Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Thank you all for the compliments to my character!

    Calie: How did you get that picture here????

    It's freezing here again today...21....I know for some parts of the country, that's the norm but this is the coldest winter we've had for a while.

    It's Sunday and TV already stinks! What to do, what to do?????

    There are so many survivors in this group. Everyday, I am amazed by someone else. Jo An, no matter what anyone says, each of us is different and we react to situations differently. But, it seems that everyone here is confident that you will do stronger & get better. I would probably be afraid until right before they put me out. After that, it's just recovery work and you already know how to do that. And, another thought for your daughter...go get em! :drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday!!! The sun is shining but it is very, very cold, who would think it would get so cold in the Chicago area?? :laugh: :laugh: I always laugh at the way the weather forecasters give us the weather, Chicago has had cold and snow since the beginning of time, why they make such a big deal out of it these days I don't know. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    JoAn, most of the people I know who have had knee surgery, loved the fact that they did. :bigsmile: Because of what we were going through with my step son in the hospital I canceled mine, but once I feel the time is right I will have it done. For some reason as I was suffering with the sciatica my knees didn't hurt as much and now with advil I seem to be keeping all the pain levels under control. :love:

    I went to see my brother and SIL yesterday afternoon, it had been a long time. I took my 15 year grand daughter with me for the ride and it was a great afternoon. After Mass we went to my step son's and it is always stressful for me to be with him. :explode: Today the 15 year old and I will be going with my DIL and 5 year old granddaughter to her Brownie Ice skating party. I won't be skating as I never learned, will just be there for moral support. :love:

    The scale has said I have lost 2 pounds but I will wait until tomorrow to post. I have been trying really hard to stay under calories, exercise and drink lots of water. :drinker: But if I have just 50 calories left over MFP tells me my body will go into starvation mode.
    Is this something new?

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Take One Day at a Time!! Be patient with yourself!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    Calie: How did you get that picture here????

    Most of us use You have to join their site and once logged in, upload your photo from your computer. Once uploaded click on the picture and it will give you a share code. Use the image share code by right clicking on the code and copying.
    On MFP you right click again and paste. The trick is replacing the brackets and img to lower case on each end being sure to not forget the / on right end of the photo The brackets and img must both be in lower case. I hope I am clear in my explanation. :tongue:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie -- I thought of you this afternoon as I watched a dog show on TV with Neil. I am thinking that you must have run around the 'ring' with your dogs. That must have kept the weight down!! Beautiful and well behaved animals.

    Oh, Gayla - it is time to confess. I handled Will at one or two shows without much success. Then one Saturday at a well-attended show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin we won "Reserve Winners Dog." Basically that means we were second best. The elderly judge, when handing me the ribbon, said "Madam, you have a beautiful dog in every way. Unfortunately you are not a good handler. I'm sure you thought you were running around the ring but your dog was barely trotting. If you hope to make him a champion, consider hiring a professional."

    Well, I was devastated. Back in the grooming area I shared what the judge said with a friend. She told me there was a very good professional handler who lived just 20 miles from our house and who was at that very show. She suggested I go and talk to Amy and see if she would consider handling Will. When I approached the handler and told her my story she agreed to take Will into the ring the next day on a "trial" basis. If he behaved for her and if they were successful then we could talk about hiring her on a regular basis.

    On Sunday we returned to the show and I handed Will over to Amy. Then she told me I had to stay out of the dog's sight. She said I could watch but only from a place where my dog couldn't see me. I agreed. To make a long story short, Will won Best of Breed that day for his first "pointed" win. It wasn't a major, but it was a win and he behaved wonderfully for her. Five months and $3000 later, Amy had taken him to his AKC Championship including a Group 4 win. That's all dog show speak but it was impressive for an 18-month old hound.


    We've never shown our little brindle and that's a pity as, from a conformation standard, he is even more "typey" than Will. In other words, he more closely meets the standards for Afghan Hounds. He is smaller (Will is big for an Afghan dog), finer boned and has a gorgeous head. Oh, well. I'm too old, (and too poor) to get back into the show circuit.

    Very cold here in Missouri and MODOT (Missouri Department of Transportation) is spraying the highways in anticipation of either snow or freezing rain. If temps stay where they are, we'll get our first snow of the season.

    Sounds like it's chilly everywhere. Stay warm everyone.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member

    Calie: How did you get that picture here????

    Most of us use You have to join their site and once logged in, upload your photo from your computer. Once uploaded click on the picture and it will give you a share code. Use the image share code by right clicking on the code and copying.
    On MFP you right click again and paste. The trick is replacing the brackets and img to lower case on each end being sure to not forget the / on right end of the photo The brackets and img must both be in lower case. I hope I am clear in my explanation. :tongue:

    Thank you!
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Marie - Sammy is soooo cute! The way he looks at you with those eyes, too adorable. I sure wish I knew the computer and how to do all the things you do as well as you do--what an inspiration you are.

    Ever since last week when someone (I forgot who exactly) said they had a pot roast in the oven and it smelled so good, I have been wanting it. So, today I bought a nice chuck roast and put onions, carrots and will add potatos later into the oven and the aroma smells really good!

    I kind of had a goal in my head that by my birthday I wanted to be out of the 180's and I think I am going to make it. My last log in, which was Friday was 181 but today the scale said 178.5 and I got on it twice. Sure glad I didn't give into that reeses peanut butter cup yesterday. I have to say that suggestion about the rice cake was a great idea though!

    Thanks to you all for the support about the knee surgery. I think I am kind of a wimp--I don't like pain! But, the thought that by the spring, when tax season is over, and we start camping again, I may be good as new, sounds pretty good to me. With the weight loss and the new knee, those hikes through the woods and around the campsites will be even more enjoyable. We go to Pokagon State Park in Angola and just as soon as we enter the park, the woods and the scenery just lift my spirits. The woods is such a spiritual place for me and I feel so close to God--I really love it! Time to go check on my roast, until later. JoAn
  • powerpak
    I love the motivator 'Don't cave to a crave' That one's going on my fridge
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jp an , I am the mostdumbest person on this thread. When it come to computor. My daughter., sandy, barbiecat has help me a lot. and then I forget hsve to start all over again. Your roast sound so good. I am cooking a ham, and Sammy is right by the oven waiting on it to get done. He abso;utely love ham. Me too. i bought it to cook new year but for some reason I didn' so I had to get it cook for I don't think I would like to freeze it/ I am cooling some potatoes to go with it. and green beans

    We had about 2 hours of snow. So pretty/ It is taping off some now.

    Concgratuation on reaching you goal. ou have a couple weeks to lose some more. before your Birthday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I love the motivator 'Don't cave to a crave' That one's going on my fridge

    ] That is a nice quote and Welcome to our thread. We are so happy to have you. Post some more and tell us your story. Love to get to know you.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Marie, I'm confused who is your daughter, Sandy or Barbie? I went back to read posts to see if I can figure it out but there is Sandydur and Barbiecat. Enlighten me please. :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Neither JoAn........... Alice is my daughter. Barbie. and Sandy are great friends here But I couldn't love them more if they were my daughter . Sorry I didn't make myself clear.:flowerforyou: Marie
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Jp an , I am the mostdumbest person on this thread. When it come to computor. My daughter., sandy, barbiecat has help me a lot. and then I forget hsve to start all over again. Your roast sound so good. I am cooking a ham, and Sammy is right by the oven waiting on it to get done. He abso;utely love ham. Me too. i bought it to cook new year but for some reason I didn' so I had to get it cook for I don't think I would like to freeze it/ I am cooling some potatoes to go with it. and green beans

    We had about 2 hours of snow. So pretty/ It is taping off some now.

    Concgratuation on reaching you goal. ou have a couple weeks to lose some more. before your Birthday.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Why are you calling my new friend "dumb".....You were smart enough to be here making friends and encouraging people like me....forgetful is what we may be....but "dumb"...NEVER. :angry:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We had a spectacular day yesterday….we left the house at 5:30 AM and got home at 7:30 PM and were in bed by 9PM. Since we were going to Seattle we were able to take the ferry so I got a nice 20 minute walk each way and that, along with a walk at lunchtime, allowed me to get 10,000 steps for the day….I didn’t get to go to the dog park or to ride the exercise bike or dance in front of the TV so my exercise was less than usual so even though my eating wasn’t too bad (Subway at lunch and a Kashi roasted vegetable pizza at dinner) I was about 700 calories over at the end of the day.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday the Seattle Seahawks were playing a game in the football playoffs and no one thought they could possibly win. During our meeting there were people checking the score on their smart phones and sharing the information with us. We listened to the last 5 minutes of the game on the car radio as we drove toward downtown Seattle to get on the ferry. As we drove past Qwest Field (the site of the game) the game had just ended and the streets were filled with happy fans. Many of them were walking toward the ferry (it’s less than a mile walk) and the ferry was filled with excited fans so while we were taking our walk on the passenger deck we were surrounded by the after game excitement of all the fans dressed in their Seahawks shirts, hats, and jackets.

    :flowerforyou: Today it is snowing. We took the girls to the dog park about 10:00 and they played with three other dogs until everyone was exhausted. Since it is our Isagenix cleanse day, we are now settled at home to relax.

    :flowerforyou: Viki, we live in a small town in NW Washington on the Olympic Peninsula but used to live in Northern California where we had a farm for a few years and raised vegetables to sell at the farmers’ market and for our own use…..we never raised animals but there were times when I wanted to. We have two Standard Poodles and two spoiled house cats who “own” us. A lot of what I do revolves around the needs and wants of my animals. I have been line dancing for six years and attend classes faithfully three mornings a week. My husband and I lost a lot of weight in 2009 using the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing and Fat Burning System. We still use the products to maintain the weight loss. I knit and crochet but don’t do as much now that I’ve increased the amount of time I spend exercising

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I never tire of your puns and your stories about the “piggies”

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thanks for the refresher about your family. I think you are one of the success stories on this thread.

    :flowerforyou: JoAn, I have discovered that the longer I go without eating sugar, the less interest I have in it…the last dessert I had was lavender ice cream (one scoop) at the lavender festival in July…..after I had it, I thought for two days about going back for more and then the interest went away.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I tried for years to improve my cholesterol through diet and exercise and was very distressed when my doctor recommended drugs but the drugs brought the numbers down. Last year after a year of healthy eating and exercise, I tried cutting the meds in half and my numbers went up, so I am resigned to taking the medication. It is clear that my cholesterol issues are not controllable through diet and exercise. I hope your dietary changes will work for you.

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, we splurged on DVR service with our satellite TV service so we can record programs that come on too late for us and watch them at our leisure on a snowy Sunday afternoon. At our house there is always something good to watch on TV.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, MFP has always recommended that you eat at least 1200 calories a day. If you don’t, then they tell you to be careful or you will go into starvation mode…..don’t stress over it…..exercise more and make sure that everything you eat is nutritionally dense so your body gets nourished and doesn’t think it is starving.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, thanks for posting the beautiful picture of your dog… were so right to hire a professional handler…..showing a dog is more of an art than most people realize

    :bigsmile: I am so glad to finally have time to sit and read all your wifi is working well again so I've been able to work at the computer and half way watch the football game with Jake :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Monday!! Just finished with my stationary bike, had to talk myself into doing it, but at least I did it. :laugh: We had dinner plans with four other people but they canceled due to one of them being sick so instead we will go watch my 5 year old grand daughter at her ice skating lesson and then go to a restaurant for a fund raiser for her school. Hopefully, they will have something I can eat without wasting calories. :ohwell:

    I have changed my ticker since I have lost two of those nasty pounds. :blushing: :blushing:

    Barbie, your Saturday was productive after all, even though you didn't think it would be. You always manage to get some sort of exercise done, no matter where you are. :bigsmile:

    Marie, hope the snow has melted by now, hard to believe Texas gets snow. :laugh: And I agree with Maddy, you are not dumb so please don't say that anymore. :heart: :heart: If I had to admit to all my mistakes there wouldn't be enough room on this site. :laugh:

    I better get myself showered and dressed, it is practically the middle of the afternoon. :glasses:

    Have a good one!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon all.
    Sandy I have not dress yet either. Lazy day for me But love days like this.. I thought I had already reported in here but don't see me anywhere.
    Our snow has just about all melted. It really was not a very pretty snow. The roads was a mess this morning. Tho. occordin to the news.
    congrats on you weight loss.

    Everyone is doing so good here. You would think it was spring.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Are there any people in the group from Lancaster PA??????
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Are there any people in the group from Lancaster PA??????

    Maddie - I made a list of the folks who post here regularly and their locations but I don't see anyone from Lancaster. Doesn't mean we can't invite someone to join this thread. On the menu bar at the top of your page click the Find Members link.

