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  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NanBarnes: Logging your food means that you need to measure it accurately and enter it into your MFP diary. To do this, you will need to measure portions. I use a food scale for some things and measuring cups for others. Food packaging in the US frequently gives nutrition information and the My Fitness Pal site has a great deal of stored data available. Since much of this is acquired from people like you and me, it may not be entirely accurate. However, it is better than guessing. You also need to log your exercise. Losing weight is a giant math problem, calories in minus calories out. If you want to lose weight, you need a net daily loss the majority of the time. No one is perfect and we all occasionally go over. You are more likely be successful if you choose a moderate deficit and lose the weight slowly.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: You look lovely!:bigsmile:

    Johanna in TN: Welcome to a great group. Many of us struggle with various health issues, so you won’t be alone in that respect.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Years ago we were looking for a dog for our family and visited a Basenji breeder. Our kids were both quite young at the time, not even in school yet. She told us about her dogs and said that our family didn’t seem like a good fit for the breed. Hers were quite willful and did things like climbing on top of the refrigerator and drapes. I can’t remember all the things she said. We got a Shi Tsu instead, and may have been better off with a Basenji. :ohwell: Our Shi Tsu was a terror.:grumble: :tongue:

    Meg: Say hi to the colorado Ladies who Lunch for me! I haven’t managed to catch up with them on my trips to CO. I’ll be there in September for the birth of my DGS, and will probably be very busy being on grandma duty. Papa Murphy’s is take and bake, and is less greasy and salty than most pizzeria pizza I’ve eaten. It is not “health food” but it is healthier than most pizza and has wonderful flavor. We enjoy it as an occasional treat.

    Kayak Kutie: A lot of people don’t understand good dog etiquette. They’re clueless. :angry: I love a retractable leash for my dog, but I do pay attention to what he is dong and our circumstances. The leash has a locking feature, and I can keep him very close in social settings.:flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope you enjoy your trip. We haven’t flown since we went to DD’s wedding in MX a few years ago, and have never had to be searched. Be sure to let us know how it goes. I’ve been taking my computer with me on trips for quite a long time, and most hotels and motels have wifi these days, even the budget ones.:bigsmile:

    Kim from N CA: I’m sorry your DN had his bike stolen. We lost one when DS rode it to a local one stop shopping store and failed to lock it. We were mad at him for negligence at the time. Your AB’s response to the situation is totally out of proportion and frightening. Hugs to you, to your mom, and your DDN.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: My heart aches for you in regards to the unhealthy behavior of loved ones. My parents were both chain smokers and had early deaths because of it. I tried from childhood on to get them to quit without success. I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it is when your loved ones lead such unhealthy lifestyles and you are powerless to fix it. We must understand that their lifestyle is their choice. All we can do is love them, pray, and encourage them to make better choices. All of us had eating problems that led to serious overweight. We had to be ready to change and were lucky to find MFP and this group to support our efforts when we reached the point that we were ready. Our successes have come from our own efforts, starting with readiness.:flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! This promises to be a beautiful day and I’m hoping to enjoy every minute I can, starting with spending time with all of you, and then going to yoga..

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,588 Member
    Yeah, after many tries I managed, finally, to order my meds. Don't know what was up with their site.
    yanniejannie - unlike my last practice they don't take repeat prescriptions over the phone.:grumble:

    Kim - you don't need a passport yet to go to Scotland, but you do need one to get on a plane to go there. it is a very long train journey from the south of England! We went to Glasgow and Edinburgh for our last trip away together. I can get to Brighton with just one change of train I think, or one of my friends might pick me up.:bigsmile:

    DH did come home from the rained off cricket.:tongue: I was fast asleep on the sofa.:embarassed:

    Tonight we have the remains of the roasted butternut squash and celeriac from last night with a DELICIOUS mushroom and half fat crème fraiche sauce. DH also will have papardelle (pasta). I add a packet of Merchant Gourmet ready to eat porcini mushrooms to the sauce which makes it incredibly rich. I buy the packets in sets of ten direct from MG. They make fabulous omelettes also. Hardly any calories. :bigsmile: only the crème fraiche.

