
  • Screen Name: Dom80
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 143.2
    Weight on January 8, 2011: 139
    Weight on January 15th, 2011: 139.8
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 132

    I know I gained, but I have been doing p90x and this is my second week and everyone says that since I am breaking down my muscles that they will retain water, so I gained less than a pound but I have definately been seeing results especially on my stomach!!! As long as I like the way I look, am not worried about the scale!! So I will do what I have been doing and hopefully continue to see more results!!! Hope everyone else has a great weigh in!
  • 3500 Calorie Challenge Check In:

    888 Sunday + 644 Monday + 854 Wednesday + 924 Thursday + 357 Friday = 3667 !!!!!

    Met another goal!!! What's the next one!!! I love this!:love:
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    Screen Name: ThinMamaDoo
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 152
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 142

    January 8th Weight: 147.6
    January 15th Weight: 146.0

    This challenge is helping a lot...I had to go out to eat twice yesterday (once for a meeting with my boss and the other a family dinner). Both went well and knowing I had my weigh in solidified my smart choices. I enjoyed myself but ate smart. Salmon filet on greens for lunch and a small but rich and filling chopped salad for dinner.

    Feeling PMS coming on so next week might not look too pretty, but consistency is the key. I know if I'm plumped with water weight next week that if I keep doing the right things it will be gone by the end of the month and then some.

    I don't mention the 3500 cal challenge because I do a 60 minute bootcamp 5 days a week. I don't own a HRM so I really don't know what I burn. I guesstimate 400 cals. My instructor tells me I'm likely burning 600, but because every day is different and I don't know I guess 400 a day. I also try to do at least one 60 minute elliptical workout a weekend. So for me, I make my goal in minutes. My goal is 360 minutes a week.
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    Screen Name: Dom80
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 223.5
    Weight on January 15, 2011: 220.7
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 213.5
  • 1/1/11-218

    Lost 1 lb this week. Sat burn-600, I burned 1900 yesterday (thought i was going to need an oxygen tank lol, I broke it up into 2 workouts one in am and one in pm) and 1000 a few days ago. This week I consumed too much sodium and I had some water bloat. Campbells soup, I thought I was doing good, no the sodium is like 900 mgs. so bad. My carbs went over a few times. This week I am committed to logging everything into MFP no matter what. So that this week I don't eat something thinking I am doing good on calories and as it turns out I am too high on sodium or carbs. I plan to do south beach phase 1 for the next two weeks to really jump start my body to lose more weight.

    CHALLENGE THIS WEEK: See how easy it was for you to burn 3,500 calories in one week?? NOW TRY, 5,000 calorie burn in the next 7 days. :) Share with us how your doing. And tell us what your reward is going to be once you meet that 5,000 calorie burn. My reward will be a new pair of shoes. :) Good luck everyone!!!
  • jesstroxel

    2 lbs since last week!!

    The 3500 challenge I burned 3754 since last Saturday.
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    starting weight (1/1):198
    1/7: 197
    1/15: 196
    Goal Weight: 188

    Ok this week not so great on calories, went over a couple days...booo. Kept up doing exercise everyday. Doing better on drinking my water!!! oh and I lost another 3.5 inches!!! So far I have lost 11.5 inches!!!! As longs as inches or weight are moving I am happy and motivated.:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I weigh 354 today! I lost 6 pounds this week! Whooohoo! That gives me the 10 pounds for January already!! So I guess I am going loss more this month! YAY!!:flowerforyou:

    I am going to shoot for another 10 by the 31st! If I can squeeze in a few more workouts at the gym weather permitting I can do 10 more.

    Exercise and eating right is paying off. I have been exercising already but was not getting a handle on my food. Finally got a handle on the food.

    Thanks you all for your support! Have a good week!! You all are doing great!!!

