Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @little: so glad you got your power back finally, and that there was no major damage other than downed trees. We here in Ontario have had some severe thunderstorms and strong downpours the last 2 days. I woke up to no power yesterday but thankfully it was on when I got home from work.

    I have fallen off track since I finished my holidays. The exercise has been great... Lots of walking/hiking and I'm back to physio for intense cross fit workouts and weight lifting, but my diet is atrocious. My healthy snacks have been dwindling, I'm back in the bad habit of eating out most days and not making meals at home. I've stopped logging, but have at least been counting roughly in my head most days. On the days I go over I just stop counting. The last 3 days I've been telling myself to at least log everything but I've failed to do it. For some stupid reason I just can't kick this and go back to what was working so well for me the last 5 months or so. Even my workouts are suffering... I can feel the difference with the bad food, today my PT had to force me to keep going, I really wanted to quit, my strength and energy were way down. ( he's awesome though for keeping me going for the last 6 minutes)

    I will update my mileage later, I've decided to go for a run... I'm in a bad mood now thinking of how off track I am and I need that good after-run feeling I get to lift my spirits.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Tuesday's goal for me was to get back on track and I have done that. I just spent the last hour reading the success stories and looking at pictures of people who have lost their weight. I have learned that with me I can go strong for two to three weeks and then I start to think that I will never lose the weight and I allow myself to fall back into damaging habits. I really need to stop and get my act together. Working on it!!

    @ Tanya, I understand and hope your run makes you feel better. :flowerforyou:

    @ Little, so glad your power is on! I lived for 14 years in Florida so I know all about hurricanes and power outages. They suck!! :devil:
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Littleshadow- Glad you and yours are safe! And that the power is back on.

    Skinnyjeanz- This patch belongs to an old family friend. I have been picking there for 20+ years. Blueberries are my favorite too! I LOL'd at the treadmill set on kilometers. :)

    Kah- If you lived close by, I would share. :flowerforyou: I am glad your hand is doing well enough for you to get a workout in.

    Tuesday Goal: I have never been one for written goals but I think it is time for some hard and fast aspirations to strive for. My first goal is to lose 15 lbs by mid September.

    I thought, with the way I had eaten over the weekend, that I had gained a pound or so but turns out I lost .6.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Teresa... thank you... the run did wonders for my mood and confidence. :smile:

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM

    51.8/ 200 miles (on track!)
    1257/3720 AM (above average!)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    beckah-Congratulations on your lost.

    Karen- I am taking the class through the county, the Maryland State department of Education and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. It is a great class but right now we are in the hottest week of the summer. Today, we were at one of the Smithsonian's Environmental Research Centers (SERC), it was an awesome place and I found out they have a boat ramp and trails open to the public. They have thousands of acres of preserved land that will NEVER be developed and we can take kids on a field trip that allows them to do some water quality testing, learn about plankton and go seining, a hike through the woods or a canoe trip through the marsh. I am now trying to figure out how to make a field trip work for my students- it might be a 2-3 day affair so I can get everyone in and keep the number low enough for them to have fun and actually do something. After that we headed to a horse farm to do some water quality testing at a stream on the property. Nice spot but we walked a mile or so to reach it through 2 horse pastures.

    ebailey- You don't want to run everyday, your muscles need time to recover. You should also vary the distances of your runs each week. Right now, my trainer suggests one long run then a shorter run a week. You can also do running drills and strength training to help build the strength in your ankles and knees. Running still bores me but at least I can do it.

    LIttle Shadow- Glad you came through the storm and that you have power back. Hurricanes and tropical storms are no fun and can really pack a punch. This was an early one, hope it is not a predictor of what the rest of the season will bring.

    Theresa- The bottom line is that you can do this and will do this if you put your mind to it. Just remember that there is no quick fix and it is a lifestyle change. Don't allow yourself to give up after 2-3 weeks, it will take longer for the new habits to form and stick. The longer you stick with it the more results you will see such as clothes are looser, you have more energy, your endurance increases as you do different activities etc., these changes may happen before the scales moves down. Tell yourself you will do it.

