

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Don't have much time. Just woke up and have to get ready for the gym, but I wanted to chime in on the carpet stain issue. When we got sweet baby Bruno I bought a bottle of something called Urine Gone at Walmart. I never needed it for urine, but I tried it on vomit stains, grass stains, root beer, and mud on my off-white wool carpet and it worked like magic. You just spray it on, let it sit for a few minutes, then blot it up with paper towels. I just put the paper towel down and stepped on it with my foot a few times. Didn't even need to get down on my hands and knees. It even removed some old stains that the professional carpet cleaners couldn't get out.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Since I was so far behind, I've mostly skimmed, but trying hard to keep up with all of you.

    I don't remember exactly when I posted last, but the boy child is all graduated and is now on a mission trip with church in, of all places, McDowell County where I grew up and my parents still live! He will be doing home repair, yard work, etc for those who need help. My parents were here and left Sunday morning. Probably about the same time my son was on the church van headed their way. LOL

    In the continuing house saga...I took my parents by my house on Saturday. My mother was her usual critical self, but at least I can laugh about it now. She refused to believe me when I said that my hallway and my bathroom were the same color and painted from the same gallon of paint! Speaking of paint, I took the can from my living room paint and asked Lowes to match it (the original paint did not come from Lowes) and, when it didn't match, I shrugged and figured out a way to make it work. Making it work meant painting two walls of my living room (which needed a tiny spot on each touched up). Well, since those two walls were not in my original plan, the gallon was not enough. I took the can I got from Lowes, with the formula on it, and said, "I need another gallon of this, please." When he started painting yesterday, the new gallon matched the OLD paint in the living room!!! So off we went to Lowes to pitch a dignified hissy fit. To summarize, I got a refund on the gallon of paint that wasn't right, a free gallon of paint in the new color, and a $50 Lowes gift card. However, when I left Lowes yesterday, their "tinter" wasn't working right and they were still working on getting the color right. The manager himself was working on it instead of assigning an employee to do it. He is to call me today when the paint is ready. In fact, he took my address, too, so I'm thinking it might get delivered. Now, ladies, when I say a dignified hissy fit, I mean that I was firm, but as polite and even toned as it is possible to be. I only asked for a free gallon of paint as restitution (I'm having to pay my painter twice) and the manager ASKED what else he could do. I made big fluttery eyes at him and stuttered around and asked for $25 in gift cards. He said, "Let's make it $50!" That old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar works more often than not!

    Heather, your scones look just like my mother's biscuits! I've made scones before (thinking they were something very exotic) and realized I had an old fashioned southern biscuit. :laugh: We eat biscuits with EVERYTHING! I love them best fresh, hot, buttered, and with homemade blackberry jam or molasses. They're amazing with country ham, too. Growing up, my mother made a huge batch at breakfast and another huge batch at supper. We ate them leftover with peanut butter for lunch or snack.

    I am going to be trying to make the most of my week without my little (huge) housewrecker. I love my son as much as one can love anyone, but it is so wonderful to be able to clean something and it still be clean the next time I look at it!

    Here is my baby boy and me on graduation night.

    [img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn78/1959fordc/Facebook/iOS Photos/a8b3e099-2e40-4824-b34b-309cdbaa4801.jpg[/img]

    Carol in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Moondoggz when I was in High School I would binge. I would eat everything in sight from when I got home until dinner and then I would eat dinner. For me it was the anxiety and stress of school. When I start having those feelings of anxiety and stress I know I have to watch myself around food. Buffets are out for me without intense planning ahead. Occasionally I will overeat, but I no longer binge. It also took me years to figure out that when I am low in certain nutrients I am more vulnerable too.One of our fellow forum members posted a link to food cravings that I found helpful too. Google food cravings and you should find it if you are interested. I also found reading books on how food effects my health helpful too. I do find on the whole I make better choices today than I used to.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Patty: I lost my dad in 1990, just after his 73rd birthday. I still miss him. :cry: The Berlin Wall was taken down that summer. He would have loved to see that. :smile: Both of our kids got in touch with their dad yesterday. Our son called early in the day and our daughter texted later. DH has trouble hearing, so the text messages were as appreciated as the call. It is great that your company is setting up a program to help employees who are overweight. I hope you are one of those who are selected to participate and freely share what you learn.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Waves and gulls are so soothing! I’m glad you have them to look forward to.:flowerforyou:

    Ready for 2014: Follow the MFP program and let it determine your starting calories. Few are started at 1200 calories. It is too restricted for those who've been eating substantially more and are quite heavy. The program determines your calories in such a way that you are eating at a deficit, but not a huge deficit. It took many months for me to get to 1200. Losing weight slowly gives your body a chance to adjust and also gives you time to learn new habits. Set your goal to lose 1-1.5 pounds a week and don’t expect to lose the same amount week after week. Many of us sit at a plateau for a while and suddenly drop a couple of pounds, then sit at another plateau. Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Thanks for letting us know about Urine Gone at Walmart. Is it in the pet department?:flowerforyou:

    Our poor little dog had his rabies shot and other vaccination updates Saturday and has been in pain ever since. He is miserable. I took him back in to the vet’s office yesterday and he’s now on several medications to ease pain—including prednisone! The vet said this could take several days to go away, but isn’t dangerous.:sick: He is constantly whining, which means we're suffering, too.:frown:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Monday Ladies –

    Had a really nice weekend. On Saturday went to Baltimore to visit mom and take her to the cemetery to give dad a visit. On Sunday we had a cookout for FIL and family. It was a beautiful day, 80 with very low humidity, so we grilled and at out on the deck.

    I am getting a good harvest of leaf lettuce and spinach out of the garden. Nothing else yet, but it won’t be too much longer before we get zucchini and tomatoe’s.

    I missed my step goal on Saturday night, I didn’t realize I was only 180 steps short and then my fitbit went to zero when midnight hit. I was a little ticked as the day got away from me.

    :smile: Wessecg – great pictures, looks like a beautiful day for a ride.
    :smile: Gloria – will have to try your smoothing recipe, sounds tasty.
    :smile: Megblair1 – I have been away for awhile, what are you writing?
    :smile: Heather – I can very well imagine the scone with jam and clotted cream. Sounds devine.
    :smile: Jill – it sounds like you got to sample a lot of places during your cruise. I find a cruise is a great way to figure out where you might like to go again and spend more time.
    :smile: Silvia – I always have to do a tick check when I come back from y hiking, they are bad here in Delaware.

    Hope everyone is on track for their goals.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    Congrats to you and your son Carol, what a life milestone.

    Suzy, I made the same smoothie again this morning. It was just as great but warning, those dates are very stubborn and take a lot of blending time.

    Have not yet worked out today. Had to get my roots covered, showered and out the door early to take Aaron to visit his new school for the fall. Needed to drop off enrollment paperwork and it gave him an opportunity to see it, meet the principal, tour the school, etc. He was very apprehensive going in and left excited to start school in the fall. Here's hoping. :drinker:

    Working on packing, cleaning, preparing, etc.

    Will try to check in at the end of the day.

    Happy day to all!

    xo- Gloria in hot and sweaty Metro Detroit (boy, what a difference a day makes)
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week. Today is my treadmill workout. I have done 20 minutes and will do 45 minutes total. Then housework, the bedding is already in the dryer.

    Carol, beautiful boy child! Thank you for sharing!

    Katia, I hope your little fur baby is feeling better soon!

    Sylvia, I hate ticks! I grew up on a farm with lots of animals and ticks. This was before all the collars, etc. to help control them.

    Welcome all new ladies.

    Hugs to all and best wishes for a great week.

    Cindy in OK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy mon.
    Getting ready for the pool with Violet.
    Got a nice surprise from the pastor and his wife,a dozen red roses.How nice
  • apj79
    apj79 Posts: 23 Member
    Good morning - I started to lose weight when our office relocated to a business section. At lunch time I went out and started walking. A couple of other ladies were out doing the same thing and told me once around the circle is a mile. I thought if I could do one lap I should be able to do 2 - I got up to 3 laps and then hurt my knee. I kept going - however that is all I did I've lost the weight I wanted to and I enjoy my lunch hour work out, but now my thighs and arms are so flabby. I'm doing more strength training now - kind of catching up. Will I ever tone and get mucsle back if I keep it up. I still like to get out and run so I'm going to alternate days...any suggestions - help.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just a few seconds here at work and getting caught up with the many posts so can't respond to individuals just yet. My DH, sister and I went to Glacier National Park in Montana for a week. It was so beautiful and was able to get in a couple of nice hikes. Although we ate what and when we wanted, with the extra hiking, came back with no weight gain. :happy:

    Back to work (sitting all day) and tracking my food.