    Good job for all of you partcipating in the challenge also!!:flowerforyou:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    1/1: 150.2
    1/8: 149
    1/15: 149.2
    Goal weight by 1/31: 141

    So discouraging! I burned 5581 calories this week. A freak snow storm hit Atlanta and shut the town down for the week so I had ample time to exercise...shoveling snow for 4 hours burns a LOT of calories! I stayed under my calorie goal everyday except for one, went over by 1000 but one day I had over 1000 left after calculating exercise calories that I just couldn't eat so it should have equaled out. But instead, I gained!!!

    I don;t think my body can handle 2 weeks of 5000+ calories burned. And I have to go back to work next week. I would definitely not been able to burn so many had I been at work all day every day.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member love from the scale this week. I didn;t change anything I did from a week ago.....frustrating, but gonna carry one as usual. If no change this week, I need to change some things up!! Have a good weekend everybody!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Screen Name: CoryIda
    January 1st: 236.0
    January 8th: 232.9
    January 15th: 230.0
    Difference: -2.9 pounds

    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 225.0

    I was really discouraged this morning when I weighed and hadn't lost anything since Wednesday, but then when I went into record it here I realized that I've still lost a lot this week - I just lost it earlier in the week.
    I have a pretty varied work out routine - some Zumba, walking, stationary bike, stairmaster, elliptical, and other things. I think I'm going hiking today.
  • Screen Name: SophieJade
    Starting Weight on January 1: 260.1
    Weight on January 7: 257.1
    Weight on January 14: 257.5
    Goal weight by January 31: 250.1

    Gained about half a pound... I blame Oh well... its a new week... next week will be better.
  • Screen Name: janellnicole2
    1/1/11: 190
    1/8/11: 187.5 (2.5 lbs )
    1/15/11: 185.5 (2 lbs)
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 179

    Burned 3523 this week! Still trying to get over this horrible cold, will do my best to get to 5000 this week.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join, just came across you today.

    Screen Name: nich0le
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 234
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 224
    What is your exercise plan?: run on even # days, weights 3x, yoga 1-2x, mountain biking or other different activities once or more per week
    Are you going to do a specific diet?: No "plans' just taking the advice of my doctor and eating what is healthy and as close to the source as possible
    What is your biggest motivation to lose the weight?: I put weight back on last year after an injury and I'm tired of hearing myself complain about finding clothes to wear etc and I can't blame baby weight anymore since the kids are 12 & 16
    :laugh: basically I'm doing it because I want it!

    Oh and my weight as of today January 15th is 228.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Oops, I was wrong - my current weight is 231.0 - I lost 1.9 pounds.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Screen Name: Blondie925
    January 1st: 198.2
    January 8th: 192.2
    January 15th: 193.4
    Difference: -4.8 pounds

    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 188

    Talk about discouraging. I worked SO hard this week and gained! Ugh. I blame water retention, because I know I had a pretty big calorie deficit.
    But I'm not gonna let it get me down. I will reach my goal by 01.31.11!! Hopefully all my hard work will catch up with me for weigh in next week.

    asltiffm - I know exactly what you mean. I burned 5555 this week and I don't think my body was very fond of the idea lol. I'll be sticking with lower burns in the future. Being snowed in and all that extra time helped to burn all my calories as well. For me, burning that many each week just isn't practical. I'll stick with what I already know works. But it's pretty cool to be able to say I burned that many in a week! :)
  • Chirron
    Chirron Posts: 18
    Screen Name: Chirron
    1/1/11: 193.4
    1/8/11: 189.2
    1/15/11: 190
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Screen Name: Chancie
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 187.4
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 177.4

    weight 183.4 (jan 8)
    current weight (jan. 15) 182.6
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    Screen Name: Lilfarm
    January 1st: 204
    January 8th: 204
    January 15th: 203
    Difference: -1 pound

    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 194

    Calorie Burn: Saturday-1221, Sunday-380, Monday-276, Wednesday-735, Thursday-634, Friday-634
    Total: 3880
  • Weighing in at 172. I had been down under 171 but I went back up in the last couple of days :(
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