    MOWMOW-the pictures of the kitties are adorable. I love the solution you came up with for MOW_MOW. He is so cute. The new kitty, reminds me that I want another cat someday.

    Tuesday goals- To get my active minutes up per day and keep them up. This does not mean increasing exercise minutes just finding more things to do other than sitting on my bottom throughout the day and night.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I have been reading everyone's posts, but am fixing to go to bed here in a minute due to this migraine starting.

    Monday- C25K DONE
    Tuesday- strength and belly dance BOTH DONE, plus some gardening
    Wednesday- C25K
    Thursday- strength and softball
    Friday- FINAL C25K workout
    Saturday-Color Run

    I'll update miles tomorrow since I am not running today.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 7/8: 3.8 miles (2 water aerobics, 1.8 walking)
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Mileage update (I think I've missed posting a couple days)

    July 1 - 3.23 miles
    July 2 - 2.50 miles
    July 3 - 2.92 miles
    July 4 - 1.12 miles
    July 5 - 1.12 miles
    July 6 - 3.05 miles
    July 7 - 3.03 miles
    July 8 - 2.86 miles

    Total 19.83 miles
    Goal: 75 miles

    I had to adjust my stride length for my FitBit! I was shortchanging myself. I took a walk outside with my hubby today and just to make sure FitBit was giving me accurate mileage, I used MapMyWalk to give me the distance as well. I started the timer on my FitBit and started the walk on MapMyWalk... got to the end and stopped them at the same time.

    Distance for FitBit: 1.24 miles.
    Distance for MapMyWalk: 1.47 miles

    So, I did some math using the steps FitBit said I took during that time, and figured out a more accurate stride length. Apparently my stride is 2ft 7in, not the 2ft2in as I had it listed for FitBit! Here's to more accurate mileage. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @fera--your post reminded me that now that I have a smartphone, I need to start using mapmyrun or walk for my outside exercise. I already know the mileage for the typical routes I take with gunner, but now I can mix it up on a whim if I so chose.

    @erienne--I took belly dancing classes years ago and the friend I took them with just came to town for a wedding. We were goofing off on the dance floor trying to remember the moves to our "routine." :laugh: Hope that migraine goes away--they are no fun. :grumble: As far as the car payment--we've had 2 years of no payments, but if I wait much longer to trade mine in, my husband's car will also need replacing. We are trying to time it so mine will be paid off before he needs a new car too.

    @laurie--I love classes like that where you can actually DO something and learn about activities and lessons you can actually apply to your classes. We have an organization called The Freedom Museum that's all about the history of First Amendment rights that occasionally offers courses and workshops for free for educators. I took some a few years ago and it was awesome--hoping they offer more soon. I also need to increase my active minutes--other than intentional exercise, I've been a bit lazy since my return from DR. My husband goes back to work tomorrow, so then I will start some projects around the house.

    @teresa--what laurie said. :wink:

    @tanya--yay for those running endorphins!! :drinker:

    @little shadow (heidi?)--glad you you made it through the storm and now have power again. :flowerforyou:

    @mow--cute pics--the new kitty is adorable!! :heart:

    @ushkii--you can still make that mileage goal--or at least come closer than 0 miles. :wink:

    @dawn--You just gave the best reason to lose the weight--it's not about looking good or being "skinny"; the greatest part about losing the weight is feeling like I can and want to participate in more activities. Even though I'm not yet where I would like to be, my life is so different now that I'm so much healthier. DO I want to keep going and get even fitter? Yes! But even if I never lost another pound, I have changed my life for the better by getting to the point I'm at right now.

    @kelley--my car only has 85K miles, but I refuse to put thousands of dollars into an 11 year old car, and in all honesty--I really want something new at this point. I test drove a Dodge Challenger today which is the direction I'm leaning in. Love the old-school muscle car look of it, and the V6 is well within my price range. Still need to stew on it a bit longer, but I really like it...

