P90X - First timer



  • DesperateDancer
    DesperateDancer Posts: 2 Member
    I have P90x and would like to start it asap but im not sure if i should follow classic or lean i want to really drop my body fat percentage any advice as to which plan to follow?x
  • Hey Everyone! I've done two rounds of P90X myself and I love how strong it made me feel! @DesperateDaner - I always suggest doing a Classic round as your first time. And then if you want to do a second round after that, you can tweak the program as needed. But they give you everything you need with the books that come with it - so just do the classic program as laid out. Feel free to add me as a buddy everyone and ask me any questions you might have! I've also done Insanity, Slim in 6, Turbo Fire and am currently rockin' Chalean Extreme!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Day 2 down! I felt kind of dumb today though because I could barely do some of the workouts. My legs aren't exactly the strongest.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I start week 2 tomorrow after getting halfway through the program last year. It kicks your butt, but I love how quickly you can see and feel yourself getting stronger and more fit.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Started my hybrid round this morning. Chest & back (will do Abx tonight). I forgot how many pushups there are in this session. Holy cow. I think I did pretty good. I concentrated on my form versus quantity (tried to go really low in the pushups). Pull ups are still my downfall but I tried to less help from my leg on the chair in the second go through.

    Also did the elliptical at lunch for 35 minutes. I'm trying to get extra cardio in on the strength training days. We'll see how my body holds up. :wink:
  • Well... I'm going to claim being a P90X virgin because I only survived the first 3 wks of the program last spring. Honestly, my first night last year... my 16 yr-old found me a heaping pool of sweat and nausea on my family room floor. After her laughing, I told her to just get me a pillow. It wasn't until I did my second round of Core that I realized I must have passed out during (or just blocking out) the last 15 minutes.

    Although that first night should have been a wake up call that it was more than I thought, I kept at it and it was awesome. I even looked forward to my time with Tony every night until... I didn't keep up my calories one day and tried to work out. I had a ridiulous headache and nausea that kicked in about 10 minutes into the session. It lasted me about 3 days. I lost my confidence and never regained my motivation to do it.

    I am doing the 30 Day Shred in the mornings and would love to add this to my evenings. I will be doing the LEAN track.

    Let's BRING IT all!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Day 2! Just got home from class and although I'm a little tired...I'm ready to rock some Plyos!

    Also--I was feeling really good after yesterdays workout but when I got up this morning..HOLY COW! lol I am so sore. My upper body...abs and up...is killing me!
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Day 2, Week 1 of my hybrid: Plyo completed this morning. Burned 400 calories. I think going through Insanity really helped me with this workout. For most of the sequences, I was still going strong when the time was up.
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    Day 2, Week 1 of my hybrid: Plyo completed this morning. Burned 400 calories. I think going through Insanity really helped me with this workout. For most of the sequences, I was still going strong when the time was up.

    awesome! I did plyo for the first time yesterday and I was definitely struggling on some of the moves!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    How many of you wear a heart rate monitor while doing p90x? Last night while I was doing plyo Tony was talking about how high his heart rate was(about 145-150) and mine was blowing his out of the water. Is it because he's in amazing shape and I'm not? What kind of numbers do you guys get?
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    How many of you wear a heart rate monitor while doing p90x? Last night while I was doing plyo Tony was talking about how high his heart rate was(about 145-150) and mine was blowing his out of the water. Is it because he's in amazing shape and I'm not? What kind of numbers do you guys get?

    My heart rate was generally in the 140 - 150 range. I just saw a exercise physiologist when I had my physical a couple of weeks ago and she calculated the ranges that my heart range should be in when I exercised. For me, I get the best benefit when I am in the 135-145 range. Anything over 152 or so gives my no extra aerobic benefit.

    I do think that the better in shape you are, the lower your heart rate is when you are exercising. As you get more fit (and weigh less) the harder it is to burn calories. I guess the good thing is that you have more muscle than fat and the muscle helps to keep your metabolism up. Not an expert in the area by any means, but that's what I've been told/read.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    How many of you wear a heart rate monitor while doing p90x? Last night while I was doing plyo Tony was talking about how high his heart rate was(about 145-150) and mine was blowing his out of the water. Is it because he's in amazing shape and I'm not? What kind of numbers do you guys get?

    From what I recall, heart rate zones for fat burn and fitness depend on age as well with younger people having higher heart rates in a given zone than an older person. I wouldn't fret too much about Tony's heart rate since he's a male in a different age group with a different fitness level than you. Just focus on your zone!

    I'm usually in the 145-165 area during a cardio workout and 130-140 during an intense lifting workout.
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I was able to do all the workouts today woo! The abdominals is way too hard for me fight now though I think I might just do crunches on the ab days and see if I can work towards it.
  • I just ordered it today!! So hopefully I will have it in a few days :) I would love a workout buddy!!!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    How many of you wear a heart rate monitor while doing p90x? Last night while I was doing plyo Tony was talking about how high his heart rate was(about 145-150) and mine was blowing his out of the water. Is it because he's in amazing shape and I'm not? What kind of numbers do you guys get?

    From what I recall, heart rate zones for fat burn and fitness depend on age as well with younger people having higher heart rates in a given zone than an older person. I wouldn't fret too much about Tony's heart rate since he's a male in a different age group with a different fitness level than you. Just focus on your zone!

    I'm usually in the 145-165 area during a cardio workout and 130-140 during an intense lifting workout.

    Good to know! My heart rate stays in both of those ranges as well!
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    I was able to do all the workouts today woo! The abdominals is way too hard for me fight now though I think I might just do crunches on the ab days and see if I can work towards it.

    Abs are definitely hard! I just finished day 2 and it isn't easier yet...but push push push! Try the abs with less reps. I can't do all 25 reps on most of the moves.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    did ploy today for the first time have some feet problems so didnt jump as high squated low worked hard burned 366 caloreis was in the zone for 44;40 aver hr was 130 max 164
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    I finished week 1 this morning with stretching. After a week I have noticed that I can do a lot more "proper" pushups (I use to have my butt all up in the air before lol) also the abs are getting easier I feel that I can follow their moves/reps about 90%. I'm doing the Lean program since I want to lose more fat (SW:158) maybe next round I can do classic. I do extra cardio in the gym and I hike on the weekends. Keep up the good work and hopefully we can push each other to make it to 90 days :happy:
  • I'm so excited to find this thread! I'm a first timer, too, and my P90X JUST shipped. Do you guys mind if I join in once they arrive? I'll be a bit behind everyone but, with this being my first time, I think I could definitely use some support and motivation!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I just finished 3rd day! I'm doing the lean version. Today I did Kempo. Have switched around order a bit because I have a fractured wrist from falling in the ice! This evening much better; last night I was afraid I wouldn't be able to move today, LOL! I am liking it so far. So thrilling when you realize you CAN make it thru the whole 58 mins! :). Feel free to friend me too!
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