Team UK - January 2011!



  • Hello everyone,

    Been on this site a while but didn't realise there was a team UK. NIce to see all these people from the UK. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year.
  • Evening all! Day 3 and still feeling motivated which is good considering its the weekend and I am normally always bad. Feeling more alert, more energy and found am sleeping a lot better past 2 nights as i dont feel so sluggish, which is great news for me as I have a few medical conditions and going in for operation next month and feeling good.

    Hope you all had a great weekend :D
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    Evening all!

    Just completed my second session on Biggest Loser (Kinect), it's quite tough going really. Lots of short bursts of different exercises. Weighing in on Thursday, so I'll see how I get on.

    I've got Zumba planned for tomorrow, then Biggest Loser Tuesday and Thursday. I'm hoping to fit in a visit to the gym on Wednesday seeing as hubby will be home to watch the children.

    Going to have a look to see what I can take for lunch tomorrow - I usually end up having a school dinner (usually a huge baguette or wraps but the cooks put loads of mayo in). My new year resolution was to take my lunch 4/5 days and seeing as I have only been back at work two days, I'm doing pretty well!

    Going to have to meal plan as well. Hubby is off work for the next couple of weeks so he'll do some cooking.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Evening all! Hope you're all well. I saw the King's Speech last night at the cinema. Definitely recommend it and seems like the Oscar buzz is about right.

    Went for an almighty training session this morning doing two classes to prepare myself for having friends over for lunch.

    Now have the evening to myself which is a treat so going to put my feet up and chill out! I'm a Chris Moyles fan on Radio 1 and Comedy Dave is on Dancing on Ice this year so I'll be watching!

    The weather here was so lovely today. It was cold but the sun was shining! I live in Herts by the way but work in London. Anyone else in that general area?

    Hope you all enjoy you're evening and I'll catch up with you tomorrow!

    hey hey i'm a huge Moyles fan too shame Comedy Dave didn't skate tonight but i'm so looking forward to next week

  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Good Morning All

    Got in my car to come to work this morning and Chris Moyles was on radio 1 talking about this site and how brilliant it is. He didn't mention it by name but did say that Aled had mentioned it on twitter so I checked it out and he has been talking about MFP. So chris Moyles may well be hiding amongst us lol
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Woohoo! First weeks weigh in & I've lost 7.5lb. :bigsmile:
    I have to admit I did a little 'happy' dance in the bathroom, so not a pretty sight considering I weigh in the nude.:laugh:

    First few days I was DIY'in it. Since Thurs I've been on the new WW plan. I had my doubts, cause all fruit & veg are 0 points, and well tbh I can get thru a lot of them. But it must be working.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi guys! Can I join in the fun too? I'm Ros- 43 yrs old (44 next month- how did that happen?), 5ft 7ins tall, married, 3 kids, live in Sheffield. My weight has yoyo-ed all my adult life and am currently just over 16 st, aiming to get to 10 st 4, so definitely in it for the long haul. I downloaded the app a few months ago, but then life caught up and overtook and I ended up in a bit of a crisis towards the end of last year. Feeling a bit better now, and ready to tackle my weight again. I've already lost a pound since New Years Day because I've given up alcohol for 2011- found myself drinking far too much when i was trying to cope with everything. It hasn't been as hard as I expected, and it has done wonders for my self esteem. Anyway, I thought I'd start doing a food diary on my iphone, to see if I could boost the weight loss, then I noticed the forum. This seems like a great place to be and I know moral support makes all the difference, so I'm looking forward to getting to know people.
    Ros xx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning all..

    i leave you all for one weekend and the threads doubled in size!!! Welcome everyone who has joined us! Hope you have a successful weight loss journey!

    Catch up later

    Katherine xx
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Good Morning All

    Got in my car to come to work this morning and Chris Moyles was on radio 1 talking about this site and how brilliant it is. He didn't mention it by name but did say that Aled had mentioned it on twitter so I checked it out and he has been talking about MFP. So chris Moyles may well be hiding amongst us lol

    I heard that too! I assumed it was this site he was talking about as I'm not on Twitter so didn't know for sure! So relieved they are back on air. It makes waking up in the morning that much more bareable!

    Hope you're all having a good day!
  • PaulaAvery
    PaulaAvery Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, looking for some company on here as new to this - so will send some frineds requests - hope thats ok!