    @L2T--as I mentioned above, the timing is right for us to replace my car--if the costs were under $1000, I probably would've fixed my car, but $2000+ is just too much to make it reasonable.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I need to get my butt in gear and start some serious cleaning and de-cluttering around my house. DH goes back to work tomorrow, so having him out from underfoot will help. I need to post one of my famous "to do" lists that robin loves so much. :laugh:

    Speaking of robin, has anyone heard from her? Did I miss a post about her going on vacation or something?

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    July Goal = 100 miles

    7/1 = 3 miles
    7/2 = 0 miles
    7/3 = 2 miles
    7/4 = 2 miles
    7/5 = 1 mile
    7/6 = 2 miles
    7/7 = 8.5 miles
    7/8 = 1.5 miles
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Well, I am falling way behind on my mileage goal. I've been working more hours than I expected, and they're of the overnight variety, which throws everything off a bit. Hopefully I'll get into my summer routine soon. Also, my refrigerator stopped working on July 3 - I discovered it just as I was leaving for work - so I spent all of my free time that day and the next cleaning out the old fridge, hauling it - by myself - down to the garage/basement, and picking up a new fridge I got on craigslist (I did find a friend's nephew to hire to help with that one - all my friends were out of town for the long weekend). While the fridge was out, I pulled out the oven and cleaned behind both. Then I decided it was the perfect time to get rid of the old couch whose only path out had been previously blocked by the fridge. So I had to empty and move the buffet table and the baker's rack as well, before dragging the couch out to the porch (by myself), where it got temporarily stuck on its way to the basement and freecycle. Oh, and did I mention that when I was wheeling the refrigerator to the basement, it twice fell off the dolly when I hit a bump in the yard and drive? :laugh: What a sight! I've been trying to put everything back together during my off-time, especially since my sister-in-law comes from Ohio for an overnight stay on Thursday. However, it's slow-going and right now it looks quite a mess. There's been lots of activity, but I don't really think it translates into miles.

    I guess I will call it:

    July 3 - 1 mile
    July 4 - 1 mile
    July 5 - 0 miles
    July 6 - 1 mile
    July 7 - 1 mile
    July 8 - 3.5 miles (2 miles hiking 1.5 miles swimming :happy: )

    I hope to start getting out for more hikes and swims this week. I definitely need to up the mileage if I want any chance of hitting my goal.

    @Laurie and Karen - I saw that you have been talking about the Towers Run ever since GorillaNJ did it last September. I'm glad it's going to actually happen! Unfortunately, it's soft of my own personal nightmare. Cities aren't really my thing, plus I have a bit of agoraphobia (fear of crowed places), so the idea of being in a tunnel with thousands of runners/walkers would quite possibly drive me mad. :noway: I have gone to the Boston Marathon to cheer my dad on, but that always makes me crazy (especially the crowded finish area), so I don't think I can even do that at the Towers Race... I do, however, live close enough to make a day-trip in to meet you prior to or after the big event, if we can arrange that.
    @Robin - Like Karen, I'm wondering how you're doing? I hope you and your friend are both well?
    @Kaye - good to see you moving again.
    @Kris - Love the kitty pics! :) Plus, I don't think I ever said sorry that the dog adoption didn't work out. Glad you found Neelix to bring into your pack.
    @Teresa - I think we all start strong and than fizzle if we let ourselves, but you don't have to repeat that pattern. I know some of us get overwhelmed by the big number, so it can be easier to break it into smaller, more achievable goals. I'm jsut losing 25 pounds 8 times. (Of course I was almost done with my fourth 25 pounds when I derailled, but anyway, here I am again). Anyway, stick with the thread and logging (my downfall was stopping both), and it WILL work.
    @Tracy - any word on the re-appraisal? I know how much you need the house!!!! Fingers crossed it happens for you! :flowerforyou:
    @Toots - congrats on the adoption! I bet you can't wait to go get your boys!
    @Kelley - I hope you're cleared for more activity soon! When I was a kid, I cut my pinky finger pretty severely - severed some tendons and ligaments, but they sewed it back together and it mostly functions fine. :) I hope you get full-range-of-motion in your thumb and are cooking and kettle-balling and lifting and running and everything real soon! :smile:
    @Tanya - your running is amazing! You'll get back in your groove, for sure. :drinker:

    Ok, I'm sure there's more, but it's the middle of the night, I'm at work, my brain is mush, and I need to go do a floor-check and get my cleaning tasks done.