    Hot and humid here. So different then the cool, clear air of Montana.

    Tina from MD
  • mkd1955
    mkd1955 Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning to you all (well, it's almost noon....)

    It was a good weekend with my DH, last weekend we mulched the whole yard so I told him we could play this one. We went for a walk around a lake here in South Jersey and then drove by a house our DS wants to buy. It's his first and all on his own. He set this goal for himself a little over a year ago and I am proud of him. He has a good job and good income. Plus it's time for him to be on his own. I do wish he could find a companion to share these things with! The house needs work, but it is affordable for him and he is young! We won't be needing our 4 bedroom house much longer :bigsmile:

    Father's Day - I lost my Dad in 1998 very suddenly and miss him every day. He was a good man, but did not know what to do with 5 daughters! I think we drove him a little crazy. Mom is gone now too. They were great parents, I only wish I could be as good as they were. Both DS and DD remembered their Dad yesterday with cards and thoughtful gifts. Although DS has a phobia about "Hallmark" holidays. He did not buy a card, but gave him a handmade one (DS is 30 years old!).

    To all of you out there struggling - I wish you peace. :heart:

    Goals for June:
    1. Workout
    2. Log everything I put in my mouth
    3. keep up on this blog
    4. be inspired by you all!

    Thanks for welcoming me back!

    Kathy in NJ
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, the Urine Gone was in the carpet cleaning section, I think.


    I just got back from walking 2 miles. It's already sunny and hot out there! My sun hat kept blowing off so I was just carrying it the last mile. Gotta make a chin strap for that thing.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Quick Question Quandary: (I love alliteration!) I have several Atkins meal replacement shakes in my refrigerator from the boy child's last esophageal procedure. Has anyone ever used those instead of milk in a smoothie? I don't want to throw them away, but don't really want to just drink them, either. Any other ideas for using them up?
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Quick Question Quandary: (I love alliteration!) I have several Atkins meal replacement shakes in my refrigerator from the boy child's last esophageal procedure. Has anyone ever used those instead of milk in a smoothie? I don't want to throw them away, but don't really want to just drink them, either. Any other ideas for using them up?

    I have used them before when I had dental procedures and found them quite good. I think they would be fine to use as a smoothie. I put them in a blender with ice and they came out frothy and refreshing.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Patty, congrats on the new grand child. It is so nice that a company pays for employees being healthy. It cuts down on their insurance pay outs so it benefits both. Sure hope you can be picked to be one of those elite few.

    I understand about your Dad. I had my Dad's picture as my face book profile picture and I couldn't wait for the end of the day to change it. It was just to haunting to me. My father was the best man a person could know and the absolute best father a child could ask for. As a child and young adult I always thought that when he died he would surely take the place at the right hand of God because that's where he belonged!!!!!:laugh: So before I logged off last night I changed the picture to a pic of my grand kids. It's such a more pleasant memory.

    Carol, such a beautiful picture of you. You look so young. Good picture of you and your son.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Good morning - I started to lose weight when our office relocated to a business section. At lunch time I went out and started walking. A couple of other ladies were out doing the same thing and told me once around the circle is a mile. I thought if I could do one lap I should be able to do 2 - I got up to 3 laps and then hurt my knee. I kept going - however that is all I did I've lost the weight I wanted to and I enjoy my lunch hour work out, but now my thighs and arms are so flabby. I'm doing more strength training now - kind of catching up. Will I ever tone and get mucsle back if I keep it up. I still like to get out and run so I'm going to alternate days...any suggestions - help.

    Yes! If you keep up the strength training you will get toned. Don't give up on it. I'm happy with my arms, the thighs are a little more difficult. I can't run like I did because of knee problems, but strength training has improved my muscle tone in my legs even though I walk more than run now.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    :bigsmile: back to normal Mondays! hooray. bump for later!
  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello ladies!

    This weight loss thing is sure moving along slowly! I do have thyroid problems. Could that be the reason?

    We were gone last weekend. Away from home you eat differently. I didn't go overboard, but did miss my veggies. I also drank less water as there wasn't always a toilet available. We went to an antique market in France. It was fun.

