

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have an overcast morning with a chance of showers. I suspect that we’ll work on the sailboat today. Batteries were delivered yesterday and await connection. We need a few supplies that should be available locally.

    I hope to have a big enough dry patch during the day to walk the dog. If not, I’ll ride my recumbent trike in the garage. I like to keep contingency plans in mind, even though I’ve been able to get outside with the dog nearly every day.

    I haven’t heard from DS since he went home after his neck surgery. I’ll send him a text to see how he’s doing. We anticipate DS & DDIL being here for the 4th of July weekend. I wish DD could be here too, but airfare costs were too high, and she’s too close to the end of her pregnancy to risk flying, anyway.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • sansyteach1
    Hi Everyone,... I just wanted it introduce myself . I am 52 and teach first grade which keeps me active but the last year has been tough. I have gained 30 pounds due to stress and grief. We have lost five people this year including my mother and mother-in-law
    I ate my way through the grief and have finally decided to get healthy, I joined a gym yesterday and MFP and am hoping it will keep me accountable.... Blessings to everyone and I hope you have a great day!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    It is a humid but gorgeous morning in Oklahoma. I logged 1/2 pound loss since it stuck for 2 days, so hanging on! Today I did strength training for arms, legs and shoulders. If we stay home today I will begin my next art project. I found a picture of a beautiful little girl on a rocking horse. I've drawn a lot of real horses and am intrigued by drawing a toy horse. There is a trick to making eyes have life, so we will see how to make a toy look like a toy.

    Margaret, cherry bars sound yummy. Dancing outside sounds fabulous.

    Jane, so sorry your home situation isn't settled yet.

    Alison, have a wonderful trip.

    Sylvia, I love your jokes. Congrats on having firmer parts!

    Carol, congrats on you NSV!

    Sherry, wishing you a happy birthday on Monday.

    Joyce, that is so frustrating when your finances are messed with, Grrrrr!

    Sue, I hear you, I wish housework would stay done long enough to enjoy how nice it looks when clean!

    Eileen, glad you enjoyed your vacation.

    Kaybaly, welcome!

    Yanniejannie, I hope your headache goes away. Wow, that was a lot of cleaning you did!

    Katie, we used to have a small sailboat. Hubby loves the water. I couldn't swim when we married (Mother was terrified of water so I was never near it). I took lessons at the local YMCA. Hubby asked me if I could swim when I got home from lesson one. I was a little deflated that he thought I should be swimming. I was excited that I could at least float! I did love that boat!

    Sansyteach, welcome! I'm so sorry you have had so many losses in such a short time. Please come back often, you have found a great group of supportive women. Hugs.

    To all I missed, have a wonderful day.

    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: kaybayli and sansiteach-welcome. You will find a supportive environment on this forum. I started MFP a number of years ago, logging everything I consumed. I already knew how to measure portions and what foods were the best for me. I found out big time that calorie counting is only one aspect if you want to lose weight. My approach is some protein at every meal, lots of vegetables, some fruit, and little or no starch. I eat nuts for snacks, and we use real butter in our house. We keep no junk food in the house, although a birthday party will be the occasional exception.

    different people have different approaches. I've experimented with mine over the years, because I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    :heart: I am resting up from a week of helping DD and infant. Oh my, is he a little cutie (of course); we had some great bonding time.

    This afternoon DH and i are supposed to attend a BBQ put on by the organization where he volunteers. I will bring my water bottle and have lunch beforehand. It will be nice to meet the other volunteers.

    that's it for now. I am writing on my tablet, and it's not as successful as on the pc. Time to call mom, who is still hanging in there.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Not starting out good.Sent emails to a bunch of housing places and my email acct won`t send me any emails.:sad: ::grumble:
    On the phone 30 min for support,they hung up,not on another 30 min.YIKES.:explode: :mad:
    Hope your day goes better.:heart:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good morning ladies:happy: . Thursday was a stressful day. DH sister ended up at Nebraska Heart Hospital in Lincoln and had surgery. They got two of the four blockages opened and said that was all they were doing for now as her heart is three times the size it should be. So for now she is stable. So we spent the day at the hospital. Then DSD got herself arrested for fighting with the people next door in her apartment house. Found out she has been doing alot of that lately and I do think the police were tried of coming out everyday and so they took her and the boyfriend from next door. Her mom lives there and she called us for bail money. Now we do not hear from any of them unless they need something. We told her no and that it might do her good to sit the night in jail. I am so concerned about the grandbabies, she has four. So been really stressed. But I did not do real bad food wise. Did alot of praying. Thanks for listening.
    Last evening we helped the Comos set up their firework stand. DH is a member. I have not worked that hard in along time and was tired when we got home. I do think I earned my DQ treat. Then we got over an inch of rain during the night. Not sure what it wants to do today as cloudy this morning. We are to go to an open house at the Vets home this evening.

    Welcome Vi--The most important thing I have learned is this is a lifestyle change and take it One day at a time.:flowerforyou:

    Renny--So nice of you to help DD get some sleep. I know when I don't get atleast 6 hours I feel terrible and have trouble getting anything done. And yes all I want to do is eat. So trying to get more sleep. Easier said then done most the time.

    Suzy--Great news on the lab results. Maybe since you have had D&C the bleeding will be better. I know when I had mine the D&C stopped it. I am not understanding the add friend part of the fitbit. Does that let you see my stats or what. I know I love my fitbit and try and walk more to see the lights add up.

    Heather--bread looks great! Some butter and I would be set. Can you tell that is one of my weakness.

    bj--That sounds like a good idea and going to try it. :flowerforyou:

    Robin--good news about Bodi.:heart:

    Patty--hope all goes as planned and you enjoy your time with the grandbabies and the new DGD.

    Joyce--Please take care of yourself. Glad to hear the doctor is doing something so soon. I have the oatmeal at McDonalds and it is only 290 calories. Any thing with taxes scare me. Glad you got it taken care of. I had a issue with a collection company acouple months ago about a bill the said I owed Quest from 2008. I told them I paid it and they wanted prove. I said it was so long ago and why would they waite till now if not paid. So I told them to prove I owed it. I got aletter acouple weeks later telling me they were dropping it and would not go on my credit report. But understand as I was still upset for awhile.

    Deb A--Welcome back, One day at a time is the best way to go. sounds like good ways to spend time with DD and mom. I know since my dad passed I have worried about mom being 5 hours away and my DS 2 hours away. I call her often and she tells me all she is doing. My DS and DDIL went out last month and helped her do things around the house.

    Jane-congrates on your lab results. Sorry to hear about your house. Does that mean you have to move by July 10th? I would think they have to give you atleast 30 day notice. That is one good thing about our owning our home, no one can sell it out from under us or raise the rent. But the bad part is when something goes wrong we have to figure out the money for repair.

    Allison--hope your vacation and time with the DGD's goes well. Remember to breath and enjoy them.

    Sherry--Happy early Birthday. Enjoy the time with DGS. I love spending time with my DGD Paytn. She is 6 and so funny at times. Makes me feel young.

    Carol--Great NSV.


    Welcome back Susan,

    well need to get some house work done and DH has a friend and his wife from out of state coming to town this afternoon and wants to meet for coffee. Take care and Remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Good morning. I have been slow to get back to a regular routine of checking in with MFP (which goes along with not eating quite right or exercising!)

    I am newly motivated now though. I'm scheduled for atrial fibrillation (afib) ablation on July 15. It's a scary prospect but seems like the right thing to do. I've had afib for 14 years and have taken various meds that have helped, but less so as time has gone on. They all tend to have potentially bad side effects too.

    I've been reading (my obsession!) studies that show that afib gets better with weight loss, exercise, etc. Duh. Patients who have ablations also do better with weight loss, exercise, etc. Duh again.

    So...took BP, measured waist, hips, neck & boobs, and stood on the scale. I'm in it to win it (as famously said).

    Warm regards to everyone.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I'm up in London with the DGC and they are just about to go to bed. Then DS is doing steak on the bbq, with broccoli snd asparagus. Because we couldn't fit our ecercise in today I have only 140 extra calories to eat. I will go over I'm sure.
    Tomorrow ix another day. I didn't have afternoon cake at the tea shop and I was very good at lunch so not all is lost.

    Love to all. Speak tomorrow.
    Heather in damp London UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Went over by 260 cals. Still under TDEE. SOOOOOO hard with wine.

    Been watching the World Cup during dinner. Glad Brazil won for the country's morale. :drinker: :drinker: Hope Colombia win for our friends who live there.:heart::flowerforyou: :love:

    I just adore my grandchildren. Fabulous.:love::love: :love:

    Jane - hang on in there - it will work out.:flowerforyou:
    Love you all, Heather UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Just posting to save my place.

    Has anyone tried King Arthur or Red Star recipes for bread? KA is fantastic.I use their sour dough /bread.

    Jane,Hope you find a place that suits you.

    Alison,have a great time with family. Remember to find time for relaxing.

    Happy thoughts for those who need them,welcome to new posters. This Saturday has turned into a do nothing much day.

    Made a small lemon cake,used extra frosting to put vanilla wafers together .We had 1/2a sub with pickled mushrooms & chips for
    late lunch,so done cooking.

    Pat in Ohio
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good day wonderful freinds. another beautiful day here. I sure would like to be able to attend the Web.com golf tournament in the town next to us. But I am a little afraid that my MS wouldn't let me enjoy it and my husband gets bored rather easily. When we watch golf on TV the camera knows exactly where to take you and I'm afraid watching it live wouldn't be as exciting. But I still think it would be interesting just to see how the tournament works, what all goes on behind the scenes. On the PGA tour, they have this thing that if one of the pros gets a hole in one then someone who registers gets their mortgage paid for a year. One was made today so someone will be made happy today.

    Oldest daughter wants us to meet them in Louisville on July 4th. My SIL is from there and his sister's little boy turns 1 next week and they are going to the birthday party and then the fireworks on the river. It is pretty quick for us to drive to Louisville so we frequently meet for lunch. Anyway, we have been wanting to go to Joe's crab shack for a long time, before I started my diet almost 2 years ago so that's where everyone wants to go. I looked at their website and a ceasar salad seems to be my best bet but I don't like ceasar salad. I even looked at the kids menu. I may just have to say that next Friday I take a cheat day which is something I do not like to do. I know I read on the general forums that a lot of people do it every weekend but I don't want to even start that.

    My oldest grand daughter, the almost 13 year old just got back from youth camp last night so I am anxious to here from her what they did. My daughter routinely has another one of the youth members stay the weekend with them but another Mom wanted Christina to take care of their daughter for the weekend also. So it was a rather chatty group in the car last night as 3 near 13 year old girls got off the bus and went home with my daughter. My SIL built GD a loft bed as a surprise for her and she saw it last night for the first time. I have no idea though how 3 kids and her little sister slept in that room. Both of my grand daughters are so close, not in age but in relationship that I'm sure Ellie was looking forward to her big sister coming home and she could have her again. But instead she got 3 very close and bonded teenagers instead.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    It seems like ages since I stopped by, but I have been skimming and keeping up some. I took my resting heart rate a few days ago, and it was below 60. The chart I was looking at said that was "athletic!" I would never have described myself that way when I started exercising in my early 50s. It feels pretty good.

    I saw that domestic rabbit in the park again last time I was there. It is almost tame enough to catch, but not quite.

    As sure as it is summer here, there are weeds to be pulled. I am off to the garden.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi gals!

    I've started to write about 5 times since this morning and keep getting pulled away. We're home:ohwell: Got in before 8 last night. Spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, unpacking, etc. Going to need a vacation to recover.

    The trip was about as good as it could have been. The drive was long and I think next time biting the bullet for the extra cost of flying and renting a car will be strongly considered.

    My Biggest Loser book came while I was gone and I'll get getting started on Monday and also getting back into my exercise routine. I did do A LOT of walking while in Florida but that was about it.

    Hope everyone is well. I've been trying to do some skimming and will try again later tonight.

    xo- Gloria in steamy Metro Detroit
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Sansyteach1. Welcome. You have to look after yourself now! I also had a rough year and know how hard it is to get back on track. Good luck
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Saturday, hope you are satisfied with life!

    We had our first swim today, the pool reached 79! The fitbit cannot count that exercise, so sad!

    I have enjoyed writing the daily gratitude list...like Barbie I have made many, but they become static, and I find
    myself finding things to write down for the next day, and sorry I am limited to only 3! I liked the suggestion of
    posting them too....

    In our search for healthier foods we went off to a little town farm market where I knew at least 2 growers were
    selling, indeed, there were 4 or 5! Organic chicken, veal, goat's cheese, bread, lettuce, beef summer sausage, and the best strawberries I have ever tasted. Some things are from Mennonite growers....which is terrific!
    We also went back to the water buffalo farm and bought more of that meat ( which is both delicious and lean!) ....organic lamb,
    red peppers and organic coffee. Tried the water buffalo milk and the buffalo boccacino cheese...both fantastic.

    Still, long way away from Linda's great Costco sources...but we had the advantage of a warm summer day, fantastic country roads and spectacular rolling farms and picturesque farm houses! For which I am very grateful!

    We are expecting company tomorrow am for a swim and laundry ( Yes Dee, she is renovating her kitchen/laundry); then DD! and grandsons tomorrow afternoon for more swimming....

    Summer has arrived, at last....and I am grateful for that too!

    Hope you all have a healthy and wonderful weekend!

    BJ, SWOntario
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: bjmcq...I love farmer's markets and organic locally grown food. (someone remind me I must go tomorrow, because it is tough to get organic locally raised chicken anywhere else).

    :flowerforyou: Mimi ...I am really happy to see you post. I want you to post every day, if possible. No really, I do. Could you please, pretty please?:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :love: I am really happy with today. This morning I called my mom, who says she wants to live, as she is all better now (not really, but she was feeling good); this afternoon to a BBQ in appreciation of volunteers for an organization for which DH volunteers. DH was really happy I came along and met some of his volunteer friends. And yes, they all know HE is the chatty one. I do not know why people think automatically that women are more chatty than men. Mine is a people person who wants to chat, and keep on chatting!!!

    Then to Targets to return an item (and shop for more, which is very very tiring for me). Then drop in on DD and noisy (!) little family and had tea and homemade banana muffins (I don't know how she does it, having a newborn and all, but her hubby made the tea and took care of toddler who had to go potty). Then meeting up with DS and DDIL and (almost) 1 yr old at a local park for some unexpected togetherness. I had so many 'wee little people' kisses, including "carrot kisses" (apparently those are the ones after a toddler eats carrots, hehe)

    :drinker: Now DH and I are sitting together, nursing a glass of wine and reminiscing. Yes, we are tired, but who cares. It was one of those treasured days.

    Tomorrow I hope to have a quiet "me" day when DH is gone to do his volunteering and I - preferably - have no phonecalls . I may deadhead some flowers, I may do laundry, I may call someone. I may even go shopping, all on my own.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Love to all
    Rainy, sunny, not sure what weather...in Vancouver Island, BC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm just checking in. The kids were here all day and I have a lot to do before bedtime. Hubby said are leaving here promptly at 7am to drive to Chattanooga. Yeah, like that will happen.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps,

    Bug-eyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants!

    I'm about to tell you a story I've never heard before,

    So pull up a chair and sit on the floor.

    Admission is free, so pay at the door.

    One fine day, in the middle of the night,

    two, dead boys got up to fight.

    Back to back, they faced each other,

    drew their swords and shot each other.

    A deaf policeman heard the noise,

    and saved the lives of the two dead boys.

    If you don't believe my lies are true,

    ask the blind man, he saw it too!


    Good night all!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! Just a quick post to say hi. I have worked in my house all day and am exhausted. But, I got a lot done and I think I can see light at the end of the tunnel! I have another 30 minutes in my room and it will be finished. I'll be changing my sheets tomorrow so everything will be all shiny and clean at once. The boy child has spent the day with his dad (real shocker!) so his turn to work comes tomorrow. My daughter spent most of the day going through her stuff and helping me some. I finally got mean with her last night so she was much more helpful today. The boy child and I had a come to Jesus meeting Thursday night, so his efforts should improve. Now I'm hoping my tired body will sleep to get the rest it needs to tackle tomorrow's list.

    Carol in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW, between BJs drive on the rolling country roads and Renny's wonderful day with her grand kids, I am both jealous and very thoughtful. I am sitting here just listening to your memories while I am stroking my cat and I'm sure my B/P is down because of it. Thanks!!!!! I get my grand kid hugs on the 4th, just 7 days! Youngest daughter is going to go with us so it will be a fun couple of hours. It's been a long, long time since I have been to Joes crab shack. I hope I can find something that won't ruin my diet to much. They have chicken ceasar salads but I don't know if they are grilled or breaded. I do know that the sodium count is high. My lunches are usually pretty low in sodium so I will just have to flip flop my meals.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cynthia: I hope your minivan adventure in the city went well.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK: We started out sailing with friends who had a small sailboat and were so disappointed when they failed to show up for a sailing day that we drove around the lake to the yacht club to poke around. We met a woman there who welcomed us, sold us somebody else’s boat, and got us sailing lessons with the boat owner. It was meant to be. Now, more than 40 years later, this is our 6th sailboat, and we’ve had it 15 years.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Your situation is so difficult. I wish you good luck sorting things out and hope you are settled soon. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I’m sending prayers for your sister’s recovery and for your DSD’s issues. It seems like a tough love approach with her is wise, but it can’t be easy for you.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: Welcome back. I hope your surgery goes well. We’ll be here to support you in your weight loss efforts.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Enjoy your time with DGC.:flowerforyou:

    BJ SW Ontario: I have a Costco close enough to visit when I’m motivated. I’d rather have your little town farm market. I’m envious of the things you can get there. It sounds like a fun excursion, too.:flowerforyou:

    I’m having a low energy day, but DH has been a ball of fire. The new batteries are almost completely installed in the sailboat. There’s just a little left to do and all will be in good order. We watched the Coast Guard helicopter search our area of the river for several hours late this afternoon and this evening. I suspect someone has fallen into the river, but I don’t know for sure. I probably should turn on the evening news and find out. I’m putting the unknown person and their family in my prayers.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!