

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Bump for later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cindy in MD, I’m in Washington state
    too far for you to come to dance

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, my hubby took metoprolol for awhile and the doctor took him off it…there is a lot of information on the internet about the dangers of a diet too low in sodium…extremes in either direction can cause problems…for example, I found out from the osteoporosis doctor that there are dangers in consuming too much calcium that are as bad as too little.

    :flowerforyou: Diane, I stopped wearing a HRM awhile ago but I use the calorie counts that it gave me to calculate the calories burned on various different walks and exercises that I do.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce from Shetland, welcome……keep coming back and you’ll find the support and encouragement that will help you on your journey to health.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today
    4 minute plank----a short session of strength training (the first one in a long time)
    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach." - Yutang Lin
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I only made it to do 50 minutes of yoga. I seem to have such a hard time getting to that class right when it starts. Maybe it's because it starts at 7:15.

    After the deep water class went to Bi-Lo just to get things on sale. To my disappointment, they are going to discontinue carrying the plain yogurt in 6oz containers. If you need a cup, it's almost not worth it to have to open up a large container. Wonder if I can portion it out and freeze it in cup servings? Will it get very watery when I defrost it? I don't know. Heather, do you?

    At Bi-Lo they had these great smelling organic strawberries, so I got 4 containers. They were on sale, too. But I do need to cut them up and freeze them before we go to VA since organic things tend to go bad faster. I cut up 2 containers, have them in the freezer now. I'll probably be able to take them out when we get home from bowling and then put the other two in. Then I made some "indoor smores" to take to Jess. I seem to recall making these when we had the pool installed. I just don't remember how well they held together.

    Jacqueline - what a pain having your wallet stolen. BTDT. I did put a 7 year hold on my credit. The person who took it probably wanted the money (there wasn't much in there) but you never know. When we bought this house, I had to bring my social security card. The realtor said that's the first time ever she's had to have someone do that. But then we explained that it's because of the credit hold. Just recently I had to have a credit card replaced and they wanted me to call from the phone where I put the credit hold on. We don't even live there any longer and haven't in about 6 years. Fortunately, that should be coming to an end soon. So if you need to give a phone number when contacting one of those credit agencies, use your cell phone number. That's one thing that I learned the hard way

    yanniejannie - oh, your back! I feel for ya

    Kathy in SJ - how about adding some onions (not just the granules), maybe garlic?

    Vince said he wants to leave by 8 or 8:15 tomorrow. Surprised he wants to leave that early. I should probably get up around 5 so that I have time to get dressed, exercise, eat breakfast, change and be ready to leave. We packed the car with most of the things today.

    Vicki - that's what my doc does too, faces me while we're talking and then types

    Sue in SD - we had a sub for our water class today, too. But she REALLY worked us

    Diane - you want to talk about someone who is NOT tech savvy? I don't even know HOW to unfriend someone!
    Carol in NC - how neat those guys thought your ex was so much older than you. Exercise has a lot to do with that

    JoyceM - glad that your tests came back OK. Sounds like they had a good influence on you (making you come back here). You'll get lots of support here, that's for sure

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well about an hour ,maybe an hour and a half sleep this evening, now just waiting for them to take off from Chicago then I will head to the airport. have a banger of a headache so will take some tylenol before I go...
    Hubby had a freaking cow, and I dont blame him, I have tried to get the planning of this vacation down, but the grocery bill is freaking him out.. for the dog and all the shots,vet appt and the extractions we are looking at about 1,000 bucks,I tried to explain we wont be eating out that we will have 2 hungry teens and that it is breakfast lunch and dinner... so tomorrow it is all the perishables and meats that I need to pick up and ,he flipped out on me..
    oh well.. he isnt sleeping well either he is worried about there flight.. but like I said as soon as they take off I will head to the airport
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Rather humid here today. Took Gwen for her outpatient surg.; then tomorrow am will take her back for checkup and some other blood work. Thought about staying over there tonight but she's doing pretty well on her own...........let her do it while she can.

    Kathy............Hmmmm.........how about any or a combo of these: tomato soup (use it in my meatloaf all the time), soy sauce, chopped garlic, dried jalapeno bits? I've never had kale, so no idea if these would go with or not.

