Best Thing Ever Said to You By a Stranger



  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    I once had a complete stranger give me a bunch of flowers when I was walking through town
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Was told by an 80-90yr old(ish) "You should live in an art gallery dear, because you are living art"...she was very sweet.

    Also was wearing a pinstripe suit and a older gentlemen asked "Who are you meant to be? Freak Sinatra!" I know it was meant as an insult, but I took it in my stride and was impressed by his ingenuity.
  • Desifreckle
    Desifreckle Posts: 110 Member
    Once an older man stopped me and told me I should be married to a king. Lol!

    The time someone came up to me an told me that they had to say my smile is very charming.

    A couple times a couple women said I look like a model!

    One of my favorites was when my best friend told me her goal was to have the same behind as me lol

    A woman told me my hair looked like it should be advertising a box of hair color lol

    When I was complimented on my deadlift..

    Of course the skinny and small comments ...
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Was pumping gas once and a guy came up to me and said I had the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen. Felt nice to hear that. :smile:
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I've always gotten physical compliments and cat calls so that's not really something I feel stands out.

    However, one night I had some young guys at the gym come up to me after my squat session and inform me that my squats were amazing (my top set was 270x3 that day) and that I had the best form they'd ever seen. Then they asked if I minded watching/correcting their form for them. That was pretty special.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Some younger ladies at the gym told me I was "amazingly strong" and "super impressive with the weights." Not sure if they were truly impressed or if they were just surprised that such a wimpy looking person could out-lift them. :laugh:

    All the time people ask me if I'm a dancer. I'm always too afraid to ask what kind of dancer... :wink:
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Everyone I meet in Canada tells me I'm tiny. I like Canadians :happy:
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,359 Member
    I was asked if I was my 11 year old's mother or older sister :laugh:
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    doing a heavy lift in the gym, seeing people stop to watch. I know its not really the same, but seeing in somebody's face that they're impressed, just seems so much sweeter than words
  • tbonethemighty
    tbonethemighty Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Thoughts -- Perfect...

    1) Had a German guy (a German! For those of you who don't know, these are the most useless-when-it-comes-to-flirting/socially-inept/clueless race of men on the PLANET, and I've been to a lot of countries) stop me on the street to ask me out for coffee. And it was on a day when I felt gross and ugly, wearing old clothes, hair in get the idea. I initially thought he stopped me to ask for directions...

    2) Had a guy at a bar in a Turkish resort town tell me recently that I was the first friendly customer he'd had all summer who actually talked to him and didn't rudely blow him off as a servant or try to get free drinks, and that I'd made his night by just BS-ing about the World Cup with him. Good times...
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    I've always hated my hair. It's thick and bushy and nobody EVER could do anything with it. The good news, it's not going grey yet. Finally I thought why go to the hairdressers, I might as well chop at it myself. Standing at the bus stop this week, a lady came over and said "you have such lovely hair". I was totally amazed, flabbergasted, but it made my day! All that money I spent for all those years!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I was grocery shopping with my then 16 year old daughter. Am man walked up to us, acted like he was doing a double take, then he said, "I know! Twins!"
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    After being a fat kid and LOATHING the state of my body growing up, I finally lost weight in my late teens. The first exercise class I ever took was in my freshman year of college, second semester. It was a circuit weight training class. I busted my *kitten* in that class. They nicknamed me "Billy Blanks" because of all the sweat I poured every class. I told my instructor halfway through the class that I use to be fat and had lost over 60 lbs. Her eyes widened and she said "OMG, you look amazing!" and then pulled this random dude from the class over and said "Doesn't he look amazing?!", and this guy said "Yeah he does".

    It was the first time in my life I'd been complimented on my body. Not just called handsome or cute, or complimented on my talents, or my intellect, but on my body and my fitness. It's something I will never, ever forget.

    Another great one was a few years after that, after getting in even better shape, I took a trip to NYC to look at the area I'd be living in that coming semester when I transferred to NYU. My sister and I stopped off at a diner and I ordered a huge belgian waffle. The attractive, super sweet older waitress chided me a bit. She said that I should be careful and make sure I keep that body. I wasn't offended at all, but rather shocked that this woman thought that my body looked good enough to try and "protect". Coming from the kind of piss poor self image I had as a kid I never expected to hear this from a stranger.

    I should have listened to those compliments. They were amazing, but back then I couldn't reconcile that I truly was so close to my ideal. I still saw a fat guy and eventually gained all the weight back and double.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,820 Member
    Once, after I sang at a wedding, I had a random dude come up and tell me my face lit up the whole room.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I was eating dinner with family and some old lady came over and started petting my hair saying how gorgeous it was.
    It's my favorite cause I love when people touch my hair. xD
  • alicia0412
    alicia0412 Posts: 165 Member
    I was getting off the train to go to class in the morning, with my hair pulled up in a really messy ponytail, no makeup, and yoga pants. I heard someone yelling behind me "Ma'am! Ma'am!" but ignored it, because who calls a 19 year old ma'am? haha. Anyway, I heard someone running up behind me and I turned around and there was this very attractive man who said he'd spotted me on the train and thought I was beautiful. He asked me if I had a boyfriend, and if I'd be willing to go out with him if I didn't. I was swooning a little. I had/have a boyfriend, and he just said that he wasn't surprised, and told me to have a great day. He made my week ,and I told him that.

    I was thrilled because 1.) it wasn't creepy 2.) It wasn't one of those back-handed compliments that I'm way too used to getting. "You're so pretty for a big girl"
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    I am going to turn this around a bit and say what I said to a much older man that walked into the bank. I said good morning Sunshine! He said are you talking to me? When he realized that I was speaking to him, his face lit up and he got a twinkle in his eyes. He told me that he had not heard that in years and it made his day!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    It was actually on here. A gentleman messaged me to talk about a thread we were both posting in, and he ended the conversation with "You're very pretty". I don't generally think of myself as pretty, and it felt like a genuine compliment and meant a lot to me.

    Also this past week at CVS, the teenage girl behind the counter randomly said "I hope you know how lovely you are".
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I was eating dinner with family and some old lady came over and started petting my hair saying how gorgeous it was.
    It's my favorite cause I love when people touch my hair. xD

    Ha, I get that, too! I have random strangers come up and touch my hair all the time! Um, yeah, I'm REALLY not conceited (I'm super humble, ask my friends) about anything except my long, thick & shiny, naturally black (virgin) tresses! I'm hair porn for the salon I go to. I happily oblige--I think I was a dog or cat in a former life, ha!

    Other than that, I'm pretty forgettable, plain and average looking--so hair petting makes my day when it happens, lol!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,650 Member
    I was inline skating, and a guy in a car was creeping me out. He slowed down to my pace and just tailed me slowly. I was worried he would try to run me over when the bike path ended, where I would have to merge with auto traffic. Just as the bike path ended, he leaned out of window and shouted "Did you know that you skate a steady 22 km per hour?" and sped off.