

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Popping in to save my place:bigsmile: !

    Jill:smile: thanks for sharing your trip, it sounds like it was awesome:love: !

    Heather:smile: Count me in for tea:bigsmile: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Had a hard time this week used food to stuff feelings. At 53 I cannot believe this is still an issue. Next week will hopefully be better.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Moondoggz You are not alone in using food to handle feelings. Figuring out your triggers then making a plan to stop the binge before it starts I find the most helpful. Not being too hard on yourself is part of it too. It is a process to eat in healthier ways. We are here for you.
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I don’t post as often as I should but I do try to read the majority of this thread. I haven’t done as well as I would like to this past week but better than I would have done without it!
    I missed tracking my food for a few days and haven’t walked or exercised as much as I should have, but because of being a part of MFP I at least lost 1 pound this week. I have always been the “I can’t do it Queen” or “what’s the point” now I am trying to be the “ I can do it for one day” person.
    It has been raining here for two days, but the soil needs it. Gave me an excuse to do some rug hooking and spinning(not the bike kind). :smile:
    We ordered new windows for our house and they are coming tomorrow, 4 weeks earlier than expected! I can’t wait.

    Cathy in NS
  • jmsic
    jmsic Posts: 10 Member
    have had a couple of rough days. finding my motivation slagging. (is slagging a word?). I still have been logging, though....

    question: thinking about a fit-bit, but need a waterproof version--a lot of my exercise is in the pool--easier on the joints. any suggestions?

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    Today I have a ton to do. I need to mow and trim the yard, have laundry to do, incl my sheets, make food for the week, figure out an ab work out for class on Tuesday and get some exercise in. I'd love to get a bike ride in.
    Yesterday I did my cycling and ab class, cleaned out my car, swept it and washed all the window, and took my line dance lesson.
    Today is Father's Day, I lost my Dad three years ago and I really miss him. I esp. miss him on any patriotic holiday as he was very proud of his military service and proud of his country.

    Sylvia, Awesome photo's, I see a big difference.

    Cindy, I love Italian food also, I use spaghetti squash and ground turkey for my go to meal when I crave it.

    Katie, Turkey soup, Yummy!

    Joyce IN, Good for your daughter, you are right that people have to want it yourself.

    Welcome Carol, Margaret and all other newbies.

    Rori Colorado, I sure hope you recover quickly.

    Heather, I'd love to come to tea!

    Jill, Your trip sounds awesome, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

    Renny, When is the grandbaby due? My DD I due June 27th.

    Kim NCA, I'm with you on people who jut don't get it. I work in an office full time and personal train part time in the evening. So many of the people at the office sit all day, take breaks in the cafeteria (still sitting) sit for lunch and then go home at night and are to tired to do anything. Some ask for advise but then don't follow up or say it just seems like to much work.

    Oh well, it is going on 10 a.m. and I have loads to do, I will check in tonight and let you know how much I get done.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 474 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

    Jill, what a wonderful trip! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, wonderful memories to have.

    Patty, I love spaghetti squash. I need to make some, I haven't had it in a long time. My Dad was wonderful, I miss him too.

    Kim, you are right, this is a lifetime journey and some people just don't get it.

    Moondoggz, every day is another chance, we all are in this together. Don't be hard on yourself, just do your best.

    Heather, go ahead and be preachy, this is good information!

    Welcome new ladies.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, be good to yourselves.

    Cindy in OK
  • TDH63
    TDH63 Posts: 7
    Looking at yall I know there is hope for me after 50!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yall look amazing!! Feel free to add me, I need it! :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I got up really early and suddenly it's really late! I finished most of my Kinesiology chapter today. And I'm going to a thee-hour ZIN JAM session in a bit to learn how Zumba instructors integrate Salsa into their dances. We get to choreograph two routines during this session that will be the basis for my development of an hour-long class. Gotta start somewhere. :laugh:

    Yanni - glad to know you made it back from the shower.

    Person who asked about "bump": it's a marker so you know where you are in a thread, also ensures that the thread continues.
  • judy11351
    judy11351 Posts: 33 Member
    Would love to join this group of inspiring ladies. I'm Judy 63 from Ohio and would like to lose 50 pounds.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's a misty Sunday morning, no doubt I'll get a little soggy out there working in the garden, June gloom, I guess they call it. I like to think of it as "pea weather". Once the hot sunshine returns, the edible pod peas will decline rapidly, so I'm loving the cool misty days that are loaded with fresh peas. Yesterday I picked 2 beautiful heads of romaine, chard, beet greens, 2 artichokes, scallions, and the first kohlrabi. I'll thin out some young carrots today, they're about 1/2" around and 6" long. So tender and sweet.

    Michele, when I pick asparagus I just snap the stalk off before the woody part, so the entire spear is edible. If I had used store-bought asparagus for the soup, I would have discarded the tough ends. No sense having stringy stuff in the soup, although I imagine it would eventually cook down and get soft. I toss every bit of excess vegetable matter into the compost, so I don't see it as wasteful. I've never tried freezing asparagus. I'm thinking it would be quite mushy, but probably ok for making soup.

    Meg, I generally follow the freezing instructions given in the Joy of Cooking book, do you have a copy? There's a chart for blanching and freezing times. When preparing an ice bath, I purchace a big bag of cubes, putting at least half of the bag in a large tub or pot and add a couple quarts of water.. The ice water should be mostly ice in order to chill the blanched veggies as quickly as possible. Putting the vegs in a loose wrap cheesecloth before chilling makes life easier, otherwise you're having to pick ice cubes out before vacuum sealing. Also check out "National Center for Home Food Preservation" online. Great website with tons of info. >> http://nchfp.uga.edu/how/freeze.html

    Heather, you're going to have lots of ladies over for tea and scones! I'm on my way - you might have to prepare another batch! :wink:

    I had to cancel my dinner & card party last night, had a woozy head all morning while cleaning, still suffering the tail end of this terrible virus that has no doubt affected my inner ear. Dang it. Spent the entire afternoon and evening on the couch after walking the dogs and stopping by the gardens for greens. Feeling a little better this morning, especially since the house is clean :bigsmile: A bit of gardening, walking dogs, and more couch time on today's agenda.

    Good day to all.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Moondoggz, Cathy in NS, and janet................I sure "hear" you all loud and clear!!! Yeah, one thing I've gotten real good at lately is that "falling off the wagon" bit. I know I'm eating because of stress and worry about a dangerous job my DD has taken, one that has her working 13 hr. days for very little pay. She seems pretty OK with being horribly used like this but I have the feeling of just waiting for the other shoe to fall................constantly. I'm having headaches more frequently and noticed other stress related occurrences. So............I have gotten into a pattern of one or two good days and then indulge my fears to the max with food........usually in a social setting but even at home too.

    Most of us on here are not perfect; some are a lot more faithful and dedicated and have the results to show for that. Last year this time I was about at goal. It truly is one day at a time and doing the best you can day to day, accepting the complete failure days, and plugging along. Every day IS a new start; if we can't believe this, then it is all pretty pointless.

    Heather........will check out the BBC show.........Thanks!!!

    47Jacqueline...............Hope you have fun and learn a lot at your ZIN JA;M session I did zumba only once but really liked it.

    Fingers crossed for good days for everyone,
    mid-Atlantic, where it is sunny.............and my new birdfeeder was taken down and dragged about 10 feet overnight ; methinks a raccoon, perhaps????
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I'm 55 and want to lose 60 lbs. I log daily and weigh in on Mondays. I started 12 days ago. I would love to be part of the 50+ club
  • christinecsaucier
    christinecsaucier Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning ladies! Started the day by making breakfast for husband and preping for the week ahead. Made my salads for lunch for the next couple of days, cut up a watermelon and a canteloupe and put servings aside to include in my lunch bag; if I don't a certain 16 year old will eat it all in 2 days! i guess it could be worse, he could be eating junk! Next off to run / walk on the elliptical and enjoy the great outdoors. Enjoy the day!
    log every day, every bite
    try to drink more water, I just don't like it
    excercise 3-4 times a week, work schedule interferes alot!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! We woke up to a storm this morning. Nothing too severe, but some thunder and lightning, rain and wind. It's actually kind of nice go have storms here at the lake. It's peaceful somehow, with the rain falling on the water.

    I just realized that yesterday was my one year anniversary on MFP! Today my ticker says 366 days. It's been a pretty good year, I think. I feel so much better than I did a year ago. One more year and I should be at my goal. Hopefully. These last few months I haven't lost much.

    Christinecsau, I love watermelon and canteloupe too. Hubby and I can finish a canteloupe in one day.

    Ginal59, welcome! Tell us more about yourself, and come back often!

    YannieJannie, I hope things work out for your daughter soon and you get some relief from the stress.

    JB, I hope you feel better!

    Today is Father's Day, and I've been thinking a lot about my hubby. He is not officially a father, although he is the only father my son knew when he was a teenager. I met him when my son was 15, and he has never been anything but wonderful to that kid, no matter what horrible rotten thing my son did. For many, many years he put up with stuff and never complained once. He's been a huge supporter through drug abuse, jail, court, rehab, marriages, divorces, financial trouble. You name it. In my book that is an awfully good father, but hubby never allowed me to recognize it. He's not the sentimental type. Hubby is, however officially a grandfather. Not even he can deny that. So today I'm making his favorite, angelfood cake with strawberries. I'm hoping the kids will come over for dinner, but not sure.

    Well, the dishwasher just stopped, so I'm going to push Bruno off my lap and jump in the shower. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    You have been transforming yourself despite health issues and family issues. You are inspiring.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Can I echo Katla? The way you have stepped up to the plate with your son's health issues is so great!

    Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi girls and happy Father’s day to the men who are fathers in your lives! We missed the bad storms last night but our friends left early because they were worried…they are the ones who had their car crunched by hail in the last storm. We got rain, but not much else thank goodness. Today we’ll visit dad and then DD#2 and BF are supposed to come for dinner. DD#1 is already attitudinal and sent to her room for the day. Bleh. Girls!

    I’m reading a great book, Women, Food, and God. It’s quite the eye opener. I’m about ¼ done and read it while I’m on the elliptical. One phrase really sticks with me….I am enough. The premise of the book is that we need to fix ourselves and why we feel flawed and then the weight will come off without “dieting”. She cites one study done by UCLA that found the biggest predictor of weight gain during the study was a previous weight loss from dieting! How interesting is that!

    Heather: please save me a spot at your table. I’m on my way!:smile:

    Cindy: great walk!

    Kim: camp sounds like fun but I can see where it would be a challenge as well! I am trying to have one slow day a week too. It’s so good for the soul.

    Alison: you will have to post a pic of hubby cuddled up with all the puppies!

    Jill: the college world series always bring bad weather LOL> :bigsmile: You cruise sounds amazing! I bet you did walk for miles.

    Yanniejannie: sounds like the party was very nice….those usually are a little crazy for me

    Joyce: I do not like walking with those kinds of people either! However, and remember I have never had small children so I don’t know anything about this, I think strollers should be banned from malls! :laugh:

    Barbie have a great time at the bbq

    REnny: one year dh and I got into an argument on my birthday…very unusual for us and I told him to stay away from me on my birthday. He did! I gardened, watched baseball, and ordered a pizza! It was grand! So yes it is good when people respect those boundaries!

    Sylvia: cute jokes! I hate ticks too! I have an irrational fear of them. When the girls first came here and hardly spoke English, DD#2 got one right in her crotch….ugh. Imagine trying to use all the old wives’ tale remedies on a kid who didn’t have a clue what was going on! I’m sure dh will love the cake!~

    Barbara: a bump is just to get something recorded on the board so the topic shows up under “my topics” for you later.

    Michele: I think you and I need to make a visit to Heather to ensure her scones are indeed authentic and tasty! It’ll be like judging food at the county fair. She can parade all kinds of yummies out for us and we’ll give them a taste!:bigsmile:

    Sherry welcome back!

    Bjmcq: I am not a hockey widow, but am glad that season is over. They all seem to last too long. Your bleeding heart pic is gorgeous….much prettier than mine! What’s your secret? Or are those lily of the valley?

    Katla: when I visit Heather all I’m bringing is my appetite! :tongue:

    Cynthia: great job on the weight loss

    DeeDee: enjoy your day!

    Moondoggz: every day is another chance to start over!

    Janet: re fitbit. I would suggest not wearing it in the water and just logging your water exercise like the site gives it. I don’t think it accurately records that type of activity.

    Patty: you have a full day!

    47Jacqueline: great pic!

    Judy: welcome to the group

    Jb: thanks for the info! I do not have joy of cooking but can get one! I sure hope you feel better soon. I can’t tell you how much I like the doggy picture!

    Gina: welcome to you too

    OK back downstairs to read on the elliptical for another 15 minutes, then a shower, maybe a nap, off to see dad, then dinner. Enjoy your day everyone. Meg from Omaha where the sun is pretty amazing today:drinker:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon. Not sure when I wrote last. They had no clue as to what was causing DHs racing heart rate.Cardiac Dr raised his BP med twice.
    Then he woke with foot so sore,couldn't walk. That meant crutches.X ray showed a sprain.The foot was very swollen.Has been nearly a wk. Still using ice,rest & elevating the foot. He didn't use pain med this morn,so Hope it is mending.We have been close to home as he can 't walk far & feel I need to be here.Dr said it could take 6 wks to heal.

    He had a nice Fathers Day. Both DDs called. One is visiting her Sis in Fl for a couple wks. Son in law took him for brfast at the Old Guys round table this morn,then stayed here for lunch & visited with him. just looked in living rm & Dh is sound asleep.

    Weather has been great all wk,looks to be warm with chances of rain for next few days.

    Sorry I haven't read much.The 2 Drs & med runs have kept me busy.

    DD in Fl sent DH an album of pics called "Thru The Years"..... A wonderful,thoughtful gift. She chose the pic taken the 1 st yr we were married for the front page many,many yrs ago. Will share it with you.

    Sylvia,your pic looks great!

    Time to move,going out to water flower baskets & deadhead petunias. Pat in Ohio

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Had a nice time at the block party,but am tired today,all the fresh air?
    Went to church.Hubby working so home catching up with laundry.
    Welcome any new ladies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    HUGS Jane