Just HOW do you deal with INCONSIDERATE partners



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The guy I have been dating just dumped me because he is too insecure to let me have a gf. I would call that super inconsiderate especially since he has several intense bromances of his own.

    You are causing a scene. Air your dirty laundry elsewhere plz
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The guy I have been dating just dumped me because he is too insecure to let me have a gf. I would call that super inconsiderate especially since he has several intense bromances of his own.

    I will be your girlfriend. :flowerforyou:

    thank you, I currently have an opening in my rotation!


    Send me your kik, and I'll give you a preview. :wink:

    I made that opening. You are welcome.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    The guy I have been dating just dumped me because he is too insecure to let me have a gf. I would call that super inconsiderate especially since he has several intense bromances of his own.

    I will be your girlfriend. :flowerforyou:

    thank you, I currently have an opening in my rotation!


    Send me your kik, and I'll give you a preview. :wink:

    I made that opening. You are welcome.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?

    Give her booze and watch hgtv
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    My hubby could lose a couple lbs. He works out occasionally and eats healthier than he use to. Would I love for him and I to workout together and eventually go on runs together, sure. I'm not going to force him though. So he does his thing and I do mine. My advice, worry about you. And make healthier food that he will want to eat as well cause the food you mentioned doesn't sound like something most men want to eat, or most people for that matter lol.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Wow, I think people have forgotten what the purpose of the post was.

    It wasn't to pick on the author for what she was making for dinner and feeding her fiancee. Some people think it's nasty, I get that. I think ribs and steak are nasty. We all have different tastes.

    The point of her post was that she doesn't feel like she is getting the support she needs (which is kind of the purpose of this site). It's great that he called yes, but it's also equally great that she was making dinner. I can't cook to save my life so kudos to you chica!!

    She's trying to do something better for herself and eat healthier and now has to eat it by herself. Personally I am way more inclined to cheat when my partner doesn't support me or is eating unhealthy food.

    I would try to talk to him about it. Explain that it's hard to do something by yourself. Even if he had a big lunch, can he maybe have a small dish and eat with you anyway? A marriage is about partnership and compromise, you two definitely need to work together on those.

    I'm sorry... but no. She's calling her fiance inconsiderate, not because he bought a pizza, chips, cookies and cake, brought it home and ate it in front of her.... Oh no, it's simply because he ate too much for lunch and won't be needing dinner. "Thanks honey, but I'm super full!" THE HORROR!! THE NERVE!!

    Just because she may not have self-control over herself doesn't mean that her SO is required to eat what she eats, ALL THE TIME. If it's about spending time together, then sure, explain that she'd like to sit down and eat with him and he can have a tall glass of milk while they talk about their day. But being upset because he ATE FOOD and now ISN'T HUNGRY is ridiculous.

    Your SO isn't even required to eat what you want to eat if he doesn't want to, and it can still be supportive! "Honey, I'm so proud of you for eating that kale and tofu!" Doesn't mean he has to eat it!

    PS: She can also go out to eat, and get something HEALTHY, that still fits in her calories. Even if she can't find ANYTHING that matches, going over by 100 or so calories for ONE MEAL isn't going to kill her. One meal didn't make her skinny, one meal ain't gunna make her fat. How dare her husband offer something nice and relaxing, and to even pay for it?! GOD!
  • kdmccauley
    Kale saute , tofu and bean sprouts i wouldn't eat it either. I agree with a lot of things that have been said.. this is for you. If hes not hungry he can have left oves or fend for himself. My hubs doesnt need to lose weight so when i make dinner i make a protein, veggie and something else. He doesnt like many veggies but he eats everything else. I dont have the extra resourses to make multiple meals and since im the one who cooks... well thats what he gets or hes on his own. Stop being over sensitive,, hes going to be your husband, if you cant work through this you will never make it a year!
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?

    Give her booze and watch The L Word
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.

