps and I love it. I love the wraps as they are non-toxic, latex free and formaldehyde free. They are fun to put on and I can do it in less that 15 mins.

    Well, I've rambled on long enough. If there is one thing I have learned with having Fibro, and that is listen to your body. I tend to push myself harder than I need to, but I have learned that when I body is saying enough, I need to stop or I will pay for it dearly.

    Looking forward to checking in daily and seeing what and how everyone is doing.

    Hope everyone has a good day.:smile:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon,on this rainy day.Haven't read many posts,been busy with errands today. DH grumbled because I needed him to go along. Felt it would do him good to get out & do me good to have him where I could see him:laugh:

    Meijers has chicken breast on the bone......so I bought 2 big family packs along with 3 lbs of lean ground turkey...both on sale.Then divided all & froze it.

    Vicki,Hub is doing ok,following Drs orders for a change. No heavy work,rest & take meds on schedule......He sees the Cardiologist next wk.
    We are having breakfast for supper today. Every now & then it tastes good to us.Maybe because we seldom have breakfast in the morn. Hope everyone is having a nice day,Pat in Ohio
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Actually made it to the gym for the ladies light exercise session this am; then off with Gwen to the eye dr. Line dance this evening.

    Meg---Vicki---Sue.............I had the Weather Channel on last night till about 11 or so thinking of you all and watching the radar; so very thankful you are all OK!!!!! Sorry for any friends or relatives who had damage.....but soooooooooooo glad you are well.

    Anamika........HI!!! Happy for your new job! Good luck; may it be all you hope!

    47Jacqueline..........Someone once told me that habits are formed in 3 days........so now coming here should be a habit for you.

    Heather.........Hoping for a fabulous memorable day for you tomorrow; no doubt you WILL look beautiful!

    Tere.........Your son sounds like he has a long haul ahead; hope he takes all your good advice. I had a much more minor medical thing with my DD recently and I know how we worry
    best to you too.

    SandyDoyle..........I looked up Berryville, never been there, but I have been to Winchester many times; probably should say THROUGH Winchester.

    Cynthia........I don't know exactly why she found it necessary to sleep on the floor; except that she always liked camping?? Or more likely she had the bed piled with books to the point there was no room for her. lol. Good luck with that job issue. LOVED the Kevin Hart/pizza thing!!!

    jb.........Miriah has a formidable road to go down; wishing her the best result and a complete recovery.

    Michele...........It seems you always make great food choices, like that veggie tray!

    Margaret...........Oh, how I envy your height!!!!!!!!!!!

    Time to make my afternoon hot chocolate, then get ready to go to line dancing lessons.

    mid-Atlantic where it it hot, humid, and overcast
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    Well I'm slow getting started, I don't know where my ambition to stay on track has gone it's been MIA for a few months now.
    I fell in my yard today (my foot went in to a hole that is either a rotted tree stump or a home for some critter or both!) Between my weight and my bad knees I couldn't get up. I had to drag myself over to a tree and reach for a branch to help get up a bit without using my knees, I did make it and did not hurt myself. Having said this you'd think that after that happened I would have an "ah ha" moment and realize that I need to lose weight and stay on track. Maybe I'll wake up in the middle of the night and it will hit me!

    On the positive side I worked in the garden for a couple of hours today and got lots of things planted and some exercise. Going back out tomorrow and do it all again....except for the falling in the hole part! LOL!

    Cathy in NS
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Sue – what a great idea with paper dolls!!! :wink:

    Anamika – Good for you! Stable and larger will give you more opportunities – longer hours are a drag; is your commute on public transport, or via private car?

    Vicki – glad you are safe; the storm looked really scary! Good luck Swim suit shopping – I hate it! Maybe thinner it will be easier; I did try one of mine from last year and it fit ok, a bit loose in the bum; but totally wearable. I am glad; all new clothes is so expensive. :happy:

    Sylvia - when fall comes you may want to dig into your garden area some manure/ compost and do it again in the spring before you plant. Miracle Grow will give you lush plants, but is it kinda like McDonalds for plants, it doesn’t build the soil, and really healthy soil will let the plants grow strong roots and be wonderful. :wink:
    Love the joke!!! I look forward to them everyday! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Meg – sorry to hear about your friends, but so glad everyone is safe!

    Sandy in VA- lots of us also have pets “fur babies” they are great company and motivation! Do you have a farm – or just in a rural area? My best friend’s step son has fibromyalgia and quality diet has helped him when he makes the right choices -

    Pat – Breakfast for dinner is a special treat; my mom was not a morning person so sometimes as a special treat she would make it.

    Speaking of fur babies - my Levi has a case of the blue fog (aka farts) he follows me around and all day has been letting them rip - omg! He must have eaten some weird thing on a walk...

    So I was thinking of you all this afternoon; I decided to cut 4 of the bananas I had in half and dip them in chocolate and nuts; then freeze them - So I'll bring 8 frozen bananas - the kids should love them. But I had:blushing: to lick the spoon covered in chocolate - and could just hear you all saying " just how are you going to log that?" :grumble: I have no idea - but with all the yard work I have had 1600 exercise calories this week so far that I have not eaten back so I am thinking that I won't log it and will just be careful the rest of the week.

    Well it is only 4pm here and I need to do 1-2 hours more of work, just had to share the chocolate event.

    Smiles Kim in N. California
  • vickikwhisler
    vickikwhisler Posts: 17 Member
    Happy Wednesday, everyone! My second night on this thread, and I think I'm going to be very happy with this group.

    Pat from Ohio: When I saw the word "Meijer" in your post I had a pang of homesickness. I spent the first 49 years of my life in Michigan, and I was a true Meijer supporter. My kids even had their first jobs there. Now I live in the Philly suburbs, and they haven't even heard of Meijer.

    GrandMallie: Hang in there. I have the exact same problems. You are not alone. I go over my calorie count at least 2-3 times a week, but as long as I know I've done it eating healthy foods, I know I'm still on the right track. Whatever we do, we cannot start beating up on ourselves. That will be sure to derail our plans, because it will put us in a negative mindset and we will lose our belief in ourselves. (I'm saying 'we' because I do this all the time and I'm trying to preach to myself, too)

    GG: Welcome from one newbie to another. Great to see my home state represented. I have a very good friend who lives in Port Huron.

    June Goals-
    Do the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Program 4x/week (2 weeks @ 1 mile and 2 weeks @ 2 mile) Week 1: 3x
    Do the 2.5 mile path at the walking park across the street 2x/week Week 1: 1x
    Try one new healthy recipe/week Week 1: Turkey Meatloaf--yummy!
    Finish landscaping front of house Week 1: laid out the edging but ground is too hard to pound it in
    Choose a swim suit Week 1: decided to wait another week or two before attempting this
    Kitchen (room of the month) super scrub Week 1: Emptied, cleaned, sorted all food cupboards and fridge
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Yay! Women 50+!
    Hi everyone. I am fairly new here, so I am still learning, I will take the time to read ALL of the posts here soon. Right now I just wanted to say HI!

    Janette from Ca
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    This is a great board, how do I join it??

    Maryann (maryinnc):happy:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah!!!!!! Some more new members. Our generation is making strides to being the healthiest.

    I LOVE Meijers. My oldest daughter has one in her city and I love going there to shop with her. I had never been in one of the 'super stores' before. Now we have several of the Walmart and Target super stores. But I really like dthe quality of the clothes at Meijers.

    We have been having severe thunderstorms here. With my husband, nothing gets in his way of going to Texas Roadhouse on a Wednesday for his 8 oz steak. It was barely raining when we left the house but pouring down when we got there. There was this little old lady at the door waiting to go to her car and didn't have an umbrella. We were getting ready to be seated and I just kept on thinking of that lady. So I went and asked her if she had an umbrella. She didn't but said that her husband was pulling the car up front for her. Well she still had about 8 feet or so to get to that car in torrential downpour. I have an oversize umbrella so I told her I would walk with her. I don't know what I would have done if she had fallen. She had to hold onto my arm to get down the curb. She said she didn't know that there were still people that would do something like that. I just told her that I would hope that some one would do the same thing for my Mom. Now the lower legs of my jeans were soaked and I couldn't wait to get home and get out of them. It's been a long time since I have worn my exercise pants but they sure feel good. I also put an afghan over my lap. This is the afghan that our previous cat would only sit on my lap if I had this afghan on my lap. But I did feel good about helping this little old lady. She looked like she had just come from the hairdresser.

    To whom ever has the young girl that has cancer. Sorry I can't remember your name. I am so sorry. No person that age should have to go through something like that. Well, no one should of any age. I feel so for you and her family. But some how children who go through this can find this inner strength and help up adults. When my sister had cancer many years ago she was such a sense of strength for all of us. She was 18 when she was diagnosed.

