

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Worked in the garden on and off for 4-5 hours today. I would work for about and hour then took a long break.Still tired at the end of the day. Finally beautiful weather here.

    Thinking of all of you and wishing you the best.
    MN Margaret I see we have another Margaret now love it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just poppin to say that Bodi continues to slowly improve. Still not walking or peeing on his own but stronger each day. I feel guilty leaving Doug alone for 3 days but I can't wait to see my granddaughters. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 min of yoga today (got to the class late, I have the hardest time making this class on time) then an hour of deep water. Planning to do Jillian Michael Hard Body DVD tomorrow.

    Today was one of those days. Exercised, came home and made cornbread muffins for rummikub Tuesday (put them in the freezer), went to senior bowling. Fortunately, there were 3 on my team, 3 on the team we were playing, 4 on the team Vince was playing, but only 2 on his team. So we got home fairly early. Went in the pool, then had dinner, then went to this ceramics place. So many people have been telling me about it. I really would like to make some ceramics for the pool area.

    Came home from the Y today and they are clearing one of the lots beyond our house. Well, there are three lots and I don't think the lot next to us will get developed since there's a VERY steep dropoff, which would have to be filled in (read: expensive) and then the ground will have to settle

    jb - I can't get over how much Mariah has and will be going thru. My prayers are with her. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    kim - when I freeze my bananas, first I peel them.

    Sandy - welcome! What are jamberry wraps? Never heard of them. Great how you've always come back to exercising, that's the way to do it. You sure have a lot on your plate but you always persevere, which is great

    Cynthia - thanks for sharing the twitter post. Put a smile on my face.

    Allison - listen to moondogz. She's on the mark

    Carol in NC - time spent with good friends is always the best

    Tere - thanks for telling us about your son. All that fluid! I'm assuming he's taking a diuretic. Welcome back!

    katla - have you ever played Chicken Foot Dominoes?

    Gigi and possummama- welcome!

    Ordered an attachment for my mixer since I've worn out the one I had. But in order to get the free shipping (cry everyone) I just had to order two DVD's. Isn't that a crying shame?

    Sue in SD - what a neat idea to have those dolls and take the pictures! Whenever it's late, I usually crave carbs (like cookies, breads)

    anamika - congrats on the new school!

    Vicki - how great that you can get a swimsuit that you like, not what's available. What a great feeling, huh?

    Sylvia - your neighbor may have a bigger garden, but I bet it isn't as great as yours

    Meg - incline intervals are where I went for 3 minutes at 3% incline, then 3 minutes at 6%, then 3 min at 9%, then 3 min at 12%, then 3 min at 3% etc all at 4mph.

    yanniejannie - this may sound weird, but I really enjoyed the veggie tray. Vince said something about how next month at Mexican Train they are going to grill hot dogs (yuk), not sure what's going to be happening. If so, I'm thinking everyone is supposed to bring a side. It would probably be a bad idea for me to bring a veggie tray again, but I would love it. I bet the others wouldn't, tho

    Kim - I know what you mean about new clothes being so expensive. I only buy it at full price if I absolutely love it, it fits well. Otherwise, I wait until it goes on sale. I always bought my bathingsuits at the end of the season. However, the last one I bought was a chlorine-resistant one. Not on the cheap side but I know it'll hold up. I remember one time one of our cats farted and couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from! I don't log my exercise and know deep down inside that it will cover things like spoon liking, which I did when I made those cornbread muffins

    Janette - "hi there"

    Maryann - you joined this board by posting! Be sure to come back often

    Joyce - how nice of you to walk with that lady! There's a special place in heaven for people like you

    jacintafit - welcome! Yes, this really does work

    Robin - so glad Bodi is improving. You must be so relieved.

    Michele in NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your continued prayers and positive thoughts for Mariah :heart:

    Sue, :flowerforyou: I'm sending Mariah's mom a card tomorrow with the story you shared about your DGD's friend and the paper dolls......what a fabulous idea! Thanks so much. I think Mariah will love having that as a project. :heart: See, that's why I love this thread! Great ideas from great women! :love:

    It's been a long day, I'm pooped. :yawn:

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Hi all
    just a quick check in as I had to log dinner...

