I refuse to take fitness advice...



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    LOL. Well I can't tell from your photos how fit you are. But you can tell by mine. So judge for yourself, but people are here on MFP for fitness advice and support. Not for someone with a poor, arrogant, narcissistic attitude to tell them that their way sucks and you are way better than them since you are more fit. If what worked 30 years ago still works for you, great. That isn't the same for everyone. There was no MFP 30 years ago, so did you only sign up so you can post aggressive, unhelpful opinions for people to laugh at? Clearly you don't need MFP to maintain your god-like fitness.

    I was going to let this guy slide- but since people want to agree with him:

    Where in my OP did I say to someone "Your way sucks and I am better than you since I am more fit?" His ENTIRE paragraph has nothing to do with anything I wrote.

    "And people are on MFP for fitness advice and support?" I see a LOT of people berrating others about their fitness and/or nutrition choices- which is exactly what spawned the inspiration for my post. I didn't do or say anything to anyone about their choices. I merely stated my opinion about fad fitness and getting advice from people that don't practice what they preach. MY OPINION. If you don't share it, fine. If you disagree with me, fine. But don't put words in my mouth or attribute things to my post that aren't there.

    My question is this then...how can you tell on MFP who is more out of shape than you?

    How can you tell who is giving good current advice that has been researched etc?

    I mean really...

    My advice to people who want to lose weight and tone muscle is as follows "Eat at a deficit to lose fat, do some for of resistence training with adequate protien to retain muscle mass"...

    Is that bad advice in your book?

    What about people that want to run...my suggestions are take it slow, pick a time period where you run, be it 30sec, 1min etc or a space on the road...then up that time, then when you can run that amount of time (15mins for example) try to get in a certian distance in that time and keep increasing the distance...

    Bad advice? I don't run, I won't be running anytime soon...I smoke... does it make the advice any less valid?

    It also doesn't make me lazy because I don't practice what I preach as far as running goes either it means I don't want to run because I don't like running.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Read op's first post and thought, "That's a big swing!"

    Read each subsequent post by the op and thought, "This kid keeps cracking them out of the park!! This rookie is an up and comer!"

    You're gonna go places op. I've got my eye on you!
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    And I submit this: If 2 personal trainers say: "I can make you fit" and one looks like Jabba the Hutt and the second looks like Henry Cavill- who are you going to hire?

    Depends on which one wants me to do squats on a Bosu ball.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    And I submit this: If 2 personal trainers say: "I can make you fit" and one looks like Jabba the Hutt and the second looks like Henry Cavill- who are you going to hire?

    Depends on which one wants me to do squats on a Bosu ball.

    You're so wise.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    And I submit this: If 2 personal trainers say: "I can make you fit" and one looks like Jabba the Hutt and the second looks like Henry Cavill- who are you going to hire?

    Depends on which one wants me to do squats on a Bosu ball.

    You're so wise.

  • morgeliz16
    Hi! My name is Morgan, I am 20 years old. I am the exact same as you, I have always tried exercising, but no luck. When I was a junior in high school I decided I wanted to lose weight and so I would cut out all junk food and ate less, basically, I was an anorexic, but didn't truly believe it because I still ate food. Basically this continued untill college. At one point I was down to 122 pounds at 5'4" with an athletic body. I was unhealthy. Once college started, I forgot about all of that and just ate. I got back up to probably 137. Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyys. lol. Last fall, I got diagnosed with GBM, a grade 4 brain tumor. I had two surgeries, went through radiation, and chemotherapy. ATM I am in remission, but still continueing with Chemotherapy. The chemo has not really affected me very much except for the occasional sickness. On May 31, I did a gladiator run with my dad. It kicked my *kitten*. He's almost 50 and did it easily. After that, I decided no more. I have begun p90x and training for a 5k by taking it really slow. Walking it first, and I'm going to work my way up. The difference between the way I ate before and now though is I eat probably 1600-2000 calories a day which I have not done since I was a sophomore in college. I'm telling you all this because if you have the money, I would reccomend p90x because it is the first version of it and it works the hell out of you. If you're not in shape at all, I would try p90 because that works you really well too, but doesn't kill you. It simply helps build you up to prepare for a harder work out! I hope this helped! :)
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Read op's first post and thought, "That's a big swing!"

    Read each subsequent post by the op and thought, "This kid keeps cracking them out of the park!! This rookie is an up and comer!"

    You're gonna go places op. I've got my eye on you!

    +1 :love:
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member

    2. New way of doing things is always a fad
    - Yoga, P90X and a few other programs have positive benefits and the results are marvelous (although I don't do any)
    - As long as what you are doing does not provide negative side affects there is not an issue with mixing things up
    I laughed out loud that a practice as old as Yoga is
    a new way of doing things
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Agree to a point but it really depends on the context of the discussion and their background.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    I suppose you wouldn't take fitness advice from a cat, either. But look at this guy. Primo physique. DYEA? (Do you even agility?)


    I was shocked at the lack of cat gifs, here.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I suppose you wouldn't take fitness advice from a cat, either. But look at this guy. Primo physique. DYEA? (Do you even agility?)


    I was shocked at the lack of cat gifs, here.

    I would love to move like a cat - well most of the lean agile ones. I would take advice!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    from people who are more out of shape than me...

    In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

    There is HUGE difference between Coaches and arm-chair fitness experts which is what I was referring to. Besides, most coaches/trainers were at one time, in excellent physical condition. Arnold may be old an flabby now, but there was a time when he put all of us to shame, so of course I would take his advice- because he's been there and done that.