    Going to plan the meals for the weekend after next when DS and family come down. I have DGS's in the freezer, including the magical zucchini tots, and I know I am giving them the Christmas Pudding that has been sitting in the cupboard since I made two last Christmas.:laugh: (hope it's not hot weather:laugh: ), but otherwise I have to decide who is more worthy of our home made ravioli from the freezer - my DSIL or DS and DDIL. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: plus another main course and two starters. I have loads of time to get my act together and load up the freezer.:bigsmile: I want to make some mini cupcakes for DGS to decorate with me. I have some little jungle animal heads.:love:

    Barbie - have a wonderful meeting!

    Joyce - congrats on the lb. I think I saw a teeny tiny loss on my scales this morning, but they are not easy to read. Hope I can make that a full lb soon!

    love again from Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!to you all.:flowerforyou:
    Son`s air con went out,thankfully it is cooler today-70`s not 80`s.
    Violet has been up since 630,long day.
    No word on the townhouse,I guess I`ll have to call and see if the landlady did what she was suppose to do.
    ps.Thanks for all the love and support.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Afternoon MFP Ladies –

    Hope everyone is doing well and managing to stay cool during these hot summer days.

    Back from my week of vacation and just now getting all caught up. I haven’t read all of the back posts since 6/30, but have done a quick scan. We had lovely beach weather for the entire week, except for Friday when Arthur blew up the coast, but overall it was a wonderful vacation. I didn’t log during the week, so am back to logging starting yesterday. For the most part, my eating was within limits but I did splurge on ice cream a few days :laugh:

    I had my first session with my Physical Therapist yesterday for my lower back. I have a script for cover 3x a week for the next 6 weeks. Hopefully, with their help and recommendations I can get my back into fighting shape. I’m not in pain, but it is uncomfortable to stand for any length of time. Luckily it doesn’t impact my walking or other exercise routines, I have had to cut out my running as the jarring did aggravate it more.

    :smile: YannieJannie – Chincoteague is about an hour ? drive from Ocean City. We went there one year as a day trip to see the ponies.
    :smile: Vicki – sorry for the confusion, I never did have a D&C, but my biopsy and ultrasound came back negative. As to the fitbit, you can add friends (similar to MFP) to see each others stats.
    :smile: Jane- love your new profile picture, looking good!!

    Have a lovely day,
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hello to all: Beautiful day here in the high 70s. Have been out to see my horse. Did not ride as indoor arena and outdoor arena are being readied for a show on Sunday. There was cut hay in the field so could not ride there either. Arenas should be done and hay baled by tonight. Took dog to dog park and let her run while I got in some steps myself.

    Kim - I am not fond of oatmeal's texture but do like this recipe: 3/4 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup milk, 2T peanut butter, 2 tsp brown sugar, 2 tsp chia seeds, 1/8 tsp vanilla, chocolate chips to taste ( I use 2 T of mini chips). Mix all together and put in refrigerator overnight covered It has the taste and texture of chocolate chip cookie dough. This makes enough for two servings.

    Jane - Sending good thoughts your way on the townhouse. It is always scary not having a place to go.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Traveling mercies to those on the go. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! Day 2 of being by myself in the office has been lovely! :bigsmile: I have a meeting with a group of ladies from church tonight. We're meeting at a local restaurant that I've never been to. I called this morning to ask what their specials are today and found out that one is grilled mahi mahi, so that is what I will have along with a sweet potato and mixed veggies. I'm supposed to meet my friend for frozen yogurt afterwards, but we may be switching that up. If so, I will have lots of calories to do my own dessert at home. I love having an Eggo whole grain waffle, toasted, with vanilla ice cream and fruit. Sometimes I use bananas with cinnamon but I have strawberries now and they were delicious in the combination last night.

    I took a major step in life today. I called the realtor to come in and look at my house!! I am terrified that she will tell me that I won't be able to sell it or that I will have to sell it at such a low price that I won't have any profit. I know that is realistically not likely to happen, but anxiety has the ability to tune out reality. :tongue: I've also called the National Kidney Foundation for a pick up of some furniture that has been removed from the house. They are sending a truck out on Thursday. I guess I have to pray that it won't rain between now and then since I have nowhere covered to keep the items. I can't pull them in and out of the house by myself so they have to stay outside.

    I've also decided to take Thursday off from work to do some things at home. My friend is still in town and we're talking about her spending the night at my house on Wednesday night and helping me look at things with fresh eyes to determine what priorities I need to set to finish getting everything ready. It's like the more I get done, the more I see that needs to be done! :grumble: And, there is the old thing of living with something so long that you don't see it any longer. I need help to see those things.