    In the page that comes up, put in your preferences. I put in age 55 to 80, within 25 miles of zip code 17573 and there were more than 25 pages of results. Many of them had been online as recently as today. Take a look, and then send them a message offering friendship and support. It's a great way to meet folks and maybe, even, form a little local group for socializing.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello all.

    I gave myself permission to take Monday "off" from work related activities, since I want to be sure I don't miss a minute of the BCS game tonight. Since I live on the Oregon border (inside Washington state), I am rooting for the Ducks. I had considered driving up the Gorge to see Pepper's original "Mom and Dad"--my friends with the dog breeding business, as Dave is a huge Duck fan and has ESPN. (I am a cheapskate who has basic cable. LOL) The weather forecast made me rethink my plans. I can't afford to get stuck at their house due to a snow and ice storm, so I will either go over to my parents' house and watch the game, or, most likely, walk over to a nearby watering hole with a bigscreen. Since they don't allow smoking in bars anymore in Washington and Oregon, on my occasional visits to one, I can actually enjoy being there, without worrying about smelling like smoke--to say nothing of breathing second hand smoke!!

    To whomever asked about a little background. I live in SW Washington state, with my three very pesky doggies.

    I've had my Lhasa Apso for 7 years, and she is going 13 this year. She has several nicknames--best living up to the one, Piglet Girl"--as she never met a calorie she didn't like--just like her "momma."

    The Shih tzu pictured in my ticker was my first canine "baby" and it about killed me when he was diagnosed with cancer in April of 2008, and lost the battle in August of that year. The Lhasa was liking being momma's spoiled only girl WAAAY too much, so just before Christmas of 2008, in the small "window of opportunity" during a Columbia Gorge snowstorm, I drove to the town where my friends with all the dogs live, and met Dave in the parking lot of a store. There I received my Christmas present from my friends--a 3 year old mostly black with white Shih tzu, who was re-named "Pepper." (I couldn't imagine calling him "Dave"--the name he was given in jest by my friends).

    After some sulking, my Lhasa ("Mai Li") adjusted to having a "little brother." We were a happy family unit, and then a friend told me about the concerns she had about a Yorkie that had belonged to her late MIL. The woman had 3 Yorkies, and my friend kept the two oldest ones--littermates to her Yorkie--as then were both geriatric cases who needed special care. The other one, a "young gentleman" of THIRTEEN!!--went to live with some other friends, but it was not working out. When she told me that the people had taken to crating Bradley every time they went out, I was VERY displeased. He was NOT a crate-trained dog, and at his age, this was not something he needed to experience. I told her to "repossess" him, and a couple of weeks later, in October of 2009, "Bradley"--my "Yorkshire Terror." joined us.

    He got his nickname thanks to my mom (who will be 95 this Thursday!!). He quickly demonstrated his ability to get into mischief, so she called him my "Yorkshire Terrorist!!" LOL. Since that could be misconstrued, I shortened it a little.

    I started calling them "The Three Musketeers, but thanks to an incident that happened during his first Thanksgiving, the three came to have a different collective nickname. I came home from having dinner elsewhere and discovered an open cupboard door, an empty package of doggie bones--chewed open--laying on the kitchen floor. NOBODY greeted me at the door, which NEVER happens in this house. When I looked into the living room, I found each little "piggie" intent on munching their own bone. (Bradley is a considerate little pirate who shares his 'booty.'-LOL) They were having their own Thanksgiving feast!! I decided from that time on, they are "The Three Little Pigs"--AKA "The Piggies."

    Barbiecat and Jake have a pair of poodles that they call "The Naughties." Although the three of us have met, since they live a few hours north of me, the doggies haven't met...maybe one of these days.

    I joined MFP in April of 2009, and it has enabled me to lose and keep it off for the first time in my life. I am still working at losing more, but went into hiatus mode through the holidays--now getting back on track, and have lost most of what was gained between Thanksgiving and New Years. I refuse to adjust my ticker--just working to catch up with it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Barb, we were having a losing battle with our satellite DVR trying to find the right channel for the BCS championship game tonight and when I read your post and you mentioned ESPN I jumped out of my chair and found it immediately so now Jake can watch the game and record while we have to go out for awhile and then watch the rest when we get back ...:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :sad: our snow hasn't melted since the temperature barely got up to 33 after being about 27 overnight......Jake's skillful driving got us to the dog park. He left the "Naughties" and me to play in the snow while he ran some errands. There may be some more snow overnight and then it will warm up a lot on Wednesday.