

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Got my aunt's Hosta moved. Her biggest problem is deer. She tries to spray but we have had so much rain it washes right off. So many of her plants that were about to bloom became deer food.:grumble:

    Went dancing outside last night. On Thursday nights in the summer they have outdoor dancing in a park downtown named 'Rice Park. It was created about the same time as Central Park in New York. This park is much smaller one city block square. Still a nice park in the middle of the city.The Mississippi borders the city. Because of all the rain there is some flooding. Fortunately this park is not effected.

    Making bars for tomorrows party. It is cherry bar recipe. I only make them is I have an event to take them to. There is a cup of butter in the crust.

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Take care.

    Today I will weed out the vegetable garden, so tomorrow we will be that much closer to having fresh veggies.

    2014 word: contentment

  • dlpappas
    dlpappas Posts: 14
    Happy Friday!!!

    I’ll be on vacation the next week so probably won’t get to post. Hopefully, my husband (is that DH? Not sure of the abbreviations I see here) will be feeling all right and we can continue with our plans of being at the beach. I’m going to try VERY hard to eat right, but ice cream, Pier fries (at Old Orchard Beach in Maine, which are absolutely the best), and all that other good stuff, will be hard to resist! Moderation, I guess!

    Jane, congrats on your good news. So sorry about the house! There has to be some law that says she has to give you a certain amount of notice! Hope something turns up soon.

    Grandmallie – have a nice trip!

    Yanniejannie – the manager that reprimanded the young man was NOT a good manager and should be reprimanded himself! Try not to feel bad, you didn’t mean to get the young man in trouble and I’m sure he knows that.

    Sylvia – our IT guys just LOVED your joke from yesterday and they’re passing it around now, too. And thanks for today's laugh
    Where do you GET these from?? Congrats on the firm, less squishy parts!! WTG!

    Joyce – good luck with the tilt table test. Never heard of that one, so will be interested to hear about it. Best wishes for good results! I’ll be thinking and praying for you.

    Sherry – Happy birthday on Monday! And welcome to the 60’s! I’m halfway through and it really isn’t so bad. You’re only as old as you feel!

    Carol – congrats on the NSV!

    Barbie – thanks for the Magic Bullet info. I think I’ll get one after all.

    Katia – I’m changing shampoos right away! 

    Suzy – thanks for the pretzel salad link. I’m going to try it this weekend. Happy vacation!

    Have a great day everyone and good luck on your goals. Wishing those traveling a safe trip and fun time away. Prayers for those with challenges.

    :flowerforyou: to all!

  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Diane: My sister has been using a magic bullet for the last few weeks and likes it, she said she didn’t think her blender would do raw carrots etc.

    Just a short check in today probably won’t get back for a couple of days, my 2 GD are coming for a sleep over tonight, and I have a potluck to get ready for on Sunday.

    Had another gain this week on the scale but thinking positive thoughts. Like “I positively will be more active while the girls are here!”:smile:

    Cathy in NS
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Diane - I'm on a mailing list for JokeADay, or something like that. every day I get a new joke in my e-mail. Not all of them are fit to reprint. I have a countertop blender similar to a magic bullet that I got at Walgreens, and it has some strange ridges on the INSIDE of the cup that makes it very hard to scrape all the goodies out. I'd much rather the walls were smooth inside. I'd recommend checking to make sure the one you are going to buy doesn't have those.

    Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to work I go...

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    Sylvia, you come visit me. You would not be a 'poor relation' here. You would be a treasured guest.

    My mother used to make the most wonderful pickled beets. Oh, did I mention they were wonderful. But I hated being around while she was fixing them. Oh it stank. But when I was in college and then newly married the first top I would make when I would get to their house would be to got o the pantry and see what I could pack in my suitcase. It was a a sad day when we finally ate the last jar. At one point they were low enough that they were reserved only for big family dinners. OOOH they were so good. But parents get old enough that at one point they just can't do what they used to. And Mom's pickled beets, vegetable chow chow, strawberry and grape jams, tomato sauces eventually ran out.

    Got a letter yesterday that I had not paid my state taxes. I was livid, husband ready to go buy a shotgun. So I gathered all the papers saying that I did, searched their letter and found a customer service phone number and prepared to go to war this morning. First of all I was put on what they said would be a 30 minute hold. Didn't turn out that bad though. Anyway what happened was that they had recieved the payment but had applied it to next years taxes! Now why in the world would they do that. So she wanted me to fax everything to her, which would involve going tot he library and paying to use the fax machine. They also wanted the front and back of the check. Well it was all paid electronically with my debit card so there was no front and back of check. Besides that why should I go through all that when I, in good faith, paid it and had proof. So she got a supervisor to switch it to this years. So easy for them to do. so they will send me out a letter saying it was applied to this years taxes and it will not affect my credit rating since I took care of it by the deadline they had set. Well bless their hearts.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Been house and apt hunting.No luck yet.Did see the notice on the computer for sale date of July 10th.
    So we`ll see.Trying not to use food for comfort as I am so upset and worried.
    Not much in the mood to chat,sorry.
    Hugs jane
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Got a letter yesterday that I had not paid my state taxes. I was livid, husband ready to go buy a shotgun. So I gathered all the papers saying that I did, searched their letter and found a customer service phone number and prepared to go to war this morning. First of all I was put on what they said would be a 30 minute hold. Didn't turn out that bad though. Anyway what happened was that they had recieved the payment but had applied it to next years taxes! Now why in the world would they do that. So she wanted me to fax everything to her, which would involve going tot he library and paying to use the fax machine. They also wanted the front and back of the check. Well it was all paid electronically with my debit card so there was no front and back of check. Besides that why should I go through all that when I, in good faith, paid it and had proof. So she got a supervisor to switch it to this years. So easy for them to do. so they will send me out a letter saying it was applied to this years taxes and it will not affect my credit rating since I took care of it by the deadline they had set. Well bless their hearts.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce: I had a similar experience with a medical bill. DH paid it using electronic checks from the bank and had clear records. The clerk on the phone was adamant that I was wrong. I asked to speak to a supervisor. They had erroneously applied the payment to a bill of DH's that he'd paid years ago. I received a verbal apology from the supervisor. The problem went away, but the feelings of anger and frustration took longer.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katla:smile: Oh my gosh all those years of using shampoo:laugh: , time to get the Dawn dishwashing liquid out:laugh: :laugh: ! Thank you for sharing that I so needed a good laugh!

    Heather:smile: Every time I see your profile pic I want bread:sad: ! It sounds very yummy:love: !

    Alison:smile: Have a wonderful time with your granddaughters:love: !!!

    Patty in OH:smile: Is the baby here yet:love: ???

    Sylvia:smile: Once again I love the jokes :laugh: !

    Joyce:smile: Anytime I have anything to send regarding taxes, I mail it "return receipt requested" . One year the IRS sent me a letter telling me I owed an unheard of amount of money (I would like to make as much money to have to pay taxes like that:laugh: ). It took my accountant almost a year to straighten it out, and she used to work for the IRS :noway: :angry: , they ended up owing me money:laugh: , I won't tell you what she said about them:blushing: . Glad you got everything straightened out!

    Jane Martin:smile: I'm so sorry things are so up in the air for you:sad: !!! Sending you a hug:heart::flowerforyou: !

    Everyone on vacation...have a wonderful relaxing and fun time!!!!

    I was just getting ready to take the golf cart out and go across the street to feed my brother's and sister in law's cats....I opened the garage door and wouldn't you know it, it started raining:angry: , now it's thundering and lighting, I will look on the bright side, at least I wasn't caught out in it:bigsmile: . Kitties will have to wait a bit longer to be fed!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!!!

    DeeDee in stormy NC:frown:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    Hello to all: Went out early this morning to see my horse but did not ride. There is an indoor arena but the forecast was for thunder storms and I have a thing about being in a metal building on top of a hill with lightning. Go figure! I got my kitchen floor cleaned and bought new kitchen rugs as rubber on the back of the old ones was beginning to crumble. Now it has rained off and on all day with storms this evening and the dog is tracking in water every time she goes out. I wish housework would stay done more than 20 minutes.:grumble:

    Katla - Love the shampoo warning. No wonder I have a weight problem having been in aquatics most of my life and who knows how many showers I have taken with that stuff!!!:noway:

    Traveling mercies and happy times to all those on vacation.:happy:

    Sue in SD
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Bump ...

    And have a great weekend ladies!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bumping, too -- just lurking about this week.
    Gail, metro ATL
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Jane...praying for you and the house situation. It seems like there should be at least a 30 day notice for you to vacate.

    We got home tonight from our trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin. I miss the little grandsons already! Good thing my other son and his family (including a 2 month old) are in town this weekend. I need a baby fix already!

    We flew home on stand-by since my dh worked for the airline for over 30 years. It's supposed to be a perk from that long employment. The planes were pretty full, but we did make it onto both flights. I was so relieved!

    Now it's time for laundry and unpacking. Back to the real world.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I consistently keep my daily sodium under 1500 mg and when I have a day with a change (Mexican restaurant meal, for example), my weight goes up as much as two and half pound the next day and takes about a week to go back down....my guess is that the bread (wheat and sodium) added both bulk that will take awhile to digest and water retention.....so don't panic....just keep on going like a clock ticking in a thunderstorm.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Alison: hope you have a nice and restful vacation!

    Sylvia: love your freezer description. I agree with you: being home without your animals is weird. Something (someone) is missing.

    Suzy: hope you enjoy your vacation.

    Margaret: recently I read that you can sprinkle urine (human) around plants you don’t want to be eaten by deer. That would be easier for a man to do, of course. :wink: Also, there was something about egg whites. My mom has the same problem with deer; almost all her hostas are gone.

    Joyce: annoying tax glitch. Make sure you get that letter!

    Jane: thinking of you. Have you been able to get any advice? :flowerforyou:

    Today we’re moving some office furniture from a place I used to work to our (my) house, to be used when my guy moves in. He’s just gone by train to that office, where he’ll start taking the legs off the desk, taping drawers shut etc. (with a friend of his). Meanwhile I’m making sandwiches and going to pick up the minivan we’ve rented. Never drove a minivan before and never drove a diesel vehicle before. And I have to drive it in a busy city and try to find a place to park. But I’m known for being intrepid in matters of driving.:bigsmile: G. and his friend will be doing most of the loading, but G. and I will be doing the offloading together here. Should burn some calories. Unfortunately, we should have gone to sleep earlier last night, but we'll make it.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • kaybayly
    kaybayly Posts: 11
    Hi everyone, I have just joined mfp and looking around the forums. This one seems to be so friendly and supportive and I fit the criteria of being over 50, in fact I am getting very close to 60, so hope that still makes me eligable. It is great to see the amount of weight some of you have lost. I am hoping for 15kgs which is something like 30 lbs. It is good to see others achieving this as I have started to think it was not possible. I have been doing tons of exercise and watching what I eat, but nothing has been happening, so I thought that tracking what I ate might help. Has everyone lost weight by reducing calories? And by how much? Hope I have posted this in the right spot and I can become part of your group. And lucky you all those who are starting holidays. I am in Australia and we are in winter and having some cold days.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies - just a quick post today, for some reason the time is flying by and I've only done a few of the chores I set myself. (probably been on MFP too long :bigsmile: )

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Kaybayly I'm logging what I eat too, my weight has gone up since Chrismas! I think my problem is portion size, I need to cut down oh and also cut down on the snacks too :embarassed: :embarassed: Anyway you will get lots of support and help from these dear ladies.

    :ohwell: Lunchtime over, better get a bit more done before DD comes home from work and we go off on a dog walk. It's a bit cooler here today, typical it's because I'm going away for a few days on Monday, I never have much luck with holiday weather :frown: :frown: Last year we went in early October and it was rainy, so this year decided to go earlier in the year. Never mind anything could happen before Monday :drinker: So come on Mr Sunshine come back :glasses: :glasses:

    Viv (Wizzy YorkUK)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    Hi everyone, I have just joined mfp and looking around the forums. This one seems to be so friendly and supportive and I fit the criteria of being over 50, in fact I am getting very close to 60, so hope that still makes me eligable. It is great to see the amount of weight some of you have lost. I am hoping for 15kgs which is something like 30 lbs. It is good to see others achieving this as I have started to think it was not possible. I have been doing tons of exercise and watching what I eat, but nothing has been happening, so I thought that tracking what I ate might help. Has everyone lost weight by reducing calories? And by how much? Hope I have posted this in the right spot and I can become part of your group. And lucky you all those who are starting holidays. I am in Australia and we are in winter and having some cold days.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome....you have absolutely come to the right place---our ages range from almost 50 to almost 70 (maybe beyond, I'm not sure).....we are well represented from the northern hemisphere and welcome a member from the southern hemisphere. I started by weighing and measuring my food and logging it accurately and noticing where all the calories were coming from so I could make substitutions. The process can be slow but it is worth it to improve your health and quality of life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington State (the North Olympic Peninsula with beautiful mountains, lots of water and on a clear day you can see Canada)
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Hello everyone. I am back again!!! I stopped taking tamoxifen. The side effects were greater than the benefits vis a vis return of The cancer. I feel like my old self again - more energy - better mood. I stacked wood yesterday. Wouldn't have been able to do that before. Took a long walk with the dog, planted flowers, weeded vegetable garden, etc. I stopped taking the drug on Monday and lost 3 pounds this week. So I am encouraged to keep it up.

    Having breakfast with the girls this morning. Think I will have an egg on English muffin. Shouldn't have too many calories. Also drinking green tea and eating fruit before I go so I don't give in to bacon, etcetera

    I will read al posts later. Just wanted to mark my spot for now
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    I have a headache this am, had it everytime I got awake during the night......no idea why. Will have some Tylenol with breakfast. Yesterday was a good day all around........ate well, and most of the garage got sorted and cleaned; HUGE haul to the thrift store. They will finish cleaning sometime over the weekend. That's usually the problem here, certain people (not saying who) lose interest and energy for projects and they don't get completed.........but a good stab was made even if it doesn't get done.

    Sylvia.......Thrilled that someone else likes Upworthy as much as I do!!! LOL....."staging area for the trash can". .....yes, I know exactly what you are saying. You could maybe hit the mall this am, get your haircut and pick up those tops and have one less concern bothering you.

    Suzy_in_De................I'll be in Chincoteague to see the ponies before this years round-up and auction of the foals. I'll be there mid-week; about 3hrs.(?) south of you.

    Diane..........Yes, DH is dear husband although sometimes just what the d stands for is questionable. My food temptations will come later in the summer if we travel up to Pa.
    and, honestly, ( at the risk of sounding like I'm planning to fail) I probably will indulge.

    Joyce............I loved my mom's chow chow...........got a very close recipe from my aunt, but I don't jar it. I've cut it down to just make enough for a rather large side dish.

    Cynthia............Good luck with both the driving and the move today!

    Susan.......... A big welcome back!!!!


    Viv............Better weather to you!

    Got to run, Hi to everyone else..........Hope you have great days!!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Joyce feel your frustration. Yesterday, we got a bill from a collection agency for a phone bill. My DH thought it was a scam. I told him that this happened to us before with this phone company ( turned out it wasn't even our phone number that was billed in that case). I convinced him we needed to look into it because they can put a black mark in your credit rating. Again someone at this phone company made a mistake. The person who owed the money lives in Virginia Minnesota. Four phone calls later my DH had it straightened out. So yes I do understand your frustration to get the tax payment straightened out. I try to remind myself people do make mistakes and in this case it only cost about and an hour of time. No one was seriously hurt.
