Any young black women looking to get thin?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    My aunt told me when I was in my hometown a few weeks ago that I've gotten far too tiny and that I'd lost my butt and that I needed to gain weight ASAP because no black man would want a woman built like I am now. We're supposed to have lots of meat on our bones and if a man wanted a twig he'd just date a white woman.

    And, so we're clear, the above is racism. People seem confused so I want to make it clear

    Omg. Not only racism, but disrespect of you being goddamn married. AND A LIE, YOUR BUTT IS GREAT. :explode: RAGE FOR YOU.
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    Fellow white people, stop inserting yourselves into spaces where you aren't wanted. If this woman wants to connect with other people she feels may relate to her experience better, that's her business. To comment on this just to express your offense because you don't feel included is just gross. White people, historically and to a large degree currently, dominate just about every space imaginable and have never not done so freely. When a person of color requests their own space not be intruded upon, show a little respect and don't intrude. For anyone who doesn't understand why this is not the same as a white woman doing this, start by looking up Jane Elliott.

    OP, forgive me. I just felt compelled to correct the misguided who've hijacked your thread.
    People do know about reverse racism, right? Segregation has NO PLACE in this world!!! Never was a good thing and still isn't. I don't care if you're purple, black or see-through. I'm colour blind - if I have a problem with someone, it's because they are acting foolish. And Jane Elliott? This is starting to feel like the diversity training episode of the Office...

    Although saying your colorblind is a way to show that you do not endorse discrimination, you inadvertently invalidate the cultural experiences of ethnic groups. Racial stratification in society does exist, and the experience of a Black person is completely different from that of a White person. When you look at this in terms of the intersectionality of race, class, and gender, this is even more the case. Whether people are willing to admit that or not is a different story.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,642 Member
    Again ... It's not that serious ... now how do I stick to 1400 calories a day? That's the stuff I REALLY want to talk about ...

    I couldn't do that without lean meats, fiberous carbohydrate sources and keeping fat almost to the bare minimum of 20% my daily calories. That's how I'd do it.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Again ... It's not that serious ... now how do I stick to 1400 calories a day? That's the stuff I REALLY want to talk about ...

    Don't. Go for 1600-1800. :bigsmile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    How do you explain my attraction to slender white men? I must be a mutant, lol ...

  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    My aunt told me when I was in my hometown a few weeks ago that I've gotten far too tiny and that I'd lost my butt and that I needed to gain weight ASAP because no black man would want a woman built like I am now. We're supposed to have lots of meat on our bones and if a man wanted a twig he'd just date a white woman.

    And, so we're clear, the above is racism. People seem confused so I want to make it clear

    Wow, that sucks! I always grew up with the opposite.

    "You need to lose weight, you'll never get a boyfriend looking like that" From either end it sucks. Especially since my goal is to lift weights, be strong and healthy, and be confident. I honestly don't see myself getting much smaller than a 10, maybe an 8? Either way... It sucks when someone tries to tell you what you need to be and what the world expects of you. I'm sorry. :(
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    How do you explain my attraction to slender white men? I must be a mutant, lol ...

    Nah. :wink: We all like who we like. There's diversity desired in the gene pool just like there's the people who get together who get mistaken for siblings *cough*

    It's not wrong to want people like you, and it's not wrong to want people different. In fact, a good balance of both in one's life is probably the key to not being stagnant in how we think, feel, etc.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Again ... It's not that serious ... now how do I stick to 1400 calories a day? That's the stuff I REALLY want to talk about ...

    I'm sorry but this is already a hornet's nest... However, I'll go by your original desire to want to lose weight and look good and ignore the rest... Log everything you eat, that's going to be the best way to stick to your 1400 calorie goal. MFP has great tools to use and you can find good support on here.
  • wnt2bhlthy4me
    wnt2bhlthy4me Posts: 121 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    You can't be serious?

    I'm one hundred percent serious. THE STANDARDS OF BEAUTY VARY FROM THE WHITE COMMUNITY TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY when it comes to the IDEAL BODY TYPE OF A FEMALE............. its very obvious in our pop culture ARE YOU BLIND? Look at Nicki Minaj, Look at Jennifer Lopez, look at rap music videos......

    Maybe you should look in other place besides what's on tv honey? Beauty is everywhere no matter what color you are. And by the way, JLo is not black. The STANDARD of beauty has to do what's inside of every individual, no matter what color you are. I’m sorry whoever made you feel like you have to have a big booty to feel like a standard woman of your color. The point is, this site is about losing weight and all races lose the same way, calories in vs calories out. If any other race would have posted this, it would get the exact reaction.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Good grief people!

    OP, good luck on your journey. I am working at getting down to 130/140 ish. Feel free to add me.

    and i must add i am offended at the age comment, i am 34 and still very very young! :noway:
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I am 35 years old and I "was" in your situation, as I went from 240 pounds to 155. Now, I'm trying to get down to 130 or 120, but I have seem to hit a plateau, since I do lift weights, it might be the weights that keep making the scale move up and down on me lately...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    My aunt told me when I was in my hometown a few weeks ago that I've gotten far too tiny and that I'd lost my butt and that I needed to gain weight ASAP because no black man would want a woman built like I am now. We're supposed to have lots of meat on our bones and if a man wanted a twig he'd just date a white woman.

    And, so we're clear, the above is racism. People seem confused so I want to make it clear

    I remember you mentioning the pressure before, so I asked in the hopes that you would share.

    And doesnt your aunt know that you are married? Or did I miss something?
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Again ... It's not that serious ... now how do I stick to 1400 calories a day? That's the stuff I REALLY want to talk about ...
    Have you checked what your TDEE is? You likely don't have to go as low as 1400. A lot of women go higher and have success.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Again ... It's not that serious ... now how do I stick to 1400 calories a day? That's the stuff I REALLY want to talk about ...

    LOL OP, fair warning, this might get you more flaming than the original title.

    I hit 2/3 of your characteristics, but I agree, some posters are being a little overly dramatic.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    I absolutely do feel pressure to be "thicker" and have a large *kitten* and be curvacious and all of that..........

    Not saying that this is right or ethical,, but its reality, so lets face it. And lets also face the reality that BLACKS were torn from their families for hundreds of years during SLAVERY which was facilitated by WHITES and EUROPEANS and still has effects on the way blacks come together nowadays. Dont try to act like it doesnt happen, history is history, you can't sweep 300 years of slavery that built this country and made it what it is today under the rug...... you simply cannot. Yell at me if you want I dont care.

    You just want to watch the world burn, don't you?

    No boo, I just live in reality....and the reality is...........that we have a lot further to progress in terms of racism....... it is alive and well, but this thread by the OP has nothing to do with it. She had good intentions of wanting to get to know other black women on the site, THATS ALL. I get so irritated when people want to pull the "reverse racism" card..... ya'll majority should have nothing to say at all because you have every advantage in life that we don't from the time we're born.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm white but I go tanning. Can I join?
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Fellow white people, stop inserting yourselves into spaces where you aren't wanted. If this woman wants to connect with other people she feels may relate to her experience better, that's her business. To comment on this just to express your offense because you don't feel included is just gross. White people, historically and to a large degree currently, dominate just about every space imaginable and have never not done so freely. When a person of color requests their own space not be intruded upon, show a little respect and don't intrude. For anyone who doesn't understand why this is not the same as a white woman doing this, start by looking up Jane Elliott.

    OP, forgive me. I just felt compelled to correct the misguided who've hijacked your thread.
    People do know about reverse racism, right? Segregation has NO PLACE in this world!!! Never was a good thing and still isn't. I don't care if you're purple, black or see-through. I'm colour blind - if I have a problem with someone, it's because they are acting foolish. And Jane Elliott? This is starting to feel like the diversity training episode of the Office...

    Color Blind= A cool way to say "Stop trying to exclude me!!! How dare you be proud of your skin color!"
    But seriously, why are we hung up on skin colour at all? I don't get all exclusive about my hair or nails etc...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    My aunt told me when I was in my hometown a few weeks ago that I've gotten far too tiny and that I'd lost my butt and that I needed to gain weight ASAP because no black man would want a woman built like I am now. We're supposed to have lots of meat on our bones and if a man wanted a twig he'd just date a white woman.

    And, so we're clear, the above is racism. People seem confused so I want to make it clear

    I remember you mentioning the pressure before, so I asked in the hopes that you would share.

    And doesnt your aunt know that you are married? Or did I miss something?

    My husband is white though. A whole section of my family is just waiting for me to come to my senses and get a divorce.

    But we're baptist and don't believe in divorce.

    So. It's an odd thing.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    33 is considered young?

    THIS IS OFFENSIVE! :::runs to delete!:::
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Don't judge the OP...........
    its about race because there are different cultural standards of beauty within the black community vs. the white community weight wise, at least. Black women typically are built different than white women.......and all you have to do is look at the latest Rick Ross video to see what the idea of beauty is in the black culture..... and its not Kate Moss.

    More than that there is a certain pressure for black women to stay large and then be proud of being large. If you dare to be thin your blasted for trying to conform to 'white' beauty standards. 2/3 of black women in America are overweight and most of them aren't trying to change because that's how we're 'supposed' to be.

    Different cultures are different.

    Do you feel pressure to be "thicker"?

    My aunt told me when I was in my hometown a few weeks ago that I've gotten far too tiny and that I'd lost my butt and that I needed to gain weight ASAP because no black man would want a woman built like I am now. We're supposed to have lots of meat on our bones and if a man wanted a twig he'd just date a white woman.

    And, so we're clear, the above is racism. People seem confused so I want to make it clear

    Omg. Not only racism, but disrespect of you being goddamn married. AND A LIE, YOUR BUTT IS GREAT. :explode: RAGE FOR YOU.

    You are white. Her butt is only great from our white perspective.
This discussion has been closed.