    Vicki K – glad to see you again, for me making this a habit has really helped.

    Janette from CA –welcome, I am from CA to where are you? I am in Northern CA, in Dublin

    Maryann – welcome, just start posting, you’ve done that, you are in.

    Joyce - it is JB’s niece with cancer. What a great thing you did for that older lady! :smile:

    Barbie – thanks for the book recommendation – I’ll have to get it and read it to Levi! :happy:

    Bodi – Keep up the good work on getting better – Levi says woof woof

    Michele – I am crying for you having to order 2 new DVDs -LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I have a baccalaureate to go to tomorrow evening and graduation on Saturday for my niece - and parties both times... lots of food and the idea of something healthy in this family is ambrosia salad the one with canned fruit and marshmallows I offered to bring something and got asked not to as my stuff is too fancy..:tongue: oh well, will pack a cooler with snacks and eat in my car. :noway:

    have a great evening!
    Kim in N. California
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Hi all
    just a quick check in as I had to log dinner...

    Vicki K – glad to see you again, for me making this a habit has really helped.

    Janette from CA –welcome, I am from CA to where are you? I am in Northern CA, in Dublin

    Maryann – welcome, just start posting, you’ve done that, you are in.

    Joyce - it is JB’s niece with cancer. What a great thing you did for that older lady! :smile:

    Barbie – thanks for the book recommendation – I’ll have to get it and read it to Levi! :happy:

    Bodi – Keep up the good work on getting better – Levi says woof woof

    Michele – I am crying for you having to order 2 new DVDs -LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I have a baccalaureate to go to tomorrow evening and graduation on Saturday for my niece - and parties both times... lots of food and the idea of something healthy in this family is ambrosia salad the one with canned fruit and marshmallows I offered to bring something and got asked not to as my stuff is too fancy..:tongue: oh well, will pack a cooler with snacks and eat in my car. :noway:

    have a great evening!
    Kim in N. California

    I am originally from Los Altos but live in Ukiah now. (Mendocino County)
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Thank you for the "welcomes"! I have really enjoyed reading your posts. it's nice to "meet" you all! I will figure out how to post my goals tomorrow.
    Peace and love ????
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I dont know what is going on with me.. I sabatoge (sp) myself every blessed day..
    did great till I got home the DH grilled a hamburger for me,so had that on a fold it flat bread.. which was all alotted into calories
    then I was still starving so what did I eat,had a bowl and a half of raisin bran with unsweetened almond milk and 2 chocolate covered graham crackers, I think I stayed under but ate right up to my exercise calories:explode:
    I eat well during the day. it is at night when I am starving , will have to figure that out......
    I havent lost an ounce in I dont know how long, I am up 10 lbs and am disgusted with myself...
    I havent been to the gym, though I race walk 3-4 miles almost every day..
    being menopausal doesnt help either..im through it I think,but still
    I am always a early packer, so I have some stuff on our dining table set for vacation at the end of the month when the DGd come from wisconsin...
    I need someone at night, to be next to me and slap me upside the head when I reach for something:blushing:
    Just browsing and found this awesome group.
    Do you store most of your weight on your upper body? (Apple)
    I find hyper insulinisation is the culprit...for me.(my body floods me with insulin with certain carb meals, and that in turn triggers ravenous hunger).
    I know everybody is not the same, just wanted to suggest something to explore.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's evening and later that is my culprit also. Carbohydrates is my nemesis. If there is a box of cereal in the house is it fair game for me. My husband loves Life, Corn flakes, Wheaties, I eat them all dry. They don't need anything except my fingers!!! He always has Shredded wheat here to but I don't eat that dry. I do love it though with banana and milk. I have been known to fix me a couple of servings of instant mashed potatoes or oatmeal at night just because I know it's there. I swear I need a lock on my pantry. And I know that is probably why my weight doesn't budge for weeks.