    Sylvia............Wow, you do keep the sodium low! Loved today's joke. Reservations are made for Chincoteague for a couple days next week; I've always loved it there too.

    Lucy...........Sounds like you had an absolutely fabulous weekend!!! Haven't been to DC for too long............love their zoo!

    Welcome to Joyce from Shetland
    is your island named for the ponies or are the ponies named for the island? Please tell us more.

    My back was good for the rest of the day, yay.

    G'nite, all
  • rainboese
    rainboese Posts: 1
    Hello......my name is Vi. I am a diabetic. New meds and a new plan put in place today. Dieting is soooooo confusing........all help would be appreciated!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: DD said she wanted to come drive out to our place today by herself with infant baby. When I questioned her further, it really did not sound that she would be able to, being so tired and all from a broken up night with newborn and early morning toddler attitudes. So, I picked her up and she and baby had a nice napping and eating time at the parental house. Then we went back in the afternoon, stopped to exchange something at the store, hit a Starbucks, picked up toddler and then ended the day. Aaahhh...much better when enough sleep is to be had.

    All this to say: Remember sleep?! It is a really good thing to have. Sleep deprivation is torture and is actually used as a tool of torture. I wonder why we think it is okay to do without enough sleep.

    Just saying. You all getting enough? There is a connection between weight gain and lack of sleep.

    from sunny Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Another Joyce!!!! Welcome. I love anything Scottish. It just seems like it is such a rich in culture country. I love the bagpipes, the kilts, the stories, pictures. And living on a remote island just sounds divine. Well maybe. At other times it wouldn't be!!! I like my shopping center to much!!! We had a shetland sheepdog. I assume it came from where you are from in addition to the pony. He was a wonderful, wonderful companion, pet and friend.

    In preparation for going to the doctor tomorrow about my B/P I have been thinking. Oh no, Joyce has been thinking. better watch out. Sometimes it is bad when a former nurse thinks to much. Of course I can't remember about the episodes that happened last year but the ones that have happened in the last few recent weeks I took my 'natural' sleep aide the night before. I take wild lettuce leaf and at first it worked real well. You really have to time it exactly right with when you go to bed. But since I get up so much earlier on Sunday mornings I take one Saturday evening to help me get to sleep since my sleep has been so spotty lately. It does caution in the use of this pill if you are taking Ambien and any other sedative like drug. One of the medicines I take for my MS symptom control is Klonopin or the generic for it. This is one of the drugs it says to have caution with. But I read up on what could happen and the only thing is just excess drowsiness. Well I don't have any trouble getting up, I just have rouble staying upright:laugh: because of the dizziness

    Oh, I found out a way to get around not having to use my grandma's old meat tenderizer mallet on my Kashi go lean crunch. I just let the yogurt soften it and then break it up with my spoon while eating it. So now my cat doesn't have to be terrified of me at night.

    Carol, I went through all those feelings many times in my nursing career. I was glad that every job transfer I put in for was rejected though because in the long run I was on the best nursing unit that I could be on. I just had times that I was really frustrated with it. I never tried to work anywhere else but the same hospital because I didn't want to lose out on my vacation acrued or where I was in the pension plan. We had a wonderful head of nursing that had an open door policy and I spent a lot of hours in her office. It did cause some changes in practice though and I was glad that I was listened to. Well one of the changes I was inadvertantly responsible for though made the pharmacy technicians have to change their hours for 8-4:30 to 6-2:30. My husband was livid about that change. I never, ever told him I was the one who caused it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    take care everyone! working too hard this week, left the house at 5:30am and sat down for the first time at about 8:30pm for dinner... going to bed.

    Kim in N. Cal.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning dear friends

    :frown: Didn't manage to get back last night, Had a funny type of day yesterday. Didn't quite feel 100%. It was a bit embarrassing because we had a meeting where the CEO was giving us a business update and I was quite near the front, I could feel my eyes closing, and kept having to pinch myself to stop falling asleep :noway: :noway: I'm sure she must have seen me. It's amazing the rubbish that goes through your mind though when you are half asleep and trying so hard to keep awake and listen to the person talking :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: I was so tired that when I got home I fell asleep shortly after tea and dozed for the rest of the evening. Woke up and went to bed. So far this morning I feel a bit more alert and awake :laugh: :laugh: Don't know how long it will last :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker: Today is my last day at work until 7th July yeay!! I need to get a few bits in for DH and DD whilst I'm away, but after today I will be in holiday mode :bigsmile:

    Looking forward to lots of rest and fresh air.

    Viv (dull and cooler today) in York UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: have you considered a yogurt maker? I had one years ago in college. It’s easy to make your own. I had one that made several small pots, but there are lots of different models.

    Vi: just start by filling in the information MFP wants (height, weight, *reasonable* rate of weight loss) and logging your food.

    Renny: thanks for the sleep reminder. I tend to go to bed about an hour too late.

    Viv: hope you had a good night’s sleep.

    Stolen wallets etc.: my bank has a service where I can register all my debit/credit cards, passport, driver’s license, almost anything you can think of. If my wallet is stolen I only have to call one number and they block everything; sometimes they will even order the new cards for you. They even have key fobs with registered numbers. Might be worth looking into. I’ve only used it once or twice but it sure saved me a lot of trouble (and probably money, if someone had tried to use my credit card).

    Had a busy day yesterday with a bit more walking than usual, so I’m kind of sore today. Yesterday I took the Ikea nightstand I put together for that friend over to her house. I biked and had the nightstand in my dog's bike trailer. (Exercise, exercise!). It worked fine.

    Hoping to just more or less be at home today, though I have to run a couple of errands.

    I made a topic but will ask the question here as well: does anybody know of a small food scale I could keep in my bag on vacation? Or does everyone just eyeball it away from home?

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    A very good morning to everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to Joyce in Shetland. I am about as far away as possible and still in the UK - down in the far south, in Hampshire!:flowerforyou:
    I have always wanted to visit Shetland so you never know - I might turn up on your doorstep!

    Michele - I make my own yoghourt, no equipment. It keeps for ages. Bought yoghourt also keeps for ages. You can always use it up by adding it to milk for baking - brilliant in scones, as it acts like buttermilk. Bought yoghourt probably has some kind of preservative in it anyway.

    My brother did reply to my email, so after the third time of trying he has proposed next Wednesday evening for coming to dinner. He still has to sort out a babysitter for his teenagers :laugh: , but I hope it comes off. I will have to decide today what we are going to eat as we are in London for the weekend and Monday and Tuesday DH will have the car to get to cricket in London, so I won't be able to shop. I think I might order a food delivery. That is very popular in the UK.

    I'm making my sourdough bread today. :bigsmile: I got the starter out of the fridge over a week ago and I've been reviving the yeast. It's a bit like having a pet, you have to feed it every day! :laugh: Started the dough off yesterday morning and it's really bubbling now, so I will go down in a minute and add the final flour and give it a light kneading. Then wait for it to rise and voila! ! ! ! I have run out of wholemeal bread flour, so this loaf will be the starter which was wholemeal, a bit of spelt, a bit of white and about a third of rye. I love the rye for the lovely sour crust it gives. I will probably freeze the result in two halves for guests as I've just got a new granary loaf out of the freezer and we are away for the weekend. It's a major investment in time and effort, but remember I do this for fun! ! ! !:bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile:

    We are hoping for rain this evening or tomorrow. I hope it's a good dose.

    Love to all. I will be doing my leg extensions today using my ankle weights.:bigsmile:

    Hesther in dry and sunny Hampshire UK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning,

    Getting ready to head out for my last morning walk on the beach before our long 2 day drive home. Planning to leave around lunchtime.

    Overall it was a great and MUCH needed break, everything a "vacation" should be....for all of us.

    Have skimmed a bit. Not sure what was up with DS Katla, but glad to read he's on the mend. Not much worse than watching your baby, regardless of age, being wheeled off to the OR, speaking as someone who knows.