    PSMTD Posts: 106 Member
    Rarely do my husband and I eat the same thing, let alone at the same times. Whatever I usually make he doesn't eat and vice versa. It's not about what we eat but we try to sit together and eat. Even if one of us isn't eating we still sit and talk at the table. IMO that's more important then being on the same page eating wise.
  • tdotatay
    tdotatay Posts: 3
    im vegan. i DO enjoy kale, tofu, and sprouts. for everyone that poo pooed these things. ; P this being said...i had to find a balance between how my non vegan partner wanted to eat and how i need to eat. I lost my first 60 lbs like nothing..now, im at a standstill because i'm cooking too much like he would like to eat and not how i need to. i completely understand. i dont even want him to tell me what he eats away from home...i dont know if it's being inconsiderate at all, but it's hard for a man that doesn't have to lose weight to understand the line you walk to please him and do what you need to do for YOU. i'm no help at all, just wanted to let you know that i feel ya.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?

    Give her booze and watch The L Word

    Um, please do not try to correct me on driving women to lesbianism. No testes, no opinion.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.


    By having an average sized penis and not being able to go for 1.5 hours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    free dinner and out with a gf? Count me in.... I will find a way to fit it into my calories. oh yeah i will
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.


    By having an average sized penis and not being able to go for 1.5 hours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    I feel much better now, but ouch. Just ouch. Are there penalties on MFP for unnecessary roughness?
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.


    By having an average sized penis and not being able to go for 1.5 hours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I feel much better now, but ouch. Just ouch. Are there penalties on MFP for unnecessary roughness?

    I was referencing another discussion lol. How do you get your wife to like women? I have no idea. I already like them so I've never had that problem. :laugh:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Wow, I think people have forgotten what the purpose of the post was.

    It wasn't to pick on the author for what she was making for dinner and feeding her fiancee. Some people think it's nasty, I get that. I think ribs and steak are nasty. We all have different tastes.

    The point of her post was that she doesn't feel like she is getting the support she needs (which is kind of the purpose of this site). It's great that he called yes, but it's also equally great that she was making dinner. I can't cook to save my life so kudos to you chica!!

    She's trying to do something better for herself and eat healthier and now has to eat it by herself. Personally I am way more inclined to cheat when my partner doesn't support me or is eating unhealthy food.

    I would try to talk to him about it. Explain that it's hard to do something by yourself. Even if he had a big lunch, can he maybe have a small dish and eat with you anyway? A marriage is about partnership and compromise, you two definitely need to work together on those.

    I'm sorry... but no. She's calling her fiance inconsiderate, not because he bought a pizza, chips, cookies and cake, brought it home and ate it in front of her.... Oh no, it's simply because he ate too much for lunch and won't be needing dinner. "Thanks honey, but I'm super full!" THE HORROR!! THE NERVE!!

    Just because she may not have self-control over herself doesn't mean that her SO is required to eat what she eats, ALL THE TIME. If it's about spending time together, then sure, explain that she'd like to sit down and eat with him and he can have a tall glass of milk while they talk about their day. But being upset because he ATE FOOD and now ISN'T HUNGRY is ridiculous.

    Your SO isn't even required to eat what you want to eat if he doesn't want to, and it can still be supportive! "Honey, I'm so proud of you for eating that kale and tofu!" Doesn't mean he has to eat it!

    PS: She can also go out to eat, and get something HEALTHY, that still fits in her calories. Even if she can't find ANYTHING that matches, going over by 100 or so calories for ONE MEAL isn't going to kill her. One meal didn't make her skinny, one meal ain't gunna make her fat. How dare her husband offer something nice and relaxing, and to even pay for it?! GOD!
    Well said. ^This. ALL of this.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Think that is bad? My gf just started dating another woman an hour ago. I broke it off.

    I've been trying to get my wife to date other women for years. What's your secret?
    Ugh I really want to respond to this.


    By having an average sized penis and not being able to go for 1.5 hours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I feel much better now, but ouch. Just ouch. Are there penalties on MFP for unnecessary roughness?

    I was referencing another discussion lol. How do you get your wife to like women? I have no idea. I already like them so I've never had that problem. :laugh:
