Strong in weight room means nothing outside of it



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The OP is ELITE on his basketball court!

    For the record, I play basketball a lot more often than I move furniture.

    haha I was just thinking I need to do more weights so I can screw the bottom off the damn blender more easily.

    That only works if you aren't the person screwing it on.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    If I were to take the "question" more seriously... Adding weight lifting to become "strong" helps to increase base muscle mass, which burns more calories daily, helps some with daily activities requiring muscle power, increases calcium storage/bone strength, fulfills your 150 minutes of moderate exercise minimum per week for improvement in all kinds of general health markers and disease prevention including of course, obesity related diseases and diabetes if you do it regularly.

    So really, even without any of the "bragging and looks" benefits that you question have any value, if they don't, does that matter? Wouldn't you keep lifting in view of the above? Those are the main reasons I lift, I lift more for power not looks, and generally keep it to myself in real life.

    And of course, whatever you train more in, you will usually be better than someone who doesn't train as much in that particular sport/application/knowledge base/field/hobby...
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    To the Op..I'd be one of those people that would suck at basketball. Heck, I have an NSV post on here just about that, how I sucked at almost every an adult I found out I can outlift alot of people, especially in my peer group and now compete in kettlebell sport in the longcycle event.

    So how can I be so good at that and so sucky at basketball too? Just different skill sets.

    And I have friends who can outrun me in marathons, kick my butt in beach volleyball..etc.

    ETc. ETc. etc.

    I can see people asking me, "how does lifting a kettlebell over your head for 10 min straight help you?"

    Well it definately doesn't help with basketball or soccer etc. etc. But if you need something lifted overhead, if you can't open a jar, usually at work I'm the chic they ask to open stuff.

    I think that's pretty darn useful..

    and besides. I do what I do for fun, just like your friend must lift because he/she enjoys it.

    but you wouldn't pick me for your basketball team. Ever. I'd make your team lose.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    So, OP, why limit this to weight training? What good does playing basketball do to you? How does it apply to real world situations, why is it useful? Same for football, ballet, tennis, pretty much everything people do for fun. Unless you are suggesting we should all skip fun and focus on useful exercise, like ploughing or carrying furniture?
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    i thought we all lived in the Matrix?
  • Staniel_2013
    Staniel_2013 Posts: 120 Member
    So, OP, why limit this to weight training? What good does playing basketball do to you? How does it apply to real world situations, why is it useful? Same for football, ballet, tennis, pretty much everything people do for fun. Unless you are suggesting we should all skip fun and focus on useful exercise, like ploughing or carrying furniture?

    Weightlifting is not fun. Basketball is often fun. Anybody who says weightlifting is fun must not be lifting enough weight.

    I completely disagree. I love weight lifting, even when it feels like my arms are going to fall off or weight is going to crush me.

    Everyone enjoys different things. I for instance can't stand basketball. Why? I just don't, it's not for me.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member

    Weightlifting is not fun. Basketball is often fun. Anybody who says weightlifting is fun must not be lifting enough weight.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Aren't you the same guy who b
    about women wearing yoga pants? lol
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member

    I lift heavy and it makes it easier for me to hand till my garden rows, or carry the groceries in or change my tire or move my sofa...or take my 20 year old son down...well maybe not down but I give him a good go around...

    Being strong makes life in general easier...people have no idea how other people apply their workouts in "real life"

    I really don't have anything to add to this post, but I did want to say to SezxyStef that I have seen you post on several threads (I'm a big lurker-you totally have my respect!) and I seriously thought from just your profile pic you were in your 20's until I saw you had a 20 yr old son! You look great!

    Edited to fix the quote box I screwed up!
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    So, OP, why limit this to weight training? What good does playing basketball do to you? How does it apply to real world situations, why is it useful? Same for football, ballet, tennis, pretty much everything people do for fun. Unless you are suggesting we should all skip fun and focus on useful exercise, like ploughing or carrying furniture?

    Weightlifting is not fun. Basketball is often fun. Anybody who says weightlifting is fun must not be lifting enough weight.

    Hey why are you so down on weightlifting? Weightlifting is very fun! I have fun knowing I'm improving myself while listening to music, I enjoy the sore feeling in some muscles (to a point), I enjoy being able to set lifting goals and achieve them, I enjoy being able to move heavy things without injuring myself, I enjoy the feeling of out-lifting almost all I know of in the gyms I go to (who don't...supplement with certain substances anyways), and I admit I do enjoy the attention on occasion that having a good muscular build can give you. And now, maybe I can also enjoy knowing I make some thinner basketball player type guys go on about how good they are moving potted plants around and playing basketball in the "real world" to make themselves feel better that they cant out lift me. ;)

    PS. I never play Basketball because I don't find it enjoyable, and yes this means I am very very bad at it. I'm also very very bad at crocheting, and just about everything else I don't have practice in!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So, OP, why limit this to weight training? What good does playing basketball do to you? How does it apply to real world situations, why is it useful? Same for football, ballet, tennis, pretty much everything people do for fun. Unless you are suggesting we should all skip fun and focus on useful exercise, like ploughing or carrying furniture?

    Weightlifting is not fun. Basketball is often fun. Anybody who says weightlifting is fun must not be lifting enough weight.

    I completely disagree. I love weight lifting, even when it feels like my arms are going to fall off or weight is going to crush me.

    Everyone enjoys different things. I for instance can't stand basketball. Why? I just don't, it's not for me.

    Nonsense, you merely enjoy the point when you stop lifting, not the actual pain experienced during the lift. Or are you hooked on pain? I could suggest some other ideas for inflicting pain on yourself if you like.

    Strength training starts when it starts to hurt. Pushing through that last rep before failure is where the gains happen. I love the feeling of rising up to and conquering a challenge and getting a little bit better each time I push past my current limits.
  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    It is one thing to be strong; it is entirely another to be adept at leveraging that strength. OP, you are apparently accustomed to the game of basketball; this enables you to better apply the strength you've gained in the weight room. It's really not rocket science....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So, OP, why limit this to weight training? What good does playing basketball do to you? How does it apply to real world situations, why is it useful? Same for football, ballet, tennis, pretty much everything people do for fun. Unless you are suggesting we should all skip fun and focus on useful exercise, like ploughing or carrying furniture?

    Weightlifting is not fun. Basketball is often fun. Anybody who says weightlifting is fun must not be lifting enough weight.

    Well. I can DL 305 none competition weight. So what's 'enough' to make it qualify?

    . And for the record I would rather lift and do HIIT training for 8 hours a day rather than play five minutes of basketball ball. It's boring. I hate it.

    Okay. I lied. Maybe 15 min. Five minutes goes to baseball. Because that's a'sport' that makes me truly angry.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member

    Nonsense, you merely enjoy the point when you stop lifting, not the actual pain experienced during the lift. Or are you hooked on pain? I could suggest some other ideas for inflicting pain on yourself if you like.
    Seriously what kind of **** are you to suggest you know what someone enjoys more than themselves? ^Troll
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I rest my case. Troll