    I have hit my 11,000 steps plus (over 14,000 yesterday) for the last week or so and I am so glad. The knee is still bugging me off and on, but I'm trying hard not to let it get in my way. I see the doctor again next week and I want my blood pressure to be down to where it is supposed to be.

    Joyce and Heather - Your new pictures are delightful!

    I cooked when I got home last night so I have grilled chicken, steamed yellow squash and zucchini, and corn on the cob to eat for the next several days. Since I have meetings both Wednesday and Thursday nights, I'm glad that I can just reheat and be on my way. I put some salsa con queso on my squash to add a little extra flavor and it was very good with few calories added--a little goes a long way on the veggies. I was all nice and full after dinner and my snack so there was no temptation to eat close to bedtime and I used back less than 25% of my exercise calories. I'm ready for the scales to move again!!!

    I am getting ready to cross town to job #2 so I will close for now. If I don't make it back, I hope everyone has a great evening and that the family drama ceases.

    Carol in HOT NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Heather, can you not call your pharmacy and call your medicine order in? I do that with mine

    A lot of you have talked of Costco foods. Well we had our ladies Sunday school lunch today and the person doing the lunch had been to Nashville last week and bought some multigrain tortilla chips. They had all sorts of good things in them, flaxseeed, brown rice, quiano, sea salt. I had only 5 and they were so good. We have had all sorts of talk here in town about Costco looking at Evansville to build a store here but they never do. We have a Sam's club and I guess they feel we aren't big enough to have both of them here.

    I am going to call my sister after I post this and see how she is today. I hope I can make sense out of what happened to her, where she started out from and how in the world she got to where she was when she called me.

    Hubby had his first fitting today for his partial plate. He will have another fitting and they will try to get just the right tint so he has to more appointments. They are all included in the cost of the partials. I can't wait to see how he looks in them. He plans on wearing them only when he eats and I am trying to convince him that his gums will never get used to them unless he wears them full time.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    Day #2 of being back on schedule! Yay me!

    I read everyone's posts, very interesting reading... but I hope you all aren't offended if I don't comment on each one. I can't remember that many names. Like I tell my husband, the FAT table to my mental database doesn't always match up the data fields correctly. That and you throw in a good size case of ADD and well, then you get.... oooh! Look at that cute squirrel outside! I love squirrels. I used to feed my hand raised baby squirrels peanuts. I had one name Sandy, she was my gangsta squirrel.

    Sorry, where was I?

    Oh. Day #2 went lap swimming this morning. Love swimming. The water keeps me from realizing how much I'm sweating.

    Healthy healthy lunch. Homemade tuna and mahi mahi salad on spinach with fresh veggies from my garden! Quite tasty.

    I don't remember who mentioned the paleo/wheat thing. Yeah, I love bread too. But I look at 1 slice of bread/toast and then look at the amount of time I'd have to exercise to burn it off, then I ask myself, do I really really want to go walk in this heat and humidity for 40 minutes just for a piece of toast to go with my egg? Nah. Another reason I'm doing paleo? I think the amount of food vs. the calories is well worth the extra effort. I haven't been hungry a single minute. If anything, I've felt nearly stuffed. But not stuffed like, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" stuffed. Plus, it just forces me to eat healthier and make smarter choices. Plus, I only make a concentrated effort towards it during the week. Weekends I slack a little.

    I'm going to try and check in daily and learn some of your names. Please be patient.

    Christy in Steamy Little Rock (actually Maumelle but close enough)
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    I read everyone's posts, very interesting reading... but I hope you all aren't offended if I don't comment on each one. I can't remember that many names. Like I tell my husband, the FAT table to my mental database doesn't always match up the data fields correctly. That and you throw in a good size case of ADD and well, then you get.... oooh! Look at that cute squirrel outside! I love squirrels. I used to feed my hand raised baby squirrels peanuts. I had one name Sandy, she was my gangsta squirrel.