    Husband just got back form his karaoke. Apparently with the storms everyone was afraid to go out. But nothing keeps 'The over the hill gang' at home. Those three will go out in anything. They went one place and sang 5 songs apiece and their trio songs to the bartender and two ladies that were there. So I guess they got a good practice. I tell him to use these nights where there is no one out to work up some new songs he has been wanting to try. But he stays with his tried and true songs he has perfected. Men never listen!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grasgal
    grasgal Posts: 9 Member
    Boy it was really hot outside today. I could only work in the garden for 30 min. at a time. Hydrated a lot but found myself wiped out at the end of the day. AC time.
  • sandydoyle33
    Hi Momsamodel,

    I don't live on a farm, just rural area. But across from me there is a dairy farm and a couple of horse farms, next to me there is another farm. My closest neighbors are behind us and we share a common driveway entrance with one of them. It is a beautiful area and the people are so friendly.

    Yes, my furry son is a bit hyper, he is a black lab/pit bull mix and has a lot of energy. My husband says that he is a Mama's boy because he likes to be around me all the time. He is very smart as soon as he sees me grab my iPod he knows we are going for our walk, or if I say to him "you ready" he knows what I mean and gets all excited. He is a good boy and just loves people and to have people's attention. He is a sweetie.

    Yes, I need to work on changing my diet. I notice that when I eat a lot of fruit and veggies I feel better than when I eat more carbs and sugars.

    Wish your son nothing but the best. I can related and certainly understand what he is living with.
  • sandydoyle33
    Hi Exermom,

    Yes, exercise is good for me. There are days that I really don't feel like doing anything, but I go and at least do my outdoor walks. But going to the fitness center is the best thing for me because I do enjoy exercising in the Therapy pool. They keep the water at 80-81 degrees and I usually spend 1 1/2 - 2 hours doing my aquatic exercises and always feel so much better and in a better mood.

    Jamberry Nail wraps are like stickers for your nails. They are a lot of fun and have many different designs. I like to tell ladies that you can choose one for every mood you may be in. They have designs from classic, elegant to a bit eccentric. They are easy to put on. I usually have both my hands done in less than 15 minutes and the best thing is you don't have to wait for the to dry and they do not chip. They usually last upto 2 weeks on your fingernails and you can also use them on your toes. They are non-toxic, no latex or formaldehyde. We do sell a small heater, to warm up the back of the wrap before applying, but you can also use your hair dryer for that. They also have matching designs for little girls so that Mommy and Daughter can match. You can check them out at sandydoyle.jamberrynails.net

    Let me know if you have any questions about them.

    I do have alot going on, but it helps to keep my mind off the pain and the constant fatigue. But I have learned to listen to my body and I know when the fatigue is my normal every day fatigue and when it is more than just that and when it is I slow down and take it easy because if I don't I will pay the price.

    Life is to short and I refuse to let fibromyalgia overwhelm or beat me. I am blessed and have been very fortunate to have a very understanding and supportive husband and family and the first doctor I went to when I moved to VA turned out to be a wonderful doctor who doesn't discard or dismiss patients that say they have been diagnosed with Fibro. She is wonderful and has been very supportive and encouraging when I told her I took myself off one medication and she is very pleased with my progress with the exercise.
  • sandydoyle33
    Hi Barbiecat,.

    Thanks. You know I went through so much before I was actually diagnosed with fibro, that by the time I got my diagnosis it was a relief. I even had an emergency room doctor tell me the I needed pyschiatric help because it was all in my head.

    Shortly after that I found a wonderful dr., when I lived in Ohio, that said to me that if I stuck with him he would help me find out what was wrong. And we did.

    When I moved to VA I was afraid that I wouldn't find a doctor like the one I had in Ohio, but Thank God that I did. God is so good.

    Initially, I was a bit overwhelmed and felt that I just couldn't do anything anymore. But then I realized that I have a syndrome that is not easy to live with, but it is not fatal or life threatening. I started reading up on and doing internet research and realized that I could live a more than just normal life and that I could still enjoy my life, despite the fibro.