    Joyce, in rainy Indiana
  • grasgal
    grasgal Posts: 9 Member
    22,000 steps is remarkable. Congrats. I get excited when I hit over 10,000 steps.
  • grasgal
    grasgal Posts: 9 Member
    I'm getting somewhere finally by logging every bite or gulp. Not allowing denial to take over. This is a wonderful site for those ready for reality coupled with support.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good evening , ladies! What a busy board this is...but wonderful...the sharing of the successes and the hardships.

    JB- my heart and prayers are with you and Mariah and her family, one day, one step at a time...love the paper doll idea...

    I have not been faithful to the exercising goal...have not been sleeping well...sleep for 3-4 hours, awake for 2-3 hours and then "nap" until the alarm goes off...I am sure it is part of menopause...does this EVER stop??? Exercising would probably help too...just have to drag my butt out of bed..

    Not much else is new in my world...I kind of like uneventful and quiet..

    Hugs and prayers for the struggles and high fives for the achievements in our journey:flowerforyou:

    Jen in NY where we had beautiful blue skies today
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    This is a great board, how do I join it??

    Maryann (maryinnc):happy:

    Just post your goals for June and post every day if possible. I just started and I've met a couple of women already.
  • jacintafit
    jacintafit Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Just joined yesterday..Thanks for being there...I hope this thing really works..Looks like it does..I dropped .600 in m y first day Jacintafit
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michelle, I listen to music that I have stored on my phone when I’m walking. My last two music downloads have been Judy Collins songs. I have all sorts of music that I like to listen to and it keeps my mind busy while I walk the dogs endlessly every day….when Jake and I have “words” it doesn’t last too long and we both take our own inventory and come back with apologies and statements of how we were wrong and how we can do better next time.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis from Reno, tell your head to “shut up” when it gives you negative messages and then come read this thread and hear from all of us who have overcome the failures and turned them into successes.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, thanks for the update on Mariah….what a brave girl….I will keep her in my thoughts.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, Jake and I are fine----our little spats don’t last long and we know how to clean things up---and now I have a new song to listen to in the morning…..I listened to it about five times while I walked the dogs …no banana recipes from me----I put them in my breakfast shake sometimes and eat them plain and I never make desserts.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, I’m thinking positive thoughts for the best outcome for you and your job

    :flowerforyou: Sandy in VA---welcome and thanks for sharing your journey…..it is very inspiring for me to hear it because I have a friend with fibro with takes too much prescription pain medication and spends most of her life in bed either sleeping or feeling sorry for herself.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, would it help to plan your food for the whole day including a big enough after dinner snack?

    :flowerforyou: Carol, good for you be willing to accept financial help from you ex MIL…..so many of us are great about giving and not so good about receiving

    :flowerforyou: Tere, what a lot of stuff going on with your son……I’m glad he’s on the way to recovery…..best wishes to him on his weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, our farm was small and we didn’t have it long but Jake grew some awesome vegetables and sold them at the farmers market.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I cried a lot when I was giving away my too big clothes because I loved them a lot (except for the size)

    :flowerforyou: gg in MI, I get a lot of my exercise walking outdoors and it’s a great combination of exercise and meditation.

    :flowerforyou: Jacqueline, those sound like good gifts for yourself to help along the weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, congratulations on your new school---I wish you the best there even with the longer commute and longer hours.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, good idea going to the skin doctor immediately instead of worrying and allowing a small problem to get bigger.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, thanks for letting us know that you’re safe.

    :brokenheart: Cathy in NS, sorry about your fall…….i hope it’s just the thing you need to help you rededicate yourself to your goals.

    :flowerforyou: Kim in N. CA, there’s a great children’s book called “Walter the Farting Dog”…. See if your library has it.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki from Philly, you really know how to jump in and join the community……I think you’ll be very happy with this group.

    :flowerforyou: Janette from CA, welcome…..reading the posts will help you feel like part of the community

    :flowerforyou: Maryann, you joined this board the minute you posted…..keep coming back

    :flowerforyou: Grasgal, I don’t have a job outside my house and I have dogs that love to walk so it’s not too hard for me to walk a lot of steps (yes, I am obsessed):laugh:

    :bigsmile: When I went to the periodontist on Thursday they found a filling that had come out so they contacted my dentist and today I went in for x rays, a regular check-up and had the filling fixed……the dentist said my teeth are in great shape and the x rays looked great so I am very happy…..I love my teeth and want to keep them forever.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 26,000 steps today

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."