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good Morning All

    Got in my car to come to work this morning and Chris Moyles was on radio 1 talking about this site and how brilliant it is. He didn't mention it by name but did say that Aled had mentioned it on twitter so I checked it out and he has been talking about MFP. So chris Moyles may well be hiding amongst us lol

    I heard that too! I assumed it was this site he was talking about as I'm not on Twitter so didn't know for sure! So relieved they are back on air. It makes waking up in the morning that much more bareable!

    Hope you're all having a good day!

    I thought they might be! How cool is that!? Oohhh im going to be on a mission to find him now! xxx
  • Lozt09
    Lozt09 Posts: 5

    Im Lauren and I live in Warwickshire!

    Been using MFP for a few months but seriously getting back into it again after christmas, want to lose around a stone and keep it off! Lol!

    Hope everyone is having a good day after the weekend!

  • Garfy
    Garfy Posts: 41
    Hi All,

    Its going to take me ages to add everyone on this thread as a friend - but I will give it a go.

    I joined around 6 months ago & am 1 stone lighter :)

    I still would like to lose another stone over the next 12 months, but found my motivation was severly lacking in Nov / Dec & pretty much fell off the wagon so to speak, which meant that I put on about 4lbs, otehrwise I would be showing an 18lb loss right now.

    Its great to find so many UK based people on here & hopefully we can do our best to boost each other along,

    My weigh in day is a Wednesday.

  • Hi UK, I must admit to having become obsessed by MFP! I never realised before this just how much rubbish I was ingesting. I am hoping to lose 2 - 3 Llbs per week before I hit the beach in Cyprus in March.

    The biggest thing my wife & I found were portion sizes, our kids have left home but we were still cooking like they were coming for dinner. Downside, we had way too much food and just eat it all.

    Here's hoping everyone has the success they deserve!
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Wow you leave this thread alone for a few hours and it just multiplies!!

    Welcome to you all, the more the merrier, its great to know there are so many of us from this side of the pond!!

    Well I did my first full workout at the gym this morning and it was good!!!! Feeling really pleased with myself I pushed really hard, though I need to if I am going to run that 5k in the summer.

    Feel free to add me if you would like

    Mandy xxx
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Good Morning All

    Got in my car to come to work this morning and Chris Moyles was on radio 1 talking about this site and how brilliant it is. He didn't mention it by name but did say that Aled had mentioned it on twitter so I checked it out and he has been talking about MFP. So chris Moyles may well be hiding amongst us lol

    I heard that too! I assumed it was this site he was talking about as I'm not on Twitter so didn't know for sure! So relieved they are back on air. It makes waking up in the morning that much more bareable!

    Hope you're all having a good day!

    Isn't it great Moylesy is one of us too.

    Attention Mr. Moyles make yourslef know. Maybe he is one of you newbies lol
  • Day 4 i think now! Had a shockingly bad day at work, really stressed at the moment, got job interview tomorrow, i just want to stuff my face :( but i know its bad. Need to put on tan & do my nails to keep busy and stay away from the fridge. Heres hoping i stay good tonight x
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Good luck tomorrow Grace. I'm absolutely terrified of interviews and am eternally grateful that I haven't needed to go to one for a while! Will have my fingers crossed (can't believe you go to all the effort of a tan - what do you do?!)

    Loving the thought of Moyles being on MFP. Make yourself known Moyles!!!!!

    Great to see even more newbies and plenty of people starting to make progress. Unfortunately I've had a pants day as I got a headache yesterday resulting in me staying in bed this morning trying to sleep it off. Foodwise I've just about managed to stay on track but I haven't done anywhere near the exercise that I planned to do due to feeling really dizzy (had to give linedancing a miss because I know it'd make me feel even worse). Gonna go to bed soon as have already packed a lunch for tomorrow and got 'Glee' set up on my Sky+. Hope you all have a great evening and a fab Tuesday x
  • beano25
    beano25 Posts: 10
    oooooo great site, been amongst you all for 10 days now. This is what i have been looking for !!!!! going great feeling great too ! hope everyone keeps this motivation up!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi, another newbie!

    I'm Lauren, I'm 22 and I live in Surrey (work in London - so a joyful commute!). I joined the site as recommended by Aled from the Chris Moyles Show and love it - so easy to use and keep track! I've got a personal trainer for the gym (once every 2 weeks) to get my bum in shape and hopefully lose quite a few lbs in the process!

    Look forward to chatting to you all =)

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