    Christy in Steamy Little Rock (actually Maumelle but close enough)

    I often post for days like I'm just talking to myself:ohwell: Not sure too many can keep up and acknowledge what everyone says every day. We can just do our best and use the thread in the way that it best helps us.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good morning ladies. Well this morning was weigh in and I am up .6.:cry: Can't say I am surprised, just have to try harder. I was sure in a mood last eveing and blew up at DH over nothing. Sure felt bad afterwards and told him I was sorry. Just was so stressed from work and last Monday( a week ago) I called in a refill for meds for myself and DH. As of yesterday morning they had not gotten an ok from the doctors office, So I called the office early and at 4 pm it still had not been done. So I again called the doctors office and ask that they get this done as both of us were out. Finally at 5:45 the pharmacy called and they had the refill order. I am feeling better this morning, these mood swings are the pits. Last time I was in to see the doctor he up my zoloft but I am not sure that is working. Seems I want to scream or sit down and cry. Thanks once again for letting me vent.

    Welcome Christy--what is a paleo diet?

    Kim--I so understand. Prayers :heart:

    I do know that if being upset burnt calories I would be way down. I can sure tell the full moon is this weekend. Last night during the rain a transformer was hit. So today at the hospital we are having all kinds of problems with the phones, faxes and overhead paging. Also some of the calls we have been getting are so off the wall. Deep Breath, Deep Breath.

    Joyce--So sorry about your sister. My sister Patty was like that. She would take pills as she wanted and when I or my dad would try to talk to her she would say the doctor gives them to me so it is ok. She ended up with a blood clot her brian and passed away. I still get so upset Please take care of you!! I agree I would call the dentist and just tell them and then they can deal with it. I know DH got a partial, $1000, and would only wear it part of the time and then it broke in half. He went back to the dentist and they told him it was because he grinds his teeth and they wanted to make a metal one for 3 times the cost and I told him we were not doing that unless he agreed to wear it all the time. Well as of yet he has not ordered one. Don't think twice about how long your post is. That is what we are here for.:heart:

    Well enjoy the rest of your day. When I get off work this evening I want to take the dogs on a long walk. That is what we both need. Hoping by 8-8:30 it will be cooling off. I took some cup cakes across the street last evening to the people that moved in on the first. Young couple with a boy that is 7. Seem like nice people.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just talked to my sister about yesterdays incident. She says this started last Friday when we were all gathered for the 4th. She couldn't remember names of us and just felt foggy. In driving yesterday she would feel lie she was blanked out and would come to when some one driving behind her would honk. She goes to physical therapy for her back and she told the therapist today about the incident. She was also getting her 'mords wixed up' at the time of therapy. So the therapist called Norma's doctor and she has an appointment for tomorrow. If her husband doesn't go with her I will. She said she will go after she goes swimming at the Y!!!!! I asked her if she felt like she was safe enough to drive and she said yes. Then I asked her if she thinks the other drivers on the road would be OK with her driving. At that she said I was scaring her. I just told her that I loved her so much plus it was the nurse in me. Prayers please for both of us.

    Christy, I buy spiral notebooks at Walmart at the before school sales. I usually get them for 11 cents so I have about 24 of them, maybe even more. My youngest grand daughter likes to draw and write and I never know how many she has used!!!! So I just keep one of these with me when I am reading and write down a person's name and a quick noted about what they were saying. I also tend to only remember the posts that are right before I am ready to post again. So just don't worry about remembering names. A lot of people just say 'some one was saying this' and then they just make a comment about that. We are all here to support each other in what ever way each individual can. Not all of us are Michelles or Barbies and can make long notes to others. I have been here almost a year and I can't yet.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    A quick check in from Manchester, England.

    July is going well so far; I'm sticking to the low sugar eating plan recommended by my personal trainer and weight is starting to come off. with I've filled in my diary every day and I've kept up with my exercise, but I could probably do more. I've failed miserably on not working long hours though (another of my July goals). But it's made me be imaginative - on Sunday I found a late night session at a 50 metre pool in Manchester that was built for the Commonwealth Games in 2002. It was quite strange swimming so late, but a great workout - definitely one to be repeated. And tonight, after a long and difficult day in London, I arrived home late and went straight out for a trail run - only 2 1/2 miles, but better than nothing. It certainly cleared my head.

    I've also entered a sprint distance triathlon in August - I'm not sure I'm fit enough, and I'll be there with all the fit young folk - but life's too short to stand on the side lines, so I'm in! I've also entered a 'Pieathlon' in Yorkshire in December - it's a 6km trail run, with three stops along the way to eat a pie - now that's my kind of running race! It'll be fun and I'm going with a big gang from my running club!