    Happy day to all.

    xo- Gloria enjoying her last few hours on Clearwater Beach before heading back to soggy Metro Detroit
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to all, thanks for the words of encouragement yesterday. I needed them. I work today unless DD calls in labor, tomorrow morning she is sceduled for a C-section. She really hoped not to have to have one as the recovery time is so much longer and harder. I will have a three day week-end either way but don't thing I'll get much rest taking care of a 4 and 2 yr old. But I won't be at work anyway.

    Kathy SJ, I love my fitbit, it really encourages me.

    Vicki GI NE, I’m sorry to hear about your sister. Hopefully you are right and she is free of the pain now.

    Sylvia, Great joke.

    Lucy DE, Glad you had a good time in DC, hats off to your DMIL. I love DC myself and really want to revisit again.

    Carol NC, Yes to all of that, the fear is overwhelming at times and the desire to go clashes and it’s a vicious cycle. Those fears are legit but the unhappiness is as well. You nailed it.

    Joyce in Shetland Welcome and sounds like you are on the right track.

    Welcome VI, Just take one day at a time and don’t try to change everything at once.

    Renny, The baby looks beautiful, I can’t wait to meet my new one. Tomorrow is the day!

    I haven't had a cup of coffee yet so I feel awfully sluggisg, time to go get one.
    Have a healthy day, Patty Cincinnati OH
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am down a pound this morning. I made a large salad for us for dinner last night, one those "meal in a bowl" salads. Maybe I will do them more often! I'm not recording it yet, just in case......

    Today is strength training for chest and back. I also work my shoulders every other day. Some stretching first, treadmill after.

    Michele, I'm so glad you heard from Bryan!

    Vicki, I'm so sorry about your sister.

    Patty, hugs and best wishes for your new grand baby coming.

    Gloria, safe travels home.

    Kim, I hope you got some rest last night, that was a long day.

    Heather, making sourdough bread sounds fun. It reminds me of Amish Friendship Bread I made years ago. I named it Wilbur. I fed it every two weeks for a long time. Finally put him to rest......

    Welcome all new ladies!

    Have a wonderful day All!

    Cindy in OK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Chiming in on the fibroid issue. Hysterectomy was the best thing ever for me. Mine were coupled with ovarian cysts. I was trying to wait for summer for the hysterectomy when one of the cysts ruptured. That is the sickest I have ever been in my life. I spent the weekend in the hospital on IV antibiotics, called my principal and told him I would not be back. I was having surgery ASAP. I never knew I was so sick until all of a sudden I was well. It was great!

    Carol and Patty and all the others who are struggling with life issues that just get you down. Sometimes all you can do is keep on keeping on until the right opportunity presents itself. Don't beat yourself up about it. We are hear to listen. Vent all you'd like.

    Eileen - I love Wisconsin Dells. We used to stop there for a brief visit en route from Georgia to Minnesota. I always wanted to stay a whole week, but we always had to keep moving. One day is the most we ever managed.

    Michele - I'm so happy that Bryan is keeping in touch, sporadic though it may be.

    Safe travels and happy times for all going on vacation. We are not going anywhere this summer, but maybe in the fall. I'd honestly rather spend the money to fix up something around the house, so we may not go anywhere then.

    Day 11 of my recommit. So far, I've exercised and been under my calories every day and feeling better about the scale. Having time to actually cook has been wonderful. Summer is always such a good time to experiment with fresh vegetables. We had roasted Brussels sprouts last night - yummy!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies – I've been trying to get on here daily, as it seems if I go a few days its too hard to catch up!!!

    I am so ready for Friday. Getting ready to go on vacation and I am sort of wishing time away as I am really looking forward to getting away for a week. We are going to Ocean City, MD, don’t have a lot planned, just hanging out at the beach, meeting up with some friends and enjoying the time off.

    Well, the doctor called and I got my biopsy and lab results back – All Negative. So that it is really good news, but doesn’t address my weight gain and excessive bleeding. I really did think it was going to come back saying I had fibroids, but am glad to get back the results I did. I go back to see him mid-July so will see what recommendations he has at that time. In the mean time, I’ll continue my exercises and logging my food as I have been.

