Team UK - January 2011!



  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Now I'm wishing I listened to Moyles in the morning! LOL

    Great to have you on the team Lauren. I used to do the same commute as you (from Walton-on-Thames into Waterloo) so I totally relate. Look forward to hearing how you get on with your personal trainer :wink:
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    Hello - im another UK slimmer :happy: - im in Sheffield

    Managed a 5pound lose in week 1 and targeting myself a pound every week - I want to lose 85 in total - so plan on being around for a while :laugh:

    Im managing ok with the food - and being 100% honest on tracking, thats where ive failed before..."forgetting" things ive had, so even if i go 100 or 200 over, im tracking it so i can see where i can improve.

    I dont have an iphone - but really want one, especially for tracking my food!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    haha where is the Moylesy !!
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    Just back from Zumba and watching biggest loser. Our Zumba teacher announced tonight that there is a free streetdance session on Wednesday for anyone interested, so looks like I'll have to change gym to tomorrow and streetdance on Wednesday.

    I worked hard in Zumba tonight so hoping for a loss when I weigh in on Thursday.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm a Chris Moyles fan on Radio 1

    You're not the only one!! Listen to it every morning in the car on the way into work!
  • willowglimmer
    Just back from Zumba and watching biggest loser. Our Zumba teacher announced tonight that there is a free streetdance session on Wednesday for anyone interested, so looks like I'll have to change gym to tomorrow and streetdance on Wednesday.

    I worked hard in Zumba tonight so hoping for a loss when I weigh in on Thursday.

    Watching it too, can't be healthy losing that much weight do quickly and exercising so much surely!
    But WTG them!!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Watched Biggest Looser tonight for the first time. OMG I can push myself hard, but the competitors are unbelievable. It just seems so unfair that people get thrown off, they should have the chance to do the whole show.
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    In regard to the mysterious Moyles, seeing as all the newbies have been pretty much female if he was among them it would appear he would have an interesting alter-ego :)

    (first weigh in tomorrow - hope it's good...)
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello and welcome to all the newbies, I joined MFP a year ago on 12th January and managed to lose over 3 stone by the August to reach my goal weight of 8 1/2 stone (119 pounds), I am now trying hard to maintain that weight and this morning I was only 1 pound over so not bad after Christmas/Birthday and New Year celebrations!!! This is a fantastic site with so much support and I hope that you all reach your goals :smile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi, another newbie!

    I'm Lauren, I'm 22 and I live in Surrey (work in London - so a joyful commute!). I joined the site as recommended by Aled from the Chris Moyles Show and love it - so easy to use and keep track! I've got a personal trainer for the gym (once every 2 weeks) to get my bum in shape and hopefully lose quite a few lbs in the process!

    Look forward to chatting to you all =)


    from Surrey, check, trainer every 2 weeks, check, aged 22...ummm yep wish I was again! There was a good similarity going on until the age.

    Anyway I was naughty yesterday and made the mistake of sitting studying with a packet of biscuits next to me. Back on track again today though, the best thing about going to work is that I can only eat the food I take with me.
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29

    "Anyway I was naughty yesterday and made the mistake of sitting studying with a packet of biscuits next to me. Back on track again today though, the best thing about going to work is that I can only eat the food I take with me."

    That's the problem, isn't it? Studying/deadlines and biscuits go so well together!
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Woah- this thread really disappears overnight, doesn't it? I heard Chris Moyles talk about the app and assumed it must be this site. I can tell you I am definitely not him in disguise, for starters lol.
    Yesterday went well- about 10 cals under by the end of the day. I've decided to change my bad habits one by one, so week 1 of 2011 was no alcohol, week 2 is no alcohol and joining in here/ keeping the food diary...Week 3 might have to be something like walking as fast as I can when I take the dog. With any luck, week 30-odd will be run 5km 5 times a week :happy:
    I'm slowly making my way through the thread and trying to get people straight in my head- but there are quite a lot to get to know so bear with me.
    Have a good day, everyone, and keep on keeping on.
    Ros x
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Loads of people from Surrey - where exactly ?
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi, another newbie!

    I'm Lauren, I'm 22 and I live in Surrey (work in London - so a joyful commute!). I joined the site as recommended by Aled from the Chris Moyles Show and love it - so easy to use and keep track! I've got a personal trainer for the gym (once every 2 weeks) to get my bum in shape and hopefully lose quite a few lbs in the process!

    Look forward to chatting to you all =)


    Ahh another Guilfordian!!! James, that makes 3 of us now!! Lauren was in the year above me at Gabbot! Small world!

    Welcome to the group Lauren :flowerforyou:

    Mat - Me, James and Lauren are all from Guildford!! :happy:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Yvonne - Where abouts in Surrey are you from?
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Night out in Guildford on the cards one day then !!
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Technically Im Hampshire but right on border - 10 miles down the A3 from Guildford
  • idharris
    idharris Posts: 10 Member
    Hi... another newbie here. Downloaded the iPhone app as a recommendation of Aled of the Chris Moyles' show on twitter and it turns out I already had an account on here (seriously don't remember joining last May!) Was a member of Nutracheck a few years ago and lost around a stone but obviously that has gone right back on. Taking weight loss more seriously this year and I think the phone apps really do make a massive difference. I have around 4 stone to lose but the first goal is 1st 7lb initially to get my BMI just into the healthy zone.

    Not falling into the trap that I make every year of re-joining the gym because I know it doesn't work for me and I lose the motivation quite quickly. Started walking and building up to starting up jogging again. One of my goals is to complete a 10K run (with a decent time) in June/July time.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or follow me on twitter @idhuk
  • zydratethief
    Hiya Guys!

    Im joining!!!!

    Its been a long and worthwhile journey so far! I started a medical diet called Allizone (ill be more than happy to provide the links and answer any questions about it, should you choose to google it...which im sure now that ive mentioned it you now will.!!lol). I started off weighing in at 126 kg which my nifty little app tells me is around 278 lbs!! I got tired of overflowing on the tube seats (I live in London BTW), and decided it was time for a change. After 14 weeks of hard work and a bit of exercise i'm now at 88 KG..hoping to loose 2 more by march (Here is to hoping it works!!).

    I'm 5'11 and im apparently supposed to be 78 KG according to height weight charts, which means i still have another 10 KG or so to loose before im happy with myself (who knows!! i could go a bit further.

    Anyhow, I'm restarting the gym again this week, after a break ( i went abroad during Christmas) and hope to up my game and do more than just cardio (i plan to start running again - i used to run at least 3 times a week!) and weights to tone up the flab...

    Only thing is i dont know anything about weight training, so looks like imma gonna have to get a Personal Trainer..

    I also plan to quit smoking..once i get rid of my last few duty free packs!! lol...

    Wish me luck people! And good luck to you!

    I simply want a beachbody by june/july i asking for too much? lol....
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    Hello even newer newbies!

    So I feel a bit stupid as today I realised I calculated stone -> lbs wrong, and I was actually at least 11lb lighter than I thought! With the uncertainty over exactly what I weighed it isn’t 100% definite, but it looks like I lost 4lb this week! So ending up being 15lb less than I thought I was this morning counts as a good day in my books! :):):)