Is being fat a disability??



  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Being overweight in itelf is not a disability. But being morbidly obeses, which I was at 386 pounds, was beginning to cause some disabilities, and if left unchecked,would have put me in a wheelchair with everything that entails. So yes, obesity can lead to disability.

    That said, for the morbidly obese, sometimes diet and exercise alone are not enough to get the weight off and taking it off is not a fast process. I think we all need to remember that although obesity in itself isn't a disability, it does cause both physical and emotional disabilities and we need to be sensitive to that. Anyone who has been or is fat/obese already knows how much of a stigma it is in society. Let's not make it worse by being judgmental.
  • getfitnowdee
    getfitnowdee Posts: 17 Member
    Some things I have read here today are so upsetting to me....We all need to choose our words more carefully and to have empathy for others....As some one else said...we are all dealing with our own battles......
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ok let me go a little different way....I think when you get can also get food stamps I THINK.....if that is the case...should the food you can get with that assistance be monitored?? I know with pregnant women who get WIC, they have to only get certain things and its all healthy such as they have to get natural cereals and nothing with sugar.....

    Okay, you're just prying at that can of worms again, aren't you?

    I am really not trying I just need to shut the **** up???


    And this is why:

    When a person gets SSDI (disability), they have to prove medically that they have a disability. They have provided medical records, been to medical or mental health professionals, sat in front of a judge, probably hired a lawyer, and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they are disabled and cannot work. And yes, SSDI does open the door for several other programs, including SNAP, Vocational Rehabilitation HUD, etc. But people who receive SSDI have spent easily 2-3 years proving they are disabled. It is not an easy process in any way, shape, or form. So yes, you should STFU because obviously you have never worked within the system and have zero idea of what you are speaking.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    You've totally judged your coworker. I'm not even talking about the fat as a disability part, just what all you have said about your coworker.

    Whether you've worked with her for 14 years or just met's clear you have no empathy for her, nor do you really know what's going on with her. A lot of times people will hide the truth for fear of being judged. Yet, you've labeled her as a victim, said the depression thing is bs (you've backed off of that statement a little) and said she uses it as an excuse. ALL of that is judging.

    When I was at my darkest - NOBODY knew. Not my coworkers, not my family, not my roommates. I hid it from everyone. I know you said she's told you things, well I told them things also, I told them things were fine, I was okay. I wasn't. So you really have no idea what is going on in her life/world. Trust me though, she does know that you are not someone she could really confide in or talk to about what's really going on.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I think my post was totally misconstrued...if you remember, I was referencing point was should you be able to take FMLA or receive a check because of being overweight....I still stand behind my opinion. If you are clinically depressed...then depression is your medical disablility not being overweight, if you have thyroid issues, thats your medical condition not being overweight....if you have no other issue except you dont move and have no disability and you can change your circumstances...

    as for the person next to me....I have worked with them for 14 yrs and yes I know their story including the fact that they had to see someone before they got the lapband to make sure they had no clinical issues such as depression before the dr would do the surgery....

    I haven't read through all the comments and don't think I will because some of them make me sick.

    But I apply for FMLA annually because I have chronic migraine syndrome. FMLA is not, I repeat not easy to get approved. Your doctor has to fill out detailed forms, which btw they charge you to fill out, then you must submit them through your supervisor, who then passes it forward through HR, who then either approves or does not approve it. Not everybody gets it approved.

    And if it is approved it does not guarantee a paycheck. It gives the person up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for that medical condition as needed and can only be used for that condition. The goal of FMLA is to save your job in the case of a medical emergency.

    So I could see it being approved for weight loss surgery but not simply for obesity. Maybe for some of the side effects of obesity such as severe arthritis, asthma, heart conditions, depression, etc. But I cannot imagine a doctor filling out the paper work for FMLA just because someone is obese.

    That being said now that obesity is considered a disease it might change because the FMLA paperwork does require a DSM diagnosis.

    And those who have never suffered from depression and say to just "get over it", I hope you never do. I've suffered from bipolar depression for years and I ate myself up to 236lbs. You don't just get over it, I was so depressed I couldn't leave my house to even go to the store. It took 18 months for my team of mental health professionals to get me able to leave the house and 2.5 years to live anything that resembled a normal life. It took 4 years for me to really start living life again. It's not that easy and you don't just get over it, I can't just tell my brain chemistry to fix itself. I don't blame others but I use a service dog and get questioned all the time because I don't have an obvious disability so think about that the next time you see someone in one of the carts in Walmart.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    Of course, you have thoroughly read the book of your co-worker and know that she is a fat slacker. You, of course, are not because you got it together and lost some weight.

    Before that point. Before you figured it out...were you just looking for a hand-out?
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    Of course, you have thoroughly read the book of your co-worker and know that she is a fat slacker. You, of course, are not because you got it together and lost some weight.

    Before that point. Before you figured it out...were you just looking for a hand-out?

    There are "good" fatties and "bad" fatties.

    Obviously her coworker is a "bad" fatty.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    On Wed my boss had to go to a 3 hour meeting about FMLA. She came back and said that there are key words that if you hear them being used you should direct your employee to HR..such as migraine, diabetes and such.