    :smile: Heather – I love beets, especially beet salad.
    :smile: Lucy – sounds like a very nice weekend in DC. I really enjoy DC, which reminds me I am overdue for a visit, perhaps once the fall comes me and hubby will go for a long weekend.
    :smile: Cynthia – I made pretzel salad last weekend for a cookout, it was a big hit, but unfortunately I still had a ton left over, I finally threw it out so I wouldn’t be tempted.

    For all you ladies with a Fitbit, if you’d like to friend me: //www.fitbit.com/user/22GT66

    Have a nice day.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Off and running early...........had DH at the garage to pick up his car by 7:30 (good-bye almost $800.00......), then on to Gwen's---took her for a blood draw, out to breakfast, then on to her eye surg. check up
    AMAZING, one day post op and she's reading (at 84) lower lines than I can on the chart!!!!!!!!! Her Dr. (best looking one I've seen in ages, BTW!!) is VERY pleased. I just think of him as Dr. Adorable...........

    Joyce............The thought of you pounding Kashi and terrorizing your poor car almost made me pee my pants!!!!!!!! I can just see it all in my mind..........and, believe me, it's funny!!!!!!!

    Kim.............Hope you got some well-deserved rest!

    Viv.............Enjoy every second of that vacay!

    Heather...........Your bread sounds lovely; my DH is a rye bread eater, he would really like it, I'm sure.

    drkatiebug...........Congrats on your good eating and exercising!!! Love roasted Brussels sprouts........do you season them at all? Sometimes I sprinkle them with a bit of balsamic vinegar about 2 min. before bringing them out of the oven, adds a different dimension to the taste.

    Gloria................Be safe!

    Cindy.........Yes, another one bites the dust!!!!!!!!!!

    Suzy............Enjoy vacay!!!! YAY, nothing like that word "negative"!!!!!!

    Cynthia............I just guesstimate..........

    Hot and humid!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Yeah! My sourdough bread, straight out of the oven!

    Cindy - I keep the starter in the fridge for months without feeding it. It looks horrible with a thick black coating on it. Then when I feel like it I get it out and scrape all the dead yeast off, rescue the fresh part underneath and start feeding it. It takes about a week to really get its strength back. Now it's back in the fridge again until I next get the urge!:laugh:

    Grrrrrr :grumble: I got a cheque today from the premium bonds because DS#2 hadn't sent in the proofs of my granddaughter's identity. So I've got my money back.:sad:

    I've done a big delivery order for Monday so all will be well for a grand old cook up. :laugh:
    Menu so far:

    Rillettes (from France in a fancy jar), homemade kipper pate (in freezer), homemade granary rolls(in freezer), grilled artichokes (in delivery), carrot rape, (to do on Wed), celeriac remoulade (to do on Wed).

    Squid stewed in white wine, (to make on Tues pm) finished with fresh tomatoes. Rouille (a spicy red mayonnaise) on the side. Rice and garlicky french beans.

    Yoghourt and vanilla pannacotta.(do Mon or Tues) with fresh raspberry coulis. (Wed)

    Epoisses cheese and seedy biscuits.

    Yummy enough?:laugh:
    I like to serve a meal where people can choose what to eat and how much of everything. My brother has a huge appetite, my DSIL is supposed to be on a diet, and I am watching calories. The only thing that is fattening as a portion is the pannacotta. Everything else you can choose how much to have, if any and the squid is low in calories. I normally don't eat dessert, but that is one of my very favourite recipes. I will probably halve the quantities as the recipe makes 8 and I don't want to be left with tempting goodies. They don't freeze.

    Done my leg exercises today with my weights. Knee still OK.

    It was raining a minute ago, but it seems to have stopped.:grumble: Bring on the rain! ! ! ! ! !

    Love Heather in expectant Hampshire UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: Got my yoga done this morning and was going to walk the dog but it is raining off and on though not too heavy yet. We have a reunion meeting later then off to buy groceries so I will get some steps in there.

    To Gloria and others traveling I send traveling mercies.

    Kim - Is this cooking class just one week? I bet you are tired and looking forward to the weekend but hope you are still enjoying it.

    Still working on eating as little sugar as possible mostly protein, veggies and nuts and one fruit per day. So far I have been doing well. It will be interesting to see what the scale says on Sunday.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD