

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Wanted to pop back in to report an NSV,:bigsmile:
    I used to loathe the summer heat and spend most of a heatwave lying down in a darkened room. Sweating, thighs rubbing together. Miserable. Today I went out at 1.45 (!) and did a lot of watering with cans, spraying the weeds on the gravel and then weeding the veg beds!:happy: I wore sunglasses, a great big hat and suncream on my one bare arm ( the other has a lymphodema sleeve on it) and was not worn out or overheated at all. It is the hottest day of the year so far over here.
    For me this really is an amazing NSV!
    Looks like summers are going to be a lot more fun!:bigsmile:

    Looking forward to melon for my pm snack.:love:

    Heather in very dry and hot Hampshire and expecting rain at the weekend.:drinker:
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    How lovely to catch up on all your news, what an interesting bunch!

    It's grey and overcast here in Manchester - we are famous for our rain so it's nothing unusual for the middle of summer!

    July is going well so far - I've been eating a low sugar diet at the suggestion of the chap who does my personal training. It's easier than I expected because I haven't felt hungry. I worried that I might feel really tired but I've been fine so far. I think sugar free can be far more restrictive - and outlaw tomatoes and the like. But I don't want to demonise food so I'm cutting out all the obvious stuff, plus bread/rice/pasta and anything processed.

    I've went for run 4.6 mile run on Tuesday, and did about 75 minutes walking yesterday. I was working in London yesterday and had a really long day but I walked instead of taking the tube - and squeezed in a late dog walk when I got home - as much for fresh air as exercise.

    So as far as my July goals go, so far so good........

    Manc Lass, Manchester, England.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 468 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies,

    I just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a safe holiday weekend. I am successfully maintaining while experimenting with increasing my calories a little. Next week we are on vacation so I am challenged to not bring extra weight home. We will be doing a lot of walking so that will help.

    Best wishes to all of you.

    Cindy in OK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Back from Chincoteague now.........a little early, but played it safe with the hurricane coming. Ponies were cute, of course, but mostly in hiding!!!! Stayed at a place called The Refuge; it was lovely. Saw tons of great birds. Had a fantastic guide for our little sunset boat tour and, at the end, at my request, he "cranked it up" and we fairly flew over the choppy water........I was right at the bow......thought of Katla at that point!!! Ate mostly well, made sure I shared everything questionable with DD. DD did the driving for us and has fallen in love with Gloria's husband's Lexus and now thinks she needs one.........MAJOR LOL!!! Back completely on track today. Scanned posts quickly.

    drkatie..........so glad kitty returned; if only he could talk!!!

    No time for responses right now. Need to run and take Gwen for a dr. appt then do spme storm prep..............love to all..........stay safe!

    mid-Atlantic.............mostly sunny and very HOT!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    I forgot how lazy teens can be all they do is watch tv and eat.. if given the chance.. DH and I have been running around doing yardwork and stuff. it is 87 and humid with thunderstorms predicted. so they have postponed fireworks until saterday night, which we wont be able to go to because I have to get them to the airport around 3:30 am sunday...
    to say I am exsausted is an understatement
    think I will take a nap... they have been hounding me to make fudge so what did grandma do.. made them fudge... one cant have nuts because of braces so I made her her own, the other I made rocky road ...
    we are going for pizza tonight...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.
    I got news today that an elderly friend of mine passed away today.
    Good news,my grand kids are coming in from In.
    We have an appt sat to check out a townhouse for rent.So we`ll see.
    have a good day!
  • avalisa1
    avalisa1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone *waves*

    I'm new to attempting to use this site for motivation & support in meeting my weight-loss goal. When I read the title of this thread, I thought: "My goodness! This is ME!!" :happy: So . . . I hope you don't mind my dropping in. I hope, Hope, HOPE I'll be diligent! I've been a perennial flake when it comes to discipline.

    Happy 4th July to everyone! It will be a tough, TOUGH weekend. My 21yr old graduated from college and is living at home for the time being. When I got home from work last night, she'd baked TWO SHEETS OF NESTLE TOLLHOUSE COOKIES!! *groan* To top it all off, she'd added the toffee bits she knows I love to one of the batches. I can't begin to describe the type of agony I'm in right now. I can scarcely hurt her feelings and not EAT those luscious, beckoning, bits of Happiness-in-the-Round . . . can I???
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,450 Member
    Have the day off of work, so could get in my workout when I wanted to. I did some kickboxing! Hoping to head outside to take in the wonderful weather, but need to catch up on some house cleaning before tomorrow. Eating has been good, and I even made some Banana Oatmeal Muffins. Had some bananas that where way to ripe to eat, so made something healthy.

    Have a great day!
    Laurie in WI
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I thank you all for the thoughts and concern about my test yesterday. I hope I can explain it in a nutshell as I don't completely understand it yet either. OK, form what I am reading about it, neurocardiogenic syncope, it invloves two components. Cardio meaning the heart and neuro meaning the nerves in the heart. When one stands for an extended length of time, the blood can pool in your legs and feet. The heart should tell that blood to return to the heart but in my case it doesn't and so my B/P goes real low and I could faint it I don't sit down so that my blood can get to my heart. Fainting in a person with this actually is helpful because it causes a person to lie down which immediately brings the B/P up. So I have an appointment on July 30th with a special cardiologist called an electrophysiologist which deals with electrical and nerve issues in the heart instead of circulation and heart attacks, etc that other cardiologists deal with. This is the same doctor that takes care of my husband. In the meantime I am switching 2 of my B/P medicines. One that I take at bedtime I will take at lunch and visa versa. I was hoping in doing this that I could see how my medicine change will let me know if it works by my doctors appointment next week, my family doctor. But we won't have a choir special since director is out of town. So I won't be standing for a long time. But sometimes I can get a feeling like it is going to be a bad day during the first song we sing and then sit down. So maybe I can still get a feeling of whether this works. But I do know that the underlying issue does have to be addressed so I am looking forward to having my appointment.

    Got a very, very good nights sleep last night, in fact Charlie woke me up a little after noon. He wold have let me sleep but tomorrow is another early morning for us since we have to leave at 8 AM to meet our daughter for lunch at Joes Crab Shack!!!!!! Looking forward to it but not looking forward to it if you know what I mean. It was a long time ago that we went there and it was really good so I am looking forward to it. Yet I have no idea what I am going to eat. Someone here said they had the lobster cobb salad and it didn't ruin their calorie count. But I don't like lobster. I hope they can put grilled chicken on it. I also am going to have to not be to constrictive with my sodium now with this new thing I have. And I tent not to drink as much water when I am in the car a lot so we won't have to stop as much. And it is imperative I keep up with the 8 - 10 glasses of water a day.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Happy 4th July to everyone! It will be a tough, TOUGH weekend. My 21yr old graduated from college and is living at home for the time being. When I got home from work last night, she'd baked TWO SHEETS OF NESTLE TOLLHOUSE COOKIES!! *groan* To top it all off, she'd added the toffee bits she knows I love to one of the batches. I can't begin to describe the type of agony I'm in right now. I can scarcely hurt her feelings and not EAT those luscious, beckoning, bits of Happiness-in-the-Round . . . can I???

    I can almost smell them from here.:smokin: as I much on my afternoon snack of cucumber slices:cry:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi my vitamin F pals. It is beautiful here today….high 70’s and breezy. Took DD#2 to get her learner’s permit and the anticipated wait was about 1 ½ hours, so we left. Did some grocery shopping then I have been out in the yard for about 2 hours. Last night’s photo shoot was so much fun. This guy has been our photographer for about 20 years now, so I know him really well. After doing the standard studio/yearbook shots, we played and did some pics with both of us that were really funny. It started with me photo-bombing her. Then we spent the next 2 hours driving around the farms and fields of Iowa, crawling over barbed wire fences, sitting on docks, climbing hay bales, playing in farm ponds, etc. DD#2 was thrilled and had a wonderful time. I can’t wait to see them.

    Jane so sorry you are having trouble finding a place to rent. Hope the sick kids get better soon! I am also sorry for your loss (((hugs)))

    Geri: great goals

    DrKatie: oh I am so sorry about your cat. My cats seem to want me more when they get close. The Old Man (who died in January) never left my side. Later….OH my so glad to hear he came home!!!!! We never let our kitties out…they are totally declawed, although one did get out by mistake once and he was terrified! Totally frozen in place! So glad for you

    Sylvia: thanks for the tip! I’ll check them out.

    Sandy: what a pia! I too hate throwing food out. My problem here is that DD#2, who cooks and is in charge of the kitchen, shoves leftovers way back to the back of the fridge, under drawers and such, so you never can find them or know what’s there, so I end up throwing things out too and I just hate it. Hope your migraine went away. Have you flat out asked her why she doesn’t follow the plan? Once when DD#2 let something spoil, I made her pay for it. Maybe that would work.

    All newbies: welcome to our very chatty group!

    Barbie: glad your visit went well. I always love guests but am glad when they leave so I can sleep!

    Carol: I have never tried Old Navy. I might have to wander in one.

    Gloria: how was the fudge bar? Sounds great! We have been hearing a lot of the problems in Detroit so I was wondering what you thought of the situation there and how it’s working out? I don’t know anyone but you who is from there!

    Margaret: so glad you had nice company for your yard work! I think we all need a little someone to show us how to relax more!

    Joyce; I feel like I sound like my mom, but I agree that today’s youth have so many different issues than we did. DD#1 doesn’t see anything wrong with her being pregnant or the other pregnant unwed mothers she knows, and doesn’t see why they need a stable family and a strong male role model. It astounds me!

    Michele: when you say “uber-busy” my mind spins because you are the busiest lady I know on your slow days!!!

    Kim: don’t feel bad; I was totally cracking up as DH told me how he told the dr the dog had the same issue, and then the same day he’s at the vet, showing her his own leg! I think it’s hilarious. Now that I have thought about it, this happened once last year too. I don’t remember the circumstances, but about 2 weeks ago we had grub control put down, and that’s once a year. Could it be???

    Mimi: the vet sold DH a Thundershirt for DDoggie (I love that phrase from Kim). I thought it was total bunk, but…..he wore it home last night and was quiet in the car, and the fireworks did not bother him…he even went out to potty!

    Heather: Sri Lanka! Now that’s one exotic vacation! Great nsv!!!

    Alison: so sorry about your family drama. I am sending you peaceful thoughts

    Deb: I love my job so much I really can’t honestly envision retiring, but yesterday about blew it out of the water for me. Fortunately, this is so unusual. I know what you mean….teaching college isn’t a 40 hour week either!

    Sylvia: funny cat story!

    Beth: happy birthday!

    Yanniejannie: I can just see you on that boat!

    Well I’m off for a nap. I’m worn out from being angry then elated yesterday during the photos, and now the yard work in the bright sunshine. Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Starting all over again. A couple years ago I lost 40 pounds using My Fitness Pal to record exercise (walking) and food. Now, I have gained almost all of that back and feel miserable. So, here I am!

    Welcome back I just have a few more pounds to goal, but even after that I plan on logging in everyday, to keep it off. I've lost it and I sure don't want to find it again! Anyway good luck to you and have a great day.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Good evening all, Aedreana here! When I first joined MFP in June, I was in the process of "trying on" fatter weights for myself because I had felt I was too thin at 110 pounds 5 months ago. But now @ 121 pounds, I feel like an enormous blimp! SO, as soon as those two bags of fries in the freezer are gone, this week I will be embarking upon my first diet of 2014! I estimate my goal to be in the 112 - 116 pound weight range. Need to lose fat from my waist/midriff/belly; have gained two inches around my waist with those eleven pounds!!

    How tall are you?
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I dropped out of MFP a while ago. I am just starting up again. My July goals are

    1. Brush dogs and cat teeth once a week
    2. Brush dogs and cat once a week
    3. Walk 3x with dogs
    4. Post food at least 4x a week.

    If you're wanting to lose weight, it's best to log in your calorie intake everyday.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone *waves*

    I'm new to attempting to use this site for motivation & support in meeting my weight-loss goal. When I read the title of this thread, I thought: "My goodness! This is ME!!" :happy: So . . . I hope you don't mind my dropping in. I hope, Hope, HOPE I'll be diligent! I've been a perennial flake when it comes to discipline.

    Happy 4th July to everyone! It will be a tough, TOUGH weekend. My 21yr old graduated from college and is living at home for the time being. When I got home from work last night, she'd baked TWO SHEETS OF NESTLE TOLLHOUSE COOKIES!! *groan* To top it all off, she'd added the toffee bits she knows I love to one of the batches. I can't begin to describe the type of agony I'm in right now. I can scarcely hurt her feelings and not EAT those luscious, beckoning, bits of Happiness-in-the-Round . . . can I???

    Don't eat them, or eat very little, your daughter will understand. Happy 4th of July to you too!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    happy 4th of July weekend. Weigh in last nite not a loss but a small gain, guess I can't complain because it was a birthday weekend. So back on track I want to see a loss. Vacation in 2 weeks so hopefully I can stay on track.

    Drink your water and keep moving
    Sherry So CA
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Gloria: how was the fudge bar? Sounds great! We have been hearing a lot of the problems in Detroit so I was wondering what you thought of the situation there and how it’s working out? I don’t know anyone but you who is from there!

    Oh, I've been trying to angle myself another 70 calories of that NSA chocolate goodness since dinner tonight!

    I don't live in the city but there's a lot to do inside and outside of the city. Somehow criminals at all levels and varieties just seem to keep sneaking their way into political positions of power and keeping the city down. So many factors and variables but I just keep looking for the good and taking care of my biz. :glasses:

    Feeling very deprived in the eating department tonight. Going to make a cup of tea to see if distracts me:ohwell:

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! Today has been a whirlwind.

    My weight was just where it was when we left on our trip, so I was relieved about that. We picked up the pups from the vet this morning right when they opened. They were so glad to come home! I missed those dogs something awful. I know it was only five days, but that's long enough.

    Then we went to the Y where I did my weight machines. Then back home for breakfast. I picked up the grandkids at 11:00 and we went to lunch. Then to the park for an hour before FINALLY the pool opened at 1:00. They were so impatient! But they had so much fun! Except for the little guy who was an inch too short to go on the big slides. (And he can't swim anyway, so I was glad he was too short.) The middle kid, who had the broken arm, had her cast removed on Tuesday but her arm was not yet fully functional. She looked a little like Bob Dole holding his pen. But by the end of our swimming it was all stretched out normally and she was really happy. She and her older sister were jumping off the diving boards, going down the big slides, and having a blast.

    After swimming I took the kids home and my son's home health care worker was there giving him his weekly infusion. I had to rush out because I couldn't handle seeing him hooked yo the iv. He called me later to tell me that his Medicaid and food stamps were cancelled because they had put in the wrong address. So he was really stressed. I hope they can get it straightened out.

    So, I hurried home, showered and drove 30 miles to my friend's house for painting night, only to wait outside for an hour and nobody showed up. Later I found out that she had to rush off to Phoenix because one of her triplet grandbabies was diagnosed with cancer. We don't know any details yet. I hope she's going to be ok.

    So now I'm home in time to walk with the dogs. Whew!

    I hope you are all doing well.

  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    My niece is in town from Maryland, we spent the day, shopping and ended with a trip to our local Farmers Market. I scored on beets and am so excited to be eating beet greens tonight, I start eating them and can not stop, which is fine by me since they are fiber and water : )

    Tomorrow on tne 4th I am allowing myself to have a hot dog and beans, I have been planning on this for a week. Saturday I will be back on track to healthy eating, I ju d t can not believe how excited I am over a hot dog !!!!! Hmmmmmm gona have to look at this.

    Everyone have a safe and sane holiday, my heart goes out to you all that are being affected by the upcoming huricane, please know my thoughts and prayers are with you as I know all so well what it is like as I had half of my family affected by Katrina in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.

    PEACE and Love.

    Carol in Monroe
  • ouray12
    ouray12 Posts: 68 Member
    Very relaxing pre-4th of July evening. Been a great day with unexpected rain here in North Texas. Does anyone have hypoglycemia? My endo wants me eating 3 meals with 30 carbs and 3 snacks with 15 carbs. So I finally started. The weight
    is coming off but sometimes I get sleepy & dizzy. Any suggestions?

    Katie, glad the cat is home!

    Beth, Happy Birthday!

    Barbie & Mimi - thanks for the food thoughts. Food, drugs & alcohol seem to share that addictive component for some people.
    My brother tells me to have a "cheat" day, but cheating leads to more cheating and seems to defeat the purpose.

    Manc Lass - seems there is sugar in most everything. My brother, the diabetic, can't eat tomatoes or watermelon. They raise his
    sugar too much, but grapes don't. Crazy.

    Cindy Ok - Did you get any bad storms your way?

    Jane Martin - so sorry about the death of your friend

    Joyce - hope your health gets better & you can get it all straightened out.

    Sylvia - prayers for your friend's grandchild. please keep us updated.

    Hearthwood - Love the Colorado Rockies!! :heart:

    Read all the posts and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Karen Texas