    If you actually READ what I wrote rather than key on one sentence- you would see that I qualified my first sentence with the second paragraph.

    But, my point remains. If you don't practice what you preach either you don't believe in it enough to put it into practice or you really don't know what you're talking about. The only people that should have been offended by this post were those that are both out of shape and spew unpracticed fitness advice.

    Are you familiar with Lyle Mcdonald and would you take his advice on programming or nutrition?
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    from people who are more out of shape than me...

    In today's; "I read it on the internet so it must be right" trend, everyone is a fitness expert and I get sick of people that don't even work out (or do so once in a while) trying to tell me what's best for my workout or physical appearance.

    There is HUGE difference between Coaches and arm-chair fitness experts which is what I was referring to. Besides, most coaches/trainers were at one time, in excellent physical condition. Arnold may be old an flabby now, but there was a time when he put all of us to shame, so of course I would take his advice- because he's been there and done that.

    If you actually READ what I wrote rather than key on one sentence- you would see that I qualified my first sentence with the second paragraph.

    But, my point remains. If you don't practice what you preach either you don't believe in it enough to put it into practice or you really don't know what you're talking about. The only people that should have been offended by this post were those that are both out of shape and spew unpracticed fitness advice.

    Are you familiar with Lyle Mcdonald and would you take his advice on programming or nutrition?
    I doubt they are familiar with Lyle's work considering the content/attitude on this thread.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    So you are saying we should avoid all salt, all sugar and eat extremely low fat, because as we know they were all the devil 30 years ago and of course we should eat diets consisting of no more than 600 calories to lose weight and consisted of hard boiled eggs, salad and grapefruit, because according to you diet and fitness related things never change.
    Ah, and before I forget, I also need to brake out my little pink ( or was it purple ? ) 2 pound dumb bells and do a gazillion reps with them, because as a woman I don't want to bulk up like a man.
    Or wait, is this all stuff that has been dispelled a decade or more ago, but shouldn't have been, because according to you a new way of doing things is always a fad. If that were true, we would still live in caves and be eating a true paleo diet.

    PS: I am wondering if maybe for the upcoming World Championship it would not be better if the trainers of the different teams would play against each other, because applying your logic they would have to be fitter, more knowledgeable and all around better athletes than their teams . Most are not ( some are obviously way out of shape )....how is it possible then that they can produce world class athletes ?
  • JennyHollyHansen
    I went to Iron Man in 2009 and these people are the fittest of the fit! They were all shapes and sizes. Small, large, thin, muscular, and chubby. A lot of these people trained for a year before competing. Just because they are not tiny skinny does not mean they are not fit. The outside of the package does not tell the whole story.
  • xxhawk68xx
    xxhawk68xx Posts: 60 Member



    On the money:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • susabeannee
    susabeannee Posts: 14 Member
    Way to lose weight--watch what you eat,control your caloric intake, eat whole, non processed food for health, and exercise. Pretty straight forward. Juicing, cleansing, excluding entire food groups....not so much.

    However....I have a fair amount of knowledge when it comes to, say, healthy eating. I could design healthy menus, I could give people really good advice, I could (and have) helped people lose weight. That said, knowledge doesn't mean action. My not doing what I know I should does not negate my knowledge.

    So.... if I was a huge fitness/exercise buff, and had a ton of knowledge, but for some reason just quit working out and got soft or fat or out of shape.....it doesn't negate my knowledge and my expertise. it just means I'm not following it. It doesn't mean my knowledge is wrong or that I can't help someone else. To judge someone on their appearance could cause you to lose out on valuable expertise.

    I do get what you are saying about fads and people running to them....most of the people who want to lose weight fast and not put in the work tend to gravitate to the "quick fixes" and then because they want validation try and convince others that it is "the way"...and it may be....in the very short term. Quick fixes aren't sustainable in the long run, and people who lose weight on quick fixes only tend to gain it all back plus some.

    I think your initial post seemed combative to most...like you wanted to make a point but it came across as picking a fight. What I have learned is that we each need to research things ourselves and do what works for US. If juicing truly works in the long run for someone, great! It doesn't work for me, but I'm not going to tell the person doing it that it doesn't work for them if they are healthy and fit. There are anomalies in life. But I'm not going to jump on the juicing bandwagon.

    I wish you well in your fitness/weight loss journey....but remember, its not what you say, its how you say it.
  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    What an interesting thread.

    As a mature person (read old fat guy) that has tried many things. Most had short term results however I've learned more in the last nine months from MFP and a nutritionist than I thought possible.

    In my teens and twenty's playing football I learned about working out and being in shape. That was great for then but now that program would leave me lame and fat. There have been huge improvements in science and conditioning that are helping me now. I probably would run out of space listing all the "new" stuff that has become a given since the seventies.

    About a year ago I made a commitment to get myself in decent shape in hopes I might live long enough to see my golden years and actually be healthy enough to enjoy them. After much research I did it all wrong by choosing Optifast recommended by my doctor. I know it's not sustainable, 800 calories a day is not enough and on and on and on but for me it helped me shed a some weight in short order, taught me I could live on less and not feel bad, avoided surgery, got me off the diabetic meds that were actually working against me in getting in shape.

    I have made it through transition (I hope) and have learned a ton here on MFP that helped me do it. I never consider the weight or condition of those offering to help and have greatly appreciated the help and motivation from all.

    Thank you all for serving as my cyber support team!
  • morgeliz16
    Thank you. I have done p90x before and it was easy for me because I had previously worked out. I haven't worked out in six months. That's the only reason I stated my health, I wanted to help because I know p90x is not easy.