    Joking around, I asked if fat was a key word....I picked up that can marked worms and broke it wide *kitten* open!! Everyone had an opinion...mine is its not a disability because you can do something about it. Someone brought up thyroid, ok thats a medical condition with weight gain as a side effect, but Jenny Worth became Ms Fitness Olympia with a thyroid condition so yes you have to work harder but its not a fat sentence by any means.

    THEN the "victim" that sits next to me and has already had a lap band and lost some weight and gained some of it back....brought up depression and that making you eat and you cant help it....sorry I am calling bull on this quit being a victim and get off your *kitten* and do something!!!

    So please tell me you thoughts? Oh and my parting comment....tell the person sitting in the wheelchair that being overweight is a disability....

    I'm sure HR just lurves you. Dust off your resume and be very careful in the future as you just self painted a target on your back. Best of luck.

    She's probably the HR Director.

    If so then their GC is having nightmares
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    You've totally judged your coworker.

    I have known this woman for 14 yrs...I know HER!! I did not judge her. She overshares everything...including every medication she is on, her social life and everything in between.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    On Wed my boss had to go to a 3 hour meeting about FMLA. She came back and said that there are key words that if you hear them being used you should direct your employee to HR..such as migraine, diabetes and such.

    Joking around, I asked if fat was a key word....I picked up that can marked worms and broke it wide *kitten* open!! Everyone had an opinion...mine is its not a disability because you can do something about it. Someone brought up thyroid, ok thats a medical condition with weight gain as a side effect, but Jenny Worth became Ms Fitness Olympia with a thyroid condition so yes you have to work harder but its not a fat sentence by any means.

    THEN the "victim" that sits next to me and has already had a lap band and lost some weight and gained some of it back....brought up depression and that making you eat and you cant help it....sorry I am calling bull on this quit being a victim and get off your *kitten* and do something!!!

    So please tell me you thoughts? Oh and my parting comment....tell the person sitting in the wheelchair that being overweight is a disability....

    I'm sure HR just lurves you. Dust off your resume and be very careful in the future as you just self painted a target on your back. Best of luck.

    No kidding! And she just keeps digging herself in deeper and opening more worm cans! Hard to look away...
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Ok let me go a little different way....I think when you get can also get food stamps I THINK.....if that is the case...should the food you can get with that assistance be monitored?? I know with pregnant women who get WIC, they have to only get certain things and its all healthy such as they have to get natural cereals and nothing with sugar.....

    Okay, you're just prying at that can of worms again, aren't you?

    I am really not trying I just need to shut the **** up???


    And this is why:

    When a person gets SSDI (disability), they have to prove medically that they have a disability. They have provided medical records, been to medical or mental health professionals, sat in front of a judge, probably hired a lawyer, and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they are disabled and cannot work. And yes, SSDI does open the door for several other programs, including SNAP, Vocational Rehabilitation HUD, etc. But people who receive SSDI have spent easily 2-3 years proving they are disabled. It is not an easy process in any way, shape, or form. So yes, you should STFU because obviously you have never worked within the system and have zero idea of what you are speaking.

    Well, that puts my fears to rest, knowing that the system is foolproof, and no-one could ever possibly game the system to their advantage.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ok let me go a little different way....I think when you get can also get food stamps I THINK.....if that is the case...should the food you can get with that assistance be monitored?? I know with pregnant women who get WIC, they have to only get certain things and its all healthy such as they have to get natural cereals and nothing with sugar.....

    Okay, you're just prying at that can of worms again, aren't you?

    I am really not trying I just need to shut the **** up???


    And this is why:

    When a person gets SSDI (disability), they have to prove medically that they have a disability. They have provided medical records, been to medical or mental health professionals, sat in front of a judge, probably hired a lawyer, and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they are disabled and cannot work. And yes, SSDI does open the door for several other programs, including SNAP, Vocational Rehabilitation HUD, etc. But people who receive SSDI have spent easily 2-3 years proving they are disabled. It is not an easy process in any way, shape, or form. So yes, you should STFU because obviously you have never worked within the system and have zero idea of what you are speaking.

    Well, that puts my fears to rest, knowing that the system is foolproof, and no-one could ever possibly game the system to their advantage.

    Any system can be gamed. Student Loans are gamed all the time. However, they are never really brought into question.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    You've totally judged your coworker. I'm not even talking about the fat as a disability part, just what all you have said about your coworker.

    Whether you've worked with her for 14 years or just met's clear you have no empathy for her, nor do you really know what's going on with her. A lot of times people will hide the truth for fear of being judged. Yet, you've labeled her as a victim, said the depression thing is bs (you've backed off of that statement a little) and said she uses it as an excuse. ALL of that is judging.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Quote from OP in another thread...
    No shaming is ok and its just as bad to call someone out for being too skinny...

    you have to judge a person from what is inside not outside and i know that sounds cheesy but its true. never judge a book by its cover but it might have a ratty cover and be the best damn book you have ever read!!

    So which is it? Judge or don't...

    im not judging by saying fat is not a disability if not accompanied by a medical issue. i have plenty of friends who are overweight...hell that was me at one time. Do I think you can use it as a crutch no.....but I dont think someone is a second hand citizen because of their weight.....

    You've totally judged your coworker.

    I have known this woman for 14 yrs...I know HER!! I did not judge her. She overshares everything...including every medication she is on, her social life and everything in between.

    And you saw fit to call her out like that in a work meeting?
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member



    just watching the gif makes me hear abby's voice haha
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member