    I hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday (or Thursday, depending on which side of the International Date Line you're on!)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Mileage update:

    July Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    7/1 - 3.02
    7/2 - 5.02 (3.02 walk and class)
    7/3 - 4.86 (2.86 walk and class)
    7/4 - 3.92
    7/5 - Rest Day
    7/6 - 2.70
    7/7 - 4.72 (2.70 walk and class)
    7/8 - 2.91
    7/9 - 2.86

    Total: 30.01
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~Sometimes it makes better sense to by new instead of putting thousands of dollars into a car, especially when the possibility looms that bigger problems could lay ahead. I’m an SUV kind of girl (too many trucks around here to see around :wink: ), but do like the look of the Dodge Challenger—I’m glad you liked the feel of it, I hope it works out.

    @Heidi~I’m so glad calmness has resumed and you have power again.

    @Teresa~I agree with what Laurie said also. I think for most of us it’s a constant battle—we need to just take it one day (or even one meal) at a time and focus on smaller goals instead of the big picture, which can make this seem less daunting.

    @Kris~The new addition to the family is adorable, I hope they are all getting along well. What a great idea to keep Mow Mow away from his sutures—I’m sure he wasn’t receptive but he sure looks cute!

    @Beth~LOL, what an ordeal with the fridge and the couch—what a sight that must have been. I’m glad you’ve just about got everything put back together.

    AFM~ I had some turkey kielbasa left over from July 4th weekend—I scrambled an egg and pepper jack cheese with it this morning for breakfast. High protein and delish! I’m not sure why but my mileage was down yesterday, maybe I didn’t walk as much at work or something. My workout wasn’t as long last night, though. :frown: Oh well. I’m seeing my trainer tonight; we’re going to concentrate on legs until I'm released for upper body, need to get back into my groove. I’m working on updating my ticker; It will be back up soon…

    July Mileage:


    Total: 21.97/100 Miles
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Mackbeth...welcome back. Sorry to hear about your gain, but glad you are back on track. I agree with the posting keeps you a bit more accountable.

    @Laurie...congrats on the decreased measurements...always nice to see.

    @Karen...HA HA...9.5 would have been an awesome morale builder until you figured it out. Everyone around me has been getting new cars and I've been jealous, but with all the changes in our housing, etc, I've been happy with the no car payments. But still jealous that you're getting a new car!

    @ebaily...I think every other day is probably a good idea for now anyway.

    @Tom...National Video game day huh? I remember when Atari came out....we begged and begged. Finally 2 years later, Santa brought it as a family gift. OMG -- we were in heaven! On my trip, we ate at Dave & Busters (we don't have one of those around). My favorite gave brought me back to my youth. They now have a 4 player Pac-Man. On top of chasing ghosts, the winner ultimately has to eat the other Pac-Man's too. It was fun!

    @littleshadow...No power in the summer isn't any fun. Hope the temps were okay.

    @Fera...didn't know a thing about stride lenght on fitbit...just assumed it knew my walking. I'll have to look into it. Hmmm.

    AFM...had a wonderful trip. We hit many new places in KC and the Schlitterbahn waterpark was great. Too bad the tallest water slide wasn't open. We were there on Monday and they did have some folks doing test runs, but still not open to the public. Oh well...I guess there is next year! My diet wasn't great but not awful either. I started out logging, but then forgot about it. The only bad part was travelling the 12 hours in one day -- too many sunflower seeds and soda to stay awake. I can feel the water retention!!

    We stopped in Sioux Falls on the way home and got an oil change (I had bought the lifetime free oil changes when we bought the van back in '05 for $175) and decided since we were there, we will get it done. Good thing too --- I have a coolant leak and apparently was out of coolant totally. They filled me up but told me to get a jug of water to carry with me until I can get it fixed. I called my mechanic and I can't get in until Friday -- praying it's a leak somewhere in the line and not needing a new head gasket. Our "plan" was to get through 2 more years with no car payments and then replace mine. We'll see. I'm with Karen on this -- how much do you really put into an older van? Stop Loss is so hard of figure out.

    July miles
    1 - 1.57
    2 - 2.16
    3 - 0.99
    4- 1.61
    5 - 3.97
    6 - 2.89
    7 - 5.61
    8 - 0.86

    19.66 / 85
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Tlh- I saw the designer of the water slide take the first run on facebook, way too much excitement for me to try.:blushing:

    It has been raining here quite a bit. There is some flooding and it still gets over 100 degrees with lots of humidity.:smokin:

    Happy National Sugar Cookie Day
    When : July 9th
    National Sugar Cookie Day is a day to satisfy your sweet tooth. Popular with young kids, and old kids, sugar cookies usually don't last long around the house.
    It's pretty easy to see how Sugar cookies came to get their own special day. Almost everyone has had them. Many people are hooked on them. Put out a plate of sugar cookies and you can be certain they won't be there for long. We haven't seen any surveys, but it's a sure bet that sugar cookies are right up there with chocolate chip cookies as America's favorite cookie.
    Spend a portion of the day baking sugar cookies. They are very easy to make. If you have kids, make today a real family holiday, and let them help with the baking. Homemade cookies taste best when you helped to bake them. Once you've baked the cookies, hurry and pop them into your mouth while they are still warm. They're mmmmmmmmm.... good! Not a good day for diabetics.:grumble:

    “Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.” ~H. L. Hunt

  • Good morning!

    Last night after dinner I made sure I made myself take a walk to get back into the habit again. I took my walking partner Arcadia and she was glad to be out walking again and even looked back at me a few times to make sure I was keeping up with her. lol I think walking is my favorite type of exercise! I've got 5 miles so far this month!

    For Wednesday's wish, I wish that I can lose my next ten pounds by labor day weekend. I have my first ten pounds gone and having 20 lbs gone will be the biggest I have ever lost since I've gained all this weight. We're planning a trip to the lake that weekend so want to be able to enjoy myself for once!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    7/1 - 1.5
    7/2 - 1.0
    7/3 - 0 Had bad headaches all day
    7/4 - 0 Too much fun w/ family
    7/5 - 1.0
    7/6 - 0
    7/7 - 0

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    We missed that darn slide by 3 days...we were there opens Thursday!!!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I really want to thank all of you who commented and offered me the support and encouragement that I really need. This group is awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Today's wish is that I do keep my focus and not let the big picture be clouded by all the little things that get in my way.

    Like sugar cookies!!!! :drinker:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I am so very sore with DOMS after physio yesterday, but I finished work early and the weather was perfect for a nice long hike in the woods. At the 2 hour mark my legs were screaming at me to stop, so the next 25 minutes back to the car were not very comfortable. A hot shower, stretching and foam rolling are on my list of things to do tonight.

    Mileage/Active Minutes

    7/1: 13 miles, 197 AM
    7/2: 2.5 miles 32 AM
    7/3: 5.1 miles 135 AM
    7/4: 8.1 miles 360 AM
    7/5: 5.5 miles 120 AM
    7/6: 9.3 miles 213 AM
    7/7: 2.5 miles 55 AM
    7/8: 5.8 miles 175 AM
    7/9: 7.5 miles 150 AM

    59.3/200 miles (on track!)
    1407/3720 AM (above average!)
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member

    Total: 24.26 / 60

    07/01 - 0 (migraine!)
    07/02 - 2.5 miles
    07/03 - 2.26 miles walking, 30 min treading water (1.5 miles)
    07/04 - 4 miles
    07/05 - 0 (storm!)
    07/06 - 3 miles
    07/07 - 5 miles
    07/08 - 3 miles
    07/09 - 3 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Trying to determine if I will have the opportunity to swim tonight. We are having thunderstorms in the area but they have stopped for now. I spent the day on the river and had the pleasure of walking/ swimming in the Severn River. We found lots of creatures that live in the water but still not my favorite place to swim.

    Need to go and get ready for the pool.