    I went through a tough period because when you feel good you think you can do anything and everything and that you can just keep pushing to do stuff. But I learned the hard way to listen to my body. The first thing I focused on was learning the warning signs of when a flare up was coming. Then it was listening to my body's cues warning me that I was pushing myself to hard.

    It is hard to do and it takes time, but I am glad that I took the time.

    It is important for your friend to find a doctor that will encourage her and give her suggestions and ideas on what she can do to improve her health.

    It's not easy and I do have limitations, but I do what I can, when I can and how I can. I haven't given up and I won't give in.

    I do know that some people are affected more than others and that some people just give up and think it is better to just not move in order to not feel pain. I have realized that the less I move, the less active I am the worse the pain can be.

    I hope that your friend can get some help, encouragement and support.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Alison: you’re under a lot of stress; try to make some quiet time for yourself. :flowerforyou:
    Carol: your post sounds more upbeat (rest helps!); glad to see that.
    Tere: what a scare you’ve had. I hope your son can pick up the ball; maybe MFP will work for him, or another system. He may need help.
    Vicki: how did the doctor’s visit go? Did you get a nice swimsuit? I need to get one this summer, too.
    Meg: I edit scientific journals.
    Kim: does Levi look at his back end when he…farts? Mine does sometimes; always makes me laugh. :happy:

    Had an active day again yesterday. The scale is not doing much the last few weeks. I hope I can make that change soon.
    I have that conversation about my job this afternoon. The journals I edit are changing publishers, and that may influence my job. I'll hear more later, but I am definitely feeling the stress.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My sleep schedule seems to have changed since I've gotten older. I go to sleep about 10:30 or 11PM and get up a 4:30. I'm not tired or anything. I just wonder if I'm supposed to be sleeping longer. I'm 67 and have read that older people don't need as much sleep as younger people. Don't know if that's true

    Thank you. megblair1 and yanniejannie, for mentioning me in your posts. it's nice to feel connected and not think I am posting in a vacuum.

    I just applied for my EIN in preparation for becoming a certified group health instructor. Most GFIs work part time because you can only teach so much exercise in a day. It seems like the perfect third age career for me. I've finished Chapter 2 of the Exercise Science Manual. Today I'm on to Kinesthiology.

    In my study of Zumba, I've started taking basic Salsa dance instruction. I don't think it's absolutely necessary, but it's fun and I'm not going overboard.

    I drank 10 glasses of water yesterday!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: , this is the best group of women!!!

    I'll be glad when I can get back to having more time to post, maybe July:ohwell: !

    I've read all the posts and wishing everyone well!!!

    Have a marvelous day! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    morning ladies~
    raining here today..no exercise yet. but will do something.. my DFIL sister's and niece will be up for a visit today and I will be there too, so that will be a nice visit, also have to get my drivers license renewed. hit friehofers outlet and get DH snacks for work...
    have laundry in the dryer and took Homer to the groomers,
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Great day to work in the garden, cloudy and misty. I tracked my food yesterday for the first time in a few months and it really does make a difference. All in all I had a good day, so will track again today. I read through the posts since yesterday and got some encouragement from everyone's stories.

    Goals for June:
    Eat more vegetables
    Walk (exercise) at least 3 days per week
    Keep track of what I eat daily
    Think Positively

    Cathy in NS
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, I have missed everyone. I haven't been on this new thread. I'm at work and can't catch up now but wanted to bump and save my spot.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • kwilson51
    kwilson51 Posts: 10
    Great Thursday morning ladies,
    I was hoping to have time every day to at least read all your wisdom and suggestions.....well not going as well as I would like in that department but I'll try harder.
    Food log is helping. staying within my calorie zones, exercising every day. Heading to the Poconos this weekend so that will be a challenge i"m sure. Weigh in tomorrow...wish me luck.
    Have an amazing day!
    Kim W, PA