Poll: Thinking Thin

Hi everyone,
I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's, etc...I don't need actual ages
2) approximate weight
3) physical location. state is fine
4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
5) How often do you exercise?
6) Do you eat breakfast?
6) what is your largest meal of the day?
7) how many times a day do you eat?
8) how much water do you drink?
9) how do you deal with food temptations?
10) what is your typical restaurant meal?

Thank you,


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    1) 30's
    2) 180
    3) Oklahoma
    4) Moderate
    5) 1-2 times daily
    6) No
    7) 3-4
    8) 64oz a day
    9) remember the goal
    10) Burger no bun
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    1. 21
    2. 205
    3. Ontario Canada
    4. Id say moderate
    5. 3x/week, bike to work 5 days a week weather permitting
    6.1. if i bike to work yes (2 eggs) if not no
    6.2. dinner for sure
    7. depends on the day. anywhere from 3-6
    8. between 4-8 L a day depending on the day
    9. i have a light snack or fight it whenever possible
    10. before losing weight; whatever pasta had seafood on it
    now; salmon if they have it, or the lightest pasta dish, maybe rissotto (try not to limit myself too much when i eat out becasue its not very often)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    1) 29 (I don't feel right saying 20's when I'm almost out, but I refuse to say 30's yet lol)
    2) 130 lbs
    3) Alberta, Canada
    4) Sedentary (desk job)
    5) exercise 3x a week
    6) breakfast every day
    6 again lol) Supper is my biggest meal
    7) eat 5-7x a day
    8) I'd guess about 2-3 litres of water a day on average (I really don't know though)
    9) I usually give in lol
    10) Burgers & fries (they're just so good! - but I don't eat out often)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    1) Age: 35
    2) Weight: 144
    3) Location: MD
    4) Activity Level: Moderate
    5) How often: Focused exercise, 3x weekly for an hour
    6) Breakfast: Does coffee count?
    6) Largest Meal: Dinner
    7) Number of times I eat: 2 - with the occasional snack.
    8) How much water: at least 32 ounces a day. On run days, as much as 100+ ounces.
    9) Dealing with food temptations: Everything in moderation. if I'm tempted, I fit it into my calories for the day.
    10) Typical restaraunt meal: 4 or 6 ounce steak and a salad with dressing on the side. Unless there are really fantastic burgers... or onion rings. Who can resist an onion ring?
  • jams0426
    jams0426 Posts: 6 Member
    1) 20's
    2) 206
    3) Utah
    4) Beginning Exerciser
    5) 5 days a week
    6) Yep
    6) Dinner @ 500 calories
    7) 3-4
    8) Not enough...like 32 oz
    9) I find a healthy snack alternative. Or just have a small amount of the thing I crave. "The 10th bite never tastes as good as the first"
    10) Something with Chicken. Chicken pasta, chicken sandwich...
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

    1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's, etc...I don't need actual ages
    2) approximate weight
    3) physical location. state is fine
    4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
    5) How often do you exercise?
    6) Do you eat breakfast?
    6) what is your largest meal of the day?
    7) how many times a day do you eat?
    8) how much water do you drink?
    9) how do you deal with food temptations?
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?

    Thank you,

    Age 44
    Weight 185 lb
    Almost never
    No breakfast
    Dinner largest meal of day
    Eat twice a day
    Drink at least a gallon of water a day
    Usually pull out my hair
    Fish or steak
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    1. 40s
    2. 158
    3. Wisconsin
    4. Moderate
    5. 3-4 days a week
    6. Yes, every day
    7. Dinner
    8. Four times (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner)
    9. 6-8 cups water
    10. Abstinence and cutting sugar intake
    11. A side item or appetizer and water
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

    1) age: 20's, 30's, 40's, etc...I don't need actual ages
    2) approximate weight
    3) physical location. state is fine
    4) activity level. Sedentary, beginning exerciser, moderate, advanced exerciser, sporadic, etc...
    5) How often do you exercise?
    6) Do you eat breakfast?
    6) what is your largest meal of the day?
    7) how many times a day do you eat?
    8) how much water do you drink?
    9) how do you deal with food temptations?
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal?

    Thank you,

    1.) 29
    2.) 125 lbs
    3.) Georgia
    4.) I don't really understand your categories-- advanced I guess?
    5.) I workout 6 days per week-- cardio, lifting, and flexibility/mobility/stability
    6.) Yes. But I don't think it's necessary.
    6 again) I usually have a large breakfast and a large dinner of approximately the same size. But again, I don't think it matters.
    7.) 6-7 times
    8.) I don't track water but I keep a tumbler full next to my desk and I usually refill it 4-5 times
    9.) I eat all kinds of food in moderation. I focus on hitting my minimum protein and fat goals and getting in some veggies, and then I spend the rest of my calories on whatever I want.
    10.) It depends. I don't really have a "usual" I just try to balance hitting my goals with eating food I enjoy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    1) age: 20's
    2) approximate weight: 135
    3) physical location: Hawaii
    4) activity level. Err. Moderate?
    5) How often do you exercise? I lift 4 times a week
    6) Do you eat breakfast? No.
    6) what is your largest meal of the day: Dessert or Dinner
    7) how many times a day do you eat? ...all day? 6 or 7 I guess.
    8) how much water do you drink? 8-10 cups of fluids a day
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? I eat what I want in moderation.
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? I don't know that I have a typical meal, but I don't order from the light menu is that's what you're asking. I'm a chicken parm, chicken curry, gimmie dat steak and dat potato and god help you if you bring me a salad kinda girl
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    1) 22
    2) 175
    3) Ohio
    4) Beginning Exerciser
    5) 4-5 mile bike ride, 6 days per week. Plus walking the dog a few times a day.
    6) If I want to.
    6) Dinner
    7) 3 to 5, depending on hunger levels
    8) Generally around 80 oz per day
    9) Go exercise, take a bath, eat something else, or just remember why I want to stay healthy in the first place. It's all willpower.
    10) Something vegetarian with rice as my carb. I don't go out to eat very often.
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm hoping you can help me with some research. I am studying the diet habits of various people to see if there are any correlations. I am studying my coworkers and friends but I would like information about you if you are willing to supply it. I'm working off of the honor system here. If you can please reply to this post with the following information.

    1) age: 60s
    2) approximate weight 250
    3) physical location. GA
    4) activity level. Sedentary,
    5) How often do you exercise? Rarely
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Yes
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Usually breakfast
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 5
    8) how much water do you drink? 40-50 ounces (on fluid restriction per my doctor)
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? Just tough if out
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? Don't eat much as restaurants for now
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member

    1) age: 32
    2) 161
    3) physical location. Florida
    4) Moderate
    5) 4-6 days a week
    6) Not often
    6) Dinner
    7) Varies between 2-4 ( no set schedule. just when I am hungry)
    8) not enough but usually between 6-8 cups
    9) I don't deal with it, I eat what I am tempted to eat and make it fit
    10) To many options, I just get what I want and different restaurants. Its usually a good steak.
  • russkiballerina
    russkiballerina Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, I'll try to be succinct =P

    1) 20's
    2) about 56kg at the moment, though I'm not exactly sure (I'll be on Sat at the dr's), that's I guess 123lbs
    3) Illinois
    4) I've been a ballet dancer for 18years and gymnast for 14, though I haven't exercised normally for 3 since I have been pretty sick - slowly getting back to it, though
    5) 5 days a week, rain or shine, though I am just getting back into this routine.
    6) Yes
    6) Generally they are equally proportionate - but tends to be dinner.
    7) No more than three.
    8) About 5 of water, 3 or 4 or other things.
    9) I eat. If I don't give in to temptations I obsess and stop eating completely.
    10) Always order fish - typically salmon done "simply", or with plain butter. I can't eat dark greens due to medication, so I don't get any sides, and ask for a portion of rice instead, and ask them to not cook it in any oil, just boil and add salt. I guess I annoy them, lol. And when there's sauce I just ask on the side. I get the occasional diet coke but normally just water with lime.
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    1) age: 20's
    2) 157
    3) Massachusetts
    4) Moderate
    5) 5-6 days a week
    6) Yes
    6) Dinner
    7) 5-6 times a day
    8) Normally about 6-8 cups a day
    9) Allow myself to eat what I want on the weekends so it's out of my system for the new week
    10) I usually like to order either salmon, chicken (with veggies & rice) or a burger
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    1. 40s
    3. MN
    4. advanced
    5. 6 days a week,twice a day on 2-3 days
    6. yes,protien shake
    7. whenever hungry or running low,5-7x,I am a snacker!
    8. 10 cups+
    9. most times I can walk away,if I cant I allow myself a small piece/bite
    10. subway 6 inch chicken bacon ranch,cheetos and iced tea unsweetened
    dinner is usually the largest meal as thats when I am with other people
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    1) 32
    2) 197 lbs
    3) Florida
    4) Desk Job, work out when I can, I also am a coach for my kids.
    5) Not currently.
    6) Dinner
    7) 4-6, I snack most of the day with a full meal at night.
    8) about 6-8 cups daily
    9) I tell myself NO. Even if I have to say it outloud in front of people.
    10) No typical, but since MFP I've just made better choices.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    1) age: 30's
    2) approximate weight: 142
    3) physical location. California
    4) activity level. Moderate
    5) How often do you exercise? 3-4 x's per week
    6) Do you eat breakfast? Hell to the yes.
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? Equally spread out.
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 6 x's
    8) how much water do you drink? more than 64 oz, not sure
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? If I want it, I'll eat it. I fit it into my calories/macros and move on.
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? Chicken/steak/pork with some veggies and some type of bread roll.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    1) late 20s
    2) 130 lb
    3) MA
    4) Sedentary on off days, moderate on workout days
    5) 3x week
    6) Yes
    6) Dinner
    7) 5
    8) 8 cups
    9) I usually eat what I want in moderation or find a healthier alternative
    10) Usually salmon or shrimp, if not then chicken

    I'm curious about the results of your research... can you post when it's done?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    1. 44
    2. 224
    3. Minneapolis, MN
    4. Moderate
    5. 5 to 6 times a week
    6. Yes
    7. No particular meal is bigger than another. Depends on the day.
    8. 3 to 5
    9. No set level. If I am thirsty I drink. Most of my water is drank in the AM when I work out.
    10. Still struggle with this one. Trying to eat the temptation meal but in small qty.
    11. Depends on the restaurant? Try to eat lean meat, usually a baked potato and veggies or salad.
  • JoshTheGiant
    JoshTheGiant Posts: 176 Member
    1) 20's
    2) 265
    3) NY
    4) moderate.
    5) 6 Days Weekly
    6) Yes for Breakfast
    6) Dinner - But try to stay even
    7) Eat 5-7 times a day if you include snacks
    8) Over a gallon a day
    9) I wear an impulse bracelet to remind me of my goals and keep myself distracted
    10) Salad with grilled chicken, No dressing. Lemons on the side, squeeze the juice on as a mock dressing for flavor.