    Cheers all,

    MancLass, Manchester, England
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just a quick note. I've felt so bad today that at one point I considered calling an ambulance. Dizzy to the point of grayling out. Finally got home and went to bed.

    Feeling a little better now but still not great.

    I hope you are all having a great day.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    well did ok, up until I got home, and just had 2 little debbie snacks:explode: I did something to my left hip this morning and have been in excrutiating pain ever since...cant bend down, move, and even walking is making it almost unbearable...
    geesh I turn 54 and going to Hell in a hand basket :laugh:
    right now I am lying in bed with a heating pad on it, and I just took a 1/2 pain pill.. I dont like taking them, but honestly at a few points today was almost in tears..
    I think It might just be a muscle strain..but it happened all of a sudden..
    something killed my sunflower plant that my DB gave me, went out this morning and there in the pot the poor thing lying over and the roots all dug up:angry:
    Oh well... if this is any worse in the morning will call the GP and see what they have to say...
    Sylvia~ please take care of yourself.. we love and worry about you :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, if you felt so bad that you considered calling an ambulance, you should have called the ambulance. Please take care

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Sylvia thoughts and prayers. Did you take your blood pressure? Please take care and I agree about the ambulance. Better to err on the side of caution.

    We kept some milkweed in our veggie garden. Saw two monarchs today. A treat. Alison saw a blue heron on our walk the other day. Thought of you!

    Joyce does your husband have stomach issues too. Fungal problems can sometimes start in your gut.

    We got a call that my SIL is in the hospital with pneumonia. She didn't want us to know. Her son called us.

  • Hello, new to fitnesspal. I think i am a sugar addict along with cheese and bread. Everyday i try not to overeat but its like thats all i want. I do exercise at least 4 times a week. Walking. I dont understand why i do this eatting thing. Has anyone been in my shoes and if so how did you overcome it? I have been overweight all of my life. I have weighed over 215 ponunds at one time in my life. I lost about 50 lbs and have gained back about 35 lbs. I lost the weight due to a divorce.
    To make matters worse i hide sweets to eat them when nobody is around. I know how an addict must fill. I really need some help on how to gain self control.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sylvia,please take care.
    We love and worry about you.
    hugs jane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,124 Member
    Hello, new to fitnesspal. I think i am a sugar addict along with cheese and bread. Everyday i try not to overeat but its like thats all i want. I do exercise at least 4 times a week. Walking. I dont understand why i do this eatting thing. Has anyone been in my shoes and if so how did you overcome it? I have been overweight all of my life. I have weighed over 215 ponunds at one time in my life. I lost about 50 lbs and have gained back about 35 lbs. I lost the weight due to a divorce.
    To make matters worse i hide sweets to eat them when nobody is around. I know how an addict must fill. I really need some help on how to gain self control.

    :flowerforyou: A good place to start is to log everything you eat.......then read the posts on this thread and join the conversation....you'll find a lot of information that will help you....I started on MFP at age 62 thinking that I'd be unsuccessful again and instead, I found the help I sought....it took me time and reading and soul searching to find the answers that worked for me......keep coming back and do not be discouraged if you don't find the solution right away.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Have been doing more cardio that weights of late. But this week have decided to do "Burn fat feed muscle" 2 day split weight. Today is day 1 of back, shoulders and arms. Then tomorrow is legs and abs session. Doing this after breakfast and my protein shake right after. Cardio before breakfast and did Jeannette Jenkins' cardio kick-boxing this morning LOVE that DVD.
    Yesterday our pension in bank so went to do BIG shop. Had lunch (f Cornish pasties and custard tar (yummy but OK with that) at riverside and then visited friends so steps only at 8863 even walking dog round our paddocks when i got home.
    Raining today so will have to don raincoat and go for my 40 minute walk after lunch.
    Feels GOOD to be training again, more energy and sleeping better too.

    I too used to hide chocolate when divorcing first husband. Easy to do. Lesson - STOP buying sweets, your body with thank you.

    My July goals:
    1. Workout 6 days a week (Sunday is drive with husband and dog and walking only)
    2. Log my food
    3. Try to eat under my total cals and NOT eat back all exercise calories
    4. Drink wine only on weekends, 1 glass with dinner only