    Beth, my aunt Maude always said 'grease spot'. She said I had to watch out crossing the street or she would have to pick me out of one! This was in Pennsylvania.

    Rori, say hello to Colorado for me. I grew up in the Denver area. Your comments about wheat were interesting. I've been avoiding it these last weeks. I buy spelt bread.

    Heather, we will be in England this summer. We will be in Kent and Somerset visiting with friends. I adore your country and am really looking forward to our visit. I used to be able to get iplayer on my laptop, but it has been blocked now, We do have BBC 1,2,3 and 4 on the television. I will check the radio. I do download podcasts from certain cultural programs. There is so much to listen to now a days!

    Take care of yourselves!

    Pam in The Netherlands
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Thank God it’s Monday and I am at work! :flowerforyou:

    Really busy Father’s Day weekend. DD became a single Mother Friday night. I don’t know how long that’s going to last nor do I know how I feel about it. :sad: :ohwell: What I do know is that I was able to spend time with my grandkids and we had fun! :happy: My well meaning childless sister decided to weigh in on DD. :explode: I am proud to say that I calmly advised DD just not to answer the phone when her auntie calls for the time being and I didn’t stress at all. I cooked after church Sunday afternoon - the SOs favorite meal! :happy: I could not make myself log in 3 hour marathon in my exercise log! The good part was I really was too tired to over eat! :laugh: My dad has been gone for 2 years now and although I miss him so much of him is in my heart that I hear him constantly.:flowerforyou: Last night I was in bed at 8 pm. :yawn: Tonight water aerobics!:wink:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Greetings from steamy Omaha! We had a beautiful weekend weather-wise, but now it’s back to the usual humidity. I could only manage ½ hour in the garden. I had to take the beagle to the vet and DH took alena to get her top 2 wisdom teeth removed….took all of 18 minutes! He texted to say they were on their way back and I thought that since she has a cold they wouldn’t do it. She only had a local and right now is pretty comfortable.

    Father’s day was nice; DD#2 behaved although she only spoke to say “I dunno” when asked any questions at all other than to say her boss is mean. When I asked why….”I dunno”. It is so frustrating. Her boyfriend Dalton must be a saint to put up with her. She’s starting to show…sort of in that fat, mushy way…not a real baby bump yet. She did eat most of her dinner however. Oh, wait…she did speak….she said she did not like eating…nothing about how good the dinner was, which Dalton raved about. He really is a nice young man. I really feel sorry for her. As she grows older, these deficits are going to be more and more apparent.

    Patceoh: what a wonderful picture and thoughtful gift!

    Kim: no hitchhiking here! Although I do remember some friends who hitchhiked all through Europe in the 70s.

    Renny: you are waiting for so many things….happy ones and sad ones too. Sending you hugs and virtual virus poison so you can be well when baby comes!

    Gloria: all those pies sound grand. I made a Mrs. Smith’s peach pie for dinner yesterday and 1/16 of the pie is only 20 carbs, so that worked out ok and it was enough.

    Alison: I think you need a vacation just for you! Come here and hang out with the lazy dog and quiet cats and more books than you could read in a lifetime.

    Moondoggz: have you read Women, Food, and God? It is written by someone who has had an eating disorder nearly all her life now is a counselor.

    Joyce: I would definitely try eating breakfast before church!!!

    Michele: raise your right hand and swear about that solemn duty to keep people from Heather’s inferior food! You are now deputized!

    Yanniejannie: that meatloaf sounds really good. Never thought of fire roasted tomatoes!

    Carol : so sorry about the recent loss of your dad but glad you stayed healthy and on track

    Sylvia: I’ll be glad when that dr appointment rolls around too! Be safe

    Patty: so sorry you are still missing your dad and fathers day is painful. Glad you got some of those pounds off !

    CArolNC: great photo! You both look so happy

    Katla: Benny Beagle sends a woof and a dog hug to your baby

    Suzy: I’m still working on that nursing text book and test bank. It seems endless!

    Kathy: I think that handmade cards are so much nicer than store bought!

    Well time to get some bills paid and other things done while I still have the energy! Take care all and welcome all newbies! Meg from Omaha
    PS has anyone heard anything new about Bodi the dog? I am worried since we don’t seem to have heard recently.