Team UK - January 2011!



  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    First weigh in since starting again last week. A great start. Need to keep it up, unlike last time haha.

    North vs South sounds good, great idea.

    Woohoo!!! WTG on the weight loss!!
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    That sounds good - i'm a yorkshire girl who loves a challenge but i'm a slow loser so i'll just be a disadvantage!!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    I've just been looking at challenges to join, but so many started on 1st Jan...

    Just a thought in light of the Guildford posse- would it be too divisive to have a light-hearted North vs South UK biggest loser type thingy? If the teams were uneven in size it wouldn't matter if we did percentage weight loss (I'm happy to do the maths- if people would trust me :devil: )

    Up Yorkshire! :tongue:

    I'd be Happy with a North v South contest.

    Sounds like fun, healthy competition could be some good motivation for everyone.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    I've just been looking at challenges to join, but so many started on 1st Jan...

    Just a thought in light of the Guildford posse- would it be too divisive to have a light-hearted North vs South UK biggest loser type thingy? If the teams were uneven in size it wouldn't matter if we did percentage weight loss (I'm happy to do the maths- if people would trust me :devil: )

    Up Yorkshire! :tongue:

    i live approximately 6 miles from the heart of england..... ummmm..... north or south!? lol!
  • I'm up for a bit of competition! Being in Scotland, I assume I'll be in the North category :P
  • Can't we have Scotland as a seperate team? lol

    Hi everybody :flowerforyou: just seen a link to this thread on another and thought I would sign up :happy:

    Started my healthy lifestyle plan last Monday and have lost 6lbs, got another 40lbs to go.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    hey, i'm from sheffield and would enjoy some competition! :D
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'd let the South team down as I'm maintaining, perhaps I could just get brownie points for not gaining!
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    Love the North vs South idea (though my mackam blood will hate me for being poncy and siding with the southeners :smile: )

    Or if that dosn't work a few smaller groups with whoever happens to be nearest?
  • Hi Everyone, Hope its going well. I'm from Nottingham. Is it me or does most of us on here seem to be Northeners? Seems like we have a good chance of winning!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    If there's enough from Scotland too then there's no harm in a menage a trois ;) hahaha

    although then are we discriminating against the Welsh and the Irish too ? Can't split it up too much or us Southerners will walk it !
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I guess which side you choose depends on who you see your main loyalties lying with! Oddelly- I hope you haven't got even a hint of a geordie accent or that instantly puts you in the north team :wink:

    It won't be fair to do total weight loss- we'll have to do average weight loss per person in the team, or percentage weight loss per person (as the further above your target you are, the easier it should be to lose)- so no, Mat- the southerners will not be walking anything :laugh:

    It's a tricky one, but for those in the midlands, I'd suggest drawing a rough line between the Severn estuary and the Wash- putting Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Northants, Cambridgeshire and the whole of E. Anglia in with the south, and Wales, Hereford & Worcester, Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire in the North. Unless, of course, there are enough welsh people to have their own team- menage a quatre, anyone? (and to be honest, H&W always strike me as more southern than northern...just think of Elgar!). I'd be happy to have the Scots in with us, or have your own team if you'd prefer.

    The other way of doing it is whether you say bath or barth!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Anything past the Watford Gap is north IMO
  • The other way of doing it is whether you say bath or barth!

    That wouldn't work in our house. Me and my mum and my dad say 'barth' whereas everyone else says bath lol.

    My mum is from Kent and my dad is from Ashbourne and we live in Derby so i think its mainly my mums influence :D

    Oh and hi all btw

    Ruth x
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Love the sound of the challenge. I'm also a slow loser (deliberately), so that will balance out the Northerner (sorry can't remember your name) who is also one :smile:

    Pleased to announce 1lb of christmas podge disappeared this week, only another 3lb to go to pre-christmas weight.:embarassed:
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    Forgive me for not reading the first 9 pages of this thread just yet, but i'm at work so i'll try and sneak a peak some other time ;o)

    I've got at least 6 stone to lose - Yikes!!
  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    I'm joining, I'm joining .. hands up, hands up !! :laugh:

    Need all the motivation I can get !! :bigsmile:
  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    You can do it RGPargy ... I lost 6 stone in 18 months doing Atkins and kept it off for 18 months then I met my fiance and put on 2 stone !!! :angry: but I'm here to lose that and already 8 pound down phew !!

    You can do it .. !!!1
  • Hi everyone, I'm new here. Lost the baby weight after my first one relatively easily just by breastfeeding. This time round it seems to be harder so I'm trying to make sure I eat more healthily and walk more. I'm hoping that as my son gets heavier I get lighter!

    Nice to meet you all.

    Wouldn't know which team to be on re North v South. I'm currently living in the south (and am a southerner by birth), but I have friends and family in the north and we intend on moving back up there at some point this year (to Huddersfield, to be exact).

    Wishing everybody lots of luck and looking forward to getting to know you!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    haha this thread is going to break MFP it's getting very popular !!
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